Big Hero Six

Usually we have to wait for months for movies to be released here in Japan (Frozen became a spring/summer movie here), but for once we'll be getting this one early (December), because of Big Hero Six's connection to Japan :D Really looking forward to seeing it!
Let's get this weekend and election behind us so we can get on to Big Hero 6! Right now there are 12 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes and ALL are positive for a 100% rating!!!! Metacritic has 6 reviews, all positive, for an 81 score! That is awesome.

Reviewers are saying that the film has the right amount of heart and action, that it is very funny and moving, and that Baymax is an awesome sidekick that will be very popular! I hope it rocks. It will be up against Interstellar, which are for different demographics so they will both do fine. I hope BH6 wins the weekends. Interstellar will be great but its reviews so far aren't stellar, at least not compared to BH6.

Think I'm going to take in a Thursday early show.
If you have seen the movie, please share your thoughts.

Some of the key points about Big Hero 6:
- Amazing new technological breakthrough in animation. Amazing representation of SanFransokyo.
- Diverse characters and cast done right without preaching. The girls are strong, varied in personality, equals and not out for love, Race includes various ethnicities with whites in the small minority and the hero is bi-racial.
- Nerds rule and Science is cool! What a great message for kids!
- Smarts, schooling, and science can make you a superhero - boy or girl!
- Does a good job of showing how some young people deal with grief. (They spoke to grief counselors to get information.)
- Baymax, the coolest nicest robot in movies ever.
- Based on real robot technology
- Fun
- Lots of Marvel easter eggs for the diehards.

Reviews are now available in large numbers. On Rotten Tomatoes there are 61 reviews; 53 Fresh and 8 Rotten. Some of the Rottens are even pretty positive on some things. It has a Fresh score of 87%!!

How about this from MTV:
"7 Reasons You'll Love 'Big Hero 6' as much as Frozen"
No Singing But Equivalent Feels

1. It’s like “Marvel’s The Avengers,” but less stressful.
2. It has that whole “Frozen” siblings thing going on, with a lesson.
3. It’s a step forward in diversity for Disney.
4. Baymax. Enough said.
5. About those fart jokes…
6. The villain is legit freaky
7. It has a new Fall Out Boy song
OK folks, here's my report from Big Hero 6 opening night at Disney's El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood! This was an amazing experience so I'm describing it as thoroughly as I can. No spoilers here so it's safe to read!

Getting there meant braving I-5 during rush hour (shudder), but I was determined! Thankfully we survived that ordeal in one piece. After making it to Hollywood, we grabbed a quick dinner and then emerged onto Hollywood Blvd. We were greeted by a huge Baymax on the roof of the building next to the El Capitan.


Of course we had to go treat ourselves to a Ghirardelli sundae from the Disney store next door to the theater.


For my daughter I had purchased the upgraded VIP ticket that included a limited edition pin. This pin is pretty cool, the red Big Hero 6 part pulls out and slides back into the main pin. Those two sets of black Mickey ears are just the rubber pin backs, not part of the pin.


Inside was a Baymax display where one of the theater "cast members" kindly offered to take our photo.


The interior of the theater from our awesome front-row balcony seats. The only downside was the the front of the balcony is way too close to the seats, so your legs are kind of cramped.


Down front was the organ where Rob Richards was playing organ renditions of Disney tunes, including The Circle of Life, Be Our Guest and of course Let It Go! The organ sinks into the floor when the show starts.


Before the show, an MC raffled off some prizes including passes to the upcoming film Into the Woods and a couple of Disneyland Park Hopper passes. We didn't win anything, which was probably a good thing since you needed to be in LA for most of the prizes and we aren't local. Then came a big surprise - Ryan Potter, the voice actor for Hiro, took to the stage to welcome us to the show! Yup, we got to see the main character's voice actor live on stage!


Next up were the trailers. There was a trailer for Into the Woods (opens Christmas Day), Tomorrowland (May 2015), Inside Out (June 2015), and a brief ad for the live action Cinderella (March 2015).

At this point it was finally time for the - laser show?!?! Yes, before the feature there's a full blown laser show, and guess who showed up on stage during the show!


That's not just a prop, it was a walking, talking, dancing (sort of!) Baymax, in the flesh (err, vinyl?).


Now we had to put on our 3D glasses and the film started rolling, but there was one final diversion before the main attraction - Disney's new short Feast, about a little dog named Winston who loves human foods. I won't give anything away, but this short is delightful - super cute and funny and we all enjoyed it very much. I'm assuming that this will be shown with the film everywhere so most moviegoers will get to experience it.


