Anyone been to Celebration Town Tavern??


Plain grey will be fine
Jan 28, 2001
This trip in September, Uncleromulus is looking to go back to Celebration one night for dinner. The couple we're going with won't like Cafe D'Antonio, so we're looking at the Town Tavern instead.
The menu (from their own website) looks fine. But I was wondering about the dining area itself--is it merely an extension of the bar, or can you dine in relative peace w/o all the bar "activity"?
And do they really have 99 beer selections????
Thanks in advance for any help!!
Have been to the Tavern many times in the past but finally made the decision not to return again, and we haven't. Service was never that great nor friendly but the deciding factor was when they began to keep our coin change unstead of returning it to us. Always had to ask for it. Whether my change is 1 cent or 63 centsl, I want that change!

I would recommend the MarketStreet Grill (formerly Max's). If you stand across the street from both restaurants at any given time, you will always see many more people eating outside at MarketStreet than you will ever see at the Tavern. That, to me, says something.
Keeping your change?? Weird, to say the least.
I did notice the Grill, but appears they do not serve drinks(?)
If not, would pretty much remove it from serious consideration----


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