Big Hero Six

My review:

Non-spoiler part:

Feast was really cute.

The movie was good. I would definitely recommend it. Baymax was adorably cute and emotionally appealing.

I really enjoyed the animation style of this movie. There were times that I was surprised because my brain almost thought some scenes weren't animated. City scenes were so nicely landscaped they looked like Epcot during the Flower and Garden festival. To me, that was surprising for a movie with such a focus on technology. I guess in real life they are showing us what technology can do.

I thought the movie was predictable. It was like I knew almost everything that was going to happen well before it happened and the only thing I read about the movie was the first couple of pages of this thread which did not contain spoilers. DH and the kids did not feel the same way though and were surprised by some of the events of the movie. :confused3 Even though I thought it was predictable, that didn't take away my enjoyment. (Of course, I enjoy being right. ;) )

We saw it in 2-D because we were running too late for the 3-D movie that showed at a decent hour. The kids wanted to see it in 3-D but I agree with PPs who've said they don't think it would affect your enjoyment of the movie.

For some reason, this movie didn't make me cry (and I cry every time I watch Cars and see Lightening McQueen push the old car over the finish line) but both my kids cried and they usually don't.

Stay until the very end of the credits!!!!

:) :) Spoiler Alert for Info Below :) :)

Comparing this movie to Frozen, I think there was a lot less emotional drama in Big Hero 6. That may seem like a strange thing to say given the brother's death in an action movie with a menacing villain. Maybe the sibling drama in the movie Frozen just struck a chord with me because I have two sisters. However, I think the intent of Big Hero 6 is to be a soothing movie. I think the very huge main idea is dealing with grief and recovery.

I"m not sure how consciously my DS9 processed the overall theme of recovery but it created a good opportunity for us to talk about grief and recovery. Near the end of the movie, when they are sitting in the coffee shop, Hiro is going to school, and Baymax is still gone, DS was crying, asking "How can they be so happy after what just happened?" I think Disney does a great job in providing parents with inspiration when speaking with their kids regarding difficult subjects.
I absolutely loved this movie! The whole family went today. I LOVED The city, how amazing, and I might see it in 3d just for those scenes.

The story was better than I expected (and I was already looking forward to it!). I was impressed with how well they portrayed how anger can take hold of and cycle through you.

My daughter (4), singer of Let it go daily and elsa worshipper, wanted to be both GoGo and Honey Lemon and wants HL's superpower. She said the movie was "Awesome!"

DS (8)thought it was great, of course.

I think it could have been longer, it had a lot of story to move through and I was wondering how it would wrap up in x minutes while was watching. The length was fine in the end, just really wanted to stay in the movie.

Like others probably, I wish San Fransokyo was real.
Spoilers ahoy, others' and mine, for BH6 and other recent Disney movies...


I loved the ending. Although I knew that Baymax would be ok, I didn't know how it was going to work, and the way everything turned out was logical and unexpected. Perfect.:)

Me, too! Only I don't know that I was 100% sure he would be OK - you figured, OK, he has to be OK, right...? But that was a great way to resolve it.

The villain kinda-sorta twist was great-it wasn't the guy I thought it was and big surprise, I hadn't read a spoiler for that. "That's a first.";)

I'm still sorry I knew the "Frozen Villain Twist" before I saw the movie (yeah, I'm spoiler-prone, too). And I still think the King Candy reveal is awesome and that did surprise me (even though they set it up). Not sure why, but from the first time we met a certain character in BH6, I thought, oh, he's gonna be Kabuki-guy, and I was right. But I didn't get the whole backstory/motivation thing until it happened.

Feast was really cute.

Feast was wonderful, I really loved it! I didn't even know they were doing a short with this one, but that was darling.

(and I cry every time I watch Cars and see Lightening McQueen push the old car over the finish line)

Me, too!!

Stay until the very end of the credits!!!!

I'm glad I read that somewhere ahead of time. I'm not even that big of a geek, and I knew who it was. ;) That was funny.

