ATTEN! Single woman wanted to show my uncle the magic of Disney & maybe more.....


Since most guys have no clue what women are looking for here’s a list of what turns me on and off.

Turn ons....
~First and foremost RESPECT
~Sense of humor
~Intelligent without being a brainiac
~Knows how to hold a stimulating conversation as well as how to be comfortably silent
~Must have a relationship with God....strong Christian values but not necessarily into organized religion...(its all about the relationship with Jesus not about whether you go to church)
~Must be responsible but never grow up (still know how to be childlike and impulsive).
~Must know how to handle a quiet night at home on occasion without constantly having to be on the go
~Cooking is a plus(but if you make a mess you have to help clean it up)
~Must realize the importance of maintaining our own identities, there must be a you and an I as well as an us....
~Old fashioned and can make decisions (after considering my opinion as well, but that doesn't mean he chooses what I think)
~Be my "Best Friend" where I feel like I can tell you anything.
~When we vacation in Disney or anywhere else, you are excited to be there as much as I.
~Someone who enjoys sharing the housework with me and even the laundry.
~Brings me flowers just because he loves me.
~Loves to travel
~Well manner and polite

Turn offs anyone
~Intellectually challenged and cannot hold a conversation ...if I am yawning and looking at my watch it is time to move on
~Conceited people that thinks looks are all that matter (looks are LOW on my list of priorities, they fade so there has to be something more)
~Guys that are disrespectful or abusive to any female or child
~Guys who think they are God's gift to women.

Do you sound like a guy that could turn me on or off?

Come ladies, join in, what are your turn ons and turn offs? :rolleyes1
ok even though I'm not in the game, I wanna play tree's game here...


Turn On

  • animal lover.. but not in a weird way
  • respectful
  • HONESTY.. even when brutal
  • romance but not too mushy mushy ooey gooey
  • spontenaity
  • someone who doesn't correct my spelling (see above) :rolleyes:
  • Someone great with kids (I don't have any but my niece and nephew are my world)
  • sense of humor
  • someone who's good at backrubs and scalp massages.. my weakness
  • Someone who has tons of money and loves to write checks in my name in his sleep... ok just joking here.

Turn offs

  • someone who expects me to pay for everything (I'm fine with dutch but I'll be damned if I always pick up the bill)
  • someone who never says thank you (I'm big on buying little gifts for guys. I hate when they take it, nod, and move on.. even if you HATE the gift, say THANK YOU!)
  • Cheaters
  • Liars
  • men who don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom
  • men who leave the seat up
  • men who kick puppies and throw kittens
  • egomaniacs
  • men who think the world revolve around them
  • booooooooring men :surfweb:

I'm sure I could come up with many, many more;)
Turn Ons
1. Someone who gets me
2. Holding hands
3. That perfect kiss
4. Playfulness
5. Confidence not arrogance
6. Someone who doesn't think there is such a thing as "woman's work" and "man's work"
7. Old fashioned and believes in treating a lady like a lady and knows what it means to be a gentleman
8. Intelligent but knows he doesn't know it all and admits it
9. Passionate
10. A good listener
11. Has his priorities straight and knows the importance of family

Turn Offs
1. Arrogance
2. A know it all
3. Always has to be right
4. Prejudice
5. Loud and obnoxious
6. Mean and thinks he's better than everyone
7. Abusive

There are more turn offs but not really feeling like being a negative Nancy today!
Sorry I missed it tonight..but I wanted to add the following for Paul

:worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:

It appears he has gathered some women worshipers.

teresa, i am sorry too.... your sense of humor was missed:sad2: -- i'm sorry, we really didn't give much notice yesterday.... next time i'll be sure to give notice though. last night wasn't the best.... we were having computer troubles and things were moving so slow on our end that it felt as though nothing was getting accomplished--- next time will be better though.....:)
i'm sure uncle paul will have a field day reading your turn ons and turn offs...... i'll make sure he checks them all out! :thumbsup2
1: both, but i like boxer briefs best
2:only if it's big decisions
3:if they were there for one night, no-- if they were there for 1 week, yes
4:that's funny....i save my money, but i REALLY DO save my change and dollar bills in a coffee can-- but it's in my file cabinet drawer.