Finally, the main attraction, Big Hero 6! Thankfully, after this epic journey and intro to the film, we weren't disappointed. It's a very good movie with lots of heart and adventure. I give it a solid 8/10. My chief complaint is that some things were too predictable. I've got to give kudos to the environment designers - San Fransokyo is an amazing fusion of San Francisco and Tokyo. I've only personally been in San Francisco, but it seemed to me to be a perfect blend of those two places. That's all for now folks, I hope you enjoy the movie when you see it!
Saw the movie last night. My observations:

First in summary, it was a fantastic movie. Good fun, visually stunning, good emotional core, and enough twists and fun to keep it entertaining. Are some things predictable? Of course! It is a Disney and a Marvel superhero movie. But there are a few small twists.

Next: If you pay for a ticket, you must stay to the end of the credits. MUST. Period.

Visually the movie was stunning. There are places in the film where it literally looks like live action film. Things in the city have texture and age. And the lighting is absolutely amazing. Then the detail of SanFranSokyo is amazing. Kudos to Disney. After the new advances in animation for Frozen they didn't sit on their laurels, they continue to push the art form. To me, this has now pushed computer animation far beyond hand drawn as an art form because they can now paint so much. I will watch it again just to look around.

Good story and good characters. You wish they could spend more time with each, the team comes together very quickly, but it is an origin story and a kids movie so it was probably best they stuck to 1 1/2 hours. There are interesting morals in this movie, I won't say more. I liked it. Also, I thought they did a good job with the emotional arc of Hiro and dealing with grief.

Baymax. Baymax is awesome. Baymax is gold. What a genius move to make a robot so cute, kind, unintentionally funny and at the same time an awesome cool superhero! There will be plenty of Frozen stuff for Christmas this year, but I hope they have enough Baymax dolls. I need a half dozen.

Edit: Forgot! Good music, good score, but I love the team building song Immortals by Fall Out Boy. Excellent choice, catchy, and uplifting.

Next: I was pleasantly surprised by the sci-fi elements and their depth, complexity, and beautiful presentation on screen. Beautiful and well done.

The biggest thing I love about this movie is how it integrates race and cultural differences in a beautiful and seamless way. Honey Lemon is Hispanic, Go Go is Asian or Asian/Caucasian, Wasabi is black with big dreadlocks, the hero and his brother are Asian/Caucasian, whose aunt is caucasian, and only one member on the team is full Caucasian. Other characters are Caucasian, Asian, or indeterminate. Nothing is said or commented on this and none, NONE of the characters are defined by their racial makeup. In this world of SanFranSokyo no one is uncomfortable with their race, and no one pays attention to it. Same thing about the women and men on the team. Nothing on gender is discussed in the film and no one is defined by their gender. All characters play equal parts in strength. At one point GoGo goes into a big action sequence by herself and yells that it is time to "Woman up!" but even this isn't preachy, it is just something she yells to herself. It was awesome. This is the way it should be done. What an example for kids. No! What an example for adults and everyone! I cannot tell you how wonderful it was to watch this unfold but not have it preached or addressed directly.

I cannot wait for the next movie.

This is not Frozen, but it does have great elements about friends and family. I think it has the highest hug quotient of any movie I've seen lately. I like that. Hugs are good among friends and family. And family and teamwork are a key part of this movie. The friends must work together for their powers to reach their full potential.

I hope we see an increase in students pursuing science because of this.

Little girls are not going to swoon for GoGo or Honey Lemon like Elsa, although they will be very popular. However, little boys are going to love Baymax. He is adorable and huggable, a loyal dog-like friend, but is also a cool flying/fighting robot. Can't get better than that for boys. They can hug him while insisting they only like him for the cool fighting stuff. :) I think this is going to be very successful but won't reach Frozen's level domestically. How it does overseas will determine a lot. I am very curious to see how it does in Korea, China and Japan. It is already a hit in Russia where it opened first.

Go see it. Vote for good movies with the only way that matters. Buying tickets.
Anybody have any comments about the 3-D version? Does it add a lot to the movie? The kids love 3-D. I can barely stand it. We're going tonight and I will post a review!
Anybody have any comments about the 3-D version? Does it add a lot to the movie? The kids love 3-D. I can barely stand it. We're going tonight and I will post a review!

I watched it in 3D and I don't think it made all that much difference. The 3D effects were fairly subtle rather than "in your face" so that was a good thing. I don't think watching it in 3D or not would have affected my enjoyment of the movie in any way.
Baymax. Baymax is awesome. Baymax is gold. What a genius move to make a robot so cute, kind, unintentionally funny and at the same time an awesome cool superhero! There will be plenty of Frozen stuff for Christmas this year, but I hope they have enough Baymax dolls. I need a half dozen.

