Any other DISers trying to concieve? Reread OP for the QOTD!

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Aw, Beth, don't get too discouraged. 11dpo is still early. Try again in a couple of days. Maybe you did see a line forming with the surge of pee going across, but once it evened out, there wasn't enough to make the second line stick since it's only 11dpo. :confused3 I think that sounds good at least until you take another test! :goodvibes

vetrik... That sucks! I would probably be disappointed, too. It will be great to have the kids close together if possible. I know my DS loves playing with his cousins that are close in age. We actually had three boys born all within one month of each other back in 2003 when DS was born. They have a great time together. :)
Ugh - why do they call Clomid a fertility drug? It makes me so cranky I can't even imagine that DH wants to be in the same room as me, let alone anything else... Has anyone else noticed the more you take it, the worse the irritability and moodiness seem to be? I'm absolutely sure I will not take it again, or DH and I will be divorced :) I think I'm going to read up on Femara, and ask my doc about trying that instead.

Christal - glad you had fun. Hope the rest of the 2ww goes just as quick

GypsySue :grouphug: I hate taking pregnancy tests for just that reason. I can talk myself into seeing anything
I'm on Femara...I really haven't had much by way of side effects. I've had some stomach issues, mild hot flashes, and that's about it.
Aw, Beth, don't get too discouraged. 11dpo is still early. Try again in a couple of days. Maybe you did see a line forming with the surge of pee going across, but once it evened out, there wasn't enough to make the second line stick since it's only 11dpo. :confused3 I think that sounds good at least until you take another test! :goodvibes

That's what I think happened too!
Hi all. This is my first time on this thread.

First, I wish everyone much success for a healthy pregnancy and baby.

My DH and I have been trying to have a baby for about 9 months now. Each month was more dissapointing than the last. Finally I tried the ovulation sticks. My cycles were crazy so anything was worth a shot. I have to admit we already have 2 childred. DD is 4 and DS will be 2 next week. I know I should have been happy with that, but I didn't feel the family was complete yet.

So after all the months of "trying" I was so frustrated and call my OB/GYN. She suggested I go for the HSG test and an Endo Biopsy. Also suggested DH get tested too. The nurse told me to call to schedule the HSG test on day one of my period.

I expected my period yesterday and when it didn't come I got my hopes up. DH went to the drug store this morning and before I even got in the bathroom he was asking "Well?" I told him to give me the results for a change. He read the directions carefully and well.....


I know it will happen for all of you. Much pixie dust to you all!
I also just talked about it at my annual exam last month. I was actually seeing a new doctor, since my previous doctor left the practice.

He basically advised me about vitamins to take, and asked a lot more detailed questions about my and DH's history. He asked if either of us had any birth defects when we were born, if my mom had any problems, family medical history, etc. After we went through all that, he basically said that I seemed to be in good health, and there was nothing specific in our history to require anything else before we started trying.

I'm a little frustrated now. DH and I have planned for over 6 months now to start trying for a baby in May. We are both the oldest in our families, in our late 20s, married, own a house, etc - but our families are great and have never pressured us about when we will be having kids. I haven't told anyone at all that we have this plan - I would prefer to try for a while before we involve anyone else, and I'm just not ready to share that we've reached this point. My 23 year old brother just announced over the holidays that the girl he has been seeing (who is NOW his girlfriend) is pregnant and due in June. Now, all of a sudden, everyone's asking us why we're not having kids yet, and saying that now we'll decide we want one because my brother's having one, and they can be close in age, etc.....

Now I feel like we're going to start trying in May, and hopefully get pregnant in a reasonable amount of time, but everyone's just going to think we decided to have a baby because of my brother! I know this doesn't really mean anything, and in reality I'm not that bothered by it, but it's just such a shock!

Our stories are almost exactly alike! DH and I just decided (yesterday!) to start trying in May, because that's when our 1 year anniversary is.
EVERYONE is asking us when we're having a baby, and it hasn't even been a year yet.

Everyone around me right now is pregnant, so I feel like people will think I'm trying to have a baby just because of that...But in reality, DH and I have been together for over 7 years, we're definitely ready at this point.

I also will be keeping TTC a secret, and I wanted to wait until the first ultrasound at least to tell anyone we're pregnant (if they do one around 8 weeks). DH doesn't think he can wait that long to tell, but we'll see!

Good luck to you and I hope we both get pregnant in May! :hug:
Our ultrasound went well on Thursday. It's a girl! We were hoping for a girl since I already have a boy. I had Eclampsia with my son so I was always hoping for just one more to give him a sibling and pray to god I make it through this pregnancy.

I hope everyone is doing well.
I took another test today:guilty: (i can't stop myself). I saw the line again! It was much more pronounced this time. It even stuck around long enough for DH to see it. . .and then it disappeared. So I dug around the internet and found an explanation for this phenomenon: Evaporation Line.

To quote: What's an evaporation line? Evaporation ("evap") lines result with the test's antibody strip just looks slightly different than the space around it. There is a line of antibodies (usually made from mouse cells) in the Control and Test section. The Control line binds with any liquid and turns pink (or blue, in tests using blue dye.) The Test/Result line turns pink only if pregnancy hormone is detected. If not, the moisture passes over this strip and does not turn pink. It may, however, become more visible when the light hits the moisture on the strip-- it may appear gray, colorless, like a "dent" in the test, or like a "ghost line." It may appear at any time-- as soon as the urine hits it, after a few minutes as the test absorbs the moisture, or after the 10-minute time limit. It may appear when the test is drying, or after it has dried. It may disappear as the test is drying, or after the test has dried, or not disappear at all.

