Biggest Loser 9 Spring challenge -- Part 2! HERE WE ARE! :)

OK, so I never got back yesterday and now I guess I won't be able to quote so I'll just start fresh today.

QOTD 3/24: When it comes to exericse, which do you feel is more important, cardio or strength? And why?

I've decided not to look backwards and just jump back in with today's QOTD.
For me cardio is more important and I want to improve my lung capacity and stamina. I do use handweights/ankleweights about half the time to kick things up a notch, so I guess I think both are important, but cardio is just a little more important:goodvibes

On to a better topic. As of yesterday I have walked over 400 miles since Jan 1st:banana:

That's fantastic!
My oldest DD came home from school all excited that she has joined the new walking club at school and they are "walking to Disneyland". She's 8, she didn't actually know that she wasn't actually going to walk to Disneyland :lmao:

Okay, I'm off to get the house ready for my step-daughter. She is coming for several days so I have to get her room ready and find foods she will eat. She is 10 and over-weight. She only eats overly processed foods and foods that are high in HFCS (High-fructose corn syrup). She is in for a surprise when she gets to my house! :)

I'm amazed and how many people know kids that will only eat the processed food. I'm lucky my girls actually like fresh fruit and veggies. of course, that being said, I did feed them McDonald's last night:rolleyes1
QOTD 3/24: When it comes to exericse, which do you feel is more important, cardio or strength? And why?

I think they are equally important, but I haven't always given them equal emphasis. A few years ago I did a lot more strength training than cardio. I have a number of exercise DVDs, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and 10-pound dumbbells, and an exercise bike and a Nordic Track in the basement.

My cardio workouts used to last just 20 minutes, because that was the recommendation in Body For Life. Since I have been doing the WISH exercise challenges in February and March, and because I'd like to participate in a half-marathon some day, I have increased my cardio workouts. It has amazed me that I've been able to do 60-70 minutes on the Nordic Track at the kind of intensity Body for Life suggests.

For my strength training, I have been alternating workout DVDs. I like Core Fusion, 30 Day Shred (once in awhile, as the jumping around is hard on my old body!), I Want That Body (Tamilee Webb), and Mat Workout (Tracy Anderson). If I had to do my workouts at a gym or by taking a class - I would never exercise!
I need to join back up. I was doing so good there for awile, but I just lost focus over the winter and stopped coming here for support. I've been gaining and losing the same 4 pounds since Nov. and just not making any progress. I know there's still time to get a decent amount of pounds off before the end of the challenge, so I'm ready to jump back in!

I went to the grocery store yesterday and stocked up on egg beaters, fresh fruit, etc. so I have some healthy stuff on hand and won't be eating junk just because that's the only thing in the house. DD10 got her tonsils out last week, and I've been eating lots of ice cream right along with her! I've been doing Zumba since Jan, but eating enough extra calories to make up for it, so time to cut back and start working toward my goal weight again.

3/24 QOTD: I think cardio is more important as far as overall health, but strength training is an important component in increasing your endurance and appearance.
Good morning everyone. I have been trying to watch what I eat and have pretty good so far this week but it has not been easy.

Dh and I are pretty stressed these days. We live in New Jersey and the new gov seems to think that the teachers are the cause for all the state's problems. I am just tired of the bashing of teachers.

On to a better topic. As of yesterday I have walked over 400 miles since Jan 1st:banana:

Congrats to Woofiedoodle and flipflopmom for winning the last couple of weeks. I was happy to see my name in the top 10 for the first week.

I have to tutor someone tonight and then I am going to get to bed early. The wind came up last night and it woke me up. It usually wakes dh up so it was funny that he never heard it last night.

Making meatloaf and sweet potatoes for dinner tonight.

Has anyone seen those Organic soups in the crazy containers? They have a roasted red pepper/tomato that I love. The other night I found a recipe for red pepper soup. It was supposed to be made in a crock pot but I didn't want to get out the crockpot so I made it on the stove top. I changed some of the recipe and it came out great. Very low in calories since the only fat I used was 1 tbsp of olive oil to sweat some veggies. I eat it without warming it up but it would also be good warm. It has been great to have for lunch the last couple of days. If anyone is interested I can write out the recipe. It would only take about an hour to make.

