Baloo is finding his Bare Necessities of life (Comments Welcome)

Yeah, Rise & Run offers a great, non-judgemental space. I like that they celebrate all runners and recognise that if you toe the line and go at 16 min pace or 6 min pace you are equally a runner. They have had some really great guests and they do seem very nice. Not sure if I would join their Zoom meetings, introvert tendencies getting the better of me. Anyone have suggestions on other good running podcasts you follow?

Yay I just heard Baloo's review this morning while listening to the latest episode :)
I usually listen to:
Rise and Run
Runners Without Limits
Marathon Training Academy (when I need a break from the runDisney kool-aid 🤣 )
No-Guilt Disney (their rD specific shows)
Thanks for all the podcast tips. I tried Runners Without Limits this morning during my run and subscribed. Going to try Marathon Training Academy also!
I, too, love listening to the Rise and Run podcast. For good running education pods, check out The Running Explained Podcast and Run4PRs. Another good one is The Run Smarter Podcast.
Today was lottery results day for the Chicago Marathon. And it being only a few hours from my home I applied back in November. Unfortunately, I did not get selected. This was actually the second time I have tried to get into Chicago. But I am 0 for 2. I have heard it has the best lottery rate, but that has not worked out for me, so far. Hopefully the third time will be the charm.

I will try the lottery again next fall and speaking of next fall I need a different race to focus on now. I am thinking about the Twin Cities Marathon. I have heard that is a really good marathon. Anyone run it before? Any feedback?
I haven’t run the Twin Cities Marathon, but I did the Loony Challenge this year (10K and 5K on Saturday and 10 Miler on Sunday) and its great! The last few miles down Summit Avenue has amazing crowd support. It’s also been voted one of the most beautiful marathons in America. I have some pictures from the 10 Miler in this post from my journal.
Week 24 Dopey Challenge Plan
12/6: 4 miles - Easy Run - Completed 4.54 miles. Morning run, really enjoying the holiday lights! Went easy, but cold motivated me to pick it up a little. Finished with a 10:57 pace, a bit too fast.
12/7: 4 miles - Hill Run - Completed 4.52 miles. Morning run. Repeats on Dobie Road, has some good hills. Slowed pace between repeats.
12/8: 4 miles - Tempo Run/Pushing - Completed 4.51 miles. Morning run. Averaged 9:01. Very happy with my run this morning. On a different note, not happy - I was not selected for the Chicago Marathon. Two swings and two misses; maybe next year. Thinking maybe Philadelphia or Twin Cities instead. Going to try the NYC lottery, not likely though.
12/9: Rest
12/10: 7 miles - Marathon Pace (10:40) - Completed 7.63 miles. So today I tried to stick to pace, but right off the bat I was going too fast. Overall I averaged 10:04 pace inclusive of a slower warm-up mile. I was purposely slowing so was surprised when I kept going too fast. So the question is can I look to reduce my planned pace or do I play it safe and do my best to stick with it knowing that running in the wonderful cold weather of Michigan will be nothing like the challenges of the heat of Florida in January…. Happy with fitness though!
12/11: 7 miles - Easy Pace (12:00) - Completed 7.52 miles, was able to go slow and easy. snowed while running very pretty!


Overall a really good week. Hit all my planned runs. My remaining issue is pace. I am feeling stronger on runs and just out running planned paces. This is happening even when I am intentionally slowing. Part of me wonders if I should move my planned pace down some. But I still have a very good memory of NYC and how empty I felt before that was over. Even trying to slow down I went out too fast and paid the price. My current planned pace is already much faster than that day. I am just looking to find some consistency and strength throughout the race. I would rather be going too slow at the front end than dying at the back end.

This next week is my last full training week, with a third Dopey simulation. I will continue to focus on pace. Due to work I have to start the simulation on Wednesday instead of Thursday, but it should work out just fine. I am feeling really good about Dopey and feel I am going to be ready. Getting excited!

Week 25 Dopey Challenge, Simulation Week # 3
12/12- Rest
12/13: Walk
12/14: 3 miles - Easy Pace
12/15: 5 miles - Marathon Pace (10:40)
12/16: 10 miles - Easy Pace with 2 push miles
12/17: 18 miles - Easy Pace
12/18: 5 miles - Walk

Gratuitous picture of napping Kai, he loved the snow today and I actually wore him out! Small SUnday victory!!
12/10: 7 miles - Marathon Pace (10:40) - Completed 7.63 miles. So today I tried to stick to pace, but right off the bat I was going too fast. Overall I averaged 10:04 pace inclusive of a slower warm-up mile. I was purposely slowing so was surprised when I kept going too fast. So the question is can I look to reduce my planned pace or do I play it safe and do my best to stick with it knowing that running in the wonderful cold weather of Michigan will be nothing like the challenges of the heat of Florida in January…. Happy with fitness though!
12/11: 7 miles - Easy Pace (12:00) - Completed 7.52 miles, was able to go slow and easy. snowed while running very pretty!

