Bitter-Sweet Proposal @ MK


Earning My Ears
Oct 10, 2000
Bittersweet Proposal at Magic Kingdom
Hello folks,

Many of you requested that I post the results of my proposal at MK a few weeks ago. I'm sorry that I couldn't respond sooner due to what been going on in my back yard (NYC); But here goes...

Before I start let me refresh you guys on the situation again.

Both my family and Cindy's (her name) family have been nieghborhood friends since before we were even born. I've had a crush on her since I was about 11 years old. (she was 10)
My older sister even predicted in 1983 that we would get married (I was only 13).

We lost contact through High School and most of College. Then meet by chance became good friends and have been together since March of 1992.

Cindy's always loved anything Disney and we've been to WDW many times.

Fast forward to about March of 2001.

I knew that I wanted to ask her at WDW, and
although we've made plans to go for this coming Christmas Season i didn't want to wait any longer.

Without her knowledge, I started to make plans to go to WDW for around Mid-September.
The trip was masked as a birthday gift. I would then propose to her the next day.

I didn't tell her anthing about the trip till about two week before we where leaving.
I even spoke with her boss months before to make sure that everything would be squared away at work by the time that we left.

Folks,....Cindy's Birthday (the day that we left New York) was September 11th.
Our plane (USAir) left New York LaGuardia at 8am. right about the same time as one of the planes left Boston's Logan Airport.

As we took off and headed over The Bronx. I took pictures of The Stadium as well as The Manhattan Skyline, Including the Twin Towers. Especially since i work only 6 blocks away on Wall Street and Broad Street (for those that know NYC)

Half way down to Orlando three flight crew members entered the cockpit and stayed there for about 10-15 minutes. When they came out I notice a plastic look on there faces.
Soon after the pilot said that we're going to have to land in Jacksonville, FL. because Orlando airport is closed.
Personally i thought i was because of the bad weather that was going through Florida at the time. I thought that there would be a brief layover and we'd be on our way soon enough.
When we land and pull up to the gate the pilot says that we didn't make it to Jacksonville, FL. but that we're actaully in Savanna, GA.
A woman begins to cry and panic.
Turns out she thought the pilot said we landed in Havana (Cuba).
After assuring her that it was Savanna and that we're allright we hear that there's been a major Terrorist attack in New York and Washington, D.C.
We get off of the plane and Savanna Airport is EMPTY. Every one crowded around an Airport security employee asking what was the matter. He said with a pleasent southern accent, and I quote: "The Twin Towers are not there anymore"
We all froze and couldn't believe him. People ran for the pay phones.
I turned on my Mobile Phone.
No one could get through to their families back in the New York area. Busy singnal after busy signal.

We noticed down a long hall that there was a Bar/Restaurant at the Aiport where some people crowded around a television.
At that time, CNN was reporting the Pentigon getting hit. As most of us walked down the hall toward the restaurnat I called and got through to 1-800-555-TELL. A toll free voice activated information service that can be used to get the news. That's when I learned what had actually happend. I started to cry because I was unsure about our familes back home as well as my co-workers.
Cindy works in Mid-Manhattan and apparantly that area was okay so she wasn't as freak out as I was.

You see, if you've never been here (NYC) you probably wouldn't know that over by the WTC there a few NYC train stops (1,9,N&R Trains) as well as a New Jersey train station called The Path Train not to mention a shopping mall and banks where at that time you would find TENS OF THOUSANDS of People.

About 1/4 of my fellow employees come in from that Path train.

In hind sight, turns our that all of our employees are okay.

It also wasn't till early 'this week' that got in touch with the last of 5 of my friends that worked in the actual buildings that fell.

God Bless The NYFD, NYPD, NYC Port Authority Police and Peramedics. They helped to guide out over 25,000 people to safety.

As for us, USAir was kind enough to get two big charter busses for thoses passengers that wanted to continue on down to Orlando. Some folks rented cars and other stayed hoping that flights would resume.

Cindy and I took the bus. Since the first bus was packed we got on the second with about 15 other people. mostly familes on there way down to Disney as well.

There were working televisions on board but the us older folks decided it wouldn't be a good idea to have it on with all the kids on board.

Cindy and I listened to the news all the way down to Orlando on my walkman. I have this adaptor to be able to attach two headphone instead of one.

We held hands and cried a few times comforting each other.

At this time I was able to get through using my mobile phone. We spoke with her family and mine and assured them that we were okay.
Can you imagine what was going through their heads?

Here we are taking a 5 and a half hour bus ride to Orlando on her 30th Birthday unsure if we would be able to get back to New York when we were supposed to.

This is when I have to say that Disney will always have a customer in me. They were Paramount in making this a bit easier to bear.

I called them from the bus to cancell Hoop-Dee-Doo for that evening and confirm that we're on our way and they informed me that they would extended my stay FREE OF CHARGE untll we could go back home.

When we got to our Disney Resort around 6:30pm it was packed mainly because all the Theme Parks where closed that day.
Disney had enertainers at the resort and some charaters as well.
It was really nice....somber, but nice.

I got an envelope at the front desk with the invitation to The Rode Garden at MK for a 4pm deseart party.
This was the set up for the big question.

We then had a little dinner went to our room calling our families.
Another reason why Disney was so great is that they waved the fee of all the phone calls that we made to New York, ALL OF THEM.

Everyone got he phone message that the Theme Parks would be open the next day with beefed up security.

The next BIG day was the only day that the weather wasn't so bad.
We got to MK at 8am and had reservation for CRT.
I felt wierd being in "The Happiest Place On Earth" on the day after one of the saddest days on earth.

