Big Love

TuckandStuiesMom said:
she's going to wind up busier than then she ever hoped for in her wildest dreams and I see nothing but contentiousness ( hopefully some FUNNY contentiousness) with Bill's family moving in with them in the big city.

And Albee the cretin 's clearly up to no good with the Buick (no Hummer for you, Imbecile!!! ), rope, and hunting knife neither...

This show may have started off slow but it's picking up speed like a fully loaded train heading down a mountain w/no brakes.

Sue, you have a way with the words! :smokin: :smokin: :smokin:
sure is amazing how many great shows have come of hbo; but the major channels can't do this; i have a tivo-satellite and i can't keep up with sunday nite even with 2 recorders!! thank god for wednesday nite replays!!

big love sure ranks up there with never-before-touched upon scenes and such; i bet nikki was abused by her dad; i sure didn't like her on the bed with him...

i think that the first one to bolt will be the youngest, she is just too young for this kind of situation.. she wants more attention and needs more social life than she is getting..
I's getting good! I'm kind of wondering if they are all going to end up back in the same house with Bill's family sharing the other 2 since they are now all kicked out of the compound. That would make life in that little neighborhood even more confusing and chaotic! I can't stand Bill's dad either, the way he talks down to Bill & Joe all the time makes me wanna kick him in the.....teeth! :teeth: And Marjean.....:confused3 singles events at the church???? She just might be the one to bring this whole thing crashing down on their heads!
My partner and I watch it every week. We live in Salt Lake so it's kind of fun, because so much of it is so familiar.
I've worked with wives of polygamists. I could tell by the way they dressed and their hair style. Personally, I think being married to one person is difficult enough, let alone three. What a nightmare, which makes the show so funny.
And bizarre. When Marg confesses she's having an affair except it's with her husband. How weird is that?
They say there are 30,000 that practice it here in Utah. The really freaky ones like at the compound on the show live in southern Utah, but are being pushed out by the state. They're moving to Texas and South Dakota.
It's a pretty cute show with all the hectic running around and hiding secrets. But that Nikki! She's trouble along with that youngest wife of the proffit.
I Love all the characters, especially Bill's mom. What a fire cracker.
The worst (and funniest--truth-be-told) part for me personally is that I've got soooo many of their clothes in my closet!!! The denim jumper ( :guilty: sob -- I REALLY useta like my denim jumper...), the print blouses, and the granny nighties are all going to St. Vincent DePaul this weekend. The only reason I don't french-braid my hair is that I'm too klutzy to get the top part right... Who knew???? Apparently in some weird atavistic way, I've been channeling some hand cart lady... Next fashion stop for me -- black spandex and a crew-cut...

Peeing in the sink and viagra-problems aside, I DO see this show going darker and darker -- sad-to-say. Follow the money -- My thoughts are that the legal wrangling goin' on is just the initial volley. I have no doubt that Roman wouldn't be opposed to a divinely inspired hit. And it looks like Bill Paxton's character is building up a pretty good head of righteous indignation too -- and is probably perfectly adequate for the job with a rifle. Getting back to your initial thoughts on the show, Viki -- This may well be the downside of God talking directly to you through personal revelation, I'm thinking. :sad2: Hope I'm wrong.

I'll give up the clothes -- but I'm hanging tough about my right to have mini-marshmallows on my sweet potatoes. :rotfl:
TuckandStuiesMom said:
The worst (and funniest--truth-be-told) part for me personally is that I've got soooo many of their clothes in my closet!!! The denim jumper ( :guilty: sob -- I REALLY useta like my denim jumper...), the print blouses, and the granny nighties are all going to St. Vincent DePaul this weekend. The only reason I don't french-braid my hair is that I'm too klutzy to get the top part right... Who knew???? Apparently in some weird atavistic way, I've been channeling some hand cart lady... Next fashion stop for me -- black spandex and a crew-cut...

Peeing in the sink and viagra-problems aside, I DO see this show going darker and darker -- sad-to-say. Follow the money -- My thoughts are that the legal wrangling goin' on is just the initial volley. I have no doubt that Roman wouldn't be opposed to a divinely inspired hit. And it looks like Bill Paxton's character is building up a pretty good head of righteous indignation too -- and is probably perfectly adequate for the job with a rifle. Getting back to your initial thoughts on the show, Viki -- This may well be the downside of God talking directly to you through personal revelation, I'm thinking. :sad2: Hope I'm wrong.

