Big Apple, Boardwalk, and Beach - Bullies and Wrap-up (The End!) (pg 44)

DHS afternoon

After gaming our way through the Toy Story Midway, we made time for a ‘never done’ attraction: “One Man’s Dream”. (Yes, I know this trip report is really old!)

Walt’s school desk.


I recently saw a documentary on Walt (maybe I’m thinking of the not-so-flattering one, was it on PBS?), and there was some footage of him returning to Marceline Missouri, visiting his old school and searching for and finding this desk, where he’d carved his initials.

I guess this was his office setup.


Early Epcot plans.


Walt in front of Epcot demo. Not sure if that’s the longest pointer ever used, or the shortest pole vault.


James at the camera.


Proof that Abe Lincoln was a cyborg from the future.


Here’s a photo of me with Roy and Mickey on Opening Day at the Magic Kingdom. Had to get this photo for @Reddog1134, who perfected this shot.


We checked on the line for Baymax again since we were near the Animation Courtyard, but he was on a break so no luck on our second try.

From there, we decided to ride Rock ’n’ Roller Coaster single-rider. Judy went to Starbucks instead. A mother and son were behind us in line and nobody joined behind them even though it took us probably a half-hour to get through. She said she still wasn’t sure she was going to go on but I reassured her that it was the best coaster in DisneyWorld, she had to try it.

Springsteen shirt in RnRC


When we got to the load area there was somebody in the Standby line who was a party of one. Not too efficient, glad we know better. We all got in the same limo, but different cars. Looks like I didn’t get Lauren’s ride photo, but I love this one of Marlene. I think she was trying to scream for the camera but some genuine fear crept in.




Speaking of genuine fear, I think this woman riding with me and Ackbar was genuinely afraid!


We decided to ride again, hoping that the Single Rider line was still short. The mother and son who were behind us before got in line again too and said they really liked it. They even got to ride together.

There was a guy in line ahead of us who let us pass because he had some family members behind us. I said thanks, some people would just bring them all up through the line. He said, “Oh I know, I got into it with somebody at Universal yesterday. They said their family member was in the bathroom...well I wouldn’t get in line without them!”

We all got on the same limo again and Lauren and I got to ride together.


Marlene, only slightly less scared this time around.


Judy was waiting for us in the dump shop when we got off the ride. I went to check the wait time for Baymax while everyone else walked to Starbucks. I walked by a cast member who said, “Oooo, I never see him on a shirt!”, referring to Ackbar. The Baymax line was 45 minutes long and he was on yet another break. 3 strikes, you’re out Baymax. You are not going to get to sign an autograph for me this trip!

I caught up with the fam at Starbucks.


On the way out we realized that we hadn’t gotten a family Photopass picture taken in the park yet.



The kids got their own group photo.


I wanted to get one in my Admiral Ackbar shirt. Yes, I was the one who edited the photos on the Photopass site.


And with that, we were done. It was time to head back to the suite to recuperate.


The kids walked back, but Judy’s feet were sore so we took the boat but got off at the Swan and walked from there.

Up next: A Spicy Road to a new restaurant for us
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Now you're being too hard on yourself. I will be expecting entertaining next.

Something to strive for!

They were there in May and better when we go back for Mardi Gras.

I hope you'll still catch some Mardi Gras festivities in Nawlins'.

And so is mine. Join the crowd.


I would hate to disappoint you.


That's what Disney is for. It's not the real world.

Thank goodness for that!

I have been away for SO long. Don't you hate it when life gets in the way of dissing?

You mean like the last 3 or 4 months of mine? Yes, yes I do! ;)

But, I just caught up! Love everything, as usual.


Tell Judy I love her hat! It's so cool! And the Sully interaction with it was great.

Will do. Yes, our interaction with Sully was an unexpected treat.

I read so much, I can't remember everything, but I know it was all great! I'll try to be more regular around here. I haven't updated my TR in almost a year!

