Back from BWV......Very Disappointed and Disgusted


DIS Veteran
Oct 25, 2006
We stayed at BWV June 18-21 in a 2 bedroom pool view room. We were so excited about staying there for the first time, but unfortunately we were very disappointed. We checked in very late (around 12:30am) because we had been at DHS and got to our room and everything was great, so we thought. The next morning we got up around 11am (still stuck on west coast time) and headed straight down to the pool for a day of relaxation. We came back up to our room around 5-5:30pm to get ready to go to dinner. I went to throw my DH's shirt in the dryer to get the wrinkles out and noticed something on the washer knob. After taking a closer look, I determined that it was dried blood. :scared1: I looked around some more and noticed that there was more smeared dried blood all over the underside of the washer lid. Then my DH found MORE smeared dry blood on the laundry door, the bedroom door frame and some on the wall. We were totally disgusted!! I immediately called the front desk and they transferred me to housekeeping. I asked to speak to a manager and told her what we had found. She asked if she could come up to look at it and I told her that I would love for her to come up and see it. She came up with another lady and they looked at it and took some pictures. She said that she couldn't say for sure that it was blood because she was not in the medical field. My husband told her that he was in the medical field and he could pretty much guarantee her that it was blood. They said that they would have someone come up and clean it immediately and asked us if we would like to change rooms, but we had already unpacked everything. Plus, we were literally getting ready to walk out the door to go to dinner. I asked her if there was anyway that we could possibly get some of our points back and got told that it was too difficult to deal with DVC to try to do that. She did give us a $150 credit to our room, which we were satisfied with.

Then, on our final day there, as we were packing up our stuff to leave, we realized that my younger daughter had lost her bag from Little Mismatched. We retraced our steps and thought that she might have left it in the lobby after coming in from DTD and looking at the pin book. So I called down to the front desk and asked if they had found it or if anyone had turned it in. Without even checking, the lady immediately transferred me to Lost and Found. They said that they didn't have it, but would call me if it turned up. After calming my DD down and wiping away her tears, I suggested to my DH that him and DD could go down to the front desk and just ask if maybe they had it while I finished packing. He returned a few minutes later with bag in hand. He said that they went down and asked at the front desk and a very nice gentleman got it from right behind the counter. I was furious! The woman that I had talked to just a few minutes earlier didn't even look! :mad: After what had happened previously, I was really upset.

Some might not agree with me, but as a DVC member, my expectations are a little higher. I expect things to be clean and in order, and I expect exceptional customer service. IMO, we as members, pay too much for anything less. My DH and I talked about it and will be calling DVC to talk with them about this. We feel this is something that needs to be brought to their attention.
When you call the Front Desk from your room, you don't actually get the Front Desk, you get the Disney Call center and they are instructed to connect you to Lost and Found.

If you want to talk to the Front Desk you have to go there in person.
I'm sorry you had such a bad experience. But one thing you should know (which could have solved several of your problems) is that when you call the "front desk" from your room, you're actually getting a call center outside Orlando.

Any time you have a problem with your room, you should ALWAYS go down to the front desk in person. The person you spoke with at the "front desk" who transferred you to lost and found didn't look for your daughter's bag because she wasn't physically in the resort to do so.

Hope your next stay is more magical.
When you call the Front Desk from your room, you don't actually get the Front Desk, you get the Disney Call center and they are instructed to connect you to Lost and Found.

If you want to talk to the Front Desk you have to go there in person.

That's ridiculous. Then why the heck does it say "front desk" on the phone if that's not who you are calling?
Any time you have a problem with your room, you should ALWAYS go down to the front desk in person. The person you spoke with at the "front desk" who transferred you to lost and found didn't look for your daughter's bag because she wasn't physically in the resort to do so.

Then she should have stated that when I asked her if she could check and see if anyone had turned it in.
When you call the Front Desk from your room, you don't actually get the Front Desk, you get the Disney Call center and they are instructed to connect you to Lost and Found.

If you want to talk to the Front Desk you have to go there in person.

I did not know that, good to know.
That's ridiculous. Then why the heck does it say "front desk" on the phone if that's not who you are calling?

It has been that way for years, too many people calling the Front Desk of the hotel before they arrive, asking for room requests, etc. etc. the staff spent too much time on the phone and not enough at the desk.

The call center agents all answer as if they are at the Front Desk, I am really surprised you have not seen us talk about this before.
As a medical professional, your husband should know that dried blood isn't as hazardous as moist, fresh blood. No chance of contacting any disease from dried blood. Just ask OSHA.