Hey, we have basically the same paces! And I'm right there with you: I feel like I could go quite a bit faster from a fitness perspective, but have to force myself to slow down knowing that it'll be a lot harder to maintain across the full marathon length. Great work this week!
Hey, we have basically the same paces! And I'm right there with you: I feel like I could go quite a bit faster from a fitness perspective, but have to force myself to slow down knowing that it'll be a lot harder to maintain across the full marathon length. Great work this week!
Thanks. That is exactly my thought also. More than anything I just want a strong marathon experience. I think the slower pace is going to give me the ability to stay strong in the later parts of the race.
I will try the lottery again next fall and speaking of next fall I need a different race to focus on now. I am thinking about the Twin Cities Marathon. I have heard that is a really good marathon. Anyone run it before? Any feedback?

I ran Twin Cities back in 2019. It's a good course, with a solid downhill finish and tons of crowd support. I really enjoyed it even if I wasn't trained well for it. Not sure what part of Michigan you're in, but if Chicago is only a few hours away you can't be too from Grand Rapids either. I ran the Grand Rapids half marathon in 2021, and am considering going back for the full next year, pending some things in my personal life. It's between those two for me really. I'll do one not sure which. But I know the GR one is a lot flatter than Twin Cities, but I remember there being a portion of the half, which would be longer for the full, that didn't have much crowd support.
I ran Twin Cities back in 2019. It's a good course, with a solid downhill finish and tons of crowd support. I really enjoyed it even if I wasn't trained well for it. Not sure what part of Michigan you're in, but if Chicago is only a few hours away you can't be too from Grand Rapids either. I ran the Grand Rapids half marathon in 2021, and am considering going back for the full next year, pending some things in my personal life. It's between those two for me really. I'll do one not sure which. But I know the GR one is a lot flatter than Twin Cities, but I remember there being a portion of the half, which would be longer for the full, that didn't have much crowd support.
Thanks for the info. To this point I have only heard good things, so really leaning towards doing it. I am in the Lansing area (near Michigan State). I have run the Grand Rapids Marathon and 25K Grand Rapiods River Bank Run. Similar courses, well organized, hilly and very pretty! I would recommend either of them.
Week 25 of Dopey Training, 3rd (and last!) Dopey Sim Week
Rest - No Run.
12/13: 3 miles - Easy Run, 2 miles push (<9:15): Completed 3.53 miles. Warm up mile and then two push miles at 9:05 & 8:35.
12/14: 3 miles/“5K” - Easy Pace: Completed 3.53 miles, weird exactly the same as yesterday! Easy Pace, just cruised.
12/15: 5 miles/“10K” - Marathon Pace (10:40): completed 5.55. Good pacing: 10:50, 10:29, 10:36, 10:39 & 10:08.
12/16: 8 miles/“Half” - Marathon Pace (10:40): completed 8.05 miles. Had to run extra early today - out the door by 3am (work at 5:30 today). Decided to change up my plan and go with Marathon Pace again, had planned to go slow today, but will tomorrow. Times were pretty good, started a little slow, then found a grove: 11:01, 10:38, 10:48, 10:25, 10:31, 10:33, 10:27.
12/17: 18 miles/“Full” - Easy Pace (12:00): Completed 18.87 Miles. Worst conditions in this training cycle by far! Rained last night, turned to snow and ice. Everything this morning was icy and hard. The first two hours were in the dark and I really had to be careful. BUT, I finished and now time to taper!!!! I am very happy with this last run: averaged 11:45 and pushed my last three miles (was getting cold and just wanted to finish). Last three miles were 11:11, 10:32 & 9:49. I felt strong throughout. And I have finalized my nutrition plan. So good day!
12/18: 5 miles - Easy Pace (12:00) - Completed 4.61 miles. Went slow with lots of walking, did some strides to warm up but otherwise nice finish to the week!