Thanks! No worries, we're moving slow :snail: around here.

Trying to catch up.... not an easy task these days.

No, not at all. As evidenced by the fact that this reply is a few months late.

BUT, you did have some fun happenings after your lunch. The photos with Sully in Judy's hat are priceless! (STILL have hat envy right there.)

Such a fun time with Sully and Mike.

I can never remember what scenes I get in Star Tours. I"m too busy trying not to hurl.

Do you think those X-wing fighter spaceships have a spot for a little barf bag dispenser?

That's how Disney re-programs your phone to automatically give you subliminal messages to spend 3 times what you normally would.


I hadn't seen your Mike and Sully pics when I commented. So fun!

I remember you commenting right after I posted the last chapter and suspected that you hadn't seen it. No worries!

Great character interactions. The hat looks good on Sully :rotfl2:

Yes! Who knew Sully looks so good in hats?!

Your time with the army guy was fun, too. I love how they just act like they
have no personality, and then they see someone or meet someone and the fun comes out!

So much fun! They're a hoot!
holy cow...does this count as a zombie thread now???

Now I'm going to have to go back and reread everything to remember what was going on.
I am following along! Late but following along. I am slowly trying to catch up.

You New York City trip looked great! We live in the south jersey, so i reconized your photos of the Hamilton train station!

When we’ve driven to Florida before, I’ve always liked to get most of the drive out of the way on the first day (of 2) so that the second day doesn’t seem so bad. “Just a few more hours, and we’ll be in Disney!
I don't know if we could actual survive that long of a drive. I think my DH would implode first!

By the time “Hey Jude” came around, I said “I don’t care about the people behind me who are so lame as to sit on their hands at a Paul McCartney concert”. We stood, wrapped our arms around each other, swayed to the beat, and belted out “Hey Jude” with Paul.
What a great expierence for you and the kids. As a mom of not teenagers yet, I am glad to hear that some teens like to still hang out with there parents and go to Disney!

James broke the silence with, “And you said this wouldn’t be fun!” I laughed out loud!
Such a good attitute! Love it!

We were given a tall table to the left of the bowling lanes on the first floor. We put our orders in with the waitress and took a moment to create a “start of vacation” photo to post on Instagram.

These are the best photos! it really is teh "begining" of the trip!

Looks amazing! (for bowling food)
They left you a pack n play, you could have just put a kid in there...

As we walked back, a cast member came out of Seashore Sweets with a platter of ice cream samples and asked us if we’d like one. Well okay, if you’re gonna twist my arm!

Those are pretty big samples!

They only good thing, is that the que is really fun to wait in, once you get to that point..

The rest of us met Rapunzel as well. I was trying to think of what I could talk to Rapunzel about, and I blurted out, “All of my kids got haircuts just before coming on this trip.” She got a look of horror on her face and said, “And you let them?!”
Ha! We always try to think of something cleaver to say to the characters. It helps keep things moving.

All of your pics came out great!


It’s hard to remember to reapply at the Magic Kingdom, so you need to do it when you think of it!
This is so funny! I love it!

Crossing the bridge to the Beast’s Castle. The forced perspective might be a tad overdone here, but I understand that they want only one castle (Cindy’s) to be in view from anywhere else on property.
I feel like it def looks better when you are farther away from the castle, the perspective works better.

What?!?! Creepy!
I am all caught up!

Just beutiful!

It must have been amazing day. All be it what 2 years ago?!? Still you all look amazing and so happy on your families special day!

The Rainforest Café entrance. Definitely fewer people, but just look at that rogues gallery lined up at the turnstile. I’d hate to run into them in a dark alley. Oh wait, that’s my family. Nevermind.

I did not know about this entrance. Did they close this recently?

I posted this little video on Instagram, of Marlene using her MagicBand and getting the famous entry-approving green Mickey-head.
I want to make that sound into a ring tone and/or text message sound. Wouldn't that be amazing! Anyone know how to do that?

