Are people at DLR really that rude?

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May 27, 2006
We're headed out in just more than a week for our first trip to California and DLR. I've done a fair amount of traveling and always had good experiences, but I've been especially impressed with our Disney experiences. On both of our 2 trips to WDW and our Disney cruise, the CMs and just the people in general were so NICE and friendly.

People offered to table share with us in crowded restaurants, people struck up conversations with us in long lines, people shared fast passes they didn't need, etc.

In planning our Cali/DLR trip, I've spent a significant amount of time on the Disneyland section of the disboards, and it seems I've come across NUMEROUS posts where people talk about how rude and terrible people at DLR are--including the CMs! There is talk of line-jumpers, drinking and pot smoking IN the parks, fist-fights or near fights, etc. It's all making me a bit nervous.:confused:

So what do you think? Is the experience at DLR just different? Do I need to change my expectations compared to WDW?
You know I think some people have such huge expectations for their trip, they cram too much in, they get tired, they get hot...and then they get rude. Generally I think there are rude people everywhere. Disneyland is no different. But I gotta say I've seen more people have crying fits and yelling at their kids there than anywhere else which I usually equate with fatigue.The worst one I saw was a woman a few years ago screaming at her family because they were taking their time enjoying things and they were getting off schedule...later we saw here in tears having a total breakdown :( I try not to focus on them, the vast majority of people are very nice. The castmembers are amazing.
We have gone every year for the last 4 years and quite a bit before that. We have never encountered behavior like the posts you are referring to. Even on the fullest and most crowded days for us we had many magical moments and great experiences with fellow travelers and CMs.

Have a wonderful trip making memories for a lifetime!!!
I wouldn't put too much stock in such posts. Disneyland is generally a very friendly place. When a negative incident occurs, it tends to get a lot of press and attention, but the everyday experience is quite positive and that's not so newsworthy. I've been going to DL for many many years, and the bad stuff is FAR outweighed by the good stuff. Enjoy your visit and let those worries go. :goodvibes
I've never been anything but completely pleased with how friendly and helpful castmembers are at DLR. In my opinion the guests are no different than any other large crowded place - rude at times, but mostly indifferent.
Not to worry. DLR is a great place. Attitudes for others are what you make of them. Some of the stories you mentioned were from the OMDD threads. I have never seen any problems with pot or alcohol anywhere in or around the parks.

I have encountered rude people, everywhere I go. They key to enjoying yourself is to just let it roll.
There are rude people at Disneyland, but then again, there are rude people everywhere. I think that crowds tend to put some people over the edge. I feel bad for families that give themselves one or two days to see both parks. We tend to take longer trips so that we don't have to do or see everything in a short time. If a line is extremely long one day, we know that we can catch it another day. I think the problem is that rude people and confrontations stick in our heads. You will remember that one rude person over the thousands of polite people that you encounter in the park. Sad, but true.
I can't compare DLR to WDW, because I've never been anywhere other than DLR... However, I've logged about 10 days at DLR this year, and I can tell you my "rude" experiences from that.

Good news: There were very few bad experiences! When I was there this last time, I chatted with people in line. I chatted with people at the next table while waiting for the Bill Hilly show. I gave away FP I didn't need, and even explained how to have more than 1 FP at a time to a cute, clueless couple (who were sure I was breaking some rules!). I laughed with parents who kids couldn't stay off the fences, with adults who were there for the first time, and kids in line who were SOOOOO excited that they kept trying (and trying and trying and trying) to move ahead of me!

Bad news: I've been there when it was too packed to move. I've been there when people were shoving. I've been there when kids thought the "****" was a fitting adjective for everything. I've had CM's tsk-tsk me using my FP really late. I've been exposed to pot smoke there too, and some pretty intoxicated under-aged kids. However, all those things happened in a matter of hours, on Leap Day (well, that evening and night). And, to be fair, they hit capacity that night, and had little way to assure everyone was in a sweet, loving, G-rated mood. Also, that was the week before WDW went to enforcing the FP--so that CM that was a snot to me, well, really, I think she just thought that she was being nice to let me know that I wouldn't be able to use FP late anymore, since there had been much media coverage about it, and many media outlets reported it being all Disney Resorts enforcing. In other words, she could have been nicer about it, but I think she was just trying to "inform" me. And, more times than not, when kids are using profanities, I turn around, say, "There's kids around, and parents around, and we don't wanna hear ****." and *most* teenagers apologize and at least move away from me before starting up again ;)

So, are there rude people? Sure. Are they the majority? Not at all! As far as I am concerned, a few bad apples don't ruin the whole barrel for me.

