Any tips on relieving aching feet at the end of a park day?

Wow, thanks everyone! I had no idea there were so many different ways to prevent and relieve aching feet :)

I'm especially intrigued by the duct tape response. I wonder why (and how) that works? I also like the idea of changing socks midday and the chilled gel inserts. Those definitely sound like they would help!

Again, thank you! If anyone else has any tips that they use, I'm still very open to ideas!
I like your thinking!!! :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :cloud9: :drinking1

1/2 cup Epsom salt
1 tub of warm water
1 old fashioned glass
1 bottle Bombay
1 bottle dry vermouth
1 jar olives

fill tub
add epsom salt
wrap self in towel
fill glass with 3 fingers of gin
add a glaze of vermouth
add two olives
soak feet in tub while sipping martini

that should do the job :wizard: :cloud9: :santa: :goodvibes :thumbsup2 :santa:
Proper shoes are a must; you may not have feet problems but a proper shoe with the proper support arch is a must.

you can supplement with insoles as well like superfeet. Dh and I swear by Superfeet
Custom shoe inserts from a podiatrist and conditioning. Walk a routine before you go for several months and a great pair of shoes. The hot tub at the hotel doesn't hurt either.
The only thing that has worked for me is to alternate shoes every day. I bring at least three pairs. I have flat feet and I've had no foot pain for the last three trips using this trick.
Every so often during the day, and also before leaving the park if the crowds are leaving -- find somewhere to sit down and take off your shoes and prop your feet up close to if not higher than heart level.

I don't like soaking my feet in anything. Either the skin doesn't dry fast enough and I get athlete's foot inside my shoes, or the skin dries brittle and my heels and big toe crack painfully.

Don't wear new shoes or even new sandals to Disney. Have them well broken in during everyday wear so you are sure they don't pinch or cause blisters. I even got a big toe blister from new flip flops.

OT: Throw away that Samsonite with the tilt out snap out corner latches.
I'm not looking forward to our trip in 3 days now because I smashed my pinky toe into my suitcase of all things. It's swollen and purple and hurts like he**.

2. You push in the latches so as not to catch your clothes or toes and when you are not looking the lid falls down and later you pick up the suitcase thinking it is latched and the lid falls open spilling everything.

3. You can't lock the latches for checking the suitcase at the airport and a baggage handler drops your suitcase, the latches pop open, and your things spill all over the tarmac or carousel.

ITA with the cold water version of a foot soak. Stick your feet under cold tap water (bath tub works best unless you're one of those acrobats at the China Pavilion) and let the cold water numb your feet. This will also decrease the swelling and any throbbing.

I also take Advil each morning and evening to combat it during the day.

Also, a company called Lush (google Lush for website) makes an organic foot scrub called Volcano that you slather on your feet and then prop your feet up and relax for 10-15 minutes (I actually wrap my feet in Saran Wrap and then put some socks on so i can kick back on the sofa or bed and watch Stacey's Top Seven. Then go rinse it off under cold or warm water.

I also alternate my shoes, sometimes changing them twice a day of we happen to go back to the room for a rest.

The peppermint foot lotion and the gel inserts are also good ideas, as is a pair of shoes with good arch support.

I have plantar facitis in both feet and these tricks work for me. I average 6-7 a day at WDW (I wear a pedometer faithfully).

Good luck!
Take a golf ball with you. I swear by this. At the end of the day, take that golf ball, sit down and roll it on the floor with your foot-use the ball of your foot and your arch too. It messages your foot and loosens up the foot. My podiatrist told me this trick-that golf ball is small and you can take it on every vacation :thumbsup2 I also take an Aleeve when I get back to the room.
I recommend tennis shoes all day (I like the idea about a fresh pair of socks I might try that on this next trip). When we get back to the hotel I wear really cushiony sandals (I love Teva Mush after about one wearing they mold to your feet and are super comfy)
Take an Advil and head to the pool. Taking the weight off of your feet but still keeping the blood moving is invaluable. We don't hardcore swim but just spend 15-30 minutes at the pool lounging by the side. The cool water is really refreshing and makes ALL your joints feel better.

Quiet pools are great (less people and traffic)- you can spend time talking about the day or what the plans are for the next day it is so relaxing.

I can't wait to go back......
Occasional breaks (even for 5-10 mins) help a TON.

Alternate supportive, well-broken in shoes

Ibuprofen or the anti-inflammatory of your choice (if able) BEFORE you start torturing your tootsies.

Soaking feet in cool water (with or without salts) at the end of the day.

Try and get your feet UP at the end of the day as well - sleep with them up on a pillow if you can.

And the best one of all... bring some good peppermint foot lotion and make a deal with your BF to trade foot massages. ;)

Have a wonderful trip - go easy on those feet!
My feet normally hurt a little after a day at WDW (pre-kids we were on-the-go-ALL-DAY-LONG!), but wearing good sneakers seems to keep the pain mostly down. An occasional foot rub by DH helps, too. :) This time, however, I was pregnant and trying REALLY hard to avoid getting too tired during the trip so I took a lot of breaks (short ones... most were just 30-60 seconds) and sat on benches/the ground whenever we were stopped somewhere. Despite my extra-large belly, it definitely helped in every other way - I didn't ache at all anywhere after days at the parks! Anyway, quick breaks now and then may just be a good idea. :)
CROCS! My entire family swears by, dh, MIL, and even tired whiney children! No one ever complained about their feet during our last trip. I already have us all a pair for our next trip! Also, it sure is great to be able to get on a water ride and not have wet sneakers..yuck!
Aching or painful feet are my life. THis is what I live by now especially at disney. I have arthiritis in both ankles but the pain spreads down the foot where sometims it is hard to walk at all.
*weeks before we go we start walking in our neighborhood
*no let me say NO NO NO new shoes
*I live in crocs shoes the whole trip
*I use body glide on my feet. I put it on in the morning and at mid afternoon
* I carry bandaids and mole skin just in case they are needed

Let me tell you about the crocs. My sister bought me a pair about 6 years ago but I wouldn't wear them because they are so ugly. Well three years ago at disney by the end of the first day with my broken in tennis shoes on I couldn't even walk to the pool with dh. I was so frustrated--here I was at disney one the first day and already in severe pain. The next morning I didn't care how ugly the crocs where i wore them. It was that night that it dawned on me feet didn't hurt. Ever since then I am almost always in crocs at disney. Try them. I am glad I did.
Take a golf ball with you. I swear by this. At the end of the day, take that golf ball, sit down and roll it on the floor with your foot-use the ball of your foot and your arch too. It messages your foot and loosens up the foot. My podiatrist told me this trick-that golf ball is small and you can take it on every vacation :thumbsup2

I was looking to see if someone else had posted this. The golf ball thing works wonders! I also switch running shoes every day. Make sure you have them broken in first, don't try wearing new shoes. And wear socks that are moisture wicking and don't slip and bunch on your feet. That is not comfy!

I want to add that if you wear Crocs, be careful on the escelators. Crocs tend to get stuck in the grooves if you are not careful. I watch for my shoelaces on my sneakers too, but also be careful if you wear Crocs!
Aspercreme before you go to the parks and when you get back, with Crocs--the combination is magic!
Go to a running store and get fitted for good shoes. I like Marathon Sports in Boston. I alternate wearing my running shoes and crocs. I'm going to try the peppermint lotion this trip too!


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