August 2023 W.I.S.H blissful, bold blue moon

What is the last TV show you binge watched?
Sweet Magnolias (on Netflix)

Do you have some best advice you like to give or a motto you live by?
Some of my favorite quotes are in my signature below. Overall, I think the most important thing is knowing yourself - if you're honest about your own strengths and weaknesses, you can structure your time and environment in a way that fits you properly (or at least comes as close as circumstances allow.)

What is our love language?
Quality Time

If you could live in a movie, what movie would it be?
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (though I'd like to be a boring background student, not one of the main trio!)
What is the last TV show you binge watched?
I'm currently binge watching Escape to the Country, so each evening this week I've taken a mini-vacation watching British people look for country homes. In one of the episodes I watched last night they were looking in Scotland and one of the homes almost brought me to tears because of the view out the reception room windows.

Do you have some best advice you like to give or a motto you live by?
One is that "the thing that happens is rarely as important as what you do about the thing"... this goes back to when I worked in Customer Service and the thought was that you could make a person a customer for life depending on how you handled the problem they had encountered. And another is that "our greatest strengths are often also our biggest weaknesses" depending on the situation and how we self-manage.

What is our love language?
Giving gifts.

If you could live in a movie, what movie would it be?
Any Meg Ryan romance from the 90's. I always loved the set design for the places she lived and her wardrobe, and if Tom Hanks is the love interest so much the better.
What is the last TV show you binge watched?
We are watching Chicago PD right now. Before that, we watched Fire Country.

Do you have some best advice you like to give or a motto you live by?

One is "Comparison is the thief of joy" - I used to say that to my kids when they would talk about things other people had or the way they looked. I try to remind myself of that as well. I think we should just compare ourselves to the person we were before and keep trying to be the best version of ourself.

What is our love language?

I would say my love language is acts of service

If you could live in a movie, what movie would it be?

So thought provoking - maybe one of the Nicholas Sparks movies. They all seem to take place in small, charming North Carolina towns!
What is the last TV show you binge watched?
"Only Murders in the Building" with Steve Martin, Martin Short, Nathan Lane, Selena Gomez.

Do you have some best advice you like to give or a motto you live by?

You are responsible for your happiness. In fact, you create it. You attract it. You manifest it. You are the architect of your reality. You choose your thoughts, your perceptions, and your reaction to external forces. You cannot control others. You can only control yourself.

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."

What is our love language?
Words of affirmation.

If you could live in a movie, what movie would it be?

"Mama Mia," It would be fun to live in a musical in a beautiful place. Also, "Under the Tuscan Sun," and "Love Actually."
What is the last TV show you binge watched?
"Only Murders in the Building" with Steve Martin, Martin Short, Nathan Lane, Selena Gomez.

Do you have some best advice you like to give or a motto you live by?
You are responsible for your happiness. In fact, you create it. You attract it. You manifest it. You are the architect of your reality. You choose your thoughts, your perceptions, and your reaction to external forces. You cannot control others. You can only control yourself.

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."

What is our love language?
Words of affirmation.

If you could live in a movie, what movie would it be?

"Mama Mia," It would be fun to live in a musical in a beautiful place. Also, "Under the Tuscan Sun," and "Love Actually."
Oh, Under The Tuscan Sun… that’s a good o e!
Hello and Happy Saturday!!

Missed out on the past few days-been super busy, but enjoyed catching up!!

Middle of the month check in-things are going ok! I did lost a pound this week which is a lot for me so that was great but I also ate and exercised absolutely perfect all week so although it felt great to put that weight in my tracker app I know this is not normal for me and I need to anticipate slower loss moving forward.

Spent lots of time with family so far this weekend-babysat all day yesterday, went to a birthday breakfast for my brother in law this morning and took some housewarming items over to DS1 and my daughter in law, who just moved yesterday into a new place. Took them a meal, cleaning and household supplies. Their new place is so nice-quiet, spacious-I am happy for them.

For social Saturday!

What is the last TV show you binge watched?
DD and I are watching “the summer I turned pretty”-we only have one episode left! This is something I would never watch alone but I am invested now and love that DD wants to spend time with me ❤️

Do you have some best advice you like to give or a motto you live by?
“Because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
While this is one of my favorite Bible verses, it also applies to believing in yourself and believing in others! It has helped me to trust my adult children, believe in them and trust their choices, which has brought peace and trust to our relationships.