Been pretty busy at school. Friday was supposed to be our last day before vacation but we have to go in on Monday and Tuesday to make up for a couple of snow days. I have been copying lots of papers so that the AP kids could have something to over break if they are not coming in next week. It is going to be crazy. A third of the staff will not be in and many of the students will not be in. I think some of the kids from other classes will be coming in to my classes but I haven't been informed about it. We have 6 people out and only have 1 sub so far.

HAve a great evening everyone.
Things have certainly been rough for you lately. I hope they improve SOON! And yes, I would LOVE that recipe!!

Hello, hello!

Nothing new here today. Walked 3.1 on the treadmill and did 5 miles on the bike. I am dropping one of my workouts (I usually workout in the morning and the afternoon). I'm burning too many calories and not eating enough.

Congrats to Worfiedoodles AND flipflopmom!! Way to go!!

QOTD 3/24: When it comes to exericse, which do you feel is more important, cardio or strength? And why?

Both... but I enjoy cardio more then I enjoy strength training.

Okay, I'm off to get the house ready for my step-daughter. She is coming for several days so I have to get her room ready and find foods she will eat. She is 10 and over-weight. She only eats overly processed foods and foods that are high in HFCS (High-fructose corn syrup). She is in for a surprise when she gets to my house! :)

Good luck feeding your Step-daughter. Take it from a mom who knows how hard it is! DS is super picky and has significant food allergies. Feeding him is difficult, bordering on impossible. And honestly, most of the time he would rather GO HUNGRY than eat something healthy that I put in front of him. Let me know what works for you!

I need to join back up. I was doing so good there for awile, but I just lost focus over the winter and stopped coming here for support. I've been gaining and losing the same 4 pounds since Nov. and just not making any progress. I know there's still time to get a decent amount of pounds off before the end of the challenge, so I'm ready to jump back in!

I went to the grocery store yesterday and stocked up on egg beaters, fresh fruit, etc. so I have some healthy stuff on hand and won't be eating junk just because that's the only thing in the house. DD10 got her tonsils out last week, and I've been eating lots of ice cream right along with her! I've been doing Zumba since Jan, but eating enough extra calories to make up for it, so time to cut back and start working toward my goal weight again.

3/24 QOTD: I think cardio is more important as far as overall health, but strength training is an important component in increasing your endurance and appearance.

Glad you found your way back to us here! Keep up the Zumba, cut down the calories, and you will be right back on the program with us!! Nice job stocking the fridge properly. That is a big first step back in the right direction.

Evening all! Just a little brag moment here...

DD (freshman) won the NHIAA Sportsmanship award for her high school swim team tonight!! I am SO proud of her... it shows that she isn't just a good swimmer (one of only three to make it to States) and a great student (also a scholar athlete award winner), but she is a GOOD PERSON!!! I gotta say, I must have done SOMETHING right somewhere along the way!!

Thanks for the moment to brag! Gotta go watch SURVIVOR!.....P
Hello, hello!

Nothing new here today. Walked 3.1 on the treadmill and did 5 miles on the bike. I am dropping one of my workouts (I usually workout in the morning and the afternoon). I'm burning too many calories and not eating enough.

Congrats to Worfiedoodles AND flipflopmom!! Way to go!!

QOTD 3/24: When it comes to exericse, which do you feel is more important, cardio or strength? And why?

Both... but I enjoy cardio more then I enjoy strength training.

Okay, I'm off to get the house ready for my step-daughter. She is coming for several days so I have to get her room ready and find foods she will eat. She is 10 and over-weight. She only eats overly processed foods and foods that are high in HFCS (High-fructose corn syrup). She is in for a surprise when she gets to my house! :)

I would love to see her face when she can't find something to eat. You have rules for your house and you need to keep to them. Good luck.

I've decided not to look backwards and just jump back in with today's QOTD.
For me cardio is more important and I want to improve my lung capacity and stamina. I do use handweights/ankleweights about half the time to kick things up a notch, so I guess I think both are important, but cardio is just a little more important:goodvibes

That's fantastic!
My oldest DD came home from school all excited that she has joined the new walking club at school and they are "walking to Disneyland". She's 8, she didn't actually know that she wasn't actually going to walk to Disneyland :lmao:

I'm amazed and how many people know kids that will only eat the processed food. I'm lucky my girls actually like fresh fruit and veggies. of course, that being said, I did feed them McDonald's last night:rolleyes1

welcome back. I love the idea of a walking club. That is a real nice idea to have them walk to some place they know. It is a shame that they really aren't going to Disneyland.

