Big Kid in a stroller (please don't flame me!)


A rockin' mom and her sweet princess
Nov 19, 2007
My daughter is 7 years old, 48 inches tall and about 50 pounds. Very average for her age. We have ALWAYS brought a stroller to the parks. Last year (October '17) she was a little too big, but believe me when I say I was SO GLAD I had it. I have a trip coming up in a few weeks, and I am on the fence on whether to get the stroller for her!! What have others done? And taking breaks throughout the park, yes- will be helpful, but as soon as we start moving she will certainly complain. Plus, I want her to be able to last all night like we usually do, and I know if she's walking all day she will poop out much earlier. Strollers allow me to get her through the park without complaints, she is able to keep cool under the canopy, we last much longer, and let's be honest- all of this makes for a better trip/experience.
What have you all done in this situation? At what age was the stroller banished? What are your thoughts/experiences with 'too big' kids in a stroller? And most important- what was your experience like once you ditched the stroller?
*I will add that it's just myself and my daughter traveling on this trip. So there are no other kids to manage or adults to help.
Thank you!
Honestly, i brought our stroller Black Friday shopping last year, and you can bet i did not have my kids with me. I am terrified to live my life without my stroller, its basically like my mobile command center. It carries all my stuff, i dont have to lug a bag around everywhere, and cupholders, how i love you! That being said, my 7 year old went at 5 last time and never used a stroller and we went until 2am a couple of nights, between EMH and MNSSHP. So we definitely dont NEED it for her. Thankfully we have 2 smaller ones so they justifiably need the stroller and since it makes life so much easier i cant imagine not having it. Some people will tell you how convenient it is once your kids outgrow it and its so freeing, the kids carry their own stuff, etc. Dude, i dont want to carry MY own stuff! So i would bring it and use it for as long as i could. But im probably not normal....
I used one for my daughter when she was 6.5. We took it and parked it in stroller parking and we walked when she got too hot or tired we would go get it and let her relax for a while and cool down. Then we would park it and go again. In the evening we kept it with us cuz it was easier to move in the park and not worry about losing her. We are headed back this July and her first time with out one. We have started walking every day to build up our long distance endurance!
Our son is almost 6 and he’s always been big and I dread the day he can’t fit in the stroller anymore, he’s getting so big I fear it will happen too soon, I don’t care what anyone thinks having a stroller is the best! Even if it’s just to carry bags and water bottles etc, I say take it for sure!
I can't remember when we stopped using one but I can tell you that we used one until he absolutely couldn't fit in one anymore. lol I say if your daughter fits in it, use it!
We used strollers for our kids at WDW until they were 8, including our twins...and trust me, they were much more than 50lbs each. We wouldn't have had it any other way.
I don't think you will get flamed here. Do what you have to do, you know your kid best. In my case both my daughter and god daughter refused to go neat them by age 5. You might run into that problem is the only thing I can think of.
On our last trip, our kids were 5 and 7 and we still rented a double stroller for them (both are on the smaller side, so they fit with no problem) even though they have not used a stroller anywhere else in years. We can move at a much faster pace when we want to get somewhere quick because my husband and I walk much faster and we don't have to worry about them wondering off or getting lost in a crowd. They both were nap in the stroller during the day (the older one much less than the younger one) so we could go rope drop to later at night. If they are tired and whiny--nobody is happy. With that said my older one is now 8 and I think we a finally able to move to a single stroller. It will still be nice having one to hold all our drinks though:drinking1
On our first trip my kids were old enough that I didn't own a stroller anymore (4, 6, 8). We rented a double in the parks and they all took turns! It was pricier but I liked it bc i didn't have to mess with a stroller on the bus or monorail or anything, and it was very roomy and not "babyish". They all rode in it gladly! Lol. Do what works.
My son will turn 7 this trip and we have decided to just rent a stroller in the parks each day. We normally have always rented from Kingdom Strollers and have the stroller delivered to the hotel, but my husband is tried of handling the stroller on the buses so we are meeting in the middle ground and just renting in the park this year and returning each evening when we leave. The cost for doing it this way is more expensive, but at least we don't have to deal with the stroller on the bus and getting the stink eye when others don't see a little baby with us!! I'm pretty sure this will be our last year of doing the stroller, but we know our son and without a stroller it will slow us down a great deal and he will be worn out sooner and ill and cranky. Do what is best for your family!
We stopped using a stroller when my youngest was about 6. I was TERRIFIED to go without it that trip for many of the reasons mentioned above (using it to store bags, snacks, etc). However, it turned out to be so amazing not having it. Not having to deal with folding/unfolding it to get on the buses, navigating it through the crowds, trying to locate it when a CM moves it while we're on a was so much easier. And guess what? Kids didn't complain once. We pretty much did RD to close every day and they were just fine. I think since they knew it wasn't an option and they had to walk, it didn't really cross their minds to complain. My point is, kids are sometimes more resilient than we give them credit for. They might surprise you!
We used one on our last trip when I had a 7 year old (about the same height u mentioned, maybe a little taller/bigger) and a 4 year old. I did NOT regret it. My 7 year old used it more. This yer they are 9 and 6 and we are going without a stroller. I am terrified. But I can no longer justify it ... hes almost 54 inches now ... LOL ... We are doing Universal this time so that helps me relax a bit as the parks are smaller, and only 2 and we are doing 4-5 days there so lots of time to go slow and take breaks .... we are thinking of doing one day at MK and that has me a tad stressed ... LOL
No flames here! We are going this summer, our DS7 is the same size as yours. I have no problem what others think. Last trip we walked 7 miles on our SHORTEST day. Plus, the heat! It zaps us all. It's just not what he is used too everyday. I know this is probably our last year with the stroller as we won't be going back for at least 2 yrs and he will be fine by then, but I am all for making life as easy as possible for all of us. He likes to sit in it, chill out and people watch. Sounds good to me! ::yes::