What is our love language?
Kindness, Honesty and Grace

If you could live in a movie, what movie would it be?
I would have to say Jesus Revolution-loved to see the lost and misguided find a purpose in life and would love to be a witness to such joy being brought to so many!

Have a great night everyone!!
Sadly my Sunday selfcare is starting with not going to spin class, as last night I started to have little temperature spikes and not knowing what the cause is I thought it best to not go sweat in a room with others. I have committed to getting in a good long power walk instead, plus my new spin bike has arrived and I'll finish setting it up today.

I have a headache this morning, but I think that is related to the Keto, and is not unexpected. The weight has started to come off and I am already back on track for my monthly goal, so happy about that. I think I have reached ketosis but will know for sure when the testing strips I ordered come later today.

Yesterday I spent a quiet thoughtful morning sorting thru yarn and knitting needles and I think I'm going to do the same this morning, sorting thru the other stuff in the armoire with the goal of getting all crafting things together in it. Then a good long walk around low tide and I'm thinking of treating myself to lunch out, I know one place where I can get a keto meal. All the while keeping an eye on the storm in S Cal, we've shut down three of our distribution and fulfilment buildings there, and I would imagine stores are closed as well, so keeping everyone in my thoughts.

Happy Sunday everyone.
Checking in from vacation. We somehow managed to travel to San Diego for the first tropical storm in 80 years, so we're stuck in the VRBO today. The weather here is normally so nice that the place doesn't even have the token rainy day games (cards, checkers, maybe a puzzle) that every NJ beach house has in a the back of a closet somewhere.

Today's self care is letting the kids binge as much TV as they want so we don't all end up at each other's throats!
I have the day before the first day of school anxiety. I have a tummy ache. Ugh.

We went to church, but unfortunately it didn’t help me to calm down. I’m not in the mood to go in the pool.

DD is packing for her first business trip with her visual styling team to work on a fashion prototype. It’s a really big deal for her career which is exciting.

I just can’t relax…
I like the list from your post. My SIL is not feeling well today, so we're not going to my MILs for dinner tonight. They were together the day before she started feeling sick so my MIL is afraid she might come down with it as well.

I hate that my SIL is not feeling well, but it kind of frees up our day which is good since we were gone a couple of days last week and this week will be pretty busy as well. It will allow me to get a few things done without stressing about them.

If it cools down today (it's 95 right now with high humidity), I'll probably do a lap around the neighborhood again today. I finally made myself do it yesterday. I tracked it and it's a 1.2 mile lap, so it's a good distance and doesn't take too long to get done. I need to get myself doing two laps a day, but I'll get to that soon I hope.

If it doesn't cool down, I think I'll search out an online routine that I can do downstairs. I need to find something to do indoors anyway since I'll definitely have to do that during the winter months.

I hope everyone has a great Sunday!!
I have the day before the first day of school anxiety. I have a tummy ache. Ugh.

We went to church, but unfortunately it didn’t help me to calm down. I’m not in the mood to go in the pool.

DD is packing for her first business trip with her visual styling team to work on a fashion prototype. It’s a really big deal for her career which is exciting.

I just can’t relax…

I hope your day goes well tomorrow. I'm sure it's hard getting into a good routine each year. I was talking to a couple of teacher friends this morning. Our schools started Wednesday, so they're still in the getting settled stage.

I wish you a wonderful year! You seem like you are a wonderful teacher and such a good influence for your students!!
Today I officially hit the two week countdown to my WDW trip. It seems like it has come up really quickly but at the same time I do feel like I've had enough time since my cruise in June to be ready for another vacation. In addition to binge watching 'Escape to the Country' I've been cycling thru all the Mammoth Club YouTube videos and last night I was thinking how being able to change up my routine and see/do different things is so enriching. I am getting in to the mood for sure.

When I woke up this morning my body felt completely different, lighter and thinner, which is a surprise considering I've been losing weight since last year. I was hopeful that going keto and low carb would help with losing belly weight and that is definitely happening. And I'm benefiting from the initial weight loss boost that happens when you first start the program, as I've now lost the four pounds I had planned for this month. Overall I'd say my body is happy with the change, despite the tummy upsets.

So my motivation for this week is eyes on the prize... WDW!


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