I need to join back up. I was doing so good there for awile, but I just lost focus over the winter and stopped coming here for support. I've been gaining and losing the same 4 pounds since Nov. and just not making any progress. I know there's still time to get a decent amount of pounds off before the end of the challenge, so I'm ready to jump back in!

I went to the grocery store yesterday and stocked up on egg beaters, fresh fruit, etc. so I have some healthy stuff on hand and won't be eating junk just because that's the only thing in the house. DD10 got her tonsils out last week, and I've been eating lots of ice cream right along with her! I've been doing Zumba since Jan, but eating enough extra calories to make up for it, so time to cut back and start working toward my goal weight again.

3/24 QOTD: I think cardio is more important as far as overall health, but strength training is an important component in increasing your endurance and appearance.

Welcome back. A lot of people have been lost and are coming back. The challenge is running until May 14th so there is still time to make a difference. Hope dd is feeling better since her operation.

HAve a great evening everyone.
Ok I'm back in action!! I feel so bad joinning and then stoping over and over agian. I fall of the wagon to often and now I'm on it for good!! Why you ask I'm finally back? I have the biggest goal ever!! My mom said that I can go to Forks Washington if I lose enough weight!! That is where they have and are filming the Twilight Saga. I will also be allowed to have the green Bella Swan Dress from The Twilight Saga: New Moon!! I'm so excitied. I've gotten all the low calorie stuff and started walking again. I can't wait XD
Broke down and had a drink tonight! Hoping it might help me sleep tonight!
Drinking some water now and just relaxing! May be just the weather and recovering from the weekend!

Here's to next week being better. Going out to the Cheesecake Factory on Friday night with some friends. Going to try and be good for the last week of Lent.

Good night all! Gonna watch Tropic Thunder with DH or fall asleep!
Whew! I found you guys! And look what I found when I caught up!!! I can't believe that -- I've had such a hard time this past week, to find that the week before when I was doing everything right it really paid off was amazing! This is the first time I have ever made it to the top, and I can't tell you how much it means to me...Nothing could be more motivating! :woohoo:

Thanks so much to everyone for all the congratulations -- and I think the entire list of BL participants deserves a big hand of applause for hanging in there this long! :yay:

I did ok with my eating today -- I ended up having a burger and fries (which I never eat) for lunch with the boss. I had a 2 pt breakfast and a 6 pt dinner with no snacks, so I think it will be ok. I also did 5M on the TM when I got home after work. I am normally really bad about the after work workouts, but today I was determined!

QOTD 3/24: When it comes to exericse, which do you feel is more important, cardio or strength? And why?

Well, they are both necessary -- but I'm going to go with cardio, because I could strength train all day and I wouldn't lose like I do if I'm moving...that may just be me.

So glad I found the new, shiny thread! Now I have to get to bed so I can hopefully get up and move before work tomorrow! Thanks again to everyone who is supporting me -- today was super busy at work so I didn't get to post, but I'm hoping to have a little more time tomorrow...

Everyone have an awesome night, and a great big beautiful tomorrow! :cheer2:

Maria :upsidedow
Ugh. Had a hell of a day in the classroom. The student I've been concerned about totally blew his top. He would have thrown my easel/whiteboard across the room had I not stood on it. As it was, he did throw three or fair chairs and when I went to restrain him, he bit me. Thankfully he didn't break skin.

The rest of the class had been okay until that point. They did a pretty good job getting out of the room quickly, but it all just kind of went downhill from there.

I did go work out with trainer, and he completely kicked my ***. I told him it's nice having my *** kicked by somebody I'm pay to- as opposed to being kicked by somebody I'm being paid to teach. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I've been so tempted all week to be "sick", but I just can't do that to my kids.
:welcome: BACK sskem96 and CptJackSparrowGirl :goodvibes

Sounds like a great trip in the planning, CptJack!
Everyone have an awesome night, and a great big beautiful tomorrow! :cheer2:

Maria :upsidedow

great job getting on the TM :thumbsup2

I had to use google to remember what movie used "great big beautiful tomorrow" but I really shouldn't have remembered it.

Ugh. Had a hell of a day in the classroom. The student I've been concerned about totally blew his top. He would have thrown my easel/whiteboard across the room had I not stood on it. As it was, he did throw three or fair chairs and when I went to restrain him, he bit me. Thankfully he didn't break skin.