Oh remember this girls, especially the one that will be selected. He has cash in a coffee can in his file cabinet. So :tiptoe: lightly when you look for it. But don't tell anyone else..:ssst:
I seem to be always out of the loop due to my living on the west coast and working 12 hr shifts. Oh well, maybe our schedule will coincide one of these days. . .lol
Hi all. I have been lurking from the beginning trying to get a feel for Uncle and I must admit I dont feel like I know anything more than I knew on the first day.
In this post you say someone to show Uncle the pleasure of Disney yet there has been nothing he has said to really indicate that he has the desire to experience it. I would ask that he go to the disney world dot com site and look thru the parks and attractions and tell us what looks like it would be of interest for him and see if we can then challenge him to 'feel the love'

Paul is a carpenter you say. What type? Trim work, framing, residential, corporate?

What is his favorite thing to cook? If he is going to be at a DVC in September I think the most romantic meal would be for him to cook for his date, so what would he cook for her?

You speak of his humor and how he keeps you laughing, and I am not being nasty but the only thing that has had me laughing has been the posts from ttester and acm and both gave remarks he could have commented with humor on yet there was nothing.

So what is Paul going to do to keep the lady excited and interested in being on this date because yes he is a nice looking man but you can only be interested in a guys looks for a short time without something else interesting to go along with it. So tell us Uncle what makes you worthy of us? In no way am I trying to be negative just want to point out that the ladies that are posting are important and what will you do to make your date feel special. I am just not getting all of that.
BelleIsLost..... Well said Girl......So far I have not been entertained by him. I myself, is starting to wonder if there is an Uncle Paul. :lmao:
I have to agree with the women who are wondering what is the reality of the Paul story.

It has similarities to a man I met in a restaurant one night and I asked him if he were married and he said no he was divorced. Long story short he had just left his wife that night.

So , my question is this, and since you originated this post and you have ladies emotions in your hands it is only fair that you answer this and answer it on the forum not in PMS.
*Are you legally divorced?
*If not, have you FILED for divorce
*If not are you seperated from your wife even ,as in you live in 2 seperate houses
*If you are seperated WHEN, as in how long

and if not then why are you looking for a date. I agree with Belle to begin with, why Disney? just because its a free forum that you dont have to pay for?
*and if you have your own computer why are you not in chat, and why does your niece have to type for you. I understand you are a slow typer but you can hunt and peck just as quickly as your niece can translate and type.

I think any woman that has ever dated a man who has just seperated from his wife knows what a mistake that is and if that is the case then here is my advice Paul. Take some time to find yourself first before you try another relationship. Mend yourself and your emotions before you touch someone elses heart. Theres nothing wrong with going out in your hometown and finding a rebound date but going to Disney isnt the answer unless you have a love for Disney which obviously you do not have. If you want to go try disney do it with your niece and then if you want to pick up a single woman at the time go for it there would be nothing wrong with that if she is willing, but dont try a connection that others may mistake for a relationship if all you want is a rebound date.
You get over one relationship before you attempt another.
If there is a Kristin and Paul quite frankly your recent posts would be hurtful to some very nice people particularly Kristin. Not very Disney like behavior.

Guess one of the rules should have been to check the baggage at the door.

Oh and by the way if you have to create a new screen name just so you can post something that is derogatory and completely hateful maybe you shouldn't post it at all. Just a thought.
Mrs. Potts

I don't think I was hurtful or disrespectful to Kristin or Paul. I was only asking more questions to find out more about him. Paul did say he likes someone with a sense a humor, so I was trying to bring humor into the thread and even liven it up. Is that a crime?

As you can see from my past posts, I say what's on my mind so why would I have to create a new screen name. That's just not my cup of tea.

If fact, I'm out of this game, it's getting to boring and now it appears that folks are to sensitive to the posts being made. Paul who I don't even know is not worth it.

Goodbye and I hope if Paul is for real that he finds his Disney Princess.

