Based on your birthdate , when were you roughly conceived?

I was born a month premature, so about 36 weeks before my birthday.
Well for me, it must have been around my older brother’s birthday. He was about 9 years older than me. I would have had another older brother, about 5 years older, but he was born with spina bifada, and died not quite 2 1/2 years before I was born.
Just like our kids do not want to hear the details of our, um, private lives, neither do I want to think about this. I was brought by the stork....or maybe Hagrid.

Funny timing on this post as my pre-teen has just come to live with me which means I need to be, shall we say, less frank when discussing certain matters with my wife.
Just like our kids do not want to hear the details of our, um, private lives, neither do I want to think about this. I was brought by the stork....or maybe Hagrid.
Right? I do not want to think about it. My dad once let it slip that I was probably conceived in Canada (which would have been a vacation, since my parents have never lived Canada). That alone was too much info. I do not need more.
Early December, however, I hope I was gently and lovingly conceived vs. roughly conceived. Not a question I'm going to ask any time soon though.


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