The rest of the class had been okay until that point. They did a pretty good job getting out of the room quickly, but it all just kind of went downhill from there.

I did go work out with trainer, and he completely kicked my ***. I told him it's nice having my *** kicked by somebody I'm pay to- as opposed to being kicked by somebody I'm being paid to teach. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I've been so tempted all week to be "sick", but I just can't do that to my kids.

:grouphug: hope tomorrow is a better day.
Good morning everyone Just a quick hello before I go get ready for school.

pjlla Congrats on your daughter's award. It is nice when the nice kids get awardds for just being who they are. You are right to proud

Eeyores Butterfly I hope today is better than the last couple of days. You work very hard. I have always admired the work you and many special ed people do. You go way beyond what is expected. You are truly a special person.

Welcome back to all those coming back. With us going until May 14th you still have plenty of time to make some good changes for yourself.

Have a great day everyone.
Ugh. Had a hell of a day in the classroom. The student I've been concerned about totally blew his top. He would have thrown my easel/whiteboard across the room had I not stood on it. As it was, he did throw three or fair chairs and when I went to restrain him, he bit me. Thankfully he didn't break skin.

The rest of the class had been okay until that point. They did a pretty good job getting out of the room quickly, but it all just kind of went downhill from there.

I did go work out with trainer, and he completely kicked my ***. I told him it's nice having my *** kicked by somebody I'm pay to- as opposed to being kicked by somebody I'm being paid to teach. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I've been so tempted all week to be "sick", but I just can't do that to my kids.

I hope you have a much better day today.:goodvibes

Dh is coming home tonight! He's been in Florida all week. I really wanted to go, but couldn't miss work. We're watching the UK/Cornell game tonight, well at least I am. Hopefully he won't get stuck in Atlanta because of the weather. I have been really good on the eating this week. I might need to think of something good to snack on during the game.

Hope everyone has a good day! Go Cats!
Ok I'm back in action!! I feel so bad joinning and then stoping over and over agian. I fall of the wagon to often and now I'm on it for good!! Why you ask I'm finally back? I have the biggest goal ever!! My mom said that I can go to Forks Washington if I lose enough weight!! That is where they have and are filming the Twilight Saga. I will also be allowed to have the green Bella Swan Dress from The Twilight Saga: New Moon!! I'm so excitied. I've gotten all the low calorie stuff and started walking again. I can't wait XD

That would be exciting. I'm a Twilight fan myself! Good luck and welcome back.

Ugh. Had a hell of a day in the classroom. The student I've been concerned about totally blew his top. He would have thrown my easel/whiteboard across the room had I not stood on it. As it was, he did throw three or fair chairs and when I went to restrain him, he bit me. Thankfully he didn't break skin.

The rest of the class had been okay until that point. They did a pretty good job getting out of the room quickly, but it all just kind of went downhill from there.

I did go work out with trainer, and he completely kicked my ***. I told him it's nice having my *** kicked by somebody I'm pay to- as opposed to being kicked by somebody I'm being paid to teach. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I've been so tempted all week to be "sick", but I just can't do that to my kids.

Holy catfish, that sounds crazy. I don't know how I'd deal with that type of situation. I hope he gets the help he needs so you don't have to go through that often.

Welcome back to all of those who have returned. I can't believe we needed another post started. That's great! :cool1: Just means we've had some serious success this "season".

I'm going to leave you with my last QOTD today. I hope everyone enjoyed my questions and look forward to answering those coming up now that I have a tiny bit more time on my hands.

QOTD: What have you done to get your family on board with your new healthy lifestyle? Are they excited to try new things with you or do they grumble about the changes?

My hubby is a grumbler. He is a meat and potatoes kind of guy and calls all veggies, well besides corn I guess, contraband. I would eat mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, you name it on pretty much anything and it grosses him out to no end.

I love raw broccoli and cauliflower and baby carrots but he won't eat them unless cooked and drenched in cheese.

I've cooked with ground turkey and he hates it. I don't think he'd even really know if he didn't see me doing it. One of these days I'll sneak it in and he'll realize it's all in his head.

He won't go on walks, bike rides, nothing, which my girls and I love to do. He'll come out and play basketball or other little games like that with the kids but he's just not into exercise. And he doesn't need it. :mad:

So, I'm trying to get my girls on the right path but they see what he eats (and when he eats, he eats all the time) and they think they can do it too.

