Any Herbal or Alternative Remedies for Depression?

tinkerbell of winter

Keep Moving Forward-Walt Disney
Sep 26, 2004
Does anyone know of any herbal or alternative treatments for depression? I have struggled with depression for years yet have never sought treatment because I don't want to be dependent on any medications. I'm really feeling particularly down today, due to minor life events (yet my mind sees them as major, annoyingly enough) and am having a hard time even functioning on a basic level with the mood i'm in today. I really don't want to bore you all with my pity party sob stories, but I am tired of feeling worthless with nothing to offer all the time. I tried to keep my emotions on an even keel by choosing not to date or involve myself in any kind of a relationship for the past two and a half years and it worked out ok for the most part. Then I made a stupid decision and thought i'd try again, which has only resulted in throwing me back into the depths of depression and feeling inadequate. I continuously try to improve myself to make myself feel as if I am accomplishing things, I recently graduated with my Bachelor's Degree and am now kind of in limbo, perhaps that is contributing to the depression. I kind of feel stupid, there are people with real problems on here, serious problems and here I am feeling sorry for myself. If anyone has any advice on any kind of treatments that they have tried with success please share them with me. Any stories of encouragement are also welcome, I really need them at this point, thanks!
See a doctor and have him/her check your TOTAL thyroid levels.
Next, if those come back ok, check with an alternative medicine doctor,such as an oeteopath or a Chinese herbal medicine doctor.
I take Shine which is an herbal combo that contains St. John's Wort. from my alternative medicine doc.
I also take 3 grains of Armour thyroid medication daily.
Don't give up trying to find the right person to work with you! it might take awhile but you'll find him/her.
Hello fellow depression sufferer!

After not being able to handle the side effects of Prozac or Effexor (and not getting any benefit out of therapy), my family doctor suggested light therapy (he had DXd me with SAD - Seasonal Affective Disorder, have also been DXd with depression & PMDD previously). Sounds strange but sometimes it does work for me. Sometimes it does not. Being in a bright room or out in the full sun actually makes me feel better. They sell lamps & lamp timers specifically for those who suffer from SAD, but for me any old light will work. Just try it, it can't hurt & it's free.
I hear on on many levels about not wanting to get involved with prescription meds for depression. I think you got some great advice from the previous two posters.. I definitely would look into holistic medicine and maybe find an herbalist that can help you. Also, the light box, if it is the seasonal affective disorder works wonders. I know many who use that as an alternative to pills.

You made the right step coming here and asking and hopefully others can come forward with some other ideas for you..
i dont know much about alternative methods, but i want to be sure to point out that no matter what you choose medicinally, you should be in therapy in conjection with anything. even alternative methods should be monitored by a professional, and therapy really can help. i know it helped me (and i did not take any meds!)
Tinkerbell of Winter - how are you doing these last few days?
Hi Tinkerbell,

I too have suffered with depression for several years and although on meds most of the time I feel like I need something else to "lift" my spirit.

I have just completed a cognitive behavioural therapy course, computer based, not with a human therapist! It helped me work through many of my issues, including negative thoughts, how to approach tasks in a positive way, and building self esteem. I personally found it useful, (not a cure) but it might not be for all. It is called Beat The Blues - you should be able to google it.

Also I have discovered that I like the "hands on" approach to therapy. I particularly find reflexology to be beneficial - very physically relaxing, and also my mind relaxes - its easy to talk to the person who holds your feet in their hands! I also now enjoy facials, massage, as these too make me feel better, more energised and motivated, albeit for a short period, but the feeling is great!

I do hope this might help you. Good luck and please talk to us through this forum whenever you feel the need.

During my postpartum depression a Naturopathic physician gave me a homeopathic remedy called sepia. I also used naturally compounded hormone replacement therapy. The book "Screaming to be heard" by Gillian Ford was a helpful explanation to this therapy. The hormones I took were in the form of cremes applied on the forearm several times a day. I think it was estrodiol, progestin, and some kind of low dose testosterone. I didn't stay on the low doses of testosterone for more than a week though because it didn't work for me. I took low doses (25mg 3x a day) of 5HTP, Low doses of inositol (50mg 3x a day), naturally compounded cortisol in a creme (see book "The safe use of Cortisol by William Jeffries"). I had my Thyroid checked (see book, "The Thyroid Connection"). My doctor was savvy enough to put me on a trial of Armour Thyroid even though I was just borderline low on the test. The theory was that during the hemmorrage after my childbirth, or for some women after childbirth in general, the endocrine system gets "shocked", and stops producing key hormones. A short time on this therapy reminds the body what it needs to do.

It is the same treatment idea if for some reason you could have a hormonal imbalance for other reasons besides childbirth, a short time on this kind of therapy might train your body the correct amount of hormones to put out. Some menopausal or perimenopausal women continue on hormones to replace what their body stops making on a continual basis.

I have also used accupunture. The purpose of accupunture, although it is famous for relieving pain, is to restore balance to the body. During times when my periods were irregular, I have used accupunture to restore balance and lose weight. We used accupunture to have my husband avoid a surgery. We have used it for our daughter to help raise her chi and to control inflammation in her body. Accupunture can be used for things like acne, infertility, and depression.

For anxiety, I have used deep breathing exercises and relaxation.

To go off all natural supplements for depression, which I actually did while on a DisneyWorld vacation the week after Sept 11th, when my postpartum anxiety levels doubled after watching the towers collapse. It was at Sept 11th that I realized if my symptoms could double from stress while on supplements, then the possibility could exist that I could go off all supplements by eliminating stress.

I spoke with a famous retired midwife about my symptoms. She told me to keep two words in mind with everything I did and get everything out of my life that didn't embody the two words. Simple and Sacred. She said that when I did this and dealt with the stress and trauma of my past I would not need the hormones and supplements for depression and anxiety any more.

Where better place to try this out than disneyworld, so we took our first trip to disneyworld and I went cold turkey off of my supplements, which were expensive. I did what the midwife told me to do, remembering simple and sacred, and dealing with the past, and I was able to go off all supplements easily, and my anxiety was under control, and still is today.

Even with the stress of yesterday which would have knocked over an elephant. What happened is I ate a 4 year resident for breakfast after she presented herself as a doctor and proclaimed my daughter was having a relapse when we are 6 months into the 2 years where she would be considered in remission. She said dd needed steroids and immunosuppressants. Nice. When the head of opthomology said she made the wrong diagnosis, the four year resident got out tissue and was pretty devistated to be called on it in front of me and another 1st year resident. i Basically got to tell her that if carried out, her treatment plan could have caused my daughter to lose her vision. I got to tell her what a big deal it was for me for my dd to go on immunosuppressors, even though she didn't think it was a big deal. I think she learned a lot from the experience though, and all of the residents did. My daughter spent three hours being examined by six opthomologists, four in training, and was able to educate several doctors of the future about the technical nature of the disease and what treatment plan NOT to do. So I am a proud mama right now. :love:


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