Aulani disappointments

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First off I want to say how extremely sorry I feel that the slides are closed this week. If I were in your situation I would be really upset! The slides at Aulani are one of the most favorited things about the resort.

It seems I can't get away from hearing this hot tub debate about adult only/kid friendly. My two cents. I've spent my fair share of time telling parents that the Menehune Bridge is for children only, for safety reasons. Now it's the same thing but with the infinity pool being for adults only. One reason being it was something widely requested that we have a hot tub for adults only. Not sure exactly why that particular place was chosen, but I'm happy. Being at Aulani day in and day out I've witnessed plenty of children jumping from the top tier to the bottom tier, regardless of how many times a CM has gone over to talk to them and their parents and tell them to *please* stop. It is SO incredibly DANGEROUS! Do their parents not realize how dangerous it is to do that??? The water is no more than 3 feet in there. I'm surprised nobody has gotten hurt. Although I've seen many well behaved kids in the hot tubs I've also seen it the other way around where there is literally no parent monitoring their children in there and kids stay in there way longer than the 15 minute max time allotted. I am in agreement that children shouldn't be in hot tubs, but it's not my place to say. I feel like this will always be an ongoing disagreement amongst people, but the bottom line is that Disney caters to ALL families, not JUST families with children! Respect it. There are a total of 4 spas located at Aulani. One of them happens to be for adults only. If you and your children want an infinity edge ocean view we have the brand new Kamaka Landing Pool alongside the Kamaka Grotto Spa! It's truly beautiful. That's all I've got! Enjoy!

Okiedokie, I think that you hit the nail on the head with these points and they probably figured heavily into the decision to choose this particular hot tub. It is dangerous and impossible to control with any number of negligent parents. Also, it sounds like this is the largest one of the 4, so if they're only going to pick ONE then I agree that it should be the LARGEST one.:thumbsup2

Can't wait to try to re-book and see it / use it for myself next summer!!
Depending on time of day it'll be busy or empty on our last trip we had days when it was packed and times we were the only couple in the tub and it was all ages then. There's so many places for families, as an Aulani owner I am glad they made this tub adults only and I can't wait to relax in it, in peace on our next trip.

Again there's so much to do an enjoy at the resort and island, there's no reason to dwell on these two minor things. Enjoy your time there and don't sweat the small stuff.

I wish EVERY Disney Hot Tub was adults only.
Closing this thread. It seems to be turning into a debate (and even a bit nasty).
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