Since most guys have no clue what women are looking for here’s a list of what turns me on and off.

Turn ons....
~First and foremost RESPECT
~Sense of humor
~Intelligent without being a brainiac
~Knows how to hold a stimulating conversation as well as how to be comfortably silent
~Must have a relationship with God....strong Christian values but not necessarily into organized religion...(its all about the relationship with Jesus not about whether you go to church)
~Must be responsible but never grow up (still know how to be childlike and impulsive).
~Must know how to handle a quiet night at home on occasion without constantly having to be on the go
~Cooking is a plus(but if you make a mess you have to help clean it up)
~Must realize the importance of maintaining our own identities, there must be a you and an I as well as an us....
~Old fashioned and can make decisions (after considering my opinion as well, but that doesn't mean he chooses what I think)
~Be my "Best Friend" where I feel like I can tell you anything.
~When we vacation in Disney or anywhere else, you are excited to be there as much as I.
~Someone who enjoys sharing the housework with me and even the laundry.
~Brings me flowers just because he loves me.
~Loves to travel
~Well manner and polite

Turn offs anyone
~Intellectually challenged and cannot hold a conversation ...if I am yawning and looking at my watch it is time to move on
~Conceited people that thinks looks are all that matter (looks are LOW on my list of priorities, they fade so there has to be something more)
~Guys that are disrespectful or abusive to any female or child
~Guys who think they are God's gift to women.

Do you sound like a guy that could turn me on or off?

Come ladies, join in, what are your turn ons and turn offs? :rolleyes1

rudeness to anyone, huh teresa? what did i or my uncle say to get you so rude? did we offend you in anyway? i am pretty shocked at all of this..... we have been 100% honest from the start. any ?? have been answered as honestly as possible. what happened to you??:confused3
i have to tell you....this whole thread happened b/c i was once again talking to my uncle at easter about my planning yet another disney trip. he said the same thing.....disney?? why do you like that place so much?? i started explaining again to him, he started seeing the light, a little , but finally opened up a little. then we got talking about his crappy end to a 20 some year marriage. then i got the crazy idea of putting his pic up on disboards, starting a thread and seeing if any lady out there wanted to show my uncle the magic of disney and maybe something more. i put a few stats up there and waited... no one had to reply, no one had to do a thing---- we just thought we'd put it out there, hey you never know, right? at first my uncle was a little " on the fence" about it b/c he knows nothing about computers, let alone message boards, and i'm sure as you can all admit... this is somewhat an unconventional method of meeting someone. he is very open now to the possibilities of the magic we all talk about. what do you all want him to ask? he has no idea what to ask? he wants someone to show him and tell him about it as stated in first post. we were both having so much fun with this different approach at first. you all seemed so welcoming ( as i never really posted much, i came on for some great info and ideas sometimes). all of you seemed to have such different personalities, some just made me laugh out loud. this thread was started to be lighthearted and happy for my uncle's sake. i just truly wanted to find him some happiness. well for those of you who are wondering , he is real, he is my uncle, he is my mothers little brother who also happens to be my godfather. we are an extremely close family and care for one another. i am so sorry for those of you out there who don't get that or maybe don't have that. i may have been wrong about some of you. i may not hear your voices but i see your tone changing and i ask you why?? is it because you feel that indeed uncle paul is not real or could it be something else?? also..... i don' check the thread as much as i'm sure i should, i have 3 small children and a husband that i take care of. i live out in the country and can only get dial up and let me tell you how slow it is, i don't have time to be on every second to help answer your ?? as for my uncle... he go's to work at 3:30 am every morning... by the time he gets home he eats and go's straight to bed so there is very little time for him to get on the computer all the time to answer you guys..... the response to this thread has been way crazier than we ever thought it could be. you guys may see the posts but you don't know how many e-mails we've gotten. i can't keep up w/ it.... so sorry guys... sorry that you feel you haven't seen uncle paul's humor, truly i am b/c he is hilarious!! sorry that some of you have come to your own conclusion that either uncle paul is not real or uncle paul isn't all that. this started out as fun and had now turned into something i don't want to be a part of. again, this started out as something fun and good hearted, i am sorry to those who feel that they just don't know enough about him. does this make him a bad guy? because some of you are certainley making him out to be just that. don't be a part of this if you don't want to be. last thought....... i think some of you have it backwards..... some of you are not worthy not the other way around.....
rudeness to anyone, huh teresa? what did i or my uncle say to get you so rude? did we offend you in anyway? i am pretty shocked at all of this..... we have been 100% honest from the start. any ?? have been answered as honestly as possible. what happened to you??:confused3

