Next year they need to change the timing so the house guests don't see the double eviction coming like in the beginning. I always looked forward to it because it was high energy, suspenseful and not planned out. I was disappointed in tonight's show. Just ho hum.

I agree. Give them a DE during week five or something. It’s no fun if they can guess and strategize. Although, good players would be prepared for it at all times.
Oh poor Julie. I think she was so focused on her final line, that she called him Brent. I hope she didn’t shoot herself in the foot by doing that. Brett was probably totally confused by that.

LOL....She was so focused on her defiant sign-off that she botched his name. I loved the blank look on his face when she said the final kick while his ego was dying on the floor. Poor Brett.
That was great, but Brett wouldn't win in a final 2, he was a creep the whole season. He is who you want next to you in the end.
Now we watch these people go after each other...........

Julie standing by her man.........
I wonder if Angela will backdoor Tyler. She had said she had planned on doing that as her big move, but that was weeks ago. Now that they are a "couple", not sure she will do that, but what great TV that would be if she does.

I do want Tyler to win, but these last 2 weeks are gong to be so boring. I really wish Brett could have pulled the POV out, taken JC off and forced Tyler to chose between Kaycee and Angela, what great TV that would have been.

Right now Angela , Tyler and Kaycee can cruise to final 3 if that's what they want as JC and Sam have no chance to win anything. They usually don't put games of chance this late in the game. Maybe one of them can win a mental comp but I just don't see that happening. It's too bad after such a great start to this show it's going to sputter out at the end.
Brett, Brett, Brett, why did he listen to Tyler. He didn't try for HoH either. Tyler told him to throw it to him, they didn't show it in the show though. How exciting would it have been if Brett won the POV, took JC off and Tyler was forced to put up Kaycee or Angela. Then next week Brett and Tyler go after each other. Will be so boring now.

I don't think Tyler won much of anything all season, in fact he was terrible in most challenges. There would be no reason to think he could start winning now. I think the only reasons he was still in the house was that Level 6 was able to keep control of everything and they all knew he was so disliked he would always be a big target.

That was definitely her telling CBS “ you know what!” She’s drawing a line in the sand and standing on the side with her husband

Given everything he has supposedly done I'm not sure why she would want to stand on his side.
She said her normal “outside if the B.B. house with BreNt, I’m Julie Chen Moonves”
I actually heard that. I didn’t phrase my question right. I don’t understand why PP “liked” that she did that. I get that she is “standing by her husband”, but what he is accused of...Do people believe he’s innocent?
I actually heard that. I didn’t phrase my question right. I don’t understand why PP “liked” that she did that. I get that she is “standing by her husband”, but what he is accused of...Do people believe he’s innocent?

She met him at the time this was all happening, did he approach her like that?? I'm so curious about it, but we will never know.
Well has he been proven guilty? Just seems like anyone can make any claims now and they are believed beyond a shadow of a doubt without any due process. I don't know a lot about Moonves situation but in general, these days, it's becoming such a Salem witch hunt.

But if there has been proof or an admittance of guilt, then, yes, it was very Hillary of her.
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Well has he been proven guilty. Just seems like anyone can make any claims now and they are believed beyond a shadow of a doubt without any due process. I don't know a lot about Moonves situation but in general, these days, it's becoming such a Salem witch hunt.

But if there has been proof or an admittance of guilt, then, yes, it was very Hillary of her.

If it was only one or two people maybe there is nothing but in this case there have been multiple cases.

And your last comment wasn't necessary.
There is a lot of talk that Moonves is being railroaded because apparently there was a power struggle over CBS and this was a way to get him out. I have no clue. I would hate to think women would lie to get a network, but we're talking about a lot of money so who knows. I guess Julie wholeheartedly believes Moonves is innocent. I have to think if she had any doubt she would not support him. Again, there is this power struggle going on, so it's quite possible he was set up.
There is a lot of talk that Moonves is being railroaded because apparently there was a power struggle over CBS and this was a way to get him out. I have no clue. I would hate to think women would lie to get a network, but we're talking about a lot of money so who knows. I guess Julie wholeheartedly believes Moonves is innocent. I have to think if she had any doubt she would not support him. Again, there is this power struggle going on, so it's quite possible he was set up.

Dozens of complaints doesn't seem like railroading to me.
Anyway...back on the show....
What's everyone's thoughts on the final 5?

Angela...probably won't win if in F2 because of her cold cutthroat behavior (bad GB messages). I didn't like her at first but shew grew on me. Her big mistake was her nasty GB messages (jury management). But she was a good gamer and I think she's cute with Tyler. And her backstory really made me see her in a different light (my DD's played a competitive travel sport and played freshman year of college before quitting and some of the things struck DD is very cold like her and I get it).

Tyler...great great gamer. His showmance, though, may have harmed his game. Yet to be seen. Looking like he's good though. goat. Not sure she'd win against the gamers unless the jury is super bitter and it may be. If they can put aside their butt hurt ness, then they would never vote for Sam to win. I suspect she'll be next voted out though because Ty and the girls are LOYAL to the end (that may be another mistake).

JC...good gamer. Very manipulative. He kinda set up Bret's demise. Then was all shocked about it. He isn't as in control of the game as he thinks and I think that finally dawned on him last night. He will go, though, right after Sam. He can't win any comps.

Kaycee...I think she'll win it. It really was a mistake for Ty not to get her out last night. It will be a big mistake if he takes her over Angela. But she will be hard to beat comp-wise so I don't see her going too soon. Unless Ty plans to take Sam in F2 and he and Angela drop Kaycee this week.

It is kinda boring now. I like the gamers better but was rooting for FOUTTE just to keep things interesting. Shame we didn't have some gamers mixed in with some of the, um, not so great players.
Next year they need to change the timing so the house guests don't see the double eviction coming like in the beginning. I always looked forward to it because it was high energy, suspenseful and not planned out. I was disappointed in tonight's show. Just ho hum.

I agree. Give them a DE during week five or something. It’s no fun if they can guess and strategize. Although, good players would be prepared for it at all times.

We can thank Kaitlyn for that. If she put that 8 piece puzzle together back in July, the double could have been a few weeks ago. Instead, they needed to populate jury so they can do a battle back to kill some time.
We can thank Kaitlyn for that. If she put that 8 piece puzzle together back in July, the double could have been a few weeks ago. Instead, they needed to populate jury so they can do a battle back to kill some time.
Very well could be her fault.


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