I'll give up the clothes -- but I'm hanging tough about my right to have mini-marshmallows on my sweet potatoes. :rotfl:

You're exactly right, Sue. Jesus and the Son of Sam both heard voices - it's about discernment and fruits and it's always risky!
I LOVE this show! My DD and I are both hooked.

I thought the gay vibe was coming from the friend (Deb from Napoleon Dynamite - LOVED IT) not from Sarah. And what was up with Albie and that drifter guy? That was freaky.

Looks like next week Bill finds out about Nikki's credit cards - very interesting. I love her character - she's very complex I think. She's plotting and jealous - but she was sincerely upset and afraid of getting kicked out when Barb found out about the CC debt. And what about those "14 helpless women" at Roman's? That was a hoot!!
Wow! I'm sitting here on my second attempt to watch last Sunday's episode (fell asleep last night - I am getting sooooo old!), and I think it's the best episode yet. These two gay writer's really have it going on - tapping into the love the wives feel for each other. Maybe it's my lesbian self in play, but I love it when the first wife challenges Bill to see that $60,000 in debt isn't the worst thing to happen. And when Bill's third wife goes out and talks to the Bill's friend's potential fourth wife, bonding over rejection. Good stuff.
But ... let me also add that I liked it when the young man whom Marjene had dinner with stopped by and accentuated the lonliness that happens in this kind of family too, the challenge of not having one partner all to yourself.

But, then again, there's Bill's line about his take on his covenant with his family, "Nothing, nothing breaks that bond."

Hmmm ...
I'm with all of you on what a good show it is. I am definitely hooked. However, I'm a little bit biased as I work for the company. But don't ask for any spoilers, b/c I don't know any and if I do, I'm not allowed to say. What I can say though is that it was already picked up for a second season, but that might already be common knowledge.

Anyway, great show.
Hooked - line and sinker here too:teeth:

Question - how does one get their virtue "back"?? :teeth:
Poor Ben...regret is a difficult thing..

Great show :thumbsup2

eternaldisneyfan said:
Church Responds to Questions on HBO's Big Love
Various media outlets, 6 March 2006
(from Comments on the News at

3. Concern over the moral standards of television entertainment
Despite its popularity with some, much of today’s television entertainment shows an unhealthy preoccupation with sex, coarse humor and foul language.

Hot dang, bring it on!

In all seriousness, this show has really grown on me. The polygamy aspect has a certain sensational appeal, but really it's an opportunity to look into a family dynamic different from the 2.5 children, station wagon, dog and two cats that we're supposed to believe is the norm.

Plus, we're getting to watch some really great acting all in one place. I mean what sort of show could possibly contain both Harry Dean Stanton and Bruce Dern? And Grace Zabriskie? Chloe Sevigny? Jeanne Tripplehorn? When Mary Kay Place is just a cameo, what can you say?
This show is so fun...helps fill the "Six Feet Under" and "Sex and the City" void.

The cast is fantastic but I'm worried that this show will not continue because the actors will be in hot demand for other projects.

Does anyone know when the show will resume for it's second season after the final double episode?

Does anyone know when "Entourage" starts back up?

Is anyone really happy Marjeen is planting grass in the backyard?
However, I'm a little bit biased as I work for the company. But don't ask for any spoilers, b/c I don't know any and if I do, I'm not allowed to say. What I can say though is that it was already picked up for a second season, but that might already be common knowledge. it sounds like it'll be back... WOO-HOO!
Although -- it seems like it's fast building to any number of show-downs: Bill with Roman, Bill with the Nosy Assistant, Nickie and Marjean (Didja catch Nickie's expression when Marjean announced her baby news? :rolleyes2 ). Barb and her sister...
It's hard to imagine what new stuff could possibly be dredged up for a second season.
Evans Family said:
Does anyone know when the show will resume for it's second season after the final double episode?

I believe it is slated to return next March. So, unfortunately, we will have a bit of a hiatus, but it is definitely coming back. It could potentially come back in the fall behind Soprano's final 8 episodes, but I think that timeframe is saved for Rome.

Evans Family said:
Does anyone know when "Entourage" starts back up?

Sunday, June 11th @ 10pm right after Deadwood which is at 9pm. We are also showing a new comedy, Lucky Louie at 10:30pm which is our first foray into a sitcom style show. Kind of an experiment on our part.

Evans Family said:
Is anyone really happy Marjeen is planting grass in the backyard?

Yes, I couldn't stand the dirt backyard. I guess it is the homeowner in me. ;)
Very subtle and textured relationships between the main characters. And I marvel at the production values! THANKS for the update!


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