Briefly, I really enjoyed BH6, even if I did guess some things. Baymax is wonderful, I wish there was some way to get an award for "Team Baymax," his design, animation, voice, personality were all just so lovable. I liked the characters and thought the story moved at a pretty good clip. "Wreck it Ralph" is still my favorite of the recent Disney features, but I would see this again. And I can't wait to go to DHS next spring and give Baymax a big squishy hug. :goodvibes
I can't wait to go to DHS next spring and give Baymax a big squishy hug. :goodvibes

I want a Baymax pillow. I just told DH to get me an Olaf pillow from Walmart for my birthday so I can have it for a Christmas decoration!
Thanks for the info on bad guy all. They harp on the cute inflatable main character in the previews so my son wants to see it but he would end up terrorized if the bad guy is as haunting as you all say. Thanks.
The bad guy in the movie was very menacing. My 7 year old son was a little scared of him. I just kept telling him that it was a disney movie so it would end up ok in the end lol
We saw this last night and I thought it was hillarious. I didn't want to see this as I am not a super hero action movie fan but I am glad now that I went. It had lots of funny parts and quite a bit of creepiness. I didn't like the little robots they were scary... kind of like sinister bugs. DD 5 complained that some parts were scary and sad. DS10 loved everything. I missed the extra scene after the credits so now we will have to go back and watch it again.
I saw the movie today.

I have to admit as a long time comic book fan that I'm never pleased to learn about big deviations from the original material, and it irritated me to learn that Disney relocated the setting of Big Hero 6 from Tokyo (where all the characters were Japanese) to a fictional Tokyo-San Fransisco hybrid city so that they could hyper-diversify the cast. But at the expense of making the characters so completely different from their comic book counterparts, Disney Animation Studios created a city that stole the show for me, even more so than the big rubber robot. Everything from the pagoda style golden gate bridge to the tethered blimps and exaggerated skyscrapers came together to make the most breathtaking fictional metropolis since Bladerunner.

The movie was beautiful. While Pixar is sitting idle the animation technology is moving forward at a startling pace at both their sister company DAS and at DreamWorks (How to Train Your Dragon 2 was also a step change forward in animation), so there better be something to show for the long wait for their projects.

The movie itself presented some terrific characters in Hiro and Baymax, and some bright spots from the rest of the cast that didn't get a lot of chances to shine. But it was highly derivative and mostly predictable; I saw every surprise in the movie coming from a mile away except maybe one (I kind figured he lived under a bridge too!). Kids won't care about these things and the movie will be highly entertaining for them. I would expect the awards community to be a little more discerning, however; if this one successfully defends the Best Animated Feature Oscar that Frozen brought home last year I'll feel confident that members who don't see the movies are just pulling the lever for Disney by default now, because there were at least three other movies this year that I thought were more deserving.

The short feature Feast, on the other hand, left me yearning for more. It applies the Meander technology that Disney used combining hand drawn and vector animation to make the short Paperman a few years ago in black and white and puts it to color to amazing affect. I so wish Disney would commit to producing Moana using the Meander rendering process.
We saw this tonight. My DH will sometimes semi-grudgingly go to see kids movies with us, and sometimes will just stay home. He really seemed to like this one, and I saw him laughing quite a few times. My boys (8 and 10) LOVED it.
I would expect the awards community to be a little more discerning, however; if this one successfully defends the Best Animated Feature Oscar that Frozen brought home last year I'll feel confident that members who don't see the movies are just pulling the lever for Disney by default now, because there were at least three other movies this year that I thought were more deserving.

What would you like to see for the nominees/winner? I feel like I've missed a lot of movies this year and would like to know what I need to try to catch. I enjoyed BH6, but not at the level of Up, or Wreck it Ralph (which was totally robbed by Brave, IMO).

Oh, and I'm not sure I thought "under a bridge," but was definitely surprised by that one. :lmao:
Oh yeah, I realize as others above mention it - DH laughed a lot during this movie and really enjoyed it. He wanted to see it, a somewhat rare desire for him and movies primarily targeted toward kids. It had some very funny parts - definitely laugh out loud moments.
What would you like to see for the nominees/winner? I feel like I've missed a lot of movies this year and would like to know what I need to try to catch. I enjoyed BH6, but not at the level of Up, or Wreck it Ralph (which was totally robbed by Brave, IMO).

Oh, and I'm not sure I thought "under a bridge," but was definitely surprised by that one. :lmao:

The Lego Movie, How To Train Your Dragon 2, and The Book of Life are all better than anything Frozen had to fend off last year and would all make worthy winners, but I would probably pick Lego. I certainly haven't seen all twenty movies that have been submitted for the award (especially the foreign films that only got enough USA theater time to qualify) but the only one released widely in here that I missed (and gets mentioned for the award) is The Box Trolls.

I agree on Wreck It Ralph. I was a big fan of Brave as well, but I did not believe it was the better movie. I think Pixar used the last of the benefit of the doubt that the Academy has always thrown their way on that one, though, since they didn't even get a nomination for Monsters University.