Was a really good week. For the first time since moving to morning runs I got every one of them done early; and this week I had six! Friday’s I cover at work for a coworker and open for the day. Meaning I have to be at work by 5:30am and due to vacations have to cover today (Sunday) so it was very challenging to get in all these runs - but I did it! Getting very excited about MW, hard to believe that it is basically just two weeks away! This next week I am going to be reducing mileage but keeping some tempo and speed work in my schedule. Nutrition is finally set. So Excited!

Week 26 of Dopey Training - let the madness (I mean Taper) begin
12/19: Rest - No Run.
12/20: 4 miles - Easy Run (12:00)
12/21: 3 miles - Push Run (<9:15)
12/22: 4 miles - Easy Run (12:00)
12/23: Rest - No Run.
12/24: 6 miles - Marathon Pace (10:40)
12/25: Long Walk

Wait, I think the best way to end this report is with Kai in the warmth of early fall.
Thanks for the info. To this point I have only heard good things, so really leaning towards doing it. I am in the Lansing area (near Michigan State). I have run the Grand Rapids Marathon and 25K Grand Rapiods River Bank Run. Similar courses, well organized, hilly and very pretty! I would recommend either of them.
If you end up running twin cities let me know. It’s likely the one I’ll end up running, though I would prefer my personal life going the way that leads me to GR. But really looking at tackling Twin Cities being able to train and not doing it 13 weeks post surgery.
Week 25 of Dopey Training, 3rd (and last!) Dopey Sim Week
18 miles/“Full” - Easy Pace (12:00): Completed 18.87 Miles. Worst conditions in this training cycle by far! Rained last night, turned to snow and ice. Everything this morning was icy and hard. The first two hours were in the dark and I really had to be careful. BUT, I finished and now time to taper!!!! I am very happy with this last run: averaged 11:45 and pushed my last three miles (was getting cold and just wanted to finish). Last three miles were 11:11, 10:32 & 9:49. I felt strong throughout. And I have finalized my nutrition plan. So good day!
Fantastic work! Glad to hear you finished so strong. You’ve got this!
I really love trail races and do hope to get back to more of them in the future. In the better weather seasons I try to run the trails in my area at least a couple times a month. And I am hoping to run The Legend (a Trail Half in August at Sleepy Hollow State Park). Please tell me how Hurt the Dirt goes, I have seen that race weekend advertised a lot.
Dopey Challenge Training Week 26, Taper Week 1
It was a good week, extremely challenging to deal with the weather. I ended up flip-flopping several planned runs to get this weeks long run out of the way before the weather turned. So glad I did that, it dropped down to below zero the last three days with windchills down to -10 to -20. The wind was just horrible! But I go through the week and I am happy with my results. I am feeling better about my planned marathon pace and getting excted!

12/19: Week 26 Dopey Challenge, Taper Week # 1 - Rest
12/20: 4 miles - Easy Run: Completed 4:53 miles.
12/21: 4 miles - Push Run: Completed 4.14 miles. Did a warm up mile, two push miles and a cool down mile. 11:49, 9:05, 8:49 & 11:16. Very cold!
12/22: 7 miles - Easy Run (11:40) Completed 7.55 miles. I did not want to get up today! That was a battle with the snooze! Averaged 11:17. First two miles were very slow, but I picked it up and then because I was running (pun) late, I picked up the last few a lot. Good run.
12/23: 4 miles - Easy Pace: Completed 3.13 miles. WAY TOO COLD, wind chill literally took my breath away, called it q little short today.
12/24: 5 miles - Marathon Pace (10:40): completed 5.71 miles. Went a little slower than intended. A LOT of snow on the ground and super cold. Happy to have finished and even broke out my Yak Trax!
12/25: Long Walk

Week 27, Taper Week 2 Plan
12/26: Week 27 Dopey Challenge, Taper Week # 2 - Rest
12/27: 4 miles - Easy Run
12/28: 4 miles - Push Run
12/29: 4 miles - Easy Run
12/30: OFF
12/31: 3 miles - Marathon Pace (10:40)
1/1: 4 miles Easy
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Hey fellow michigander! I've not been on the boards much this year, but I'm trying to catch up today. Just noticed you have a training journal and I'm here to follow along. I don't have any runDisney races planned, but hope to catch you at Michigan race soon.

@avondale Hurt the Dirt is my home turf!!! Luton Park is only three miles from my house and I run there very frequently. It's a great race! I've run the short distance (6.5 miler) a couple of times. Let me know if you do it and if you have questions. :thumbsup2


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