As God is My Witness, I'll Never be Hungry Again - Finished w/lots of pics!!

I have really enjoyed your reviews. I called DH in to see the pictures and reviews too, he demanded I make an ADR at Raglan Road so I just got off the phone with Disney Dining and made a ressie for our January trip! We already had breakfast reservations at Kona (our 1st time there for Breakfast) and he was really excited about the coffee- he is a coffee LOVER and can't stand the "generic" Nescafe coffee found EVERYWHERE else in WDW and the Tonga toast. Thanks so much for taking the time to write the reviews and include pictures!
Ewww... Hot Roast Beef Smoothies :sad2: :teeth:

OMG so much beer and whisky in muliple glasses in front of you guys, there is no way on earth I could handle something like that. I'd be sliding under the table.

The food looks great though, maybe I missed something? the sausages were impaled on the forks, right? what were the little fried balls in the bowl?
Those things in the bowl were more tasty fried sausages...I'm not sure why some of them were served impaled on forks unless our wait staff was trying to imply that we should have been sharing them with others. ;)

Cass said:
Ewww... Hot Roast Beef Smoothies :sad2: :teeth:

OMG so much beer and whisky in muliple glasses in front of you guys, there is no way on earth I could handle something like that. I'd be sliding under the table.

The food looks great though, maybe I missed something? the sausages were impaled on the forks, right? what were the little fried balls in the bowl?
Ha ha ha!! Great minds think alike...I had to restrain myself and Jason on more than one occassion from bellowing "STELLAAAAAA" both at Epcot and at Raglan Road. :teeth:

The Ireland food booth was pretty good, wasn't it? I'll be checking out your latest masterpiece verry soon.

Thanks for the kind words.

B. :goodvibes

zweihund said:
Brenda, this is wonderful so far (as usual)! It amazes me that I can learn so much from your reports when I am a native Floridian AND a passholder to WDW. I HAVE to have the Kona Toast. And Raglan Road sounds like a blast.

As an aside, I lived in Britain for 3 years (college) and Stella Atrois (TWA!) was the lager of choice among the celebrities. Except they shortened it to Stella. So everytime I ever read the tabloids, my flatmates would be subjected to me shouting STELLAAAAAAAAA!!!! and then peeing myself laughing.

I can't wait to read more about the Food and Wine! I started a review of the World Showcase myself which I have neglected for the past few days for no reason other than sheer laziness. I intend to finish it today or tomorrow. At any rate, the link is in my signature.
Ireland was my faaaaaaaavorite booth.

Looking forward to the rest! :thumbsup2
thanks for reading - I hope you and your DH have a great time in January. The kona coffee is excellent!

Be sure to let me know what you think once you get back.

laura12581 said:
I have really enjoyed your reviews. I called DH in to see the pictures and reviews too, he demanded I make an ADR at Raglan Road so I just got off the phone with Disney Dining and made a ressie for our January trip! We already had breakfast reservations at Kona (our 1st time there for Breakfast) and he was really excited about the coffee- he is a coffee LOVER and can't stand the "generic" Nescafe coffee found EVERYWHERE else in WDW and the Tonga toast. Thanks so much for taking the time to write the reviews and include pictures!
"Allow me now to offer up heartfelt thanks to the great and glorious restaurant seating gods because Jay and I were given a great table. Along the back section of the main dining room there is a long, curved leather-couch seating area with tables primarily for two - we were given a table at the very end of this section with a direct view of the stage and just across from the table where the Irish dancer was going to be doing her cool dance steps ala' Riverdance."

OH my! It's a small world (or restaurant) after all! Danny and I had the exact same table as you and Jason, just the night before!
I'm glad to know we aren't the only ones who do major liver damage while in Pubs :thumbsup2

It's payback you have It's a Small World in your head yet? No?

It's a small world after alll
it's a small world after all
It's asmall world after all
it's a small small small small world!!
I think we should have a pre-cruise DIS meet at Raglan Road next October...that could be a real good time, don't you think? :teeth:

Thanks for the song, Jo...the only way I know to combat that one is to substitute the lyrics from the Simpsons Duff Gardens episode where they spoof Small World by having children of the world sing the Duff Beer song:

Duff Beer for me,
Duff Beer for you;
I'll have a Duff,
You have one, too.

perdidobay said:
"Allow me now to offer up heartfelt thanks to the great and glorious restaurant seating gods because Jay and I were given a great table. Along the back section of the main dining room there is a long, curved leather-couch seating area with tables primarily for two - we were given a table at the very end of this section with a direct view of the stage and just across from the table where the Irish dancer was going to be doing her cool dance steps ala' Riverdance."