Be mindful that I am only in agreement with the academy about 50% of the time on this particular award, however, and I don't even pay attention to any of the others because I think they get them wrong so much.
Thanks, SurferDave. I need to see The Lego Movie and Book of Life (would like to see both). Saw Dragon 2 and liked that. (I missed Box Trolls, too.) I will say that, even if it's not Oscar-worthy, I really really enjoyed Mr Peabody and Sherman and would be pleased to see it get a nomination.
Just watched Big Hero 6. I am now the biggest Baymax fan!!! I hope they have the meet and greet going when we go cause I am gonna give him a big ole hug!!

Disney never fails to create lovable characters and heart tugging goodness. It was a great addition to the disney family. I welcome it with open arms. :)

Will someone please PM me what happens after the credits. I'm so mad at myself. We even sat there for awhile because I always like to wait until the very end but everyone was getting antsy and we gave up. I knew something would happen. :headache:
Thanks, SurferDave. I need to see The Lego Movie and Book of Life (would like to see both). Saw Dragon 2 and liked that. (I missed Box Trolls, too.) I will say that, even if it's not Oscar-worthy, I really really enjoyed Mr Peabody and Sherman and would be pleased to see it get a nomination.

I think the odds are pretty long on Peabody. It was neither a critical nor commercial success for DreamWorks (though my family enjoyed it in the theaters and we bought it on DVD when it came out), and for it to get a nomination either the academy gives DreamWorks a second nomination or they overlook Dragons for Peabody.

I think most likely you get Lego, Dragons, Big Hero 6, one of Book of Life or The Box Trolls, and one of the foreign films on the list like The Tale of the Princess Kaguya. They might leave out both Book and Trolls and go for two foreign films. The only two I feel certain about are Lego (it was that good) and Big Hero 6 (because they will not leave Disney out).

Will someone please PM me what happens after the credits. I'm so mad at myself. We even sat there for awhile because I always like to wait until the very end but everyone was getting antsy and we gave up. I knew something would happen. :headache:

Just follow the link below and read about it.....


I would expect it to show up on Youtube soon.
I think the odds are pretty long on Peabody. It was neither a critical nor commercial success for DreamWorks (though my family enjoyed it in the theaters and we bought it on DVD when it came out), and for it to get a nomination either the academy gives DreamWorks a second nomination or they overlook Dragons for Peabody.

I think most likely you get Lego, Dragons, Big Hero 6, one of Book of Life or The Box Trolls, and one of the foreign films on the list like The Tale of the Princess Kaguya. They might leave out both Book and Trolls and go for two foreign films. The only two I feel certain about are Lego (it was that good) and Big Hero 6 (because they will not leave Disney out).

Just follow the link below and read about it.....


I would expect it to show up on Youtube soon.

Saw the movie in 2D this afternoon. The trailers make it look awesome, but the movie is just plain EPIC!

Does anybody else think that this would make a good tv series? Maybe for Disney XD? Kinda like how back in the '90s popular Disney movies got their our tv series (Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Timon & Pumbaa). Especially if they could do it on the same level as the Gargoyles series.

We took the kids to see it on Sunday night and the theater was completely sold out, good sign for Disney.

Everyone in our family loved the movie from start to finish, to be honest I liked it more than Frozen. It is right up there in my top Disney movies of all time. I thought it was a great combination of heart and action, with a few really great characters. Baymax is nothing less than an instant hit, I see many sequels coming for this movie. Every time he was on screen he was great.

My kids, even though they loved Baymax and thought he was hilarious, had other favorite characters. My son loved Fred (so glad we stayed till after the end credits for him) and my daughter loved GoGo.

I can see this movie being played over and over at our house when it comes out on DVD....
The Lego Movie, How To Train Your Dragon 2, and The Book of Life are all better than anything Frozen had to fend off last year and would all make worthy winners, but I would probably pick Lego.

I agree on Wreck It Ralph. I was a big fan of Brave as well, but I did not believe it was the better movie. I think Pixar used the last of the benefit of the doubt that the Academy has always thrown their way on that one, though, since they didn't even get a nomination for Monsters University.

Perhaps I'm a contrarian, but I really didn't like Lego all that much. Cute and creative, but nothing I want to see again.

I also would defend Brave over Wreck-it-Ralph. Ralph had a very original story line and was a great nostalgia trip for those my age that remember those video games from our youth. But compare some of the other pieces - cinematography/visuals/animation quality Brave wins hands down. Music score likewise is Brave by a landslide.


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