Also, remember one of the BIG differences--DLR is for the "locals" (people who live in SoCal). They may have had a bad day at work, or traffic was terrible to get there, or whatever. WDW is a destination--it's not a place where it's mainly locals, so more people are in nice, forgiving, loving, vacation mode, if that makes sense. It's just a completely different population than DLR!
IMO the rude encounters rare but they are the ones you hear about because people dwell on them when they happen. You can find rudeness anywhere and in anyone if you are looking for it which it seems quite a few do. I don't worry about rude people and rarely see them. I find DL to be a very polite place and 99% of the people there are tryin to have a great time and are more than friendly. I see people sharing tables with strangers, letting single riders or small groups go in front of them because they have a large group and feel bad about the people behind them having to wait so long. I've been apart of and seen people strike up conversations and share tips or give advice. I've also seen families meet in line and discover they have a lot in common and make plans to tour the parks together the next day etc. I honestly believe the type of experience you have is entirely up to you. If you go expecting and looking for the rudeness your going to find it (even if you end up being the one to start it without realizing it). If you go open to meeting new people and being friendly you will find it to be a very magical place.
We're headed out in just more than a week for our first trip to California and DLR. I've done a fair amount of traveling and always had good experiences, but I've been especially impressed with our Disney experiences. On both of our 2 trips to WDW and our Disney cruise, the CMs and just the people in general were so NICE and friendly.

People offered to table share with us in crowded restaurants, people struck up conversations with us in long lines, people shared fast passes they didn't need, etc.

In planning our Cali/DLR trip, I've spent a significant amount of time on the Disneyland section of the disboards, and it seems I've come across NUMEROUS posts where people talk about how rude and terrible people at DLR are--including the CMs! There is talk of line-jumpers, drinking and pot smoking IN the parks, fist-fights or near fights, etc. It's all making me a bit nervous.:confused:

So what do you think? Is the experience at DLR just different? Do I need to change my expectations compared to WDW?

No they are not! Don't be nervous! We are WDW people who have fallen in love with DLR over the last few years. In fact that we love it so much that we have started alternating our vacations between the two places. There are more locals at DLR so it is not quite the "we're all on vacation" mentality you see at WDW, but there are still a ton of friendly CMs and guests. We've made "line friends" there plenty of times, and met plenty of great CMs. We have run across a couple of not so nice guests here and there, but that happens at WDW too. We've never seen drugs or fights in the park. The only thing to change your expectations about is any expectation that it will be exactly the same as WDW. For me, DL at first was kind of like being in that type of dream where you are someplace that you know, but things aren't quite the same. It feels very familiar, yet different at the same time. The different experience we love at DLR is that everything is so close together, that there is no place that isn't just a quick walk away. It is nice not to have to take a bus, boat, or monorail to get somewhere! We also love that you can spend half the week there, and then the rest of the week exploring non-Disney things like the beach or San Diego. Have a great time!
I've been to WDW twice and have experienced ALL of the negative behaviors there that you've ascribed to Disneyland. In my opinion, Disneyland is much better and certainly no worse than any other tourist destination where large crowds gather. If you go with the attitude that you're going to have a great time, you will!
In the past 10 years we have been going 3 times a year. I found that the crowds are generally nicer during the holiday season. Its not as hot and not as crowded. Most cast members are generally nice and helpful.

Actually I can not even pinpoint one experience with anyone rude. But I know I am in a happier mood during Christmas time!
My wife and I are Disneyfanatics who just love the land of the Mouse. We however live a 25 hour drive away and can not afford to go too often. We scrimp and save to go (this year I am selling off my hockey cards) so we can have this magical trip. We have never experienced anything super rude but just the opposite. People trying to have a magical moment, there have been lots of stupid people, but not many rude.
I've been to WDW twice and have experienced ALL of the negative behaviors there that you've ascribed to Disneyland. In my opinion, Disneyland is much better and certainly no worse than any other tourist destination where large crowds gather. If you go with the attitude that you're going to have a great time, you will!

I completely agree with this.

We have gone to Disneyland on average 3 times a year for the last decade. We have very rarely encountered rude people--from guests to CM's. On the very rare chance that we do, I have found that it can make a huge difference how you handle the rudeness. I work for the school district, and have found that the classes that I have taken in conflict management/resolution have really helped me to deal with these situations peacefully. For example, a violent, uncontrolled response to a rude person is the quickest way to have an unsatisfactory outcome for all involved. This includes all bystanders that happen to be in the area. Sometimes taking a deep breath and thinking things through logically are all it takes to find a better resolution.