OH my! It's a small world (or restaurant) after all! Danny and I had the exact same table as you and Jason, just the night before!
I'm glad to know we aren't the only ones who do major liver damage while in Pubs :thumbsup2

It's payback you have It's a Small World in your head yet? No?

It's a small world after alll
it's a small world after all
It's asmall world after all
it's a small small small small world!!
Welcome back to Day 4 of Eat the World and thank you all so much for reading and for your kind comments.

At this point, just as Jason and I were really beginning to get into our vacation groove, my parents arrived. This was not unexpected, but we weren't sure how they would respond to our, how shall I say this...somewhat unorthodox vacation methodology.

To encourage them to actually eat food without harrumphing at the menu prices we talked them into purchasing the Dining Plan, which was also a first for us since DVC members have just been allowed to participate in this program since April of this year. I'm not convinced that for Jason and me the dining plan is the best value because of the unstructured way that we tend to approach most of our vacation dining, but it did have its good points and certainly was responsible for some good eats that we might not have otherwise had.

More about the DDP later....

Today is Saturday, October 21 and we are moving over to the BCV...the park hoppers are burning a hole in our pockets and we want to check in early so that we can start using the plan credits.

Breakfast for the day did not warrant any pictures...we each had a blueberry muffin purchased from Goofy's the night before and we washed it down with a whole lot of Dasani to try to flush the woozie-boozies from our systems.

We managed to get over to BCV with all of our luggage and complete the check-in process for all four of us by 10:30AM (my parents didn't arrive until later in the day but I was trying to make things easier for them) - no surprise but the room wasn't ready.

It was another very hot day. And we couldn't leave my backpack with bell services because all our money, tickets, electronics, and all my drugs were in it. Originally we wanted to try Sci-Fi for lunch - we were both looking forward to trying a $10 milkshake (remember the scene in Pulp Fiction when Vincent Vega asks what a $5 milkshake tastes like; he then tastes it and says, "That's a pretty good f------- milkshake!") Well, we were all ready for our Pulp Fiction spoof at Sci-Fi but that backpack was heavy and we decided it was best not to stray too far from the Beach Club. We wandered over to the Boardwalk where the line for the Bakery stretched out the door and halfway across the walkway towards the lake. Then we saw the sign outside of Seashore Sweets advertising their gourmet coffee. An iced coffee beverage sounded good to us, but for some reason the place didn't open until 1PM. Are Jay and I the only ones confused by this? Don't most people want coffee in the morning hours?

OK - next try...ESPN Club for that yummy tuna pita. D'OH! They're not open yet. Looks like we're headed to Epcot - sure hope there's an open locker left at the International Gateway.

By the time we made it through security and found a locker it was after 11AM and the world showcase was just opening. In our experience late morning and early afternoon have always been the best times for eating around the world - smaller crowds always make this a more enjoyable experience.

Did I mention that it was hot? I just can't bring myself to eat when it's really hot like this and when I'm trying to shake off alcohol from the prior evening's indulgences. Jason has a stronger stomach than I do and at one point in our wanderings he stopped at the South Africa booth to order the Durban Spiced Chicken on Sugarcane with a sample of Beyond Sauvignon Blanc.

I let him eat most of this. The chicken wasn't bad but I wasn't in the mood for hot and spicy just then - I was castigating myself for not packing our swimwear in my backpack so that we could be waiting for our room to be ready while sucking down cool frosty drinks at the pool. Oh well, we must soldier on. The little white square that the chicken was served with was some type of terribly tasteless cornbread - my guess is that it was designed to soak up the hot and spicy. I thought it looked like a pre-moistened postage stamp sponge.

The wine, by the way, was quite good. But I still liked my bottle of Dasani better at this point.

Our next stop was Japan. I had read many reviews that raved about the Kaki Gori stand and it struck me, and about thirty other people, that this was a fine day to see what the fuss was all about.

Well the fuss was right! It's a snowcone and we chose the rainbow which was orange tangerine, strawberry, and honeydew melon. For $2.25 this was a great value - it was big enough for Jason and me to share while we cooled off in a shady outdoor seating area near Teppanyaki, and it tasted really good. Some snowcones are watered down and tasteless but this baby was bursting with sugary flavorfulness (is that a word?).

After this we decided to head back to the hotel and try Beaches and Cream...not a smart move on a hot Saturday afternoon. There was a 45-minute wait for a table and since it was already 1:30PM we didn't want to do much damage because we had 6:30 PM ressies at Rose and Crown. So, we ended up at the BeachClub marketplace...and our first attempt at using the DDP. There is much confusion in the happiest place on earth when it comes to DDP - information appears to change on an hourly basis depending on who you speak with. We decided to keep things simple and split a CS credit - ordered a ham and cheese sandwich, picked up a bag of chips, some bottled water and an apple. The sandwich was not fresh - ever buy a sandwich out of an airport vending machine that gets serviced once a week? That was this sandwich. The hot options and the salads were being prepared as they were ordered, but here again I ran into the same problem I had at AP - I didn't want hot food and salad is a no-no. And can't someone please explain this sudden irrational WDW prejudice against tuna fish sandwiches???

