Biggest Loser Princess and Tinker Bell 2011 and 2012 -- OLD please see NEW thread

I think that I am going to sign up for a local half here in Coeur d'Alene. It is on Memorial Day week-end which means it will be cold and rainy. I think I need to have something else in the works before I am done getting ready for the Princess to keep me motivated.

I was just saying the same thing last night. We have a big half right here in my home town. It is close to selling out and I just cant find an extra 60 dollars so I was stressing last night about it. I think my mom might sign me up as my bday gift. Shes the best:lovestruc I just signed ryan up for bball at the local Y and that cost 60 and I always said my babies will come first.;) I agree about the needing something to keep me going. I dont want to get that post half let down and stop the forward progress.

You and kathy are going to look so cute in your sparkle skirts. Now I really need to get my butt in gear and decide on something.

I am definitely hitting the treadmill today. Might not go far, but I am starting to feel back to normal and could really use some stress relief!

Have a great day!

glad your feeling better. I hope everyone got home and to school ok. I bet it was hard saying goodbye to tom again.

I can tell these next weeks are going to fly by because I am so busy I dont even know which way to look. Today is 7 weeks until I leave for the trip.:yay: Some of you will already be there too. Can you believe it.princess:
OMG kathy! your mom sounded like a cool lady. love the quotes. I cant wait to see you in your sparkle skirt. I bet you will look very sparkly.;) Great job on getting your run in. I was glad to hear that you felt just fine after missing a few. I just worry to much.:confused3

Not much to say tonight. I am still beating myself up for not running today but not hard enough apparently because I made excuses for doing any other form of exercise too. Im off to check out the other boards. TTYL princessessprincess:
Thanks Lindsay. My mom was pretty cool, when she wasn't driving me crazy.;) I can't believe I'm wearing a sparkle skirt, and Lisa is too!!!!!! It is going to be so much fun. I was worried all last week as things came up and it became a week without running, then 9 days, then 10 days. :scared1: But I think it was good, so I won't stress as much if I miss a run or two in the next 2 months. Beating yourself up is not allowed. It's not very princessey. Cut yourself some slack. Life gets in the way sometimes, and sometimes we just need a little rest too.

Hmmm.....I think I mentioned once on the BL thread that I was going, but if so, it is easy to get lost in the shuffle and even moreso, I might only remember intending to post that on the BL thread. :sad2: Well, here we are, all together now, eh?

I'm probably not going to do it if it is raining, a blizzard or below about 10 degrees! :laughing:
I do remember you saying you were thinking about the princess, but weren't sure you'd be able to swing it since you were going in january too. So glad you are going. Those are good reasons to skip the race. :rotfl:

Thanks for checking on that for me. I ordered a black sparkle skirt to wear over capris and a black diamond sparkle skort. I'm still afraid of the chafing issue with the skort but the black diamond would look great with my WISH shirt. I really do want to wear my WISH shirt unless I find something so cute I can't resist. The skirts have pockets so maybe that will work for us? :confused3 I want to be sure to have my "real outfit" by the time I am doing my 10 miles so I can test it out. I'm going to have to suck it up about appearing in public in my outfit and I see people I know everywhere I go -- hopefully I won't run into a judge or an opposing party all sparkly. :rolleyes1

I think that I am going to sign up for a local half here in Coeur d'Alene. It is on Memorial Day week-end which means it will be cold and rainy. I think I need to have something else in the works before I am done getting ready for the Princess to keep me motivated.
I so want to see you running around the neighborhood in your sparkle skirt!! I don't know if I have the guts. Maybe at the park, though. It will be good to get the outfit and see what fits in the pockets, and go from there. I don't really want a waist pack now that I'm wearing a skirt, so I'm going to carry my camera on one of my runs and see how that goes. I figure it will be out at least every mile for pics of the mile markers, all through mk, by the hotels, so I wonder if it will be easy to just carry it. My cell phone would fit in my capri pocket. So much to plan.
So cool you're thinking of your next half. You are more amtitious than I. I was thinking of maybe the Baystate half marathon in October. Something to aim for, and keep me moving after the princess.

