Back to Our Happy Place w/ a Surprise? A July Live Trip Report

While BoG was a fun experience to eat at previously in MK along with CP, Tony’s seems like the best value for our money personally.
We had a surprisingly good meal at Tony's last year. We enjoyed it more than our "once and done" dinner at BoG.

As the sun went down the heat became way more bearable and we’ve decided evening park visits are the thing for us in the summertime. Crowd levels were super manageable, also!

We like to go back into a park after dinner, too. It does seem cooler without the burning hot sunshine, even if the temperature is still high.
We had a surprisingly good meal at Tony's last year. We enjoyed it more than our "once and done" dinner at BoG.

We like to go back into a park after dinner, too. It does seem cooler without the burning hot sunshine, even if the temperature is still high.
Absolutely! We’ve decided that for future summer trips we’re just going to hang out at the resort and pool all day before going to the parks at night. The walk from the bus stop at HS last night to Sci-Fi was brutal with no cover.
✨Day One: Part One - Packing for Takeoff!✨

Today's the day!!! Last minute trips really do creep up on you but I'm so glad that I get to reveal the surprise to James later today. I woke up like a kid on Christmas this morning and couldn't sleep in any longer so I got out of bed & headed straight out the door to run some last minute errands. New tennis shoes in hand (anyone else wear theirs down until to the very end until the holes become a little too unprofessional? 😅) & an apartment to myself, I'm in the stages of packing while I wait for James to finish up work. I want to be as prepared as possible so we can hit the road as soon as he finishes up. :banana: We're a relatively quick drive away—about 2.5-3 hours depending on traffic & including our traditional stop at Buc-ees along the way.

Managed to sneak in a trip the nail salon after work last night and got some gel polish to hopefully last me through the trip 💙

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These are the ears I will be taking this trip. They are SO comfy. I always order several new ones from MinnieCastle on Etsy. Seriously, as someone who gets headaches from just wearing a single bobby pin on their head, these ears are a dream. They're also such a good price and come quick so I definitely recommend their shop!

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Lastly, I am so excited to be taking this purse with me for the first time on a trip! I drooled over it for months & months before I finally caved and I love it! I think it's still available along with some other cute designs on the Kate Spade outlet site.

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If you're just now hopping on, welcome aboard! I have to get back to packing but I'm so excited for this long weekend trip ahead. I'll update soon ❤️
Love the bag!
✨Day Three: Geyser Point & The Studios!✨

Saturday my alarm woke me up at 6:45 again to purchase Genie+ and wait for 7 AM to roll around. On my last trips Rise sold out almost immediately but I was able to grab a LL for SDD before purchasing it this time around. I had SDD lined up for 6:40, then my Rise set for 8:25. I was aiming for later times as we had a 5:15 dinner at Sci-Fi.

I ended up going right back to sleep afterwards and let me tell you, it wasn’t hard! We were pretty exhausted from our late night at MK and I knew we would have another late night at HS. We ended up sleeping in until TEN! Which, I know, it’s vacation but we are usually up by 8 at the latest to get to the parks.

We decided to skip breakfast and head to Disney Springs for the late morning instead of trying to squeeze in another park. I got my usual iced coffee from Joffrey’s, a massive donut & we sat by the boathouse for a while. We also stopped in the WoD store which was super busy as usual.

I’ve always liked the orange bird and they have some really cute merchandise for it right now 🍊


The heat was pretty brutal in all that openness that is DS so we headed back to the bus to swim at the resort.


We got back around 1 PM, changed into our swimsuits, and went to go check out Geyser Point! We had never been but heard wonderful things about it.

I got the chicken wings—which were so yummy! They reminded me of these kimchi wings we get from a place here in Jax. James got the bison burger.


We spent the next hour and a half swimming. Again it was almost impossible to find a chair but luckily one came available. The CMs were running kid’s activities by the pool for a while and bringing out water to guests.