My younget daughter is tiny. Never eats at home but eats like a lil pig at daycare. She is always on the go. My oldest is starting to get chunky. I need ways to curb it before it's out of hand. I don't want to be mean about it because I don't want her to have an eating disorder or anything but she needs to be aware. What's the best way to go about it? She's active in dance and tumbling and t ball but thinks she needs to eat all the time. The good thing is, she loves fruit and veggies for snacks but that adds up too.

OK, I think I'm done now. ;)
Ok, I was really bad yesterday and down another pound? How does that happen? I'll take it but that was weird! Giving 2 massages today which should help me with the exercise part. I slept much better last night. A few quick wake ups but went right back to sleep!

Off to get DD1 a camera for her First Communion gift! I found one at WalMart so I'm off to there to get it before heading into work. Not sure what's for supper tonight so I'll have to figure that out at some point today!

60 here today and snow tomorrow morning! Welcome to New England!
Thanks for the advice jen! Just trying to get some energy back! I'm wiped out! Not sleeping well isn't helping things! Going to try and at least do some Wii tonight or a mile on the elliptical. Will also get back to my water! Have been pretty good today. I did drop a half pound from yesterday. Turkey enchiladas for supper so I will try to limit the amount I eat. The cold weather today isn't helping me much either. Guess this will be my bad week for the month!

Wanted to nap but couldn't get to sleep! Tylenol PM gets me to sleep but doesn't keep me there. Gotta go out this afternoon for DD2s dancing and DD1s theater class as well as back to the grocery store for Skinny Cows and Boston Market Meals. Discovered that they are made by Heinz who also makes the WW meals. Really good and only a little bit more in the calorie dept. In some cases tastier!

Tata for now!

Not sleeping well definitely does me in - I hope you get your sleep cycles back for the rest of the week!

Hello, hello!

Nothing new here today. Walked 3.1 on the treadmill and did 5 miles on the bike. I am dropping one of my workouts (I usually workout in the morning and the afternoon). I'm burning too many calories and not eating enough.

Congrats to Worfiedoodles AND flipflopmom!! Way to go!!

QOTD 3/24: When it comes to exericse, which do you feel is more important, cardio or strength? And why?

Both... but I enjoy cardio more then I enjoy strength training.

Okay, I'm off to get the house ready for my step-daughter. She is coming for several days so I have to get her room ready and find foods she will eat. She is 10 and over-weight. She only eats overly processed foods and foods that are high in HFCS (High-fructose corn syrup). She is in for a surprise when she gets to my house! :)

Let me know how dropping a work out affects you. And good luck your stepdaughter!

I've decided not to look backwards and just jump back in with today's QOTD.
For me cardio is more important and I want to improve my lung capacity and stamina. I do use handweights/ankleweights about half the time to kick things up a notch, so I guess I think both are important, but cardio is just a little more important:goodvibes

That's fantastic!
My oldest DD came home from school all excited that she has joined the new walking club at school and they are "walking to Disneyland". She's 8, she didn't actually know that she wasn't actually going to walk to Disneyland :lmao:

I'm amazed and how many people know kids that will only eat the processed food. I'm lucky my girls actually like fresh fruit and veggies. of course, that being said, I did feed them McDonald's last night:rolleyes1

How disappointing for your dd! Now you'll just have to take her. ;)

I need to join back up. I was doing so good there for awile, but I just lost focus over the winter and stopped coming here for support. I've been gaining and losing the same 4 pounds since Nov. and just not making any progress. I know there's still time to get a decent amount of pounds off before the end of the challenge, so I'm ready to jump back in!

I went to the grocery store yesterday and stocked up on egg beaters, fresh fruit, etc. so I have some healthy stuff on hand and won't be eating junk just because that's the only thing in the house. DD10 got her tonsils out last week, and I've been eating lots of ice cream right along with her! I've been doing Zumba since Jan, but eating enough extra calories to make up for it, so time to cut back and start working toward my goal weight again.

3/24 QOTD: I think cardio is more important as far as overall health, but strength training is an important component in increasing your endurance and appearance.

