Anyone found Silly Bandz Yet


DIS Veteran
Apr 14, 2010
I know they are supposed to be coming out soon and wondered if anyone had seen any of the little shaped rubber bands with Disney characters yet ? Thanks.
Slightly off subject- I am a high school teacher and these ANNOY THE HECK OUT OF ME :rotfl: You would think high schoolers would be a little "old" for them :confused3 especially seniors since they think they are soooooo mature and beyonnndddd high school :rotfl2:
Our school district has banned them! If you get caught once, they get taken away and the parent has to sign a paper to acknowledge the warning and be reminded that they are not allowed in school. Second offense, taken away and the child spends the rest of the day in the office alone doing their work. Third offense, one day suspension.

They wasted no time cracking down on getting these out of the schools.
Our school district has banned them! If you get caught once, they get taken away and the parent has to sign a paper to acknowledge the warning and be reminded that they are not allowed in school. Second offense, taken away and the child spends the rest of the day in the office alone doing their work. Third offense, one day suspension.

They wasted no time cracking down on getting these out of the schools.

:eek: woahh! I agree it's an annoying and silly fad that will quickly pass but thats a bit extreme.
they look like they'll be 5.99 for a pack of 20
Our school district has banned them! If you get caught once, they get taken away and the parent has to sign a paper to acknowledge the warning and be reminded that they are not allowed in school. Second offense, taken away and the child spends the rest of the day in the office alone doing their work. Third offense, one day suspension.

They wasted no time cracking down on getting these out of the schools.

This sounds a bit extreme for little rubberbands that kids are wearing on their wrists!!!!!
I understand that some kids can't handle the trading issues, but really is is any different than when kids had piles of pokemon cards and were trading those during recess or any other kiddie fad that has come along!

Is this for all grade levels????
Our school district has banned them! If you get caught once, they get taken away and the parent has to sign a paper to acknowledge the warning and be reminded that they are not allowed in school. Second offense, taken away and the child spends the rest of the day in the office alone doing their work. Third offense, one day suspension.

They wasted no time cracking down on getting these out of the schools.

My step daughter is OBSESSED with these. Obsessed. She is 11. She isn't the only one obsessed and her school threatened to ban them if there were any more "issues" with them. (The issues were fighting over trading, bracelets being stolen, and general fidgeting with them during class.) They aren't like regular "jewelry" if you can call these that. As they take different shapes once they are off the wrist, kids find them excellent distractions. So the rule is, they have to stay on the wrist or they are taken away. I think each child is capped at no more than five on their person at any one time and trading is only allowed after school, not during. Kids were showing up at school with something like 20 on each arm b/c they were trading them. (they weren't allowed to bring in large bags of them so this is how they got around it.) It did get out of hand and I think the school was right to put their foot down. Moderation is the lesson!!! :thumbsup2

I can kind of understand where teachers are coming from. Toys aren't allowed during class. These are more toys than accessory.

My step daughter is BESIDE herself about the Disney versions!!!:rolleyes::lmao:
My DS in Kindergarten already knows about these!!! :rotfl2:

We got a pack of them at the TREX restaurant in Downtown Disney in the Build a Dino side. This was on 4/21/10 and they were $4.99 for a box of 24. They're all different dinosaurs, of course! :thumbsup2

I could have sworn I saw them only one other place, not dinosaurs, but I can't remember what they were but I only glanced them over.

Hope this helps!

I teach second grade and our school is crazy with these things. I have to admit, I wear some too, and have fun trading them. However, I set the rules in place in my classroom. There is no trading to go on during instruction. As well, if they are off of your wrist, they go into the "May Box." (basically the box where students get their stuff back at the end of the year. Whew, I cannot believe there are only 14 days left until summer break!)
So far the students have been respectful with them and follow the rules. They can be found at Walgreens, Bealls, Halmark, and CVS to name a few places. They are a hot commodity in the prize box.
Banning them from schools and punishing a student for wearing them is absolutely absurd.
BTW-the one hazzard I have seen, is that if students wear too many of them, they can get rather tight on the student's with bigger arms, and cut off circulation, so use caution! :)
I'm a senior in high school and students at my school are crazy about them. People from each grade have soooo many, there's one girl in my grade that probably has at least 20-30 different kinds.
This sounds a bit extreme for little rubberbands that kids are wearing on their wrists!!!!!
I understand that some kids can't handle the trading issues, but really is is any different than when kids had piles of pokemon cards and were trading those during recess or any other kiddie fad that has come along!

Is this for all grade levels????

They have been banned in our district too at the the elementary level. First they were banned in class, but were ok at recess and on the bus. Well... I am the bus driver and they were the biggest pain. I had kids out of their seats constantly trying to wheel and deal for the ones they wanted. I also had kids bully other kids into trading. The principal said kids were getting passes to visit the bathroom just to meet up with other kids for trades during the school day. It was awful...then finally last week they are no longer allowed on the bus..or at school!!!! :cool1:
I am so glad to see this post as I didn't know what these were. Only about 2 weeks ago, I saw them for the first time (not Disney ones) and I didn't know what they were. Today, I asked a kid about them, but him only being 4, I didn't get much information. I figured I need to find out as my daughter thought they were neat. Now with heading to Disney, I know what she'll want!!!
Slightly off subject- I am a high school teacher and these ANNOY THE HECK OUT OF ME :rotfl: You would think high schoolers would be a little "old" for them :confused3 especially seniors since they think they are soooooo mature and beyonnndddd high school :rotfl2:

I am a first grade teacher and those things drive me crazy too! I have confiscated quite a few. As much as I love all things Disney, I am not thrilled to hear this news!
This sounds a bit extreme for little rubberbands that kids are wearing on their wrists!!!!!
I understand that some kids can't handle the trading issues, but really is is any different than when kids had piles of pokemon cards and were trading those during recess or any other kiddie fad that has come along!

Is this for all grade levels????

The problem is they are not just wearing them on their wrists. Kids are stealing them. They are trading and not paying attention in class. Two kids in one class got bathroom passes and were caught trading in the hallway, not going to the bathroom. Bigger kids on the buses are scamming the little kids with 2 for 1 trades telling them they have "rare" ones. It's a disaster.

At recess they should be running around and playing, not sitting and trading rubber bands. May as well let them bring video games to school to play at recess. JMO.
I work in a store that sells them and it's amazing how people come in and go crazy over them (one person bought 8 packs at once!). I never even heard of them before people started asking for them.

At recess they should be running around and playing, not sitting and trading rubber bands. May as well let them bring video games to school to play at recess. JMO.

Reminds me in elementary school when kids used to bring their Gameboy's to school. One kid lost his and that was then the school banned them. I never took it to school because I didn't want anything to happen to it.


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