anyone here do WW without meetings or online?

Hi Everyone!

It's my weigh-in day, and TOM is weighing me down...on the bright side, I'm down 1 lb., so that means I have three to lose before Halloween. And I know next week will be better, so I just might make that goal. I normally gain 2-3, so eating right and exercising are making a big difference. I just have to hold it together and keep those things up through this time, and I will be pleased with the results. :thumbsup2

Volts -- You are absolutely back on track! What a great inspiration you have with those wonderful trips coming up! I am :sick: with envy!!:rotfl:

Snow, Tink, Carrie, NCRedding -- How's it going? I hope you guys are having a fantastic week!:yay:

I'm copying another Diser -- "Food is Fuel, Food is not a Friend"
Worfiedoodles: thanks for asking. I did great on WW the first week, then sabatoged myself the last two days before weigh-in (I almost always do this on a diet). Anyway, my first two weeks on WWs I've lost 7.4 pounds, so I am really pleased. I started back this morning, and plan to watch my self-defeating habits. I went to Curves, and am on track thus far.

Hope everyone has a great week.
Ok, this was not a pretty weekend. No exercise, and I had pizza, Burger King...I'm afraid to get on the scale. I am counting points and walking today, so I guess I'm back on track. I just got out of control somehow....

NCRedding -- I am a self-sabotager, too. I can't seem to handle it when I start to be successful. I just have to make the falls off the wagon as short as possible!

Everyone have a great week!
I did great on WW the first week, then sabatoged myself the last two days before weigh-in (I almost always do this on a diet). Anyway, my first two weeks on WWs I've lost 7.4 pounds, so I am really pleased. I started back this morning, and plan to watch my self-defeating habits.

Nice job on the weight loss! :thumbsup2

I too have been struggling with the self-defeating habits. :mad: I weighed in with the trainer today. Which isn't *just* a's weight AND body fat testing. :scared: The good news (always searching for the bright side here....) is over the last 4 weeks, I stayed the same. My weight, my body fat percentage - same. So - how's that GOOD news? Well, I managed to at least halt the upward trend I was on! :laughing:

I've identified a few of my key difficulties. And the 2 biggest stumbling blocks for me come down to water intake and sleep! Not getting enough of either and is really causing havoc on me :sad2: Water is the easier of the 2 to remedy. But getting more sleep is tough! My life is very busy - but it's a GOOD, full-life busy. There just aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done that I want (or need!) to do! :confused3

So - my two goals for the week are to #1 drink more water and #2 make an effort to get to bed a little earlier - even if it's only 10-15 minutes earlier, it's a start!

Hang in there guys - we can do this!!
Good Afternoon!

I agree that getting more sleep is really tough. It's just hard to carve out more time. I've decided the easiest thing to do is to tape the shows I normally watch at 10, and get to bed at 10:30. This also seems a natural time for me to fall asleep. I grew up in the Midwest, and the news there is over at 10:30, so I'm not sure if I'm just conditioned that way.

I have a giant mug of hot tea by my desk, and I drink 32 oz in the morning, and another 32 in the afternoon if I'm having a good drinking day. That seems to be a painless way to get the water in. I sweeten with Splenda, so no pesky calories...the weekends are pretty much a disaster water-wise. I seriously need to work on that.

I think I'm holding steady on the weight loss. I guess we'll see on Friday. I don't think my weekend caused a jump, but there wasn't a dip, either.

No gain is positive, Snow!:grouphug:

No gain is positive, Snow!:grouphug:

That's how I see it too....small victories! :goodvibes I was able to get a little more sleep Monday night - and yesterday was indeed a better *food* day. So...looks like I may be on to something here.

Have a healthy day everyone!:woohoo: :woohoo:
Ok, I couldn't go another day without a peak -- as of today, I've got 2.5 more lbs to lose before next Wednesday to make my goal. I know it's very ambitious, but it's not impossible. I am really going to try to get there.

I did another 1.5 hrs on the TM last night, and I'm planning it for tonight and tomorrow night as well. I'm eating just under my points range. I'm close to a new one, so I cut back by one point. The online system goes in two point increments, so I figured it made sense if you were close to cut back by a point.

If I can lose another pound by Friday, I think I have a chance...I may be pushing too hard, but worst case scenario, I need a little more time to lose 10lbs. I'll be able to say I lost 10 lbs, and that is a huge push to get me on my way!

Snow -- I completely agree about the small victories. Those big ones are few and far between, but the little ones add up!

Go Worfie!!!
I am in a bad rutt- I keep trying to get back on track and then having a false start/related relapse. I am having a particular problem with evening snacking. Confession over- needed to get that out.
Oh Volts -- evenings can be the worst! They are my downfall, as well. I only eat what I bring to work, so I'm all set for most of my day. Sometimes in the evening I just want to relax...and eat. I'm trying to do better with that, but it is really hard.

I try to plan my whole day, including dinner. Then I usually have some points left over. I don't plan anything specific for those, they are my snack points for the end of the day. I try to really be flexible, and eat whatever I'm in the mood for, chocolate, salty, long as I have a few points, I can find something to satisfy me.

I've also found I'm extra hungry if I'm not getting enough rest. I have been trying to sleep more, and it does help...those 100 cal treats are heaven-sent.:angel:

I made it through yesterday with no cheating, no nightime snacking- hooray. I hope everyone has a good day.
Great job, Volts!

Well, I had good intentions last night...I ate fine, but I didn't get on the TM. I just seemed to be so tired, it didn't seem like a good idea. I'm determined to spend some time there tonight. I'm not sure how long, but at least 45 minutes.

