Any one else not able to sleep?


Earning My Ears
May 13, 2002
As my DH and I plan for our next cruise (1-9-03) he commented to me about sleeping this time, Wich is something i forgot about.
Am i the only one that can't sleep while on the cruise!it's not that im not comfortable, it is just that i was so excited to be on it and i didn't want to miss a thing!i may have slept 3 hours a night. i was up every morning at 4 and watched the sunrise from my verandah. I watched us pull into every port wich was nice. I was the one jumpping around the room in the morning wakeing everyone up. I remeber my DD saying to me, MOM ! thats my job. Anyway i was just wondering if anyone else does the same? I told my DH im sure im not the only one that can't sleep!

Julie:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I may not sleep as MUCH but I definitely sleep. :) I stay up LATE but try not to have any early mornings either.

At least you know you are squeezing every moment out of your vacations! :)
...and I have not slept well all week. Between the last minute details and the excitement, I am all wound up. Had to get up yesterday at 3:30 am to catch an early flight, and I woke up before the alarm!

I am hoping that I will sleep well once we are on board, although I suspect that I too will be up to see the sunrise from our verandah.

I cannot believe it's finally almost here!
Have a great cruise. I want to hear all about it once we get back.
Leave some booze for us Nov 30th cruisers - lol
I have already started not sleeping at night - been waking up at 3/4am.
Usually the first night at a new place I dont sleep but after that I can sleep again. We have 2 different hotels next wk (Th & Fri) before get onboard on Sat so for at least those 3 nights I wont be sleeping at all! And I know all next week before we go I wont sleep - who needs it anyways?
Sleep is over-rated, right? Just ask any working mommy!! :p
My family calls me the "Vacation Nazi" because there is no rest allowed on vacation - you can rest at home. ;) If you're not carrying a sleeping kid on your shoulder into the room at night, there's was more stuff that you could have jammed into the day. It's why we NEVER get a fancy room or spend a lot on accomodations. We literally sleep and change in our room and that's it. We're not good relaxers. You should try coming to WDW with us sometime!

I hate getting home from a trip and hearing about all the great things that I missed! Luckily I was blessed with 2 go-get-em kind of girls (is it nature or nuture?). Husband goes along for the ride. I'm so lucky.

So if you see two kids shivering in the pool at night (their choice, not mine) or running from one show to the next, you'll know it's us!
I'm glad to see im not the only one that doesn't sleep. I knew there were more of us out there. My DH doesn't understand that sleep is not an issue for me. I enjoyed being up most of the night on our cruise. It would have been harder if we did not a verandah but it is so peacefull to sit out there at 3 or 4 am i read the stateroom magazine and also saw crew cleaning the windows on the 9th deck (sparkles fell from the side of the ship) I thought i was cracking up when i saw that. i have to say that is a must see if your awake at 3 or 4 am. it looks like glitter falling from the ship , but it is water spray through the lights.
Julie:Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:
I stay up very late on the cruise because of the activities...but when I finally hit the sack.....I sleep like the dead...I love the gentle rocking of the ship. I have better sleep on the ship than I do at home!!!

My sleeping depends on the noise situation. Hubby is a snorer, so that tends to keep me up, but I bring a white noise machine to help drown it out and he takes some kind of snore-stop drops which seem to help a little. If he's not sawing wood too badly, I can usually sleep very well unless we are in an area with a lot of hallway noise. Being able to hear people's voices and hear them running through the hall always keeps me up, even with the white noise. But if I am in an area of the ship where there is engine noise, it puts me out like a light. That's one reason I love get some engine noise, plus it is so far off the beaten path that you rarely hear anything out in the hallway. The onyl stateroom where sleep was ever impossible was 2626, which is over some type of loading/uloading door and under a galley...ugh!!! If we ever ended up in that one again, I think I'd sneak out on deck somewhere to catch some shut-eye.
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Since I put in such long hours at work...when I am on vacation I try to make sure I get an extra hour....that's all...just an extra hour each day....but I tend to push myself and family to enjoy and get everything they can out of a vacation.....and after the nice restful week on the 11/30 Magic...we will be spending 5 glorious and rushed nights in Disney....heaven...I am in heaven...and by the way...we are in cabin 7130...anyone know how the noise level and sleeping tends to be in this cabin?
9 days to the "MAGIC"!!!
My family calls me the "activity director", which is a little more gentle. LOL. Thanks to the advice on the boards, we will have an action packed vacation, and hopefully hit all the great spots! I have an agenda for each day of our trip! Do you feel the movement of the ship more at night, from bed? I am so afraid of getting sea sick, but not sure if I want to risk the side effects of the patch or pills.
We always stay up till the wee hours and then sleep like babies. The motion of the ship and the sound of the waves....aahhhhh!!! I can't wait!! :bounce:
I'm glad I am not the only one who can't sleep! We leave on the Wonder 1/16/02 and with Christmas and planning for the cruise my mind has been going like crazy!!! Between work, the kids and spending the rest of my evening reading these boards I go to bed and my mind just keeps on going thinking about everything that needs to get done. My DH is about to move to the couch just so he can get some sleep. I'll have a day off after we return, so maybe I can get some sleep then.:tongue:
Its been hard sleeping not knowing if we are going on a Magic cruise (in 5days) or going to Walt Disney World. We have decided we will be somewhere but wont know till DCL knows - ahhhh!!!
Very bad situation to be in - I wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy. Im packing tomorrow as for both situations. Im most concerned about a cancellation between when we leave for the airport and when we're due to board the Magic - we're leaving home 48hrs before we board.
I'm sending lots of pixie dust your way in hopes that all will be well and the Magic will sail for your trip as planned!!
We are geared up for our trip on the Wonder next week, so I can understand how it must feel to not know for certain whether you will sail. Hopefully all will go well today and the Magic will be back to normal. I know how much you are looking forward to it, and I must admit that nothing beats a Disney cruise as the ultimate vacation.
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I am notorious for getting no sleep on vacation. I miss my own bed and I have thoughts of what I'm doing the next day racing through my head. That being said, on our 1st cruise (2 weeks ago) I slept like a rock. I think I have to agree that the gentle rocking motion has something to do with it. Even during the show after our dinner, I felt as if I might nod off. I certainly came home well rested.


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