Big Love


<font color="green">Mid-town Manhattan, anyone?</f
Aug 25, 2004
Another thread reminded me that I've been meaning to ask if any of you guys are getting hooked on HBO's series about polygamy called "Big Love." It's a natural for me, given my penchant for mixing my TV viewing habits with a bit of theology (Remember "The Book of Daniel?" Big Sigh).

I'll confess that I am for a few reasons. You'll notice in the first couple of episodes that these polygamists keep saying things like, "Hey, this columnist just compared us to homosexuals and they're getting their rights." :rotfl2:

I also love how they keep taking their spiritual lives seriously - relying more on what they perceive God might be saying to them rather than dogma or doctrine.

And, OK, watching them try to scurry from house to house without getting caught by their neighbors is funny too.

Anyone else?
I will admit i watch the show and it's not too bad.
I think it sould move a little faster, but I am sure they are just setting the story and getting viewers hooked.
I think the lifstyle is a little kooky but to each his own. If it were me I would kill the husband first and then the crazy old guy on the marriage farm. I don't get the whole idea of polygamy, especially in the name of religion. But hey a lot of people to strange things in the name of religion.

I think the blond wife( forget her name) is going to be the biggest stoyline.
samijam said:
I will admit i watch the show and it's not too bad.
I think it sould move a little faster, but I am sure they are just setting the story and getting viewers hooked.
I think the lifstyle is a little kooky but to each his own. If it were me I would kill the husband first and then the crazy old guy on the marriage farm. I don't get the whole idea of polygamy, especially in the name of religion. But hey a lot of people to strange things in the name of religion.

I think the blond wife( forget her name) is going to be the biggest stoyline.

The blond wife - Niki, yes, she's quite something with the shopping compulsion and, I'm guessing, a secret history of abuse from her father, the Prophet. I found myself wondering: if one of the wives just can't cut it and decides to cut herself loose, who would it be? I'm thinking it might be Niki, as counterintuitive as that might be, given that she's so programmed for this life. But I'm thinking perhaps she hits bottom on these issues at some point and then has the most work to do of all the wives to climb out and build herself back up.
:banana: YAY!!! I'm not the only one! I am totally hooked, mostly because I was left with a void when it came to that time slot after The L Word finished this season. But, also because I was curious and I have always liked Bill Paxton. I am really getting hooked. The other day I was home sick and I got caught up on all the episodes I had missed. But is this the first season? Wasn't sure about that.

I also think that Nikki might be first to jump ship, but she seems really committed to the whole lifestyle. I am wondering what will happen between Ben & Margi though. Margi is so clearly in love with Bill, but she seems to have so much in common with Ben seeing as the age and maturity level is closer.

Can't wait till next Sunday though! Glad there are others out there to share with! Thanx for starting this Vik! :thumbsup2
It is the first season and I am hooked!! I love this show I think it is so good. I am wondering if "boss lady" (aka Barb or first wife) might get sick with her cancer again or something along that route and then Nikki would have to step up and Margi too. I don't know, but I hope it lasts awhile I just love it!! :cool1:
you're kinda tuned into the whole (dare I say it?) semi-FLDS cultural milieu. I totally loved the prayer session before hunting (I've been party to spontaneous prayer moments in stranger circumstance than that , believe me) ... and Bill Paxton's mom's sister-wives at the funeral??? I OWNED one of those dresses!!! :rotfl2:
One of the more realistic aspects of the show is how complicated life must be when your family isn't based on a couple -- but some other permutation instead. Some of the old polygamist houses (pre-statehood days) around here look like apartment houses for when the sister-wives just plain couldn't get along with each other. I'm thinking all the petty little problems you encounter with one significant other must expand exponentially when others are brought into the picture.
I suspect the money thing has the potential for turning very dark but I hope not. The funny stuff is totally a hoot.
Sounds interesting. How did I miss it so far? If I start watching now will I be so confused it won't make any sense?
Vijoge said:
Sounds interesting. How did I miss it so far? If I start watching now will I be so confused it won't make any sense?