I should have said something more about Baymax in my last post. He completely steals the show, awesome character.
Anybody have any comments about the 3-D version? Does it add a lot to the movie? The kids love 3-D. I can barely stand it. We're going tonight and I will post a review!

I watched it in 3D and I don't think it made all that much difference. The 3D effects were fairly subtle rather than "in your face" so that was a good thing. I don't think watching it in 3D or not would have affected my enjoyment of the movie in any way.

I watched in 2D and it was great in 2D. I agree 3D isn't necessary, however, I noticed that SanFranSokyo, the flying, and the action would all be great in 3D and I plan on going again to see it in 3D.

My advice: If you like 3D, see it in 3D, if you are ambivalent about 3D but like some movies that way, try it in 3D. If you don't like 3D unless it is necessary for the story (like Gravity) then don't bother, 2D represents the story just as well.
Level of scary for little boys? My son can't handle Bruce from nemo or Ursula from Ariel. The bad guys at that sorta level? The frozen snow monster was a no go. Can't do toy story 3.

He is good with cars. Planes. Planes fire and rescue. Toy story 1 and 2 ok.

Where is this movie on the scale?
disappointed the uk is going to have to wait January for this. I don't condone people illegally downloading movies but leaving a market without the movie for three months is foolish when america has it now
I saw it last night in 3D. It was great! It's a major change from their comic book counterparts, but mostly an improvement. Baymax is a solid-gold mega-hit character for Disney if they play it right! I hope to see this movie do very well this weekend.

And how adorable was "Feast"?!
Level of scary for little boys? My son can't handle Bruce from nemo or Ursula from Ariel. The bad guys at that sorta level? The frozen snow monster was a no go. Can't do toy story 3.

He is good with cars. Planes. Planes fire and rescue. Toy story 1 and 2 ok.

Where is this movie on the scale?

Haven't seen it yet, but here's MTV's description of the villain:

Though the bad guy is kinda sorta not the main point of the movie (really), this really puts a nail in the coffin of the theory that there’s nothing creepier than a silent dude in a mask. He’s also not very violent, he mostly Menaces (capital M necessary) and whooshes around on an also-freaky sea of tiny black robots. The visuals are gorgeous, but we certainly don’t want that guy following us around, no matter how cool it looks.

It probably is creepier than Mother Gothel, King Candy and other recent Disney villains.
Level of scary for little boys? My son can't handle Bruce from nemo or Ursula from Ariel. The bad guys at that sorta level? The frozen snow monster was a no go. Can't do toy story 3.

He is good with cars. Planes. Planes fire and rescue. Toy story 1 and 2 ok.

Where is this movie on the scale?

VERY SLIGHTLY SPOILERY but to answer your question:

The bad guy in the film is a mainly silent character in a kabuki mask, clearly human. The scariest thing is that he controls an army of tiny robots that can form things, mostly like big hands or pillars that chase the heroes. If I had to say, he is not that scary like the monsters from the ones you mentioned, more of a cold, robotic sort.

I hope that helps.

EDIT: Basically what luisov said above.
Level of scary for little boys? My son can't handle Bruce from nemo or Ursula from Ariel. The bad guys at that sorta level? The frozen snow monster was a no go. Can't do toy story 3.

He is good with cars. Planes. Planes fire and rescue. Toy story 1 and 2 ok.

Where is this movie on the scale?

If he can't handle Bruce, Ursula, or Marshmallow (the snow monster) I think this may be too scary for him. There is scary action, a menacing monster like bad guy, action and sci-fi violence where people are put in peril - people fall and things fall on them, etc..


A main character temporarily changes from good to bad and is very scary as the character tries to kill while others cannot stop them.
Level of scary for little boys? My son can't handle Bruce from nemo or Ursula from Ariel. The bad guys at that sorta level? The frozen snow monster was a no go. Can't do toy story 3.

He is good with cars. Planes. Planes fire and rescue. Toy story 1 and 2 ok.

Where is this movie on the scale?
In all honesty, if he didn't like the snow monster in Frozen, I don't think he'll like Big Hero 6. There were WAY more action sequences in Big Hero 6 than Frozen. I mean, I didn't think it was overdone or anything, but I was scratching my head on why Frozen and Big Hero 6 both got PG....(I kinda think Frozen should have gotten G and Big Hero 6 PG, but anyways, whatever.:))
The bad guy is really creepy, not so much on what he 'does', but his mask is kinda scary-looking and the way there are *kindasorta spoiler* just tons and tons of microbots the villain is controlling could be freaky. [If this helps any, I am so not a fan of creepy things and I didn't get freaked.:P I don't like Mother Gothel, for instance.]

