Any army brats out there?


DIS Veteran
Jul 12, 2001
My DH was active duty until 2000, he is now AGR Army. We have moved alot in the years we have been together. He is now an ATARRS Manager at Ft. Indiantown Gap, PA and has been offered a Title 10 position in Little Rock, AR.

My question is, our prior moves have been just us, we now have a DD4.5 to add to the mix. If we go back into Title 10, we will be moving every 3 years. I want to know how this will affect my DD. Anyone out there with this experience? I don't want to put undo stress on her if we don't have to. However, DH and I have terrible wanderlust and are ready to move again. We have been here in Hershey for 3 years and in Pittsburgh for 4 years prior. My family lives in Pittsburgh and we are very close to them also so that is weighing heavily on my mind. I don't really know anyone my age who grew up traveling with the army. Anyone out there that can offer me their experience on this? TIA!
Hi, not an Army Brat, but a Navy brat and now a Navy Wife. I can give you two points of view. Mine: My dad's whole military career we moved everywhere ( Italy,Virginia,Florida [that was only for 3 months while he was in school] Puerto Rico , back to Virginia, Lajes Field Azores Portugal, back to Puerto Rico, Maryland ), I loved it!!!! I loved making new friends, meeting new peopl keeps me from being too shy, still shy but not nearly as introverted as I could be. I loved learning new languages and cultures. We moved stateside only twice. The only true disadvantage I can see with moving around, is you lose your support system if you are near your family, and you will definitely miss your friends and as the kids get older High School is the big one, I went to 3 different highschools, but I at least spent the last 2 years at the same one.

Now for hubby , he is also a former Navy brat but his family has only ever been stationed in 3 different places, all stateside. He has no desire to travel anywhere (except for vacations). He doesn't have a real reason just doesn't want to . I am resigned to that fact, we have been in Virginia for 13 years!!!!!!! I have never lived in one place sooo long , it's killing me , I have a bad case of wanderlust. I would love to go to Japan!! But that will never happen as a family , maybe after all the rats are grown.

Hope this helps :goodvibes
I'm not an Army brat, but I have 5 of them. My oldest turned 11 today. We have lived in 9 different homes in the 12 years DH and I have been married, 5 different states so far.

My kids have adjusted wonderfully. When they go someplace where they don't know anyone, like a park, they are very comfortable approaching other children and introducing themselves. There are things you can do to help them transition and it helps to make sure they are secure at home (consistency, routines, etc.). My kids get excited about new situations and enjoy travelling and site-seeing. They have opportunites to see things many children do not, for example, where we are now they have gone to two volcanoes. How cool is it to learn about things first hand?

They do get sad when their friends move or we move. That's becoming more of an issue now that they're getting older. But it has been more of a learning and character building experience than anything.
I am not a military brat, but am raising 2 myself, lol.

My DD (who is 6) has lived in 5 different homes in 3 states (including Florida twice). My son (4) has lived in 3 states as well.

I think this actually makes them very adaptable. We just moved again and they have done awesome. Actually, daddy being gone has a much harder and bigger affect on them then moving has so far. DD just finished her first year of school (we moved during the year as well) and she did awesome.

I love that I am exposing my DD and DS to cultures and people who are not like them.

For us, I emphasized family and the bond we have. (the 4 of us) I tell them both that no matter where we are, we always have each other. The adore each other and so they play together a lot.

We keep in contact w/our far away families by using webcams, phone,etc. We webcam at the same time, and that's awesome!

I'm personally begging DH to take overseas orders after Hawaii...I have the itch to live in another country again! (we lived in Italy pre-kids).

Most military "brats" I know were outgoing and fun, personally. I think they adapt to their situation and most bloom.

Good luck!


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