No, as someone mentioned it's been a slow start and whatevery you might want to know just ask us!
Yes yes yes!!!

Me & Val absolutely adore this show. I actually think the snail slow pace is why I am so attracted to it. I have always had a bone topick with Chloe Sevigny- and with the Nicki character, I am free to get my hate on!

Is it just us or was there some strangeness going on with the eldest daughter (what a change from her role in Mean Girls ;) ) two episodes back at the teen party? Call us crazy but we felt a little gayness up in there....

The two creators of the show are a (male) gay couple.

I call my Val Margene, a certain physical ressemblance. :lovestruc
Church Responds to Questions on HBO's Big Love
Various media outlets, 6 March 2006
(from Comments on the News at

Over the past few weeks, Church Public Affairs has received numerous calls from newspaper, magazine and TV entertainment writers about a new television series called Big Love. In the series, set in a modern suburb of Salt Lake City, the main character keeps up a deceptive life in a fringe world of polygamy with his three wives and households. Journalists want to know what the Church thinks of the program, the subject matter and HBO’s decision to promote it.

In responding, Church spokesmen have made three major points:

1. Concern for abuse victims
The Church has long been concerned about the illegal practice of polygamy in some communities, and in particular about persistent reports of emotional and physical child and wife abuse emanating from them. It will be regrettable if this program, by making polygamy the subject of entertainment, minimizes the seriousness of that problem and adds to the suffering of abuse victims.

2. Confusion over the continued practice of polygamy
The central characters of Big Love are not “Mormons,” or, more properly termed, Latter-day Saints. HBO has said the script makes it clear that members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints don’t practice polygamy. Still, placing the series in Salt Lake City, the international headquarters of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is enough to blur the line between the modern Church and the program’s subject matter and to reinforce old and long-outdated stereotypes.

Polygamy was officially discontinued by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1890. Any Church member adopting the practice today is excommunicated. Groups that continue the practice in Utah and elsewhere have no association whatsoever with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Most of their practitioners have never been among its members.

Unfortunately, this distinction is often lost on members of the public and even on some senior journalists. When ABC network’s Prime Time recently aired a program focused on the secretive polygamous community of Colorado City, the reporter repeatedly referred to members of the community as “Mormon polygamists.” In response, the Church points to the Associated Press style guide for journalists which states: "The term Mormon is not properly applied to the other ... churches that resulted from the split after (Joseph) Smith's death." In other words, polygamous communities should never be referred to as "Mormon" polygamists or “Mormon” fundamentalists.

3. Concern over the moral standards of television entertainment
Despite its popularity with some, much of today’s television entertainment shows an unhealthy preoccupation with sex, coarse humor and foul language. Big Love, like so much other television programming, is essentially lazy and indulgent entertainment that does nothing for our society and will never nourish great minds. Parents who are casual about their viewing habits ought not to be surprised if teaching moral choices and civic values to their children becomes harder as a result.

For that reason and others, Church leaders have consistently cautioned against such entertainment, joining with other religious, education and government leaders in inviting individuals and families to follow a higher road of decency, self-discipline and integrity.

(from another Comments on the News)
There is no such thing as a "polygamous" Mormon. Mormon is a common name for a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Church discontinued polygamy more than a century ago. No members of the Church today can enter into polygamy without being excommunicated. Polygamist groups in Utah, Arizona or Texas have nothing whatsoever to do with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Personally, I detest the very idea of this show and severely dislike that it perpetuates a continuing myth!
I am totally hooked on this show. I agree that I don't Nicki. She is very hateful, but I think that is the position of being the 2nd wife. Margene is young and clueless, she kinda goes with the flow.
I don't get the whole more than one wife thing in real life. It would be like watching a Jerry Springer show from your own home. However, the show is really good! The only thing I would change is the theme song.
Does anyone remember "The Book of Daniel" and the outcry it provoked? I can only hope that perhaps because this show is on HBO it won't meet the same fate. I love a show with God in the mix but it has to be complex and multilayored; it can't be pablum - I don't preach such and I won't waste my time watching such.
As far as I am concerned it is just an entertaining show. Although it is thought provoking, most things that I watch with interest are. The only thing I can say about this show as opposed to the Book of Daniel is that it is on HBO and not a major public network channel. I think that makes our odds of not having the show cancelled over an outcry a little bit more secure. I mean think about how people reacted when Queer as Folk first came on. Let's be honest here, there are people who live this lifestyle and giving us an idea of how others live in this country and their struggles and triumphs can't really be a bad thing when it comes to tolerance and understanding.....can it? And not only that but lets remember that you can please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time! ;) Ok, off my soap box!