I was inspired once again, much to Jason's annoyance, to break into song:

Where have all the tuna gone?
Long time swimming
Where have all the tuna gone?
They taste so good.

Skip ahead now to dinner - we've got our 2-bedrom villa, we've had some pool time, we've cleaned up, we've greeted the parental unit, and are now en route to Epcot for dinner. Rose and Crown is a perennial favorite of ours, and my step-father was eager to give it a try - my mom was indifferent. This is a perfect instance where the dining plan was a great tool because without it my parents would never have crossed Rose & Crown's threshold.

The restaurant gods smiled down on us with such favor on this now how my mother mortally offended them and set the tone for the rest of the week....

Our ADR was for 6:30PM - like good little patrons we checked in about 15 minutes early and were given a pager. By now Epcot, specifically the world showcase, was filling up rapidly. My mom was already starting to lose her lips (this happens when she gets annoyed, which is about 95% of the time) and she showed no interest in strolling about checking out the cute little F&W booths while waiting for a table.

We didn't wait long to be seated - maybe 10 minutes - and can you feel our delight when we were led to a table on the lower patio of the dining real estate for viewing Illuminations!! Share the delight with us:

Here are my parents...they don't like having their picture taken and smiling makes my mom's face hurt but they tried to pretend like they were having fun:

Maybe beer will help the situation? I ordered a pint of Boddingtons and Jason ordered 18 inches of Boddingtons and then...shock my soul if my step-dad didn't order the other 18 inches!



Hooray beer!!!

The alcohol was not covered by the DDP, but all the food you are about to see was. This meal was 1 TS credit for each of us and included an appetizer, entree, and dessert.

I ordered the fruit and cheese plate. It was very colorful and the grapes and strawberries were very good but I didn't care for any of the cheese selections which is odd because I normally love cheese. My only complaint is that our server didn't tell me what the cheeses were when she brought this course out for me. Oh well - I got to try the other appetizers on the table and there was yummy bread to eat.

Here is the bread:

And here is the fruit/cheese plate:

Jason and Jon both ordered the lamb and barley soup which was quite tasty...

And my mom ordered the prawn cocktail, which was also good (but it's hard to mess up shrimp cocktail, don't you think?).

For my entree I ordered the beef stew flavored with Guinness Stout, served with mashed potatoes, and a cheddar cheese cracker. This was very good but there was no way I could finish all of it.

Jason ordered the steak and fish which is described thusly: Grilled Steak with horseradish aioli, Harry Ramsden's Batter-fried Fish, green beans and mashed potatoes. I didn't try it but Jason licked the plate clean.

My mom ordered the grilled steak which was served with Yorkshire pudding, green beans, mashed potatoes and beef demi glace. This met with her approval.

Jon had the chicken pasty - chicken and fresh vegetables wrapped with pastry, topped with cream sauce and served with mashed potatotes and green beans.

For dessert I ordered the Bailey's Irish Cream Trifle - this was the bomb and came with lots of chocolate and if someone can find the recipe and send it to me that would be great.

Jason had the chocolate Guiness cake...I tried some of this and it was pretty darn good, too. I liked mine better because it was more of a textured dessert and it was not as heavy as the cake, but if I were forced to eat this for dessert I could suffer through it somehow.

Jason and I also ordered a coffee drink...some kind of cappucino with booze in it but I don't recall exactly what the mixture was. But it was sure good!
What? Don't look all surprised by the fact that I can't remember what was in this drink...just go to R&C and get one of your own, you won't be sorry.

Jon ordered the warm apple crumble for his dessert:

My mom ordered sticky toffee pudding and then after eating some of it paid me a great compliment: She thinks my sticky toffee pudding is better!! It's all in the sauce, baby!

Do you know what her gripe was with R&C's sticky toffee pudding? It didn't have enough sauce. Are you guys looking at the same picture that I am, because it looks to me like that little cake is swimming in a caramel-y pool of sticky goodness that could have fed all four of us. But that's my mom...she's a sauce freak.

So, dinner is over, it's growing near to time for Illuminations, there are many empty tables on the patio, and just as Jason and I are settling in for a good sit to enjoy the show my mom says, "Let's go - it's too crowded."

Huh? Whut? Have you been taking my drugs on the sly?

