Anyone want to hear about our trip to BLT last weekend?

Enjoying your report very much! Would love to learn yoga!:)

Thanks Teresa! Yoga is for everyone! Try at home with a Yogaglo video (Kathryn Budig is AMAZING!) and see what you think! You can always find a class at your gym or local studio if you like it :)

Okay, going to attempt to wrap this story up. Where was I? I think we were swimming and showering and planning a trip to DTD to bowl and have dinner our last night. That was Plan A....

So, we went over to the bus stop for the first time while we were at BLT. I had read some things to cause me to be leery of the bus situation from BLT but we gave it a go anyway. We waited a solid 40 min for the DTD bus. We saw 2 Epcot, 2 HS and 3 AK come in that time. By the time the DTD bus pulled up the crowd for it was HUGE. Oh, and the bus was FULL (like 2 pp got off). Our kids were already nearing melt downs from a long day, a swim and DH and I were both ready to pull out and initiate plan B. We both saw a bad situation on a long bus ride and the potential to be stuck waiting a long time with uber cranky kids to get back. Driving wasn't a good plan given the lack of parking and the holiday weekend crowds.

We quickly got the kids away (they were upset, wanted to go bowl and to the Lego store). We took them to the archade and came up with a new plan from there. I was able to make a reservation at Olivias a couple hrs later. We decided to drive to OKW for dinner, and to spend time at the CH (and DH could watch part of the playoff game at the Gurgling Suitcase). DS6 had a massive meltdown in the archade, confirming our choice to abandon Plan A. We made our way to the car and headed over to OKW.

All three were mad we weren't going to DTD....until we got to OKW and they forgot all about it. We had a 45 min wait for dinner so we went to the CH. DH was thrilled, he grabbed a beer and was able to watch the game in the CH with another dad doing the same thing.

My kids love love love the CH at OKW. Here are a couple pics of them:



We got called when our table was ready (Olivia's buzzer will go off in the CH btw) and we went over for dinner. Our dinner wasn't super magical, DS6 was over his issues but DD3 was in severe meltdown mode. (we had 2 out of 3 behaving at any given time). We could see pretty quickly it wasn't going to work. She was climbing, screaming, and then throwing things....I got her out and DH got the food to go.

My hopes for seeing the fireworks from the lounge or elevator disappeared after the dinner fireworks. We got back to the room right before 9 and guess what we could see from our room? Illuminations! Okay, it was from a long distance but still cool ;)


I managed to get lots of laundry done that afternoon, so I packed up the clean clothes and we were ready to head out the next morning.

Last morning pics from our room:



Our trip home was uneventful, now we are anxiously looking forward to our trip to HHI planned for June!!! Thanks all for following along!
I have to admit I am a little happy that I am not the only one with kids who meltdown! Sheesh- my son was a rough one on our trip. Sorry that you had to change plans but it sounds like you made the most of it. Can you believe we have yet to make it to a CH? Your pictures tell me that I need to make sure to do that. I think next time it will be a lot less park and more resort time. Each time I see your pictures of BLT I feel a little tug of longing in my heart.....
Thanks so much for the yoga tips! Sorry your last evening didn't go as planned. The CH looks fun! After all the years of being a DVC member, I've never stepped foot in any of them. I'll have to check them out in the future!
thanks so much for your wonderful review of your trip. i will be staying at BLT for the 1st time in Sept 2015. How did you like you're room? we're staying in 1 BDRM also.
Thanks for the wonderful TR. We are planning a trip to BLT 1 night @AKL 4 @ BLT with our 3 year old in September. He is in full on meltdown mode now, but then surprises us by being a sweet little angel sometimes. We did BLT when he was 21 months old. He was so easy then LOL!


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