Mike is almost to Indy, so barring any problems he should make it home before Tom leaves. I looked at the weather and i am so glad Tom is leaving today. Well, I am not really glad, because I will miss him terribly, but it is time, and he seems to be excited about school. We bought an lsat prep book yesterday. Fingers crossed for a calm semester!

I am definitely hitting the treadmill today. Might not go far, but I am starting to feel back to normal and could really use some stress relief!

Have a great day!
Hope you had a good day, Rose, and Mike made it home to see Tom, and that Tom has a safe and calm ride back to school. It must be so reassuring that he's excited to go back. And here's a hug on him going back.:hug: I know it's tough on you. Hope you and Mike have some time to relax and enjoy each other this weekend after the stressful week you've had.

Well, no exercise for me today, and I'm working early tomorrow, so I may go to the gym after work. More snow possible this weekend, so I'm praying it's not too much. Nothing new with me on the princess front.

Have a magical night.
IToday is 7 weeks until I leave for the trip.:yay: Some of you will already be there too. Can you believe it.princess:
Ahhhhhh!! I can't believe it!!! It is going to be so much fun!!!!! princess:princess:princess:princess:princess:princess:princess:princess:

Are your kids in bed? I'm encouraging michael to watch tv so I can dis. bad mommy. we're going to play a quick monopoly deal game now before bed. Good night.
I can't remember where I post stuff half the time!

Mike made it home and Tom made it back to school ok! Thank goodness he went back today, because it might be ugly in the mountains tomorrow. One less thing to worry about. I was a little weepy when he left. Mike and I stood in the window and watched him go. He kept looking up and waving at us. It was kind of cute.

I ran tonight after work--I went in for a couple of hours. Then went to the Y and did a 5k in 30:42. Walked for another 9 minutes to get a total of 40 minutes in. Woohoo! I felt so much better, though I ate way too much for dinner again!

Kathy--on carrying the camera, do you have it in a case or have it on a strap? I carry my ipod in my hand and it's in a plastic cover. I have to take the cover off after long runs because I sweat so much it runs inside the cover. It's pretty gross. Anyhow, just throwing that out there as something to think about. I do sweat A LOT, hence needing to consume salt after runs, but if I carry a camera, I will probably have to put it in a case to keep it from being gross.

And Lisa--how did I miss that you joined weight watchers--I was skimming Team Donald. I'm glad it's working well. Things have just been chaotic for us since about December 14--that's when Tom came home from school. I feel like I missed so much. And thank you again for helping to keep me sane this week Lisa--you are the best!:goodvibes

Ok, princesses, sweet dreams. TTYL!
I can tell these next weeks are going to fly by because I am so busy I dont even know which way to look. Today is 7 weeks until I leave for the trip.:yay: Some of you will already be there too. Can you believe it.princess:

Wow! I guess I will arrive seven weeks from yesterday. That makes me :scared1: and :yay: all at once.

Remember Mom can't take care of all those guys if Mom doesn't take care of herself. :flower3: Your Mom is a sweetheart! :love:

I can't believe I'm wearing a sparkle skirt, and Lisa is too!!!!!! It is going to be so much fun. I was worried all last week as things came up and it became a week without running, then 9 days, then 10 days. :scared1: But I think it was good, so I won't stress as much if I miss a run or two in the next 2 months. Beating yourself up is not allowed. It's not very princessey. Cut yourself some slack. Life gets in the way sometimes, and sometimes we just need a little rest too.

The sparkleskirt "Queen Mum" was super nice -- she is running the marathon this week-end. She is the one in the pirate costume if you check out the site.

I think a lanyard would be too bouncy for your camera. They should have Photopass photographers at each mile -- they would make a bundle! :idea:

bad mommy. we're going to play a quick monopoly deal game now before bed. Good night.