Hope this was helpful:)
Ok, REVIEW TIME!!:) Warnings now: I'll get into spoilers, so if you don't want spoilers, please don't read this. You've been warned;)


I saw Big Hero 6 last night at the cinema. And I thought it was great!! While I personally like Frozen better, in all fairness I think Big Hero 6's plot is more cohesive and holds together better. (I think Frozen is full of plot holes even though I love the movie:P) If you like science and technology stuff, I think you'll enjoy Big Hero 6 a lot. All the robotics and science type stuff had me hooked from the beginning. Also, there was absolutely NO mushy junk! Yay!!:yay: All of the characters were just friends and nothing else, which I thought was great. Personally my favorite character is GoGo, but I kinda expected that-she was my favorite from character descriptions too. I would have liked to see more with her, but it IS Hiro's and Baymax's story, after all. So it's all good.:goodvibes
I loved the ending. Although I knew that Baymax would be ok, I didn't know how it was going to work, and the way everything turned out was logical and unexpected. Perfect.:)
The villain kinda-sorta twist was great-it wasn't the guy I thought it was and big surprise, I hadn't read a spoiler for that. "That's a first.";) I am so bad with spoilers.XD The way he STOLE Hiro's microbot invention wasn't unexpected, per se (I predicted it right when Hiro presented his invention since we hadn't seen any microbot stuff AT ALL:P); but it made for a very good (bad???) villain action IMO. Speaking of the villain, I wouldn't take really little or sensitive kids to see this movie. That guy is CREEPY. It's not overdone, but there are lots of action sequences and danger. Superhero danger type stuff. Maybe age 6 or 7+ would be a good recommendation?? I'm not sure, I guess it'd probably depend on the kid.:)
Oh, and I promise you'll be alternately laughing your head off and feeling sad. Lots of both.;) My sister cried three times....I didn't at all, but I'm not a crier lol. Ok, shoot me now-I'm an awful person:P What I WAS doing was alternately feeling sad, cracking up laughing, and/or on the edge of my seat. popcorn::

My personal favorite parts:
~When GoGo took over the driving after getting disgusted by all the cautious driving while there's tons of microbots and the creepy villain chasing them. She's funny and a most competent albeit dangerous driver.:P If there hadn't been something chasing them, I would have thought that ride looked like fun.XD
~The scene with Baymax and Hiro flying over the city. That also looked like fun.:upsidedow
~When they all tried out their superhero powers for the first time. Funny and very cool!
~The ending. The ending was great<3

Last thing: The city itself looked almost REAL in some scenes! (Ok, the people don't, but I mean the buildings and all:P) Quite cool imo.:goodvibes
Just got home from seeing it. My daughter and I went, while my husband and son opted for Interstellar, which they said was just OK. They feel left out because we loved Big Hero 6 so much.

The two of us laughed, and we cried, and we laughed again, and it was amazing. I mean, probably my favorite Disney movie in a long time but I am a geek. The daughter and I decided it was a cute and cuddlier version of Avengers. We love Baymax and wish he could live with us forever. And we cannot wait for there to be a sequel.

Also, stay for the scene after the credits. Absolutely worth it.
Level of scary for little boys? My son can't handle Bruce from nemo or Ursula from Ariel. The bad guys at that sorta level? The frozen snow monster was a no go. Can't do toy story 3.

He is good with cars. Planes. Planes fire and rescue. Toy story 1 and 2 ok.

Where is this movie on the scale?

The villain was very menacing in a scary, creepy way. I hate to give too much away but the little micro-robots a PP mentioned enter some of the scenes in a creepy way by pouring over a wall sort of like a scary monster hand grasping over a wall. The villain and the way he used the micro-robots was really foreboding and creepy in some scenes.
Level of scary for little boys? My son can't handle Bruce from nemo or Ursula from Ariel. The bad guys at that sorta level? The frozen snow monster was a no go. Can't do toy story 3.

He is good with cars. Planes. Planes fire and rescue. Toy story 1 and 2 ok.

Where is this movie on the scale?

The one villain in this movie is kind of scary. He's dressed in all black and wears a mask that looks evil. He also terrorizes and chases the main character and his friends. During most of the scenes, I'd say he's on par with Bruce and Ursula.


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