Any other DISers trying to concieve? Reread OP for the QOTD!

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Add me! I'm 30 years old and my hubby is 34 - we are trying for number 3. :goodvibes I went off BC in January so hopefully I will have some good news in a few months and can then call myself Tiggersmom3. :teeth:
I guess I can reply. :) I'm allison (27). DH (30) and I have a soon-to-be 3 year old DS. We just bought a house so we will likely start TTC during the summer/fall. I'm going to my OB/GYN in June and see what she says. This will hopefully be my last month for pills. I'm not sure what my OB/GYN recommends re how long to wait after going after the pill. I'll find out in early June and then we'll go from there. I'm new to all of this. DS was a surprise (the best one ever!) so planning this has been pretty new to us. :blush:
vettechick99 said:
Count me into the group! :wave2:

I'm Allison (30) and my DH, Kory, is 29. I've been charting for over a year, but just started TTC in January of this year. So I guess I'm on my 4th month of trying (very long cycles, yippie me).

Anyway, this will be our first and we're so excited. DH is a baby magnet - he loves them and they love him. I can't wait to add to the family (me, him, dog and cat :teeth: ).

I can usually help with charting questions since I've been doing it so long. Although, since I've figured out my cycle, I don't really chart anymore. I'll temp a few times when I'm ovulating, but not after that. I just wait it out. I think charting makes you crazy and more stressed. Although, if I'm not pregnant by the end of June, I'm going to buy an Ovulation Predictor Kit so that I can pin-point the exact day of O. Since I'm a teacher, getting pregnant in July or Aug. is ideal and desired!!

Good luck to everyone! Hopefully we'll all be on the mommies-to-be thread soon!

First off, that's great that y'all are TTC - y'all will be some fun parents!

I'm not TTC, but just wanted to give some BTDT info. When we were TTC our 2nd, I bought these Ovulation Predictors online. And, as you can tell by that little blondie in my sig, they work! Much cheaper than buying them in the stores
SDFgirl said:
vettechick99 said:
Since I'm a teacher, getting pregnant in July or Aug. is ideal and desired!!

Hi! Can I ask why this is? I am a teacher too, and my DH and I were married in December. We have tentatively planned for me to go off the pill in December 2006. I know it will take 6 months or so for my cycles to regulate, so maybe I'll conceive in July or August...(which sounds like it's a good thing, but I don't know why!! :cool1: )

Also can I ask - if it's not too personal - why did you chart your temperatures a year before you TTC? (just curious if this is something I should think about).

I can't answer for the charting early question, but as far as getting pg in late summer... that means your due date will be in May, which gives you most of the summer off with your new baby before going back to work in August. :)

I'm a teacher, too, and, though not actively TTC right now, we've just started talking about it seriously. I'm 31, DH is soon to be 25. Originally we were going to try to conceive starting in the fall, but I think we'll put it off 'til after our Disney trip in December. What better way to start the new year in '07 than trying for a family? This way I can still drink around the world at Epcot, and it will also give us time to be more "ready," since DH is just now starting a full time stable job (he's finishing school at the moment).

I'm not desperate for kids at the moment, but I *do* want them, and I feel like the clock is ticking since I'll be 32 this summer. :faint:
:wave: Hi to all of you!

Not in the TTC phase, actually just finishing up! I'm currently pregnant with #2, and due in less than 8 weeks. I know all about the TTC journey, and would be happy to answer any questions, as well. We have been to a specialist, and I highly recommend a reproductive endocrinologist if you find you are having problems. They are so much more thorough than a regular OB. For some of us, it's a longer road than others, but the end result is always worth it!!! :love:

The only thing I never did was charting - it was too much work for me. My neighbor actually had a digital ovulation kit that was awesome. It was made by Clearblue Easy. It's a little pricey if you buy it new, but I know many people who have gotten them off ebay. It was definitely worth it in my book. :thumbsup2

Anyway, good luck to all of you girls. This is a stressful, emotional, difficult, fun, happy, and exciting time all rolled into one. We had many complications with each pregnancy (getting pregnant, and staying pregnant!) So now that we have a little girl and our little boy on the way, we will probably be calling it quits. If I can help to answer any questions, please let me know - but best of luck to all of you in your journey, and hopefully we'll be seeing you on the expecting boards really soon!! :wizard:
OOOh, wow- lots of people to welcome!!! Awesome!