Naked mole rats. Are they moles or are they rats?
My girls love them! I don't get it, but they think they are cute.


I do feel a little bad posting this, but it is just too good of a picture not to. The look on her face is just awesome!! When I saw that picture, I just howled. I love it!
Poor little girl! She probably said she loved it after.

He said, “It was no big deal...but my face may have told a different story!” I wish I could’ve seen that ride photo.
That def would have been funny to see. At least you got to see how he liked it.

Great pics! I love Sci-Fi.

Too Funny!!!!
I am following along! Late but following along. I am slowly trying to catch up.

Hi StarWarsMomofGirls! :welcome: Thanks for following and commenting. Take your time, we'll be here. ;)

You New York City trip looked great! We live in the south jersey, so i reconized your photos of the Hamilton train station!

Ah yes, the Hamilton train station. Judy and I went for a mini-vaca to NYC this past summer and took the same mode of transportation. And, I'm taking so long with this trip report that my next graduate (James) will have his graduation trip in a few months, and we've booked the Manhattan Club again.

I don't know if we could actual survive that long of a drive. I think my DH would implode first!

Maybe, but maybe not. My Dad drove us across country with no A/C, back in the day!

What a great expierence for you and the kids. As a mom of not teenagers yet, I am glad to hear that some teens like to still hang out with there parents and go to Disney!

Yes, there are times they'll still hang out. Do not give up hope!

These are the best photos! it really is teh "begining" of the trip!


Looks amazing! (for bowling food)

The best bowling food I've ever had, by a longshot!
They left you a pack n play, you could have just put a kid in there...

Now why didn't I think of that?!

Those are pretty big samples!

They were quite generous. I was not complaining.

They only good thing, is that the que is really fun to wait in, once you get to that point..

Yes, a fun time!

Ha! We always try to think of something cleaver to say to the characters. It helps keep things moving.

It just never occurs to me until I get to the character. I liked what I came up with for Rapunzel, and her response was the best!

All of your pics came out great!

Thanks, I liked how this session turned out.

This is so funny! I love it!

Thanks, me too!

What?!?! Creepy!

Yes, the infamous nanny chairs at the Boardwalk!
I am all caught up!

Now that didn't take long! I'll bet a snow day helped. ;)

Just beutiful!

Thank you.

It must have been amazing day. All be it what 2 years ago?!? Still you all look amazing and so happy on your families special day!

Well, two summers ago. It was a very memorable/emotional/fun day.

I did not know about this entrance. Did they close this recently?

I haven't been in a while, but I assume it's still there. If the Rainforest Café is still outside of the park entrance, then I'm sure it's still there.

I want to make that sound into a ring tone and/or text message sound. Wouldn't that be amazing! Anyone know how to do that?

I actually have a little bit of experience here, and believe that it is not possible (at least not easily) at the moment. Backstory: I got to travel to northern Spain last month for work for a week. Being one who sometimes has a tendency to rub it in, I wanted to make Elvis Presley's version of "Never Been to Spain" my wife's ringtone on my phone. I bought the song, downloaded a couple of different apps to make a ringtone from it, and discovered that none of them will work because they all use iTunes in the process to convert it to a ringtone and make it appear on your phone...and with the last update, Apple took that functionality away. Apparently they want to make you buy ringtones from them rather than make your own. (I also found a reasonable airfare for Judy to come visit Spain with me for a couple of days, but after thinking it over she declined due to a combination of cost/work obligations/James being home by himself. So, not rubbing it in all the time, for the record. :))

My girls love them! I don't get it, but they think they are cute.

So ugly they're cute, I guess.

Poor little girl! She probably said she loved it after.

I hope so, she looks pretty traumatized in that picture!

That def would have been funny to see. At least you got to see how he liked it.

Yeah, just wished I'd have thought to arrange riding with him. Oh well.

Great pics! I love Sci-Fi.

Thanks, me too.

Too Funny!!!!

