are we gonna freeze?


Earning My Ears
May 8, 2001
I have heard so much on this board about the coldness of the water at DC that it really makes me wonder if it will be worth going for a day in January. Should we? I hate to spend at that money and have my family (esp. my six year old DD) refuse to get in the water. Any experience?

we went to Discovery cove last Oct. and the water temperature was chilly but not too bad....the day was very hot like in the 80's.
But you can get a wet suit instead of a wet vest and it really is perfect. I am the type of person that needs the water to be like 85 for it to be comfortable so the wet suit helped alot....It is Definitely WORTH it ....that was one of the most wonderful experiences of my life...I'll never forget son then 7 had the best time ....he will remember it forever....
Hope that helps.....:)
The weather can be a bit of a mixed bag in January. But it's going to feel a lot warmer than Scotland LOL.

If you do decide to go I'd suggest booking DC at the begiinning of your holiday before you get used to Florida's warmer temperatures. I would also agree with the previous advice and make sure you get the more coverering wet suits as opposed to the briefer jackets. IMHO a lot of the "coldness" of the water is due to the contrast between the warmer air temperature. The water temps will remain constant, with cooler air the difference may not be quite so noticable.

I am travelling over to the US (from england) for christmas / new year.

I booked my DC tickets today. I have read this forum and I spoke to the ladies at DC before today. In effect I asked if they ever closed because of the weather and temps, and they said she could not remember the last time they closed in december. She also pointed out that although many amercians may have considered the water / temps cool, the feedback from all us brits is the weather was very good for that time of year. they control the water temp to suit the dolphins. all year round not the humans.

After spending many a cold day going in the water on brighton beach on a cold summer day, i think I can out up with warmer water for a dolphin swim! <S>
Thanks Vernon and EKIMR!!!!

But the bad news is we actually left Scotland awhile agao and are now living in horrible, hot Washington, DC. Actually, Washington is lovely but it's so hot in the summer they say it's like living in the breath of a large dog!!! Quite a picture! LOL!

I sometimes which I were back at Brighton Beach.

(Vernon, do you remember me from the Consulate in Edinburgh????)

I think we'll give DC a go.

Hi Cathy I sure do. How are you? I hope you're ok with the tragic events of today, please email me and let me know how you are

Thanks for asking. We're fine -- just very, very busy helping out with the situation. Princes Charles and William visited the Consulate in Edinburgh the other day to sig the condolence book. Sure wish I was still there to have met them!
Just a week ago today, we were at DC. The water temp is not bad at all, I am not joking. I think people tend to make it worse than it really is. The temp in the salt water pools is around 70. the dolphin pool is between 68-72. And the pools are heated to keep that temp, even if it is 60 degrees out side.

Plus here is the kicker. The water could be 50 and you would not notice, why? Because there is a dolphin swimming with you! You will be so excited you will hop right in!

Have fun! Do not cancel, it is the most memorable thing I have done in a long time.


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