Welcome Allison (vettechick99) and Elaine (helenabear), SDFgirl, Imarriedgrumpy, tiggersmom2, & skuttle!! Happy trying!

vettechick99- it is definitely a period!! My whole cycle was only 20 days. Ah well. I guess we'll see what happens this month!

SDFgirl- I just wanted to add that it may not take you 6 months to regulate your cycles! My SIL got PG the 2nd month off the pill! I'm going to have a niece or nephew for Christmas!! Starting to chart would be a good idea, if for no other reason than to get used to it and learn how to do it- by the time you start TTC you'll be a charting pro.

Dan Murphy- thanks for the well wishes! We all appreciate them!

I started charting so I can see when I ovulate- it's cheap and easy. And we're going the every other day route too! That way you are gauranteed to have sex around your most fertile time.
Thanks Annette, for the link! Hi to CheshireVal and mookie!! Advice, questions, experience, etc. always welcome!
I hesitated whether I should respond to this thread or not, b/c technically, I'm not trying to conceive yet.....but will in the next few months. I'm off birth control pills, taking prenatal vitamins, trying to eat better and basically get healthy. I'm still nervous about the whole thing, but at age 32, it's time for a decision. Good luck to everyone!!!
CJK said:
I hesitated whether I should respond to this thread or not, b/c technically, I'm not trying to conceive yet.....but will in the next few months. I'm off birth control, taking prenatal vitamins, trying to eat better and basically get healthy. I'm still nervous about the whole thing, but at age 32, it's time for a decision. Good luck to everyone!!!

CJK- of course you should respond!! Getting ready to TTC is nerve-wracking, and so is TTC! I'm nervous, and sometimes I think- oh, boy it would be easier to not have kids! :rotfl2: But, I can't imagine not having children!! So, it's a good nervous. The kind of nervous that means you are aware that you're taking a big step! Welcome!

Maybe I should do a question of the day sort of thing? What do you all think? I can update the OP every day to include a question ofthe day (QOTD).

Today's question: who have you told that you are TTC, if anyone?

Right now, my sis, SIL and grandma are the only ones that know!! :hyper:
beckmrk04 said:
Today's question: who have you told that you are TTC, if anyone?

I made the mistake of telling my mother.....therefore everyone in God's creation now knows. :rolleyes2
Becky, that sucks about the period coming like that. When I went of the BC pill, I actually had the same regularlity of periods as I did while on the pill. At least for a while. I was on a low dose hormone though, so not sure if that made a difference or not.

As for your question. Except for y'all, I've only told a few friends. My mother died when I was 16, so I can't go to her. So a few key friends are it for me. I plan to wait to tell my family if we get pregnant and have had our first ultrasound. Just not one to tempt fate if you know what I mean. I am close to my family, but if I go through disappointments, I don't want to drag them down with me or answer a lot of questions. The friends I have told, just listen when I talk and don't push. I kind of like it like that.
Oh and my MIL knows... my DH let it slip out :rolleyes: Since she and I are about the furthest from being close, I wasn't too happy.
Of course my OB/GYN knows too ;) She and I talked last year when we thought it was time to begin. Once I "checked out" it was up to us for when we were going to try :)

CJK, I am very nervous about it too. But after talking to a few friends, they have all told me it was totally natural. I am on a multi vitamin that was approved by my GYN and managed to lose 70 pounds or more in the last year. I'm in a fairly good physical routine as well, so sounds like you are taking great steps too :)

I admit I am still scared at times, but I know I want children :)
I'm 36 and my wife and I (yes, we're both female) are just starting this whole process. It's a bit different for us, since we have to go and buy sperm, and we're "older". Hope it's ok that we join this thread.
Iggipolka said:
I'm 36 and my wife and I (yes, we're both female) are just starting this whole process. It's a bit different for us, since we have to go and buy sperm, and we're "older". Hope it's ok that we join this thread.