I also know that we have had trips that have been better than others, and some of the reasons have been because I either didn't follow my instincts about a trip or we stayed too long for our comfort level. For example, I knew that going Thanksgiving week (the mon thru wed) was a bad idea. I knew the crowds would be overwhelming, but I just figured we would deal with it. It wasn't a good trip for any of us, because the crowds were not just huge--they were oppressive. It wasn't a pleasant trip.

Also, there have been trips when we have just stayed too many days, and that can make anyone feel cranky. I know some people feel like they can never get enough Disneyland, but for us--this is like a working vacation. Even if you take it easy, you are still walkig around outside all day long and into the night--exposed to the elements and not exactly lounging by the pool or on the beach. It is not rest followed by relaxation, if you get my drift! So the trip where we went for 6 days was just too much for all of us--me included. I tend to be a very mellow person by nature, but even I was snapping at my kids by the last day. I later apologized to my daughter and that is when we coined the phrase "too much disneylanding". Beware to the "too much disneylanding syndrome" because it can make anyone crack! All of a sudden everyone you run into is rude and things you would normally find endearing about humankind make you want to grab a long stick and start swinging.

So, my advice would be to go and look for the good in people, and when you find a bad apple--it is all about your response to them. If you feel like they are really doing something terribly offensive, then ask for help from a CM. Also, stay some place pleasant. On a vacation, a hotel is never just for sleeping--it is a soft, pleasant landing pad...and something to be enjoyed. Paying a little extra for something a bit nicer than bare bones can make all the difference.
I agree with what everyone has said, DLR is an awful place. You should just go back to WDW. :thumbsup2
There are rude people at the parks, just like everywhere. We do out best to just let it go. We usually will bee laughing about it by the time our trip is over. :)
I agree with other posts, it seems like it is often time from people trying to do everything in 2 days and not taking into account tired kids, crowds, ride break downs.
I have seen people get almost irrate at CM's because a ride is down.

When you go, just know that if they are rude, just let it go. There will always be rude people everywhere. DLR is not filled with rude people.

I personally do admit that I get frustrated when people stop in the middle of the walk way (especially largee families), but I just sigh and play people tetris and move around them. :rotfl:
I've been 20 something times this year on my pass and about 30 last year. I've never seen pot smoking or a fight. I've encountered a few rude people, but no more than a mall on a Saturday. I generally go during cooler, less crowded times, so that helps everyone's mood. I think just like anywhere, people can get cranky when it's hot and you have to step around people constantly. We mostly do the toddler friendly rides, so I imagine we see less swearing or obnoxious teens than others. We usually have a great time without any issues at all.
When we lived nearby and went often (sometimes twice per week...) it seemed we never encountered rude people/bad experiences. We were going in the evenings on weekdays, though, and often time in months that were (at least back then) often really slow. It was part of the reason it became our favorite place to go...everyone there seemed so much less grouchy/rude than outside the parks.

After moving away, we visit every other year or so, sometimes more often. There were a few negative things here and there, but the good still far outweighed the negative, so we just forgot about it.

In our last few trips, we've encountered less pleasant things...pot smoking in the walkways, people seriously making out in line, aggressive guests, rude CM's, etc.

Much of the visits were still just fine, and really fun. It really wasn't until this last trip that we thoroughly just feel like we're kind of "done" with Disney for now. Maybe for a long time, actually. But we still did have a lot of fun on our trip, and although there were moments when I felt like, "I wish I hadn't spent all this money/time/effort on *this* particular experience", I don't feel that way now. We just got home a few days ago. I'm glad we went. We're going to move on to other things from here on out, but I'm glad we went.

I hope your visit is fantastic! :)
It is all in what you make of it and everyone has a different opinion.

DH and I was in DLR May 1-8. We had a great time with one minor problem, which was taken care of to our satisfaction.

We read on here of huge crowds and long lines for the time we were there and looked at each other and said "were we at the same park as these reports?"

We was there on the Monday that the computer was down so no fastpass. We felt the lines were SHORTER because of this but read reports of looooong lines. :confused3

The only line the was longer was at the entrance gate because they had to check ID for AP and had to handstamp regular tickets instead of scanning. Made sense to us and everyone was passing back in line that ID needed to be checked so we were ready.

The only rudeness we encountered actually was me and I apoligized. While waiting in line at counter service we had a lady in front of us, that had been in front of us on a couple of rides, complaining that she had been waiting "at least 10 min, can't they move any faster?" They were transitioning from breakfast to lunch. I said "you wait 30 min for Peter Pan but can't wait 10 mins for food?" She gave that furious look and then started laughing and said 'You are so right, thanks". I did apoligize.

So go enjoy and make of it what you want it to be.
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