We tried everything we could to convince her to stay but she would have none of it, insisting that if you've seen one fireworks show you've seen them all. Jason and I explained that Illuminations is different and watching the show from this spot will be sooooo coooool but she insisted that we leave. Considering that it was just the first night of our week together we didn't feel like we could let her and Jon leave without us, and so because of her we missed Illuminations altogether that night and offended the restaurant gods by leaving. I'm still annoyed when I think of it - next time I'm going to be less polite. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: We all know how hard it is to get that kind of table at R&C and when you've got it you just don't walk away from it.

As for Rose and Crown, we thoroughly enjoyed our meal. The food was excellent - their mashed potatoes were extremely tasty - and the service was very good. For Jason and I this restaurant remains on our list of Epcot favorites.

BTW - we received such great service that we did leave a tip in addition to the 18% supposedly provided with the dining plan.

Look for Day 5 soon, which will include Sweet Sundays, Hurricane Hannahs, and the Plaza Restaurant.

Thanks for stopping by! :goodvibes
Your dining report is great! I love all of the pictures! Can't wait to read more!
Your mother made you miss Illuminations :sad2:
She said firework shows were all alike :faint:

You have my total sympathy now Brenda!
I never get tired of seeing Illuminations and do you know that she never did go see it the entire week they were there with us?

It was too late in the evening. :rolleyes:

Oh well, different strokes for my old folks! :teeth:

perdidobay said:
Your mother made you miss Illuminations :sad2:
She said firework shows were all alike :faint:

You have my total sympathy now Brenda!
perdidobay said:
Your mother made you miss Illuminations :sad2:
She said firework shows were all alike :faint:

You have my total sympathy now Brenda!

I am in total agreeance here! For our first date Lionel took me to see Illuminations and 5.5 years later it still gives me goose bumps.

Looking at all of that food is making me sooooo hungry. *droooool*
oybolshoi said:
I think we should have a pre-cruise DIS meet at Raglan Road next October...that could be a real good time, don't you think? :teeth:

Jo and Brenda, count us in on the Pre-Cruise DIS meet at Raglan although Chuck and I may have to brush up on our drinking skills. My college days are so far behind me and Chuck traded his "drinking days" for me instead. :love:

I tend to get "over-served" after about two Corona's. :confused3
You just gotta pace yourself, Nancy!

cntkg1 said:
Jo and Brenda, count us in on the Pre-Cruise DIS meet at Raglan although Chuck and I may have to brush up on our drinking skills. My college days are so far behind me and Chuck traded his "drinking days" for me instead. :love:

I tend to get "over-served" after about two Corona's. :confused3
perdidobay said:
Your mother made you miss Illuminations :sad2:
She said firework shows were all alike :faint:

Oooooh noooo! How could she? But one question Brenda. Isn't it dark out for Illuminations? My mom would have been gagged and bound to the chair and because it's dark no one would have been the wiser! :lmao: OK, OK, just kidding...or am I?
DS17 and my DSIS both have Chrons. I understand about wanting to play it safe. DS actually had a flare up while we were at WDW in October. He was miserable for a couple days. We still aren't sure what set him off.

I loved the trifle from R&C. I swear it is the best but DS 17 had the toffee Pudding cake and he had the same complaint about not enough sauce. I thojght he was going to lick his plate clean. I would love to have the recipe for both of those desserts.

Keep up the great report.
best wishes to your son - hope he is feeling better.

If you'd like my sticky toffee pudding recipe just send me a PM and I'll see what I can do.

Thanks for reading!

pigletforever said:
DS17 and my DSIS both have Chrons. I understand about wanting to play it safe. DS actually had a flare up while we were at WDW in October. He was miserable for a couple days. We still aren't sure what set him off.

I loved the trifle from R&C. I swear it is the best but DS 17 had the toffee Pudding cake and he had the same complaint about not enough sauce. I thojght he was going to lick his plate clean. I would love to have the recipe for both of those desserts.

Keep up the great report.
Boy, You made Raglan Road sound so great I think I have to change my ADRs! Where is my plan? What am I doing over the weekend? Oh, no... My Fantasmic night! Wait, what about Sunday? Well shoot - Ah ha! My DTD nite - had Fulton's ADRed.... Hmmmm. What do you think? Fultons or Raglan?? on a Tuesday....
Well I'd have to pick pick Raglan Road based on our experience!

But to be fair I have never been to Fulton's so I can't give you an opinion on which would be better.

Hope you have fun whatever you decide! :goodvibes

Redbudlover said:
Boy, You made Raglan Road sound so great I think I have to change my ADRs! Where is my plan? What am I doing over the weekend? Oh, no... My Fantasmic night! Wait, what about Sunday? Well shoot - Ah ha! My DTD nite - had Fulton's ADRed.... Hmmmm. What do you think? Fultons or Raglan?? on a Tuesday....


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