Baltimore BOT-Fest

Hartford? Really? You don't even really live near Hartford.

Yuh-Huh!! Hartford's only 15 minutes from me!!

Mike - She didn't swear, per se. She just used Richard's nickname, if you get my drift.;) Glad she wasn't my kid's teacher, sheesh. :teacher:"What do you mean 5x5 is 20? 20??? You don't know (Richard's nickname)." :teacher: Nice.

I wouldn't mind, but Spencer's not used to being exposed to such language. :rolleyes1
I will sneak out of lurkdom for just a moment to encourage everyone to come to the area for Tobacco Road. I'm doing the half, and Lily is coming down for the half, and we're trying to talk Jeanne into doing it too. It's a beautiful trail!

Mike - Is Kathy going to do Tobacco Road?

Chester I see Tobacco Road in your signature. Have you already signed up for that race? If you, Mike, Kathy, Cindy and I all end up doing Tobacco road, it would be like a mini bot meet.
Will you allow BOT lurkers?

Mike - She didn't swear, per se. She just used Richard's nickname, if you get my drift.;) Glad she wasn't my kid's teacher, sheesh. :teacher:"What do you mean 5x5 is 20? 20??? You don't know (Richard's nickname)." :teacher: Nice.

OK, it was NOT that bad.
(Sneaking out of lurkdom) Since Bill didn't answer yet, I will... ;) We could very easily be convinced to go back to DC!!! And Bill just so happened to pick up a guaranteed entry while we were at the expo... just sayin'! :rolleyes1 We're still working out travel plans for the year, but I would LOVE to go back to DC in the fall! :thumbsup2

--Lynnda (sneaking back into lurkdom)

Marine Corp Marine Corp Marine Corp!

Wouldn't it be awesome if we had a huge group of wishers running Marine Corp this year.
Matt has registered for the full and I'm in for the half for Tobacco Road.

I'm hoping I can get myself into some sort of decent shape in the next 9 weeks so that I can attempt a good race. On that note, I'm headed out for my first post Goofy run.

First run = no bueno.

My right knee was bothering me after the Goofy, but I iced it a lot and thought it was fine. I went out for a 5 miler and felt fine for almost 3 miles. After that my knee started to hurt a bit and the pain got worse really quickly. I ended up having to walk the last half mile home because the pain was really intense.

I'm icing it right now. Not sure if that makes sense but not really sure what else to do.:confused3 I always have issues with my knees being achy and sore, but this is different - more of an intense and sharp pain. I guess I'll see how it is tomorrow. Not sure if I need more rest or a doctor.:sad2:
Cindy - Go easy. Ice it, then maybe a hot bath. Also, try & stretch it out a lot. I bet it's your quads that are tight that is making your knee hurt.

Glad everyone has a spring marathon planned! :headache:. Tools. Wish I could be there, as it sounds like a good run. However, gotta do that NYC thang!

Been running a bit - 6 today, 6 on Thurs. Felt pretty good but a bit fatigued. Gotta get used to running @ my own pace again after training w/ the boy for so long. ;)
Wait....has everyone ruled out the Mardi Gras marathon in N'Walins in Feb? And Vegas in Dec. (except for Chester). BTW, Chester, ru trying to run 50 marathons in 50 states?

Matt - Can't you just mail me a bottle of that ale that you brewed?? I'll reimburse for the postage!
Hey Bots!

Just checking in on the new thread. I was totally jammed up this week but lurked a few times. MCM is a possibility for me. Weren't there a lot of people on this thread saying you would never run a race twice? I thought most of you ran MCM. Either way, I didn't and would be interested since it's so close.

So far the game plan for spring looks like the Broad St Run will be the race I train for. Would like to run that in less then 70 minutes. I'll run a bunch of 1/2's to get ready for it. I'm looking at running a 1/2 in Seaside Heights in April called the Runapalooza. There's a marathon relay for anyone interested

Hello BOTs, Lurkers, Spouses and those with "colorful" words to express themselves.