Maybe not so clean, but not hazardous. And it was probably just missed in the cleaning. Housekeepers aren't perfect, just like the rest of us.
As a medical professional, your husband should know that dried blood isn't as hazardous as moist, fresh blood. No chance of contacting any disease from dried blood. Just ask OSHA.

Maybe not so clean, but not hazardous. And it was probably just missed in the cleaning. Housekeepers aren't perfect, just like the rest of us.

We knew that and weren't concerned about "contacting" anything. Like my title said, we were disgusted. It was just gross. I understand that housekeepers aren't perfect, but cleaning a room is what they are paid to do. Do they not check the washer and dryer when they are cleaning? If they did, then they would have seen the blood. Trust me, they wouldn't have missed it.
I am sorry you had that bad experience.

It should not happen but, like other people mentionned, housekeepers are not perfect.

I understand that you felt disgusted about the blood, but why did'nt you accept to change room when they offer you to ?
Disney react properly by offering to move. This was the way to make your stay as good as expected.

I understand that you just unpacked, but they make the move very easy in the same hotel. You can even leave all the clothes on hangers.
If you were feeling so disgusted, how can having some points back could make you feel better ?

As for the call at the front desk, you understand now why the CM could not look for the bag.

This is why we always tell the people to go to the front desk when they experiment any kind of problem.

I hope the rest of your stay was up to your expectations.
I would have gotten some wet paper towels and cleaned it myself. No big deal.

Now if I walked in and it looked like the prom scene from Carrie, I'd call Housekeeping.
I would have gotten some wet paper towels and cleaned it myself. No big deal.

Now if I walked in and it looked like the prom scene from Carrie, I'd call Housekeeping.

I would talk to resort management. According to the CDC, bloodborne pathogens are found in dried blood and Disney has policies in place for cleaning biological contamination.

:earsboy: Bill
Sorry you had to feel disgusted on your trip. The last thing I would do is clean any ones besides my families dried blood, thats just GROSS!! Its bad enough we are staying in rooms thats there is who knows what we don't see or know about.

I have learned in life you really have to go to a direct source if you want any problems that need to be looked into.

While it may put a bad memory to mind, this unfortunately could happen in any resort anywhere not just BW.
Calling housekeeping is the right thing to do, they should document it so that they can find the housekeeper. I wonder if it was a disgruntled cm? They should have noticed all those different places. I could see one being missed but not several.
I understand that housekeepers aren't perfect, but cleaning a room is what they are paid to do. Do they not check the washer and dryer when they are cleaning? If they did, then they would have seen the blood. Trust me, they wouldn't have missed it.
Based on my experience they do not check the washer and dryer. On nearly every visit for the past two or three years we have had to remove goo from the inside of the dryer. Sometimes it is gum, other times it is crayon. This last time I just called maintenance because I was tired of spending an hour doing this every trip. The maintenance guy was great! He used some chemicals to remove the goo and did a very thorough job.

For the past few years I've made it a habit to check the washer and dryer when we check in so that there is time to clean them before I need to use them.
I understand that housekeepers aren't perfect, but cleaning a room is what they are paid to do. Do they not check the washer and dryer when they are cleaning? If they did, then they would have seen the blood. Trust me, they wouldn't have missed it.

When they are finished eating their lunch and watching tv in your room and if they have any time left, they do clean. They probably just ran out of time in your case. Your next trip will probably be just fine.

In all seriousness, your room condition was unacceptable by any measurement of decency. As Sammie has already said, you need to contact the front desk in person for best results.
Then she should have stated that when I asked her if she could check and see if anyone had turned it in.

They never will. Ever. I, too, am surprised you hadn't seen this mentioned on the boards; it's talked about on the Resorts board and here, and almost always comes up in disgruntled threads, because it's a pretty big cause of being disgruntled!

They said that they would have someone come up and clean it immediately and asked us if we would like to change rooms, but we had already unpacked everything. Plus, we were literally getting ready to walk out the door to go to dinner. I asked her if there was anyway that we could possibly get some of our points back and got told that it was too difficult to deal with DVC to try to do that.

You know...they offered you the BEST thing, to switch rooms (thereby allowing them to fully clean), and you wanted points compensation.

Next time, take the room change. After being switched you wouldn't have come back being disgusted and disappointed. And they probably still would have compensated you in some way, so you would have been even MORE satisfied.
I'm just wondering if maybe the mousekeeper hurt herself while cleaning and in all the hub-bub forgot to tell someone to go back anad clean it? On the other hand, I used to clean hotel rooms, and I always did a once-over to make sure I didn't miss anything anywhere. So no matter what happened, really no excuse at a Disney level. We have learned no matter where we stay to check the room over completely before we even open our suitcases! Hopefully your next stay is better. Glad your daughter found her bag!:goodvibes


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