Zumba! I did that for the first time Tuesday and the hour FLEW by! Welcome back :goodvibes

Ok I'm back in action!! I feel so bad joinning and then stoping over and over agian. I fall of the wagon to often and now I'm on it for good!! Why you ask I'm finally back? I have the biggest goal ever!! My mom said that I can go to Forks Washington if I lose enough weight!! That is where they have and are filming the Twilight Saga. I will also be allowed to have the green Bella Swan Dress from The Twilight Saga: New Moon!! I'm so excitied. I've gotten all the low calorie stuff and started walking again. I can't wait XD

Wow HUGE incentives for you! If you get bored or off track make sure to post here so we can help because I want to see pictures of the filming and of you in your green dress!:banana:

Ugh. Had a hell of a day in the classroom. The student I've been concerned about totally blew his top. He would have thrown my easel/whiteboard across the room had I not stood on it. As it was, he did throw three or fair chairs and when I went to restrain him, he bit me. Thankfully he didn't break skin.

The rest of the class had been okay until that point. They did a pretty good job getting out of the room quickly, but it all just kind of went downhill from there.

I did go work out with trainer, and he completely kicked my ***. I told him it's nice having my *** kicked by somebody I'm pay to- as opposed to being kicked by somebody I'm being paid to teach. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I've been so tempted all week to be "sick", but I just can't do that to my kids.

Good for you for going to work out! If you can make it after your day I can certainly make it after mine - thanks for the motivation! And pixie dust for you to have a better day today! pixiedust:

Good morning everyone Just a quick hello before I go get ready for school.

pjlla Congrats on your daughter's award. It is nice when the nice kids get awardds for just being who they are. You are right to proud

Eeyores Butterfly I hope today is better than the last couple of days. You work very hard. I have always admired the work you and many special ed people do. You go way beyond what is expected. You are truly a special person.

Welcome back to all those coming back. With us going until May 14th you still have plenty of time to make some good changes for yourself.

Have a great day everyone.

Just wanted to say I'm thinking of you and your dh and feel bad that you are so stressed out. :hug:t's so easy to point the finger at teachers and blame everything on them - after all it can't possibly have anything to do with parental involvement right??:sad2: Not to mention budget cuts, larger class sizes, less enrichment...

JenA - what is your siggie w/the force on it?
Dh and I are pretty stressed these days. We live in New Jersey and the new gov seems to think that the teachers are the cause for all the state's problems. I am just tired of the bashing of teachers.

I am so sorry to hear that they are bashing teachers everywhere. Both DH and I are teachers and we are both talking about leaving the professions at this point. We are also tired of hearing that it is all our fault :sad2:

Everyone have an awesome night, and a great big beautiful tomorrow! :cheer2:

Maria - this just made me smile! :goodvibes

Ugh. Had a hell of a day in the classroom. The student I've been concerned about totally blew his top. He would have thrown my easel/whiteboard across the room had I not stood on it. As it was, he did throw three or fair chairs and when I went to restrain him, he bit me. Thankfully he didn't break skin.

Again - wow! I don't know how special ed teachers can do it day in and day out. I hope that you find a way to release the stress of your type of job! Here is wishing you a great Thursdays!

60 here today and snow tomorrow morning! Welcome to New England!
Sounds like Minnesota type of weather! :rotfl: Glad to hear that you are down a pound! Way to go!
So, I'm trying to get my girls on the right path but they see what he eats (and when he eats, he eats all the time) and they think they can do it too.

My younget daughter is tiny. Never eats at home but eats like a lil pig at daycare. She is always on the go. My oldest is starting to get chunky. I need ways to curb it before it's out of hand. I don't want to be mean about it because I don't want her to have an eating disorder or anything but she needs to be aware. What's the best way to go about it? She's active in dance and tumbling and t ball but thinks she needs to eat all the time. The good thing is, she loves fruit and veggies for snacks but that adds up too.

OK, I think I'm done now. ;)

I can relate, I'm in the same situation. DD (who just turned 12!:scared1:) is a pretty active kid, she does competitive cheer, but she was getting chunky. We didn't say anything to her because we don't want her to have a bad body image (like her mom does!:rolleyes1). When I started my latest and last endeavor I didn't call it a diet but a healthy lifestyle, and told her I needed her help to make healthy choices. At first it was just her reminding me "healthy eating" then as I started buying different things - baked lays, measuring out my portions, skinny cow, etc she started reducing her portions and actually prefers the "lighter" things. I talk about things on commercials - like "that's all my calories for the day if I eat that" and about what we actually need to eat to be healthy. She is doing the c25k with me, we walk about 3 miles/day, and she went to Zumba with me, which she likes because of all the funky moves and she can do all the thrusts I don't allow her to do with her friends!