Of course it's ok!! Welcome! :sunny:
I haven't officially told anyone. I think most people knew that we were waiting to get a house before having another kid. We close on our house at the end of this month so I think most people know that we will soon be trying for number 2!
I told sis and SIL and Grandma (I'm very close to my grandma- this will be her first great-grandchild, and she has decided she wants our baby to call her GiGi, which I think is adorable!).

I don't want to tell mom or MIL or the rest of our family, just because I don't want all the questions and if, God forbid, something should happen, I don't want to talk about it with everyone.

BUT- I had to tell the DIS becuase I am bursting!! :lmao: It is so exciting, and other people that are ttc "get" that!
Nope, not yet. Never really tried not to have a baby since we've been married, and conceived our first son two months after the wedding. When he was 3, we thought it strange that we hadn't had another, and began actively trying. When he was 4, we thought it'd be nice to adopt.......we'd wanted to from the beginning, but like I said he'd come so quickly. Anyway, he requested to stay the oldest, so we were looking for a very young one, and looking for one through the that "needed" us more. When he was six we pulled our application (long story) and tried the dr. 5 months of Clomid, and 9 months later, DS 2 was born!
We're nearly ready to go for number 3, but I need to drop some weight and we need to pay off some debt first. Probably another 2 years..........when DS 2 is going into 1st grade.
Happy baby making!
Just visiting from the Official New Moms Thread! I have a 3 year old son and a 7 month old baby and have been on the journey you are all on before. I can say that when TTC our first I was 33 years old and it didn't happen right away and I freaked out. I charted, I used kits, they didn't work for me - though that does for others. When on a Disney cruise, it happened when I stopped thinking about it! When trying for our 2nd....I watched for what you liken to "egg whites" - also in Taking Charge of your Fertility. The egg whites come when you are ovulating. The 2nd time we got pregnant the first try.
I hope I am making sense.

ANYWAY, enjoy this journey, all of you....especially those trying for your first! There is nothing like that first pregnancy and the wonder & awe of it all. It is the most amazing experience you will ever have! I can't wait to see your progress, and ALLISON (vettechick) I am soooo happy to see you here!
Hi everyone!

I'm so glad someone finally started this thread! DH and I have been TTC for just over a year now. My OB/GYN had us start early with Clomid (after 6 months of trying unsuccessfully) since I have PCOS and really irregular periods (like 4 a year). They also started me on Glucophage last month. Hopefully all of this will work this month, because the Clomid makes me really grumpy.

I'm still doing the whole temperature thing, but it gets annoying after a while. After 12 months of charting, I still don't see the curve and temperature spike they all keep talking about. Mine look like an earthquake went off. :)

Anyways, I'm glad there's a group here to talk about all of this stuff with. DH and I haven't really said anything to anyone about all of this yet. It just doesn't come up in conversation, you know?

mamaprincess said:
Personally, I'm trying not to concieve, ;) but prayers and pixie dust to all of those trying to concieve. :cheer2: pixiedust:


It's funny how long I have spent praying that my birth control not fail, but now that I'm ready for kids, I can't help thinking it's going to take forever!! :rotfl:

Does anyone else feel like they overplan things? I guess it has always been my nature to learn as MUCH about something as I possibly can before I make a decision, and this baby-making business has been no different!

My dh asked if I thought I was overplanning. Honestly, yeah, probably. I started charting temps, reading everything I could get my hands on (I have already read What to Expect, Taking Charge of Your Fertility, and the Girlfriend's guide in the last month).

But, I guess (for me anyway) it makes me feel a little more "in control" of this whole process. I mean, this will be our first child, and it's like venturing into the great unknown relatively unarmed!!

Anyone else?
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