After we dried off and changed we were off to HS! We were nearly late for our dinner reservation as we had just missed the bus and the one that did eventually come made a stop at the Contemporary. Luckily James is quite the runner so he sped ahead to secure our table. I swear the busses drop you off so much further now with the addition of the skyliner.


Dinner was quick and delicious! I love the atmosphere of Sci-Fi—it’s always so cozy.

We finished just in time to make it over to SDD (I love that ride so much), shot over to Rn’RC (which took me quite a while to get a late LL for) , then I convinced James to ride ToT with me. He hates anything horror/ghost related so I was grateful he didn’t make me ride alone. I have such fond memories of that ride as a child with my dad.


By then it was nearly our time slot for RotR to begin so we headed over to Galaxy’s Edge and got in line. I still can’t get over how immersive it is and how cool all the pre-shows are.

With a half hour to spare before park close we rode MMRR and decided to sneak out while the other guests were busy watching the nighttime show. I feel that with the extended ours at MK, especially on weekends, HS closing at 9 feels a bit early. Especially considering in the summer months, it’s just getting dark. Idk about you but I think ToT is the best at night.

Once back at the resort we grabbed a late night snack from Roaring Forks and headed to turn in for the night.

They had the cutest campfire cupcakes!


We had a great time and I’ll report back about our adventures on day 4 soon!
I hate when you just miss a bus, especially when you have a dinner reservation. DHS is really fun at night -when it is dark and cooler.

We got back around 1 PM, changed into our swimsuits, and went to go check out Geyser Point! We had never been but heard wonderful things about it.
We love Geyser Point and will often go there for lunch when we have a MK day and are staying at another resort. It is a good way to get our WL fix without staying there. :)
We spent the next hour and a half swimming. Again it was almost impossible to find a chair but luckily one came available. The CMs were running kid’s activities by the pool for a while and bringing out water to guests.
The villas pool is really nice, and quiet. We like to hang out there instead of the main pool. :)

They had the cutest campfire cupcakes!
Those cupcakes are really cute. My favorite is the Magic cookie bar. :)
✨Day Four: Part One - Last Day & Guardians✨

Our last day (Sunday) began early at 6:45 AM so that I could purchase Genie+ for the last time this trip and more importantly join the virtual queue for the new Guardians ride! I joined the queue at 7 AM on the dot and got boarding group 40 which put our estimated return time to about 5 hours from then. I then hopped over to the Tip Board so that I could purchase an ILL for Guardians and chose a return time for 12:25 PM, that way we could ride it twice! Neither of us had ever ridden it before but James' sister assured us we would want to ride it twice. I also booked us a LL for TT for 11:20 AM.

From there I slept some more until 8 before packing our things and calling bell services to store our bags while we went to the park. We decided to skip breakfast until we got to the parks so once we said goodbye to our beautiful room and checked out downstairs we were off on the bus to EPCOT.


Aside from the atmosphere, I think the thing I miss the most about the WL is always the smell. It has such a distinct aroma—smoky, clean, earthy. I just love it and it somehow it has still retained the same scent since I was kid and visited. One year for my birthday James got me a candle from Magic Candle Company; it has a wood wick so it crackles and even though it's not exactly the same it's very close.

The bus ride was quick and once we were there we could tell it was already heating up to be a very hot day, despite being before 10 AM. Our call time for Guardians had actually jumped forward a considerable amount of time and by the time we arrived we only had 20 minutes left to wait. The first thing I noticed was that there didn't seem to be as many walls as our previous trips in Feb & March had. They definitely still had some up but it wasn't as disorienting as I remember and you could see a lot more.

We ended up stopping at the new Connections Café & Eatery to sit in the AC before our ride time. I didn't expect it to be so HUGE and the murals were gorgeous, spanning across many of the walls. I wish I had gotten better photos but it was already filling up with people.


