April 24, 2004 Magic

My excitement seems to have turned into
nervous excitement. Do I have everything? Did I plan enough $$. When should we pack? and on and on..........

I can't believe one week from now we will be a the airport.:hyper: :hyper:
I dreamed that we went to dress for dinner the first night on the ship and realized that we left ALL the formal clothes in the closet at home! :eek:
I dreamed I banged my head against the wall, and then I woke up. I didn't have a headache, so I didn't ACTUALLY bang my head agaist the wall! :p
Last night as we were looking for our important papers and such we discovered our passports and BC were not there!! wife and I searched for hours looking for them...and she thought she might have thrown them out as we had a forrest fire close to our home last summer and had packed all of our important papers, photos and such, the passports never made it back to the right place. Well we finally found them! In the closet, very obvious, we looked in the sillyest places. What a relief! and of course the adults are more excited we know what coming up!!!!:bounce:
Where will you be a week from today?

Oh! How Magical!

We're almost all packed, stuff actually IN the suitcase and zipped! :Pinkbounc

I finished embroidering Winnie the Pooh on my lime green DISshirt, so now ya'll'll recognize me at the port! DD loved it so much that she wants me to make one for her too.

Seven more days! :hyper:
So Denvergal-

Are you taking orders? LOL

Already in the suitcase. Wow, we're not that far yet.

where will I be one week from now? I hope I am rocking peacefully in my cabin bed with a full belly, sleeping children, and a Tuesday night Palo reservation!!!! LOL:smooth:
Ahhh, but now I can relax and hopefully not be stressed out this next week. All that's left to do is a very short list. It's all I've been thinking about for weeks, time to sit back and let it all happen. :D Looking forward to a deck chair and warm sunshine.

Good for you DenverGal. A little R & R before the vacation begins. Very smart! We are packing as much as possible tomorrow. Try to have some down time and get through the last baseball game, college class, and 3 days of work before we go.

We leave here Thurseday at 5:15 am, get into MCO at 11pm. Yuck, but worth it I hear.

How bout everyone else? When do you leave and how close are you to being ready to go?

Good luck!

We stay the night in Boise on Thursday, Fly to Orlando and are staying at the Hyatt. Today after work I get to haul out the suitcases:D
90% of our things are sitting in a suitcase, they just need to be packed. We will probably do it on Wednesday after laundry. We leave Thursday for cape canaveral and are spending Thursday seeing NASA and Friday sitting around the pool at Ron Jon's.
Hi Everyone,

Flying out on Friday afternoon bound for Ron Jons. Heading over to the port for 10:30 a.m. Can't wait. Suitcases coming out of the attic today, I think we are pretty much all set.

We are leaving Chicago-O'Hare on Thursday morning and will be in WDW for lunch. We are doing the Luau at the Polynesian Thursday evening. Two days of R&R so we will be ready to enjoy every minute on the Magic.
Things that don't wrinkle are packed. The rest are hanging up ready to go.
Got my postcards ready, my door sign, the tip envelopes, all I need now is the ship.
We are leaving Sat morning and will be at MCO at 10:30 so we will be at the Magic by 12pm. Can't wait to meet all of you. I wish that we were leaving on Thursday or Friday but have college to finish.
We'll be getting into MCO at 10:30 too! Maybe we will see you on the bus? I wish now we were getting in a day early, but didn't plan ahead for that, so hope no delays.
I"ll be the one with the very blond 6 yr old boy.

WOW. we are down to "were leaving this week!!!" Our family flys out Friday afternoon and plan on arriving at the ship around 11:30.

We will be in the (hopefully) short line to check in. Looking forward to meeting everyone at the DIS meeting. It is at Scoops just prior to the sail away right? :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:


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