:lmao: Nah! Mommy needs a break after her hectic workday. :hug: Isn't Monopoly Deal the best Monopoly ever? 15 minutes and it's done! :thumbsup2

I can't remember where I post stuff half the time!

Well, I don't suppose the 1300+ posts on the multiple BL threads have anything to do with that . . . :rolleyes1 You're doing a great job hostessing! :flower3:

I'm glad that Mike is home and Tom is back at school ahead of the storm. :goodvibes

It was my pleasure to help you this week -- that's what princess friends are for! princess:
I should chime in on the camera thing, I suppose! I've run a lot of Disney races with a camera. I have had a pouch on my water belt, but mostly, I just carry it in one hand. I had logistical issues with the pouch. I have also used a spibelt - depending on the camera and your body/preferences, that could be another option. I have a waterproof/shockproof camera, in case of rain (and sweat.)

Like I said, mostly I've been happiest carrying it, though. I use the wrist strap and then it is handy to hand to a cast member/handler for photos. I am thinking they probably can't have photopass and ASI photographers out there at the same time - ASI probably has non-competition rules about having other "official" photographers on the course, and ASI are "ace" photographers, not character photographers. I'm guessing if Disney could have both, they would.

Rose - you mention taking salt after runs. Do you take it before runs as well? I have had some of the best long race experiences when I've had a packet of salt the morning of. Just wondering.

Thanks for all the well-wishes!
Corinna--I've been taking an endurolyte before long runs, and then every 3 miles. Then at the end I've been eating trail mix--nuts, raisins, m&ms and lots of salted pretzels. I questioned whether it was the salt that was making me so nausous until our last run. We did 12 miles and it was so windy the sweat was evaporating off us. I was covered in a coat of white crust. It could be that I just wasn't drinking enough water, because I have made sure that I'm getting more water, but I think it's the salt as well. So do you just eat a packet of salt with some water? I thought for a while maybe I was just running too fast for my abilities, but Friday we had our fastest run ever (races included) and I felt fine. It gets frustrating sometimes trying to manage the nausea and the other gi stuff, but if that's the worst problem I have I really can't complain.:goodvibes

Have a great day all you princesses!:goodvibes
Thanks Rose and Corinna for your advice on the camera. My camera is also a waterproof/shockproof camera too, and i'm a bit of a photo taking nut when i'm in disney, so I'm guessing I will just carry it. Also don't know if I want to have a waist pack on. It may distract from my beautiful sparkleskirt.:rotfl2:
Thanks Rose and Corinna for your advice on the camera. My camera is also a waterproof/shockproof camera too, and i'm a bit of a photo taking nut when i'm in disney, so I'm guessing I will just carry it. Also don't know if I want to have a waist pack on. It may distract from my beautiful sparkleskirt.:rotfl2:

I do agree do not want to hide any of that sparkle.;) I do find it funny that every post about the race somehow revolves around clothes, cameras etc. who needs to worry about running 13 miles when there is so much else going on.:rotfl: I love it.

well I came home to no heat tonight. house is was freezing. luckily we have a service contract with the oil company and the gentleman got here and fixed it by 830p. It is starting to warm up.

I have my 7 mile run planned out for the morning. Should be interesting its suppose to snow another inch or two tomorrow. Running in snow????? now thats one thing I definitely didnt think I would ever have been doing on a saturday morning.;)
Thanks Rose and Corinna for your advice on the camera. My camera is also a waterproof/shockproof camera too, and i'm a bit of a photo taking nut when i'm in disney, so I'm guessing I will just carry it. Also don't know if I want to have a waist pack on. It may distract from my beautiful sparkleskirt.:rotfl2:

Can't have anything interfering with the sparkle! :lmao:

I do agree do not want to hide any of that sparkle.;) I do find it funny that every post about the race somehow revolves around clothes, cameras etc. who needs to worry about running 13 miles when there is so much else going on.:rotfl:

:rotfl2: Yeah! Glad that you got your heater fixed!