Once it was our call time for Guardians, we walked right over which was just outside the Eatery and got in line. Again, James & I had never ridden this before and we were going into it completely blind. I knew it was supposed to be a rollercoaster, but I knew nothing more than that. Below I'm going to talk about our experience and if you want to avoid any spoilers, scroll down past the photo of the outside of the ride.

Potential spoilers ahead:

Once in line we waited maaaaybe about 15 minutes before making it into the pre-shows. The line was actually really cool & had a ton of screens playing videos of the characters & models of the city of Xandar. I LOVE seeing prototype models—one of my favorite parts of the People Mover at MK is seeing the Progress City model.

The pre-shows were really cool. It kinda had a similar effect that the pre-shows from Rise has. Very, very immersive & funny!

From there we were on the ride in under ten minutes and we were not prepared for how awesome it was. James' sister had hyped it up quite a bit but I was afraid I would be disappointed because of how much we were anticipating it. I was WRONG!

It is hands down my favorite ride at Disney now. No question about it. I love rollercoasters but I think those who get squeamish on rides would still love this one. It doesn't have any drops & doesn't go upside down. The ride itself, however, is FAST. Really fast. The G-forces are incredible and it somehow makes you feel like you are levitating/flying through space. It is a lot smoother than Space Mountain (which btw I feel needs a major overhaul, but that's a topic for another day).

Not to mention the music! There are six songs the ride shuffles through and we got Conga the first time & Everybody Wants to Rule the World the second. Both were super fun and added different vibes to the ride. We were so glad that we had purchased the ILL to ride it again afterwards as we had a blast. We came off both times with windblown hair and giant smiles on our faces. The second time around doing the ILL we skipped pretty much the entire line up to the pre-shows, so I'm glad we got to experience the regular line first.

I will say that the virtual queue doesn't appear to guarantee a quick entry, that is what the ILL is for. Our boarding group was early enough that there wasn't a long wait the first time we rode it, but walking past the virtual queue line our second time using the ILL, it was a lot more backed up.

By about 10:30 AM an announcement said the virtual queue had booked up completely. There was another chance at 1 PM to try and join it then. I've also been told that on nights of extended hours there's a chance to join the queue again at 6 PM.

James' one critique was that he thought the ride itself should've incorporated more of the plot elements. I agree that the plot wasn't super groundbreaking but if I'm being honest, I hardly looked at the screens the whole time as I was too busy having fun being sped around.

In conclusion, I adore that ride and you should definitely try it (even twice!) if you have the chance. I wish we could've done it five more times that day.


In between our two chances to ride Guardians we rode our LL for Test Track which was just across the way. James and I always make the most ridiculous looking cars we can. He scanned his magic band for the one we created that day and when I scanned mine it actually pulled up an old one we had previously created which was pretty funny. Our cars won!

We also grabbed a bite to eat over at the eatery which was packed by that time. James got a chicken sandwich and I got a slice of pizza. They were both pretty yummy. They also had waffles in their dessert menu and James couldn't get over how good they smelled.

Next up—Food & Wine and heading home. I'll report again here soon 😁
✨ Day Four: Part Two - Food & Wine & Headed Home

Hey y'all! I apologize for the late update, it's been quite a whirlwind since we got home. Despite having both been boosted we ended catching Covid 😣 Luckily our symptoms were on the mild-moderate side and we are feeling SO much better so we are hoping we can jump back to normal life soon; we are super grateful we are able to rest up and stay away from others at home. I hope you all have been well, the current variant is definitely making the rounds lately.

Without further ado, here's what we did on the rest of day four!

After we finished up the rides portion of the day, we made our way over to the World Showcase to eat and shop! The sun was really scorching down on us so we made it a plan to get one of those blue misting fans. I felt it was pretty crowded but not anything we couldn't handle. We stopped in a few shops to cool down along the way and managed to find a stand with the fans between Canada and the UK. Unfortunately they were empty and not sitting on ice so we went back over to the Refreshment Port for some ice waters. The sprayer on our fan ended up being broken so we had to swap it out at the stand. Finally we could douse ourselves in freezing water which made a giant difference, truly.

