Any Single Disney Women Out There?


Jun 4, 2003
I hope this doesn't make me seem too needy, but I see the other threads about Disney men, so I figure go ahead, give it a try.

It's about time I went back to the World to see what's new and enjoy what's old. Please check out my trip report from 2003 in my signature. It'd sure be nice to plan a visit with you. :surfweb: :woohoo:
I hate to suggest this (for obvious reasons) but go to . Currently there are about 360 people registered, about 2/3 women. There is a nightly chat usually starting about 9:00 pm which tends to be about 3/4 women. It tends to be interesting and funny and on occasion will get a little steamy. So far I have met one person in person (at WDW) and in a wek expect to meet a group of three women travelling soloish.
Hi billybaruch1, there are lots of single Disney women around, me included. :) Cheshire Figment is correct; check out the dismates site. There are lots of great singles around looking for others to share their love of Disney. We try to gather around 9:00 or so each evening for a chat. Also, check out this thread for lots more on the topic. Welcome to our little group! :wave2:
Yes indeed, there are a lots of single disney gals. Come on over to dismates and introduce yourself!
Single Dis girl, here, too! :wave: Anyone going down Aug 26-31? I'm bringing 2 other (newly) single ladies down with me, and we're looking for fun! party:
Another vote for We are always looking for more Disney men to join us! :cheer2:
eeyoregon said:
Another vote for We are always looking for more Disney men to join us! :cheer2:
Aren't there enough men in chat already????? :rolleyes1
C'mon guys, hasn't the novelty worn off of having four times (or more) as many women to guys? Certainly at some point you're going to want reinforcements! :thumbsup2
Another single gal here - 42 (ouch!). Heading for my third solo trip on Saturday!!!
recently single guy here my question is I Have a whole trip planned/paid for etc should I try to still go alone?? I have never been alone before and I don't know just seems like it wouldn't be too much fun to me....any suggestions?
I don't see why you shouldn't still go, scdisneyguy! Going solo is okay (I'm going for my third time solo on Saturday). Of course, it's also very nice to have someone to talk to when you're walking down Main Street USA!!!
Oh, you should definitely still go! When is the trip? You may find someone fun to meet up with there. If not, you deserve a Disney break, right? :wizard:
scdisneyguy said:
recently single guy here my question is I Have a whole trip planned/paid for etc should I try to still go alone?? I have never been alone before and I don't know just seems like it wouldn't be too much fun to me....any suggestions?

i would def say go! :thumbsup2 i went over the xmas holiday with my brother, his wife, their kids, and my parents. being single, i have gotten used to doing my own thing, eating on my own schedule, etc. so i spent a lot of time at the parks and/or eating alone while they did other stuff. i actually really enjoyed it! :Pinkbounc i had my digital camera, took tons of pics, ate what i wanted when i wanted, lol. i would do it again in a heart beat! :banana: granted, we always met up at night and went back to the house together, but i still was solo for a good amount of time everyday. have a great time and let us know how it goes! :wizard: where will you be staying?
billybaruch1 said:
I hope this doesn't make me seem too needy, but I see the other threads about Disney men, so I figure go ahead, give it a try.

It's about time I went back to the World to see what's new and enjoy what's old. Please check out my trip report from 2003 in my signature. It'd sure be nice to plan a visit with you. :surfweb: :woohoo:

Here I am!! Just 1 state over from you. ;) Also on dismates and we sure do need some more guys.
No, we don't need any more guys on dismates, especially in chat.

I know I'll get beaten up on there tonight for these comments :duck:
scdisneyguy said:
recently single guy here my question is I Have a whole trip planned/paid for etc should I try to still go alone?? I have never been alone before and I don't know just seems like it wouldn't be too much fun to me....any suggestions?

I would go with what makes you happy. Cheesy, huh? :teeth: You mentioned recently single so that could change?? I would say the hardest part of the trip would be MVMCP if your sentimental with Xmas carols playing in the background and watching couples and families etc. JMHO

I had a great time this past year there but a bit misty at times. :sad:

Why not take a friend or parent??

Good Luck with whatever you decide!

Hi everyone! :wave: I just joined Dismates as LuuvsDisney and it's my first time posting to this thread. :teeth:

Can I say how strange this is for me... :scared1:
OK, CF, since women are outnumbering men on dismates chat 3-4 to one on average, I'd have to say that you're just being *greedy.* :rolleyes1
scdisneyguy said:
recently single guy here my question is I Have a whole trip planned/paid for etc should I try to still go alone?? I have never been alone before and I don't know just seems like it wouldn't be too much fun to me....any suggestions?
Just do it! I went last year solo, I did MVMCP by myself and it was fun, I did most of the shows and loved watching the people, I also did a character dinner before heading to MVMCP and it too was enjoyable, being solo is what you make it, I have no problem striking up a converesation with anyone, and if you really look around there are plenty of people that are solo also, you just don't notice them when you are with a group.I most likely will be solo again this year.
scdisneyguy said:
recently single guy here my question is I Have a whole trip planned/paid for etc should I try to still go alone?? I have never been alone before and I don't know just seems like it wouldn't be too much fun to me....any suggestions?

Go, you will make your own good time. Id go if I was you.


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