Today is a 7 mile run. I'm not as INCREDIBLE as you, Lindsay, I will do mine on the TM unless I see that it is not raining or snowing outside then I might give it a try. Have a great day princesses! princess:
You can follow them on:

...but you'll need to know their last names!!!

Good luck Corinna and Maria!!!!:banana::banana::banana: inches of snow here and no sign of a plow. Tomorrow is my scheduled 9 mi and wussy me will be doing it on the treadmill. I'm too klutzy to try and run in the snow!!!:rotfl2:

Oooo! That is so exciting! :yay: Thanks for posting the link! You can search by bib number.

Sorry about the snow. Here's some sunshine for you! :sunny: I'm feeling a little more inspired to run my 7 miles now -- gym opens in an hour. princess:
I do agree do not want to hide any of that sparkle.;) I do find it funny that every post about the race somehow revolves around clothes, cameras etc. who needs to worry about running 13 miles when there is so much else going on.:rotfl: I love it.

I have my 7 mile run planned out for the morning. Should be interesting its suppose to snow another inch or two tomorrow. Running in snow????? now thats one thing I definitely didnt think I would ever have been doing on a saturday morning.;)
Funny, I think planning the outfit will make us run better. Glad you got your heat fixed, and be careful today running in the snow. Good luck!!!!

Today is a 7 mile run. I'm not as INCREDIBLE as you, Lindsay, I will do mine on the TM unless I see that it is not raining or snowing outside then I might give it a try. Have a great day princesses! princess:
Go LISA!!!!:cool1: You can do it!!!!

Almost forgot! :scared1:

Good luck Corinna and Maria on the Donald today! :cheer2::yay::cheer2:
Whoo hooo!! Good luck Corinna and Maria!!!!

You can follow them on:

...but you'll need to know their last names!!!

Good luck Corinna and Maria!!!!:banana::banana::banana: inches of snow here and no sign of a plow. Tomorrow is my scheduled 9 mi and wussy me will be doing it on the treadmill. I'm too klutzy to try and run in the snow!!!:rotfl2:
Thanks for that link. I don't know their last names, but I'll check it out anyway. They must do a link for the princess too.
Good luck on your 9 miles! I am to nervous to run in the snow too. I certainly do not want to hurt myself before the race.

I guess I should get moving around here. My house is a mess and I've procrastinated enough. I'll do some wii-fit today, and hope to take a short run/walk tomorrow.

Have a great day.
I definitely run better when I am feeling stylish.:thumbsup2 Honestly, I have found that even if I'm having chafing, I am able to ignore it until I'm done--and I have finished with welts and bruises it's been so bad. Of course it's always better to avoid it if possible.:thumbsup2

I ran a long run last weekend, so I'm only going to do 5 or 6 today--on the treadmill. It snowed last night and it's 17 here this morning! There is no way I'm going outside! We have the craziest weather here! Last Saturday it was 60!

I am going to get serious about looking for a plane ticket today. My sister and her dh are coming. Then I got an email from the sister with the injury that she is just thinking about coming. I'd love to see her, but it's kind of turned into a couples weekend now since the other two backed out. Uggh. Hopefully she will get that from the email I sent her. I don't think her dh is into disney, so I can't see him coming along.

Good Luck Corrinna and Maria!!!!!
We have plane tickets!!!

We come down Thursday evening--it's not a direct flight, but we don't change planes and we land around 7:30 and we come home at midnight on Tuesday--I hate getting in so late, but there is nothing in the evening and I hate to waste a vacation day! I need to soak up as much sunshine as possible!

Now we have to find a room for Thursday--originally we booked starting Friday. Oh, looks like Mike found a room at OldKeyWest. So we'll have to waitlist bwv, but that's ok!:goodvibes
Can you tell I am avoiding doing anything productive today?:rolleyes1 We ran 6 miles at the Y. I was pooped at the end. Finished in 60:20. My gi stuff is acting up a little. And I have tom again--yes that's right it's been a whopping 20 days since the last time. It's so frustrating sometimes. Mike never worries about anything and I have to watch every bite I put into my mouth before and after a run or I have "issues." Anyhow, that was my little whine for the day.:goodvibes It could be a lot worse. But I've had a couple of big palpitations this week while running, too, which again is not unusual, but it scares the crud out of me when it happens. And why do I do this exactly? Cause I look good in a running skirt?:lmao: That's the only thing I can think of right now!