I totally felt a gay vibe from the oldest daughter! I can't wait to see what evolves with her and her new friend. I also think Ben is about to begin a very interesting journey himself.
Viki said:
Another thread reminded me that I've been meaning to ask if any of you guys are getting hooked on HBO's series about polygamy called "Big Love."

I love love love this show!!! Haven't missed an episode! :sunny:
joanjett1976 said:
Yes yes yes!!!

Me & Val absolutely adore this show. I actually think the snail slow pace is why I am so attracted to it. I have always had a bone topick with Chloe Sevigny- and with the Nicki character, I am free to get my hate on!

Is it just us or was there some strangeness going on with the eldest daughter (what a change from her role in Mean Girls ;) ) two episodes back at the teen party? Call us crazy but we felt a little gayness up in there....

The two creators of the show are a (male) gay couple.

I call my Val Margene, a certain physical ressemblance. :lovestruc

Thank you for this, Gen. It felt like this show had a gay sensitivity. As if, dare I say it, this is another variety of Queer family. :rainbow:
I'm so hooked on this show. I think Bill and Barb's "affair" is so cute. I don't think the other wives would though. ;)

My hubby hasn't watched it (lots of overtime lately) but after seeing a commercial he turned to me and said "why in the world would any man want three wives !?! :rotfl:
I'm sucked into this show...funny, because I was just thinking on Sunday that this board needed a Big Love thread somewhere!

I, too, have definitely felt the gay vibes coming from the oldest daughter and her friend (both actresses have incidentally played featured characters on another fave show of mine - Veronica Mars)

I think it's a great show and find each of the characters distinct and fascinating. Hope it sticks around for awhile, especially since stupid HBO canceled my number 1 all time favorite, Carnivale.
Quoting Edward Abbey... "A jack mormon is to mormons what a jack rabbit is to rabbits..." and the absolutely LAST place I would ever have expected to see a starchy-crisp post citing a position statement from church leadership is here in this forum. :rotfl2:
On a much more serious note, the post is absolutely correct in that the church has zero tolerance for polygamy in its membership. ...And of course, it's a fine thing that the church extends its compassion to those who have been damaged by the practice. In my humble opinion, it will be a much FINER thing yet when the church extends its compassion to those damaged by its zero tolerance position on its gay members.
Off my soap box now... Whaddya think's gonna happen when credit card debts come to light? Or that Nikki's still on the pill even after she shared she was hoping to bring a new soul into the family??? :sad2: Oh... what a tangled web we weave...
TuckandStuiesMom said:
In my humble opinion, it will be a much FINER thing yet when the church extends its compassion to those damaged by its zero tolerance position on its gay members.

Hear! Hear! And I can't WAIT to see the show tonight. Barb is going to find out about Nikki's debts. As evil as Nikki is, I have to admit she's my favorite wife to watch.
she's going to wind up busier than then she ever hoped for in her wildest dreams and I see nothing but contentiousness ( hopefully some FUNNY contentiousness) with Bill's family moving in with them in the big city.

And Albee the cretin 's clearly up to no good with the Buick (no Hummer for you, Imbecile!!! ), rope, and hunting knife neither...

This show may have started off slow but it's picking up speed like a fully loaded train heading down a mountain w/no brakes.


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