Sully was a lot of fun. So unexpected.
Now that didn't take long! I'll bet a snow day helped. ;)
Most def the snow day helped. My girls are in grade school, and they have off again tomorrow. Maybe I can use the time to get another of my own trip update in.

Apple took that functionality away.
Boo on apple. I need to tweet something to Disney Marketing. Get them to make an official ring tone, then...
This IS old. Sooooo sad I never got to see it. :(

Walt in front of Epcot demo. Not sure if that’s the longest pointer ever used, or the shortest pole vault.


Proof that Abe Lincoln was a cyborg from the future.

That thing freaks me out every time!


THAT FACE!!! :lmao:

My new go to place!!! Perfect for a fuel up!
We got seated on the ride and apparently the guy who came through to check our seatbelts said, “It’s a trap!” to me (because of my Ackbar shirt), but I didn’t understand him and thought he was saying something to James. James told me what he’d said after he left, so I must’ve looked like some clueless old geezer who the kids stuck in a cool shirt and took to the park that day.


That does look like a fun meet with Mike and Sully. I noticed that Judy's hat matched Sully (and Mike) before I got to the part where Sully wore it.

The Green Army Men are great!

Yes, yes, this trip report is old. :rotfl2:

Well, it is Hollywood Studios, not MGM, so it's not THAT old.

I'm glad you got to experience One Man's Dream. I'm ashamed to admit that I never saw it. Bad Disney devotee!

The RnR ride pictures are AWESOME!!!

After gaming our way through the Toy Story Midway, we made time for a ‘never done’ attraction: “One Man’s Dream”. (Yes, I know this trip report is really old!)

I'm glad you got to see this. It has changed so much and continues to change. I wish I had spent more time here when I had the time .

Proof that Abe Lincoln was a cyborg from the future.

I thought he was a vampire hunter.

but I love this one of Marlene. I think she was trying to scream for the camera but some genuine fear crept in.

She looks truly scared.

Marlene, only slightly less scared this time around.

A littler better on this trip.

On the way out we realized that we hadn’t gotten a family Photopass picture taken in the park yet.

These are great! We have the hardest time remember to get pictures together at this park.

Yes, I was the one who edited the photos on the Photopass site.

Hard to tell.

I hope you'll still catch some Mardi Gras festivities in Nawlins'.

Sadly not this year. We head to Disney on the 9th and don't come back until the day after Ash Wednesday.
Most def the snow day helped. My girls are in grade school, and they have off again tomorrow. Maybe I can use the time to get another of my own trip update in.

Well, I can say that the snow day helped me get an update written. And could use another.

Boo on apple. I need to tweet something to Disney Marketing. Get them to make an official ring tone, then...

That could be a little money-maker there. Surprised they haven't done it already.

This IS old. Sooooo sad I never got to see it. :(

Well, it's understandable. With so many other things to do, it was hard to find time to work it in.

That thing freaks me out every time!

I know what you mean!

RedDog's version is better, but I gave it my best shot.

THAT FACE!!! :lmao:

No way she can deny that she was scared. She's not that good of an actress!

My new go to place!!! Perfect for a fuel up!


That does look like a fun meet with Mike and Sully. I noticed that Judy's hat matched Sully (and Mike) before I got to the part where Sully wore it.

Who knew that Sully had such a fashion sense?!

The Green Army Men are great!

Agreed! They're so much spontaneous fun!

Well, it is Hollywood Studios, not MGM, so it's not THAT old.

Thanks or putting it into perspective. :magnify: :laughing:

I'm glad you got to experience One Man's Dream. I'm ashamed to admit that I never saw it. Bad Disney devotee!

Wow, I'm surprised! Well, you've been on so many class trips, probably just about impossible to drag a group of teenager's you're chaperoning in there.

The RnR ride pictures are AWESOME!!!


Thanks, glad you liked 'em.

I'm glad you got to see this. It has changed so much and continues to change. I wish I had spent more time here when I had the time .