The simple fact is that there is always "something there" that is slightly visible-- it's simply the antibodies on the test that would turn pink in the presence of hCG. When the test becomes wet, or as it dries, or after it dries, the antibody strip may become more visible. Therefore, all tests may have them. It is not a defect; it's just how tests are made.

:mad: :mad:

So I don't think it is "sign" after all. Sigh.
Also. . . wondering how Christal is doing. . .should be about that time. . .

(I am crazy for the ellipsis this morning!)
Hope everyone is well...
I go for my Nuchal Translucency scan on Friday, I'm 12 weeks 2 days today. I can't believe I passed the 'danger' zone. It's just still unbelievable for me, After my 2 m/c, I never thought this would happen.
I listen to my home doppler daily so I can hear the baby's heartbeat.

Hope everyone gets their BFP soon!!!
Our stories are almost exactly alike! DH and I just decided (yesterday!) to start trying in May, because that's when our 1 year anniversary is.
EVERYONE is asking us when we're having a baby, and it hasn't even been a year yet.

Everyone around me right now is pregnant, so I feel like people will think I'm trying to have a baby just because of that...But in reality, DH and I have been together for over 7 years, we're definitely ready at this point.

I also will be keeping TTC a secret, and I wanted to wait until the first ultrasound at least to tell anyone we're pregnant (if they do one around 8 weeks). DH doesn't think he can wait that long to tell, but we'll see!

Good luck to you and I hope we both get pregnant in May! :hug:

That's funny! May is our 4 year wedding anniversary, and we've been together for 8 years.

I haven't thought about when we'll tell anyone if we do get pregnant - I know I want to wait to tell most people until 12 weeks, but I'm sure I'll end up telling my family and close friends sooner!

I can't believe how quickly May is coming - it's amazing to me that if everything goes well, I'll be pregnant this year.
That's funny! May is our 4 year wedding anniversary, and we've been together for 8 years.

I haven't thought about when we'll tell anyone if we do get pregnant - I know I want to wait to tell most people until 12 weeks, but I'm sure I'll end up telling my family and close friends sooner!

I can't believe how quickly May is coming - it's amazing to me that if everything goes well, I'll be pregnant this year.

What day? Ours is May 12th :love:
DH is not very good at keeping secrets, and I don't want to just have it blurted out, so we'd probably have to tell soon after.

I know! We're going to Disney at the end of this month, and when we get back, it'll be just a little over 3 months until May. I'm so excited!
Plus, we're planning to go to Panama City Beach in May, so I'm hoping to bring home a little souvenir from there.

I hope no one minds that we sorta hijacked this thread for a minute! :rolleyes1
Beth, :mad: :mad: I'm made with you!! I thought for sure that was a good sign! What a bummer!

Christal, I've been thinking about you as well. Have you tested yet?

Today is CD25 for me, so this is the week. I don't have my hopes up since I was really sick around prime BD'ing time. The double dose of Metformin, which I started early in this cycle, hit me hard with headaches for a while, too. So not much hope. It wouldn't be too bad this month, I least I could ride the thrill rides at WDW with my DS (he *might* be tall enough for BTMR!!).

I broke down over the weekend for the first time in months. One of DH's friends is pregnant with her second. :( I've noticed that it is the 2nd or 3rd pregnancies that have really been getting to me lately. I guess since I'm TTC #2 and sorta feel like I've done this before, why can't I do it again! :rolleyes: Of course, at my deposition last week, when THREE huge pregnant girls walked in, I had to pick my jaw up off of the floor and concentrate on not crying. :sad2: So maybe I'm not getting a better hold on my emotions after all!

Vetrik and TrueEeyore, You two sound so excited to TTC! I hope it is a very short journey for both of you and you can conceive with that excitement still there! Speaking for myself, TTC, with the meds, temps, OPK's, etc has become more of a chore than fun after 1.5 years. *sigh* I hope you two girls never get to that point!
OK, you guys-- I need to know if you see a second line. It is very faint, I know.


I see it. Was this with first morning urine? Are you going to test again tonorrow? Are you 12dpo now?

I am soooooo hoping it's not my imagination! :banana:

I am so glad you see it too!!!!

Yes, 12 DPO--first morning urine, First Response Early Results test.

I know it is very faint, it's a little darker in person, but not much.

DH was like, "I see something where a positive line would be. . ." so I had to submit it to you all for a second opinion.
I see it too!

When I got my BFP, the line was really light (and I was way past 12DPO). I had to call DH in to check and then got a digital to test again.

I really hope this is it for you. :wizard:
I am so glad you see it too!!!!

Yes, 12 DPO--first morning urine, First Response Early Results test.

I know it is very faint, it's a little darker in person, but not much.

DH was like, "I see something where a positive line would be. . ." so I had to submit it to you all for a second opinion.

Mine were this light when I first started testing with Hannah, too. I had to hold them up to a light to really see it. DH refused to believe it was there until I got the blood test results back from the doctor! :rotfl:
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