Hope everyone had good runs today!:goodvibes
Whoo hoo on the plane tickets, Rose!!!! Did Mike decide to do the race too? I saw on the other thread it is 88% full, just in he wants to do it, he might not want to wait too long to register.

Bummer on the gi stuff and the palpitations. :hug: Looking good in a running skirt is a fabulous reason to go through all this. :rotfl: You are so funny. I would think if we look good we would feel more confident and therefore we would run better.

I'm right there with you on avoiding doing anything productive. We had a cub scout bottle and can drive, so we collected my sisters and brothers bottles and visited for a bit, and then went with the scouts to the redemption center, kind of dilly dallying around today. I am doing laundry and the clean laundry is dumped on my bed so I will have to fold it before I go to bed at least. I have my aunts' b-day tomorrow so I stopped to get her a gift card at a restaurant/shop and picked up a shephards pie for tonights dinner so I don't have to plan. I'm sure I'll use lots of points on it, but it will be worth it.

I think I'll check out the events board, and see if anyone's posted about the disney half. The housework will wait a bit longer.:rotfl:
Can you tell I am avoiding doing anything productive today?:rolleyes1 We ran 6 miles at the Y. I was pooped at the end. Finished in 60:20. My gi stuff is acting up a little. And I have tom again--yes that's right it's been a whopping 20 days since the last time. It's so frustrating sometimes. Mike never worries about anything and I have to watch every bite I put into my mouth before and after a run or I have "issues." Anyhow, that was my little whine for the day.:goodvibes It could be a lot worse. But I've had a couple of big palpitations this week while running, too, which again is not unusual, but it scares the crud out of me when it happens. And why do I do this exactly? Cause I look good in a running skirt?:lmao: That's the only thing I can think of right now!

Hope everyone had good runs today!:goodvibes

:woohoo: on the plane tickets and 6 miles today! Bummer about the stomach. palpitations and TOM issues. :hug:

Did you decide where you are staying? Is Mike running? Princesses want to know this stuff! princess:

I'm right there with you on avoiding doing anything productive. We had a cub scout bottle and can drive, so we collected my sisters and brothers bottles and visited for a bit, and then went with the scouts to the redemption center, kind of dilly dallying around today. I am doing laundry and the clean laundry is dumped on my bed so I will have to fold it before I go to bed at least. I have my aunts' b-day tomorrow so I stopped to get her a gift card at a restaurant/shop and picked up a shephards pie for tonights dinner so I don't have to plan. I'm sure I'll use lots of points on it, but it will be worth it.

I think I'll check out the events board, and see if anyone's posted about the disney half. The housework will wait a bit longer.:rotfl:

You're on call -- you have to conserve your energy in case someone needs your care! :flower3: Enjoy the birthday celebrations tomorrow!

7 mile run went okay. Stayed reasonably close to pace for majority of the run. I'm going to try the running track for the 8 miles because 2 hours on the TM was very, very boring. :rolleyes1 Knees a tab bit sore but otherwise upright and functioning. :thumbsup2

My hands were really swollen for the last part of the run but apparently that is common and no big deal.

Went grocery shopping afterwards. Locked my keys in the car. :sad2: Had to have DH come rescue me. Then we went to lunch at Texas Roadhouse. Lots of leftovers so no cooking tonight.

Corinna and Maria hope that you had great runs today and please check in when you can and put us out of our suspense. :flower3:
Forgot to say I've been looking at times for the half today. Saw a couple of 4:21 and 4:27 and a lot of 3:50 and plus times -- those are chip times so it is making me feel better! :goodvibes


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