Anybody know anything about Pulsating Tinnitus? GOOD NEWS IN POST 13.

The fun never stops...:sad2:

I got a call this morning from the radiologist. She forgot to run 2 of the tests ordered by my doctor. She just found it this morning, so I spent half the day having more MRIs.

It bothers me that my doc didn't notice when he got the results.

AND - still no meds. :headache:
I am following this thread and hoping for them to finally give you what you need... Geez, I am getting so annoyed here.. This is our healthcare system at work and it needs some serious help. I could write a book at what I have seen the last 4 years with Tom..

Mommasita, please let me know how you do.. hugs to you too..
OK, I am changing doctors. I've got some serious questions about my ENT.

My first hint was when he "forgot" to call in my medication. The second was him not noticing that they only ran 1 out of the 3 tests he ordered. And the final straw is this...

I started having some strange side effects for the medication. My urine got very cloudy and my hands and feet started having pins and needles. I called his office to see if I should be worried. I spoke briefly with his nurse. She told me to hold on while she talked to the doctor. She was gone less than a minute, and came back on the line to tell me that the doctor said "Take it or don't, there is nothing else I can do for you." So, I asked her if the side effects were normal with this medication, and she said "I wouldn't know". :confused3

Well, when I got home from work I had a message from the doctor saying he was returning my call. :confused3 :confused3 :confused3

I didn't bother to call him back. I think they have some serious problems in their office, and I refuse to be treated like that! There are lots of ENTs out there.

Yesterday I started to itch and develop a rash, so I stopped taking the medicine. I took some benadryl last night, and the rash is gone. Actually, all the symptoms for the medicine are gone, but the swishing in my ear is louder than ever. I guess I'm just going to live with it and work on loosing some weight. I've read that it will help. :guilty:
I cannot believe this. I went to see where you lived but you are not close to MA.......we have a good hospital in Boston called Mass Eye and Ear....and people come from everywhere to go there. My daughter had her thyroid surgery there..

Here is the thing..... first, I would look up the name of the medication I was taking to see what the side effects were and if what was happening to you was normal.. I would note that so that when I went to another doctor I could say XYZ gave me these side effects, I cannot have that again so if you give me something else can we check on the side effects..

I would then call my primary care and ask for the name of a good ENT guy.......and I would let him/her know what happened with this other doctor. I would definitely follow up with someone else.
Good advice, Marsha. Thanks!

We are just a few minutes from Duke hospital. They did my recent surgery and saved my life. I think I'm going to try and get in with an ENT there.
Now you are thinking.. that is where I would be heading a good teaching hospital.. Good luck, let us know..
This just hasn't been my week. DS7 has strep throat, DH is in bed with a sore throat (probably strep), and DS9 fell on the playground at recess today and broke both bones in his right arm. He had to have surgery tonight. We are finally home. Everybody is resting but me, so I think I'm going to bed too. Please say a prayer for us if you can.

Thanks! :)
Oh my goodness, poor you. I will keep your entire family in my thoughts and prayers. :grouphug: I hope you all get some rest, and DS is not in too much pain.
Things have been a little crazy in my house, so I've not been on the boards much. Mommasita, any news?

I was watching Mystery Diagnosis today (an old episode I DVR'ed) and you'll never guess what the girl had..... the same thing I do!!! It has several names... her doc was calling it pseudo tumor something. It was a little scary for me to watch. She ended up having brain surgery. Hopefully mine wont get that bad. :guilty: BUT, on the positive side... her surgery worked and she was doing great!!! :)
I see my Dr. on Thursday of this week. Thanks for asking. I am not around as much either. I am still home, but somehow just don't have the energy.
I see my Dr. on Thursday of this week. Thanks for asking. I am not around as much either. I am still home, but somehow just don't have the energy.
If you feel up to it, please let us know how it goes. I'll be praying for you.
Oh my gosh, pulsating tinnitus is annoying beyond belief! I get episodes of it now and then. I find that having white noise helps. I always keep a white noise machine running in my bedroom AND a fan to drown out the pulsing. My ENT doctor said that the tinnitus is an internal noise and that the brain can't comprehend both internal noise and external noise at the same time. So he said to keep a TV on or play music by day, and at night use a fan or white noise machine. I need both to get rid of the freaking noise. Jeez, it really is annoying. You have my sympathy! :hug:

And I would seriously look into a second opinion from another ENT doctor. I'm sorry you're going through such a tough time. Ya gotta be able to trust your doctors. If you don't feel really good about them, it's time to move on. I had to fire my rheumatologist. He told me there was nothing else he could do for me and I was still sicker than hell and getting sicker! I told him "I'm 37 years old, that is not good enough!" So I found another rhuematologist who prescribed a drug cocktail that has changed my life. So I am a firm believer in second opinoins! I hope you find a doctor who is a better fit! Even if there really is nothing else that can be done, a good bedside manner is what builds trust and confidence.

Good luck! :flower3:
Hi everyone. Just a little update if you will.

I saw my Dr. this morning for my results, and they do indicate MS. They are not going to say a definite Yes just yet. I need another MRI. I also was at the hospital later today for the EMG, and this indicated the same, with muscle loss, and a pinched ulnar (sp) nerve. The Dr. explained very well. My B12 is also critically low, and now I am on weekly injections of the B12, to do at home. :upsidedow . My husband did it, and now I am in some wicked pain..LOL. I was having the shots done by the Dr, and he wanted to see if it was helping, it did seem to go up, but after a month of no injections, it shot back down. So hopefully this will keep that on track :thumbsup2 . I have my results of the brain scan, and just have to stop reading it. I faxed it through to my insurance, as the Dr's don't want me to go back to work Monday, and tomorrow is the day my insurance was up. Hoping there is no hassle on that part, but am unsure. First time in my lifetime that I am experiencing anything like this.

I have a referral for another Neurologist, and need to place that call tomorrow. Today was just a wild wild day. My son left for a school trip to Quebec City for 2 days, and we had a wicked snow storm, and I was a very nervous Mom this morning. I had to bring him to school for 6am :scared1:, so I had to also bring my DD with me. Not an easy chore raising the troops at 5am, and then having all this today. Just both emotionally and physically exhausting.

Thanks for reading, if you got this far. I just wanted to updated you all. :grouphug:


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