Another Bad review for Norway's Princess Breakfast (allergies)

Simba's Girl

DIS Veteran
Jul 28, 2000
I should've listened... to all the reviews-my bad!

On Sunday we had breakfast with the Princesses in Norway-we had a terrible time. We didn't get a chance to meet Aurora, both my DD's favorite, she was running terribly late and we probably would've waited for her for another 20minutes at least! My oldest DD and my DH are allergic to eggs so basically the only reason why we were there was to meet the princesses too. We tried speaking with the chef, asked for the eggs to be served separatly, but ended up with DH and DD's meals pre plated with WAFFLES! When I questioned this to the waiter he was kind of stand offish about it stating that the "chef wouldn't have given them if they had eggs in them" well, I had DH (the egg tester LOL) taste them and he thought that there were eggs in them. Also DH and DD could've had the biscuits but they didn't serve them to them. We had a really bad experience here especially compared to the other meals we ate (Boma, Le Cellier, Liberty Tree and heck even at Ghirdelli they did a great -went above and beyond-job making sure there were no eggs in our food) I would love to write and complain about it.
We got to "open the Tavern" at LTT that was way fun!

So my advice is that until they can fix this character meal...stay away FAR AWAY!


Sorry to hear you had a disspointing time at the Princess Breakfast. Luckily, my munchkin doesnt have any allergies, but I can understand how frustrating it would be if others were not sensitive to the issue.

Glad to hear the rest of your trip was fun, and I was wondering if you could provide more info on the opening of the Liberty Tree? What happens exactly? I'm looking for fun ideas for my (will be) 4 year old.

If your child has food allergies, to eggs in particular, and you knew you were going to a character breakfast, then it would have been in your best interest to have told the CM when you originally made your PS and he/she would have provided you with a number to call to speak directly to a chef at the Norway breakfast. We have a little one with egg, wheat, nuts and a host of other food allergens and have never had a problem with the wrong food being served to us (although we did have a cross-contamination issue at a buffet once). If you told the CM at the breakfast that your child had allergies, a chef should have come out to your table to discuss food alternatives with you. If you said no eggs, I seriously doubt that he would have served you waffles made with eggs. The 3-step process when making future Priority Seatings for people with allergies: 1) Tell the CM who takes the reservation when you call WDW-DINE so it can be noted on the computer, 2) Call the chef to confirm that there are food options for you before you leave for your trip, and 3) Ask to see a chef once you arrive for your meal. If you take these steps each time, you should not have a problem.
Did you call the chef prior and speak with them about allergies? I know that most who have allergies call and speak with the chef's prior about appropriate meals, and I have never heard a bad exp with that - before yours. I've always been told that Disney chefs are the best are working with families with allergies. They even come out and speak with the family about appropriate things.

I am sorry you had a bad exp, I just wonder if you dealt with the chef prior or just asked that day about an egg free breakfast... and I don't see why the waffles would have had egg in them...?

We had an EXCELLENT time when we went in May, and I can't praise this particular character breakfast enough - we LOVED it. I'm sorry y'all had such a terrible time, I know food allergies are a serious issue and shouldn't be dealt with lightly.
I think waffles normally do have eggs in them. We don't have food allergies but another post mentioned that special egg free waffles were provided at the DW breakfasts on requests. Maybe that's what they brought you but given the attitude of the server who knows.
Sorry Dee...Been there and done all that...and the only thing we asked for was eggs *on the side*

Obviously this is something we deal with every day and for the most part are able to get around it fairly well. In additon its something we were able to discuss with other chefs all week. We were completly shocked and overwhelmed at the fantastic treatment we got the next day at Boma from thier chef (Mike) compared to this meal. It was literally like night and day.

Oh and another thing, what's up with the attitude? What I mean is why does it seem like I'm being flamed here?
I'm not sure if you're being flamed, or if others with allergies are wanting to know if you followed the "note allergies on PS, call a week prior, check in with the Chef" procedure. If you did, then others with allergies will need to know to be EXTRA careful at PSB in Norway (or Norway in particular). If you didn't, then you may be getting flamed a little for not doing all you could have done, and then expecting Disney to go the extra mile for you.