Me too. And we didn't even know it was on the chopping block at the time. Just thought, "hey, we've never stopped in here".

I thought he was a vampire hunter.

He was many things Vanessa.

She looks truly scared.

I think she was. Even though she's ridden it before. Strange.

A littler better on this trip.

A little bit.

These are great! We have the hardest time remember to get pictures together at this park.

Us too. We were this close to leaving without getting any.

Hard to tell.


Sadly not this year. We head to Disney on the 9th and don't come back until the day after Ash Wednesday.

Forgive me, but I'm going to have a hard time feeling sad for you when you're in DisneyWorld!!! :banana:

Hey, I was rooting for the Saints yesterday and could not believe the missed tackle and rapid turn of events on that last play. :eek: :faint:
After gaming our way through the Toy Story Midway, we made time for a ‘never done’ attraction: “One Man’s Dream”. (Yes, I know this trip report is really old!)


I mean, hi Glenn! Good to hear from you!

Early Epcot plans.

I love geeking out over that stuff.

Proof that Abe Lincoln was a cyborg from the future.

Hasta la vista, Ab-y.

Here’s a photo of me with Roy and Mickey on Opening Day at the Magic Kingdom. Had to get this photo for @Reddog1134, who perfected this shot.

Nice work! :rotfl2:

Looks like I didn’t get Lauren’s ride photo, but I love this one of Marlene. I think she was trying to scream for the camera but some genuine fear crept in.

Hey, with the launch on that ride, it's understandable. Makes for a great photo, too.

The Baymax line was 45 minutes long and he was on yet another break. 3 strikes, you’re out Baymax. You are not going to get to sign an autograph for me this trip!

45 minutes? No character is worth that.

I wanted to get one in my Admiral Ackbar shirt. Yes, I was the one who edited the photos on the Photopass site.

Hey, somebody has to do it. And nobody else will give you credit. I know how these things work.
Forgive me, but I'm going to have a hard time feeling sad for you when you're in DisneyWorld!!! :banana:

I know! And it's only 23 days away.

Hey, I was rooting for the Saints yesterday and could not believe the missed tackle and rapid turn of events on that last play. :eek: :faint:

Most horrible play ever! I'm still depressed and in shock. We almost had it. I was really hoping we would be celebrating a Super Bowl win the week afterwards in Disney like we did in 2010. Oh well. . .

I mean, hi Glenn! Good to hear from you!

He's alive! <cue Frankenstein groaning noises.>

I love geeking out over that stuff.


Hasta la vista, Ab-y.

I'm sitting here trying to figure out how to type out the opening to the Gettysburg Address with an Ah-nold sounding impression. I can hear it in my head.

Nice work! :rotfl2:

All props to Reddog.

Hey, with the launch on that ride, it's understandable. Makes for a great photo, too.

Love that launch!

45 minutes? No character is worth that.

Nope. He missed out.

Hey, somebody has to do it. And nobody else will give you credit. I know how these things work.

Yep. So if I have to do it, I may as well put flattering additions in, right?

I know! And it's only 23 days away.

Not that you're counting down or anything. :rolleyes:

Most horrible play ever! I'm still depressed and in shock. We almost had it. I was really hoping we would be celebrating a Super Bowl win the week afterwards in Disney like we did in 2010. Oh well. . .

When the play started my wife was saying that she was trying to decide who she would root for next week, Philly or the Saints. 5 seconds later, there was no dilemma. I feel sorry for Drew Brees, had a great game, came back to take the lead, and had to watch that collapse from the sideline.
Not that you're counting down or anything. :rolleyes:

Who, me? Never! :angel:

When the play started my wife was saying that she was trying to decide who she would root for next week, Philly or the Saints. 5 seconds later, there was no dilemma. I feel sorry for Drew Brees, had a great game, came back to take the lead, and had to watch that collapse from the sideline.

It was Heartbreaking! Drew did what he had to win the game.


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