I'm going to try not to be too disappointed with tomorrow's weigh-in. I don't think it will be 2 lbs., more like 1. But, anything other than moving backward is positive! If I don't make 10 lbs by Halloween, I'm going for Veteran's Day!


Only down .5 today. Skipping workouts and not counting points last weekend caught up with me. Today starts a new week, and I am going to get as close to 10 lbs. as I can before Halloween. I'm at 7.5 right now, so at least my efforts have not been completely in vain...

I am holding steady- lucky not to have gained- I am not on track. Hey worfie- .5 is good! Your moving in the right direction. I am like you in that we are both stradling the cusp of two ranges as far as how many points we are supposed to eat. I keep hovering right around the line. I try to eat the lower number of points- but it is hard and I have been doing a terrible job lately.
What is it about the Fall weather that makes me want to eat????:confused3

Is it because it gets dark here so early? Do I have a natural instinct that urges me to "store up" for the long winter months?:headache: This is so frustrating to me.

Good news is (again - still looking for the bright side....) I'm maintaining. Not losing, but not gaining either. ;) It's gonna happen - I know it is. Patience. That's what I need. Patience & persistance.

Have a great Sunday everyone!
Patience & persistance.
nail on the head. Even though I keep faltering I will not give up- it is when I stop posting here and stop weighing myself and completely stop counting points that I will truly fail, and even though I have been off track a lot lately I will persevere. I won't give up. Everyone else keep up the good work!
I've had a couple of nights during the last two weeks when I just couldn't seem to get enough to eat--I tried to calculate points, but I am sure I missed some of the candy, etc that I shoved into my mouth. However, I didn't use that as an excuse to go off program and blow everything entirely.

I weighed in Friday, and even with TOM and the binges, I had lost a pound. I am having a rough day today emotionally-but I am NOT turning to food. I have had some tea, and am just trying to relax.

I am computer illiterate-is there a simple way to get a count down ticker?

Good luck to everyone--I'll adopt the slogan also:

Patience and persistence
Hi Guys!

Boy, the weekend really does a number on us, doesn't it?:scared1:

On the bright side, it is a brand new week, and soon a brand new month. There are a ton of opportunities to make good choices. This was not my best weekend, but I pulled it together enough in the end to workout Sunday. I'm counting and eating today, and I plan to work out when I get home tonight. I downloaded 23 new (well, new to me) songs in my I-pod, so I'll have some new songs to push my feet along. :cool1:

I haven't been on the scale since Friday. I'm afraid...but I'm going to see how things are going Wednesday. Then I'm kicking in my new goal of 5 lbs. by Thanksgiving. That's basically three weeks, so with some luck it should be doable even with TOM. Anyone want to join me?

NCRedding -- I have totally had those days -- I'm not even hungry, but I just can't stop eating anything I can find. TOM makes me crazy. I think I do better if I just try to ignore it and keep working out and not cut myself slack. I could be the Queen of Slackers if I let myself...:rolleyes: Back when the guidelines let me have a ticker, I made it at After you make it, you copy and paste it into your signature. It took me a few tries, but you'll get it!

Volts -- I agree, giving up is not an option, so the only choice is to keep moving forward as best we can. You can do it!:cheer2:

Snow -- You have coined our phrase, "Patience and Persistence". Those two qualities will serve us well. I am having a real problem with patience lately, but if I were persistently doing what I should, I'd need less patience!:rotfl:

We have to remember to track other things besides the scale -- inches, number of work outs, fruits and veggies, etc. Sometimes progress is seen in other areas. This month I worked out at least 4 times almost every week. That is huge progress for me.

I may not workout tonight because I am exhausted from staying up too late watching my beloved Red Sox win the World Series -- but even if I don't I will still eat within my points, and know that tomorrow I will be well-rested and ready. Even if you can't make all the best choices every day, you can make some good ones. I have to give myself permission that it's ok not to be perfect, and if I'm not I shouldn't totally give up (just like NCRedding did). We can do this in Baby Steps!:grouphug:

Good Morning!

Well, I'm at the same weight this week -- no change at all. Considering my pigout weekend, I'm not totally disappointed.

Since I'll be away on business, my weigh-in next week is Wednesday. Wish me luck, I'm hoping to see a loss by then!

Do you guys mind if I join you? I started WW on Monday and was deciding between doing it on my own and signing up on-line. It's been about 20 years since I've done a WW program so I did decide to join on-line but the support on the official board just isn't the same as WISH. I'm sure it's mostly because I feel more at home here on WISH where I lost my weight with low carb a few years ago. I'm back up about 50 pounds and have a total of about 80 to lose to get to my goal weight.

If you don't mind having me hang out with you all, I'd love to join in and get all the support and encouragement I can get! Thanks!!
Do you guys mind if I join you? I started WW on Monday and was deciding between doing it on my own and signing up on-line. It's been about 20 years since I've done a WW program so I did decide to join on-line but the support on the official board just isn't the same as WISH. I'm sure it's mostly because I feel more at home here on WISH where I lost my weight with low carb a few years ago. I'm back up about 50 pounds and have a total of about 80 to lose to get to my goal weight.

If you don't mind having me hang out with you all, I'd love to join in and get all the support and encouragement I can get! Thanks!!

Lisa- I know you from WISH journals- a few years ago I was on as CheapMom- do you remember? Anyway- I am on WW again and have been pretty successful so far (see my ticker). I am in a slump/holding pattern right now where I am hovering between a 14-18 pound loss- even though I have not made any great headway in several months I know that I need to stay here on the WISH board, posting and staying true to the program.
So, welcome to our little WW thread- any questions... we are all here for you!


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