Anyway - just noticed last week her pants are literally falling off her! She's in 14 1/2 from Justice. She doesn't think anything of it, but when her friend and then DH commented on it she did ask if it's bad, and I said no, you might have lost a few pounds and your body shape is also changing, and as long as she makes healthy choices and exercises her weight will be what's right for her. So far so good. She loves those mini-cakesters by Betty Crocker and will have those for her dessert, they're 100 calories or so and she pointed out to me they are actually less than a Skinny Cow. :) She also has stopped eating when she's full, which is great. If she's not hungry she won't have that cookie or whatever (and she knows it will be there later b/c I make sure I don't eat it now! lol)

Hope that helps! Such a sensitive topic. Between that and the puberty talks...:scared:...I know I'm a mom!
Just have to the end I did not ride my bike. I had everything set to ride to work, went out and got on my bike...and...a FLAT TIRE! :sad2: I have already been riding it a bunch this year and don't know when it happened. So, I made an appointment at the bike shop to get it in for repair tonight. They are also going to put on the mount for my Garmin running watch so that it can keep track of my biking too.

Well, much better to have bike trouble in the morning that at the end of a long work day! :goodvibes

Welcome back, Shannnon, thanks for getting our results out so quickly! :love: So how far it is to walk to DL from your house?

Welcome back, sskem96 and CptJackSparrosGirl! :goodvibes That is one of the nice things about our BL challenges -- you can come back anytime and will be welcomed with open arms!

pjlla, congrats on your DD's sportsmanship award! She has a great, supportive Mom so, of course, she is a GOOD PERSON! :goodvibes

Worfiedoodles, that clippie looks great on you! :thumbsup2

Lynsey, thanks so much for being our coach this week! You had some great questions and responses and kept us together during the big thread changeover! :thumbsup2

I am off on a little road trip to Portland and Seattle for spring break. Please send in those weigh ins to LuvBaloo and COW numbers to donac tomorrow. An early welcome to princessbride6205, our new coach starting tomorrow!

Have a great week-end all! See you on Tuesday!
JenA - what is your siggie w/the force on it?
It is my WISH team logo. If you go over to the events/competition thread, there are a bunch of teams that support each other. It is mainly centered on our walking/running but we also chat about just a healthy lifestyle in general.

I can relate, I'm in the same situation. DD (who just turned 12!:scared1:) is a pretty active kid, she does competitive cheer, but she was getting chunky. We didn't say anything to her because we don't want her to have a bad body image (like her mom does!:rolleyes1). When I started my latest and last endeavor I didn't call it a diet but a healthy lifestyle, and told her I needed her help to make healthy choices. At first it was just her reminding me "healthy eating" then as I started buying different things - baked lays, measuring out my portions, skinny cow, etc she started reducing her portions and actually prefers the "lighter" things. I talk about things on commercials - like "that's all my calories for the day if I eat that" and about what we actually need to eat to be healthy. She is doing the c25k with me, we walk about 3 miles/day, and she went to Zumba with me, which she likes because of all the funky moves and she can do all the thrusts I don't allow her to do with her friends!

Anyway - just noticed last week her pants are literally falling off her! She's in 14 1/2 from Justice. She doesn't think anything of it, but when her friend and then DH commented on it she did ask if it's bad, and I said no, you might have lost a few pounds and your body shape is also changing, and as long as she makes healthy choices and exercises her weight will be what's right for her. So far so good. She loves those mini-cakesters by Betty Crocker and will have those for her dessert, they're 100 calories or so and she pointed out to me they are actually less than a Skinny Cow. :) She also has stopped eating when she's full, which is great. If she's not hungry she won't have that cookie or whatever (and she knows it will be there later b/c I make sure I don't eat it now! lol)

Hope that helps! Such a sensitive topic. Between that and the puberty talks...:scared:...I know I'm a mom!

I love that you have been such a positive influence on your child. It is so amazing how kids will change their habits from watching the positive changes you make! Way to go! Your daughter may not get it yet but she will be so grateful to you for helping her learn to be a healthier person!

I am off on a little road trip to Portland and Seattle for spring break. Please send in those weigh ins to LuvBaloo and COW numbers to donac tomorrow. An early welcome to princessbride6205, our new coach starting tomorrow!

Have a great week-end all! See you on Tuesday!

Have a great trip and enjoy your spring break!!!


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