Anyone else an adult, child free Disney fan and proud of it?


Earning My Ears
Oct 22, 2015
It seems like so many people here have families etc but is anyone else child free and still happy to have it be known they are a Disney fan?

Wandering around parks on my own means I can go where I want when I want which has to be an advantage. There is the slight strangeness of sitting on my own in restaurants and I even had Pluto sit with me for quite a while when I said I was alone and he managed to give me a sad look.

The one time I've had an issue was when security asked me a couple of questions about my camera (a big DSLR) in WDW but I said I was a member of the Australian Disney fan club, showed them the website and they were cool after that. Probably a good thing that they are cautious of middle aged men wandering around Disney parks taking photos.

i'm proud to be a child free adult (29) disney fan.
i have two disney tattoos so its not hard to figure out that i'm a disney lover.
Brilliant, although, at the risk of inciting violence, I'm more of a Duck fan than a Mouse fan.

My only tattoo is of the All Blacks logo.

Ever had anyone question you about your Disney fandom?

i also have a figment tattoo.
besides john from carousel of progress figment is my favorite disney parks character.

yes i am always questioned by others (mostly people that have never been to WDW or went once and didn't enjoy it) about how i could possible love disney this much.

i find disney to be so magical and i see nothing wrong with letting your inner child out to play.
It seems like so many people here have families etc but is anyone else child free and still happy to have it be known they are a Disney fan?

Wandering around parks on my own means I can go where I want when I want which has to be an advantage. There is the slight strangeness of sitting on my own in restaurants and I even had Pluto sit with me for quite a while when I said I was alone and he managed to give me a sad look.

The one time I've had an issue was when security asked me a couple of questions about my camera (a big DSLR) in WDW but I said I was a member of the Australian Disney fan club, showed them the website and they were cool after that. Probably a good thing that they are cautious of middle aged men wandering around Disney parks taking photos.


No kids for us. Just me and my wife.

Are you over here checking out the other side Greg!
While I'm not single, my DH doesn't travel so DS (34) and I go Disney or I go solo. I go twice a year now, used to go every other year when DS was little and I was a single mom but now I can afford it so I go. I do have people ask me why I go so often and how can an adult enjoy it. I just tell them it's relaxing for me, I stay in the deluxe resorts, I don't rush, I eat good food and do what I want when I want. Most people just take it for granted if I'm taking time off that is where I'm going, which is not always the case. I've gotten to the point in my life where what people think really doesn't matter to me.
DD is now 24 and not as big a fan of Disney as DH and I, though I think we have converted her in adulthood (oddly not in childhood) but child-free we still go - our best friends just sigh and shake their heads. If we were travelling alone either one of us would also happily visit if the opportunity arose and sometimes one of us stays back in the room or the pool and the other pops in alone. It's a sad thing that an adult male (more than a female but females too) have to be so careful now with where they hover or what pics they take though.
Yep that's me. I see this is an old thread but I'm also happy to know I'm not the only one. I've also done other travel solo and have friends that do the same. When people ask I point out that it is hard to find someone that I want to travel with, wants to go the same time and places as me, has the $ and leave available at the same time, etc. A few people told me that it seems to be an Australian thing (I was in the Canadian Rockies where there are lots of Aussies) to travel solo. I'm starting to notice more confusion and on one occasion actual concern for my safety from the American immigration and customs staff. They really don't get the Disney solo thing but always let me through without too much fuss. I'm happy that I'm independent enough to not miss out on the things in life just because I don't have a fellow Disney lover to travel with.
Exactly Ozliz! I would rather be independent and do things myself than miss out! I have actually never been to Disney on my own, but the last two times my brother has joined me as have got to an age where my friends no longer want to go :( I have done lots of solo travelling, only moved to Australia two years ago and am yet to find a social circle except work friends so I now regularly do things on my own. My partner is not interested in travelling at all!
I'm so glad I finally found this thread!! I often feel kind of weird being a childless couple who love Disney so much. Actually I love Disney and I think the hubby just comes along for the ride. We are headed over to Orlando in September for our first East Coast USA trip. We ventured over the pond 6 years ago for our first US trip (2010) and absolutely fell head over heals in love with Disneyland. It was my 3rd trip to a Disney Park (Tokyo x 2) but my DH's first trip to a park. He had a great time and plenty of magical moments. From that point on we started talking about heading to the big one - Disneyworld. In about 14 weeks time that dream will be a reality. We're so excited but get rather annoyed at the judging looks and questions from our work colleagues, family and friend. Apparently 90% of the planet seems to think that you need to have kids or be under the age of 16 to enjoy Disney.
We're a child-free Disney loving couple currently residing in New Zealand!

Yes, sometimes we do get 'that look' from people when we say we're going to Disney again, and no, we don't have children! Each to their own we say! It makes us happy!


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