Kristin, I'm sorry if you did not understand my list. I did not mean it to be rude. I was showing Paul what are my Turn on and Turn offs. And to see if he matches the turn-ons... As for the other posts, as I was telling Mrs. Potts I was only trying to liven up the thread. As to the others I was making comments to BellInLost and !Whatever posts. Is that a crime? It appears that everyone has miss understood. So I will no longer be playing. It also appears that my sense of humor is not what anyone likes. Goodbye.:wave2:
rudeness to anyone, huh teresa? what did i or my uncle say to get you so rude? did we offend you in anyway? i am pretty shocked at all of this..... we have been 100% honest from the start. any ?? have been answered as honestly as possible. what happened to you??:confused3

I do have say one more thing before I leave. This thread is getting out of hand. This newcome !Whatever posted some mean things about Uncle Paul but I'm the one getting hateful remarks. Talk about unDisney like. Read who posted what before attacking. The is so not worth it at all. :sad2: At least I thought my posts as for fun and play not rudeness. Sorry again for the misunderstanding.
I have to agree with the women who are wondering what is the reality of the Paul story.

It has similarities to a man I met in a restaurant one night and I asked him if he were married and he said no he was divorced. Long story short he had just left his wife that night.

So , my question is this, and since you originated this post and you have ladies emotions in your hands it is only fair that you answer this and answer it on the forum not in PMS.
*Are you legally divorced?
*If not, have you FILED for divorce
*If not are you seperated from your wife even ,as in you live in 2 seperate houses
*If you are seperated WHEN, as in how long

and if not then why are you looking for a date. I agree with Belle to begin with, why Disney? just because its a free forum that you dont have to pay for?
*and if you have your own computer why are you not in chat, and why does your niece have to type for you. I understand you are a slow typer but you can hunt and peck just as quickly as your niece can translate and type.

I think any woman that has ever dated a man who has just seperated from his wife knows what a mistake that is and if that is the case then here is my advice Paul. Take some time to find yourself first before you try another relationship. Mend yourself and your emotions before you touch someone elses heart. Theres nothing wrong with going out in your hometown and finding a rebound date but going to Disney isnt the answer unless you have a love for Disney which obviously you do not have. If you want to go try disney do it with your niece and then if you want to pick up a single woman at the time go for it there would be nothing wrong with that if she is willing, but dont try a connection that others may mistake for a relationship if all you want is a rebound date.
You get over one relationship before you attempt another.

first off.....i'd (kristin) like to say---- like the new screen name... we must be dealing w/ someone who has balls.
but here you go Whatever!...... uncle paul has been legally seperated for 1 1/2years, divorce has been filed legally and now it's up to the lawyers. yes we live in 2 seperate places and have been for over 1 1/2 years. no have not been on the rebound in quite some time. thanks for the advice, but i've been over my relationship for quite some time. knowing the attitude coming from that post you probably want a time on that. lets say over 1 1/2 years. if someone that i was interested in asked me those ?? which they have i have answered them honestly. i hate computers, yes, i type slow and no, i don't want to go to any chat rooms that's not my thing as i'm sure you have things that you're not too into, for example, giving people the benefit of the doubt. lets move on.......sorry Whatever!, you've obviously been scorned. i've done nothing personally to you or anyone affiliated w/ these boards. i think it's safe to say that what you're mad at is you've lost all faith. hope you find some again.. life's too short, yet another reason we started this post. ----------------thanks to all of you who were fun, supportive and nice. there's not enough of that anymore as you plainly demonstrated in your post... see ya disboards!


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