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Our first stop was at the Belgium outpost between France & Morocco! We ended up getting waters and shared the the Beer Braised Beef w/ Smoked Gouda Mashed Potatoes. It was delicious and felt like it would be a pretty hearty meal in a normal portion.

I stole a photo from the DisneyFoodBlog so you all could see what it looked like 😅


Next up was Japan. I was really excited to try their offerings; I love Japanese cuisine. I ended up getting one of each item for us to try: Teriyaki Chicken Bun, Takoyaki (octopus with green onion and cabbage bites), and Spicy Salmon Donburi! I liked all of them and James preferred the Teriyaki Bun.

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We did a little shopping in Mitsukoshi afterwards—it's always a must-do for us at EPCOT—and then we decided we were going to head back the way we came. On a cooler day we probably would've looped the whole showcase, but we were both exhausted and ready to hit the road home. We just had a few more stops to make!

I remembered seeing Spanakopita at the Greece stop on the way in so I got some as we made our way out. I could've eaten that the whole day and I would've been happy as a clam 🥰

James wanted to check out the Apple Orchard in Canada so we made our way there. It was a little bit hidden but we went up the steps and past the waterfall and found it. The view was worth the trek alone!


There we tried the the Frozen Apple Pie and the Cinnamon Apple Cider. Both were awesome!! The Frozen Apple pie was like an apple slushy with pie crumbs and glazed apples at the bottom.
The menu had a lot of drinks that sounded delicious but James and I aren't big drinkers so we passed on those for another day. Besides, I don't think heat and alcohol mix very well and I was our designated driver.


That was our last stop for the Food & Wine for the trip. I am DEFINITELY taking us on a trip once the cooler months roll in dedicated to just that. I want to really be able to enjoy the foods and take our time and try everything we want. The heat alone was exhausting and we didn't want to stay at the park too late since we would be returning home that evening.

On our way out I wanted to stop by the new Creations Store. We had been once before when they opened back in Feb and I was excited to see the new items. I found a matching purse to the wallet I picked up which I LOVED. Maybe a treat for another trip 😉


We rode the bus back to the WL for the last time 😢 and stopped by the gift shop to pick up a WL magnet I wanted to add to our growing collection! Then we grabbed our luggage and car from valet and hit the road.

And that was the trip! 🥳 We pulled out of Disney around 4 PM and were home in time to feed our kitties dinner by 6:30!

Thank you to everyone who stuck around and followed along the journey! It was super fun and I find this a great way to keep our trip memories fresh in my head. I will definitely be doing more of these for future trips, perhaps a more in depth Food & Wine report later this Fall :scratchin

If you have any questions, feel free to ask away! I may do a quick wrap up review in the next day or so to close out my thoughts. Hope to see you all real soon ❤️
Thank you so much for the lovely trip report!

Glad you had a great trip but sorry you ended up sick with Covid! I am glad you are feeling better now. This variant is a crazy one.. my whole family came down with it this month. I just pray that means we are safe for our Sept. trip and you will be safe for a fall trip :). But I digress...

We are by nature rope droppers so I enjoy reading reports where later entry with genie + stacking happens. It seems like it worked very well for you.

Thanks again!
Despite having both been boosted we ended catching Covid 😣 Luckily our symptoms were on the mild-moderate side
I'm sorry to hear that you both got Covid. My DH caught Covid during our May trip, despite being double boosted, but my sister and I didn't get it. I'm hoping we don't get the new variant. :(

The sun was really scorching down on us so we made it a plan to get one of those blue misting fans.
WS needs more shade. The misting fan sounds like a wonderful idea.
It was a little bit hidden but we went up the steps and past the waterfall and found it. The view was worth the trek alone!
I always forget that this is in Canada. It is really pretty back there.
I will definitely be doing more of these for future trips, perhaps a more in depth Food & Wine report later this Fall :scratchin
Food and Wine at the end of October would be much cooler. :)


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