Are You a Worrier?

Yeah, I have pretty awful anxiety. It does manifest rather specifically so I’m not a blanket worrier. I just can’t fight my brain chemistry in certain areas. Benzos help me a lot especially since none of the long term anxiety meds are really workable for me.

Being a worrier and anxiety are not the same thing, but they are definitely linked in my case.
I am *SUCH* a worrier. It's my anxiety disorder and my Depression. The anxiety makes me think of all the worst outcomes for a situation, makes me worry over people and how I think they feel about me, and makes me fixate on every little thing. It's h*ll, which is why two of my medications are anti-anxiety medications. I think without those to use as an emotional crutch, I'd never get out of bed.
Depends on the topic, there are some things that I worry about way too much and cause me great anxiety. Other things I hardly give a second thought to. Thankfully, the second category is larger than the first, but the worrying is still not good for me.
No, not a worrier.
But I am a big believer in advanced preparation, the opposite of a procrastinator, and a saver.
Not in the least, which is kind of ironic given that I’m such a pessimist.
Yes, I'm very much a worrier... especially when it comes to the health & safety of my kids & my husband. But I worry about other things as well, & I also have anxiety.

I'm at my most anxious during cold & flu season.

I come by it honestly, though, because my mom & my grandmother (my mom's mother) are/were worriers too.

Both my mom & grandmother are/were "fretful worriers," &, growing up, there was a lot I couldn't do because my mom was such a worrier. I've tried to be better w/ my kids, but I also realize, to my regret, that my worry has probably also limited them some a bit as well.
I suffer from Anxiety... medicated and seeing someone for it even. I worry about anything.
Really mostly about about health issues. Only want people to be healthy. Anything else I can take in stride. I do find, however, that if I take magnesium and a B Complex I don’t get as anxious over things.
Am I a worrier? Is the Pope Catholic? There are things that I’ve gotten over worrying about as I have aged but other things still bother me. I had an extreme fear of flying because of worry...but I’m so over that now. I fly all the time. I have just traded it for something else. I’m having a colonoscopy on Friday and really concerned about the results. I’m so worried I woke up at 3:00 am the other night having a panic attack.In my sleep!!!:(
Yes I’m a worrier. Worried about my kids when they were growing up. Mostly I worried about something bad happening to them, like they might get cancer. I’m the same way with my grandson. Afraid he might get cancer or something.
Nope. I almost never worry. I plan, and I consider contingencies but I don’t worry about things that are outside my control. It makes no sense to me to waste energy on what might be. Only what is.
No. If something happens at work that could cause an issue, I deal with it right away to the best of my ability. After that, no use worrying. With friends and family I’ll clear the air and straighten out any misunderstandings right away so they don’t fester and grow into something bigger. At this point in my life I’ve decided that I want to close my eyes at night and be able to sleep with nothing on my mind. The only time something creeps in is when waiting for a lab result, otherwise, the rest is not worth losing sleep.
No, I don't consider myself a worrier by the definition most people use. I do know though that I do not respond well to crisis, so I've ruminated through pretty much every worst-case-scenario to have a plan for dealing with it. There are times when I have to think long and hard (days, weeks, months) on a new, troubling idea or situation before I come to peace with it. Emotionally, rather than making me feel overwhelmed, I actually find it comforting and empowering.

Like @Gumbo4x4 , people think I'm a pessimist because of it so I've learned over the years to basically keep my thoughts to myself and project a fairly upbeat front to keep others from being burdened. I also couldn't care less about many things others might typically worry about so that prevents some of it. We're devout Christians and having a feeling of being protected and cared for provides a great deal of peace and security. Prayer is a strong "anti-anxiety med" in my case. :hippie:


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