I think its wonderful that the chefs at Disney are so willing and able to accommodate special dietary needs. I do think they deserve a bit of advanced warning. I'm not sure how many other resturants in the "real world" can make accommodations at all.

Boy I hope you didn't think I was falming you. I was trying to point out that I saw another post about egg free waffles. I was talking about the attitude of the server - not you. What I was saying was the waffles may have in fact been egg free but if the server was nonchalant about it it would have made me very suspicious.
Simba's Girl said:
Sorry Dee...Been there and done all that...and the only thing we asked for was eggs *on the side*

Obviously this is something we deal with every day and for the most part are able to get around it fairly well. In additon its something we were able to discuss with other chefs all week. We were completly shocked and overwhelmed at the fantastic treatment we got the next day at Boma from thier chef (Mike) compared to this meal. It was literally like night and day.

Oh and another thing, what's up with the attitude? What I mean is why does it seem like I'm being flamed here?

I hope that you didn't feel I was attacking you, I didn't intend to come across that way (it's so hard to express emotion through type!), I truly was just asking for clarification in regards to how you handled the food allergies, since SO many people have been so impressed with how well Disney takes them, I was surprised to hear your exp with a meal there, and curious as to whether or not you did all the precautionary things (amazingly enough, there are people who just show up expecting things to be arranged for them at the drop of the hat) - but thank you for clarifying that you did do all that legwork.

I am wondering why you tell people to steer away from the breakfast, when the only real complaint you had was in regards to the food allergy not being handled properly (and those waffles could have been the egg free ones, though your server was less than pleasant in reassuring you of that - he should have gotten the chef for you)... Like I said earlier, we had a FANTASTIC breakfast there, and many many families are pleased with the breakfast, so I guess I was uncertain as to why you're telling everyone to avoid it, when the only issue was with food allergies... though that's certainly an issue, just not one that most families deal with, so that shouldn't affect their decisions to dine there. Plus, you probably got a terrible waiter, which is hit and miss as well, since many people have great waiters there (meaning, not ALL of them are terrible).

Was there something else about the breakfast that leads you to tell people to steer clear, or just the way in which the allergies were handled? I really don't mean to make light of it, I just wonder if it was more isolated and not likely to occur with most people...

I am sorry that happened, esp for your sweet girls - I know they were disappointed, as well. I'm so glad to hear that Disney chef's lived up to their reputation at all the other places you dined.
One of the first steps you mentioned was to tell them at Disney when you made the p.s. but we had DU do it. I did mention to my agent that I needed a wheat free diet so will that be enough. I did think of phoning the when I got down to Disney (except for the 1st one because it is on the first day we are there).
I don't flame :love: . I leave that up to others on these boards. I sit back in amazement at how people are attacked and just shake my head. I was just trying to point out the procedure as you did not mention anything in your original post about following it. Plus, I'm not sure I understand your request for "eggs on the side." If you told the chef or server or CM at the podium, anybody there, that your children have egg allergies, then they would have made sure to exclude eggs from everything you were served. If you only said, "eggs on the side, please," then I don't think that the chef would know about the allergy. Sometimes people like their food separated--some don't like eggs on the same plate with potatoes, etc., etc. If you followed the procedure and told everyone that there was, in fact, an egg allergy, and you truly believe that the waffles had eggs, then that's not cool. Personally, I can't tell the difference, but maybe you have more experience with waffles than I do, LOL.
My DD (2) has a severe egg allergy and is not allowed to eat nuts or shirmp. DD (6 months) will not be allowed to until she is tested (which will be after we are at WDW.

I had no idea that you can talk with the Chefs about that and that they will accomodate you. Thats cool. When we were there in Jan, she could not eat much but fruit and cereal at 1900 Park Fare CB.

Thanks for the post. I am excited!



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