Plus, as a PP mentioned, it's like a mobile command unit! What are we going to do with all that stuff when the stroller goes away!

The trouble I'm having is deciding which one to rent for an older kiddo. We had the City Mini GT last time (he was 5) and I wasn't a fan it was so bulky! I loved the regular City Mini but I don't think he will fit!
It is up to you and what you are comfortable with, it doesn't matter what others think. Personally, we didn't use one full time even when my son was shy of 3 because he hated them. We would just go slow, stop when he needed to stop and went on his schedule. More often than not it was just he and I since I was a single mom. If he got too tired for words we would either go back to the resort and rest or I would rent a stroller later in the day. By the time he was over 3, he wouldn't have sat in one if I'd tied him down he hated them so much. He did have the ability to fall asleep anywhere so he would sleep on the bus or monorail, if we stopped and sat on a bench he would crawl in my lap and crash. We never went full tilt and didn't go from open to close.
We did cut the stoller at 6. It was fine but that was just a one park day trip (open to close). If we had plans for more park days, I would have considered a stroller. Do what works for you!
We're having the stroller debate, too. My 6-year-old goes to Hershey Park all the time without complaint - it's pretty hilly there. But we go from 9 or 10 in the morning until about 2 in the afternoon (we have season passes). My 15-year-old is adamant we don't bring one. My husband feels the opposite way. We're driving, so I think it's just as easy to bring one with and we can leave it in the car. If we need it, we just go get it. I'm pretty sure we'll use it in the evenings, at least. I truly think my husband wants it so he doesn't have to carry anything.
We're having the stroller debate, too. My 6-year-old goes to Hershey Park all the time without complaint - it's pretty hilly there. But we go from 9 or 10 in the morning until about 2 in the afternoon (we have season passes). My 15-year-old is adamant we don't bring one. My husband feels the opposite way. We're driving, so I think it's just as easy to bring one with and we can leave it in the car. If we need it, we just go get it. I'm pretty sure we'll use it in the evenings, at least. I truly think my husband wants it so he doesn't have to carry anything.

Hershey Park and WDW aren't even in the same ball park (I'm a 40+ year PA resident). If you feel you want it, bring it.
Hershey Park and WDW aren't even in the same ball park (I'm a 40+ year PA resident). If you feel you want it, bring it.

See I think Hershey is harder than Disney because of the hills. We don't do open to close at Hershey or WDW, to be honest. At WDW, we'll go to the resort to swim, then go back at night. At Hershey, we don't go back because we live twenty minutes away (moved here in 1995, so we've had loads of Hershey Park time).

OP - if you think you need one, get one. Don't worry about what other people think or might say.
Will she ride in it without complaint? If she will, I'd say bring it. A stroller is so useful when you are on your own and it sounds like it will really make your life easier. The only reason I'd say leave it at home is if she might decide she is too big for it herself and then you'd be lugging it around with you. But if she likes it and you like it and if she still (mostly) fits, why not?


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