This is my first post on the new thread, its already up to 4 pages without me? I can live with that.

I had an awesome time in WDW, one of my best trips overall. Plenty of time with friends, family and the BOTS. Thank you for making it a great weekend!

I finished the marathon, officially, in 5:03:32 at an 11:32 pace. Not my best, but given my recent ailment/knee issue and a LR of 8 miles, I'll take it. I now have something to improve from.

I see the orthopedic specialist this week to go over the results of an MRI I had last Thursday. I am hoping that it is something small/nothing to worry about. The anti-inflammatories are working well keeping the pain at bay, but that's not the answer to my issue. When I miss a dose, the pain comes back.

I can definitely be talked into MCM for 2010. I ran it in 2008 and 2009. The 2008 race is my current PR (4:10:49). I recommend the hotel that Judy, Charlie and I stayed in (that Denny Haas stayed in 2008). It is the Holiday Inn - Rossyln/Key Bridge. It is near the Metro and one or two stops from the start and within walking distance of the family gathering area at the end of the race. []
The rate was good and I used the Entertainment book for an additional discount off the regular rate.

That being said, I am in the NYC lottery and there is a chance I'll get picked for this year (my second year in the lottery). The races are too close to one another for me to do both, but I should know in April if I made it or not. I may have to gamble and sign up for MCM anyway just to guarantee it. By the way Judy, Charlie offered me your extra guaranteed entry card. I'll collect it when we meet you both soon. :thumbsup2

I am refraining from running until I talk to my Doctor later this week. Once I know the plan, I hope to be able to continue to train. The Caesar Rodney Half Marathon is coming up in March and I plan on running it.

Cindy~ Take care of your knee. Your symptoms sound similar to mine.

If I knew how to post photos here, I'd post the Chicken Dance ala Matt and Jodi. That was a sight to see. :rolleyes1 How we managed to keep the German sausages and strudel down, I'll never know. :confused3

Enjoy your week! I'll be back soon, hopefully with some good knee news.


Wait....has everyone ruled out the Mardi Gras marathon in N'Walins in Feb? And Vegas in Dec. (except for Chester). BTW, Chester, ru trying to run 50 marathons in 50 states?

I'm registered for Mardi Gras and Tobacco Road. MCM is iffy. My Halloween decorations are infamous and I can't let my fans down. I think I'll have to pass on this one this year.

Yeah, I'm trying to run 51 Marathons in 50 states plus DC. So far I have 5 states plus DC. I hope I live long enough to get them all done.
Bad news to report. As of Friday, I'm laid off.

Anyone want a Mardi Gras and Tobacco Road bib?
Bad news to report. As of Friday, I'm laid off.

Anyone want a Mardi Gras and Tobacco Road bib?

Holy CRAP, Chester! I am SO, SO, sorry. Do NOT give those dang bibs away, I'm sure someone will buy those bad boys. So what gives? Which way are you gonna go with this? I'm sure you can collect for a bit, but know that's only a fraction. Don't let it get you down, man. Jeez. Is there any light @ the end of the tunnel?? :grouphug:
I recommend the hotel that Judy, Charlie and I stayed in (that Denny Haas stayed in 2008 By the way Judy, Charlie offered me your extra guaranteed entry card. I'll collect it when we meet you both soon. :thumbsup2

Just confirming, was SEPERATE rooms, seperate. And in Judy and Charlie...and Howard. :rolleyes1

Sure, Howard, you can have it....for a price.....popcorn::
Hey Everyone: I got back from Florida yesterday. I'm exhausted. I had a great week leading the student service trip to Give Kids The World though. Now it's back to reality.

I did get my first run in since the half marathon though.
Dave-Glad to hear you got a run in!!! And I'm so proud of you, going down & volunteering all your time @ GKTW. Very admirable. I've gotta get Spencer down there for some of that.


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