All of the adults would look and smile with hints of concern. But all would make the children feel calm, safe and at ease.

Breakfast was really good and I recommend going there.
When we finished the waitress came over with a huge box that I had planned to be delivered to our table. It was a wrapped Cinderella Snow Globe. (Boy, was it pricy).
She LOVED it though and it got many OOoohs.

We spent nice day at the park and I would get the chills every hour that would go by.

At 3pm the parade went by and we took photos.

At 4pm she was shopping for a Mickey shirt with an American flag and I was telling her I wanted to get some sweets at this event that we were invited to.
It almost seemed as if she wasn't interested. Oh, No.
I insisted that we check it out.
We finally got to the Rose garden about 5 minutes late. It was roped off to the public. but behind the ropes stood John and Stacy two awsome Disney employees that escorted us half way down distracting her as if we where there early.
Cindy was so confused. so I held her by the hand, handed the digital camera to John and the reg. film camera to Stacy and walked over to a Victorian Style love seat and ask her to sit down.
The seat would face the Castle, it was really nice.
Next to the seat was a drapped table with a Beautifully arranged dozen of roses and other items.
I handed her the roses and she started to see what was happening.

I spoke with her for a while as I reach for the ring.
Got down on one knee and asked if she will make me the happiest man on earth in the happest place on earth and be my wife.

She said "Of Course I Will" with that same child like smile that I love about her.

This took about 10 minutes. 10 minutes that wish I could relive every day.

On the table was a bottle of chilled Apple Cider, two Mickey and Minnie toasting glasses and a glass slipper. Both engraved with our names and the date.
Also some chocolate truffles, some pins and a bunch of other items, including a Mickey Black Top Hat with the ears and a White Traditional Minnie ears with a vail...Cute
It was silly but fun wearing them for the rest of our stay.

We took a bunh of Pics and i promise that i'll post one or two up soon.

Cindy was soo happy.
When we called her family she was surprised that we all kept this a secret for so long just for her.

It was a bittersweet day but for that one moment we shared something good that we'll never forget.

I'm sorry that i've made you read so much but i want to be able to print this post and show her how much you guys helped and cheered me on with this event.

Thank you very, very much.

God Bless You, Your Families and America.


P.S. Any questions?
Dear Type

You and Cindy have made a magic moment that should stand you in good stead thru many decades of married life. Whenever life gets boring or even a bit rough you will have the memories of that special Disney day to get you through until life returns to perfection. Congratulations!!

Slightly Goofy
So very happy for you and Cindy, and so thankful that you are both safe and everyone you know is safe. I know I don't even know you, and yet I feel so moved and touched and happy and relieved for you both. Every proposal is unforgettable, but yours, well, is HISTORIC. May you two have a long and joyous and magical life together, no doubt your love for each other through such a traumatic time has just grown stronger and stronger. It's a great testimony to your heart and your determination that you still went on as planned, and brought life and joy and light to an otherwise dark and fearful time. Love is indeed the answer!!

I know it was especially difficult for you being a hometown NYer. Your working on Wall and Broad, (I worked on Whitehall and in the WFC for years!), and knowing how catastrophic and huge and how many people were down there, in the concourses and on the trains and just getting their cups of's just still almost too much to bear. Those towers alone going down, even if there was NO ONE in them, was enough to break a New Yorkers heart. Thank God you both were together and could hold each other and keep each other going. The miracle is that you and your family and coworkers are safe....

I can't even fathom how terrifying it must have been for you both being down there trying to get through to folks back home. I was home and couldnt get through to folks for a few hours but still I was home, even though I could see the smoke and smell the fires from my apartment... I was still home...

It's good to know that Disney really stepped up on your behalf and made everything as reassuring and easy for you as possible. Glad you are home safe. Every best wish I have ever wished, I wish for you both.


Typemesomething, congratulations!!! That's great that she said yes. I think by asking her to marry you, even with everything frsh in your mind about the tragedy, was the right thing to do. Not only that, that took a lot of courage, and for that, I applaud you. I wish you both a wonderful life together. God Bless.....

Mickey76 :)
Typemesomething, if she would have turned you down, I would have divorced my husband and flown down to WDW to ask you to marry me! Wow! What a wonderful engagement story!

I wish the two of you nothing but the best. Please keep us posted on any wedding plans. I am sure that if you don't get married at WDW or DL, your wedding will still somehow incorporate the Disney magic. CONGRATULATIONS!
What a wonderful story! Congratulations! And best of luck to you in the future!
Thanks so much for updating us! I've been wondering how everything turned out. I'm so happy for both of you that you were able to go through with the proposal in light of the events of that week. What an emotional roller coaster that trip must have been for the two of you!

A big

Congratulations on your engagement!!! Be sure to post the pictures. I would love to see how everything was set up for your engagement!
Thanks for letting us know that you were okay. We've been really worried since your earlier post. I'm so glad you were able to go ahead with your plans and that everything turned out great. (Yes, I'm crying too)

Congratulations and God Bless,
Cheryl :bounce:
Need your help.
My cousin had lived with a woman for 4 years before getting married. She was four years older than him. They married in November of 1997 and spent the honeymoon in Disneyworld. Our family went to Disney at the same time. Over the next 2 years we spent lots of time together. My cousin is more like a brother than a cousin. He treats my children like he is their uncle instead of a second cousin. We spend our vacations together always. In February of 2000 my cousins wife of 2 years passed away. They had been together over six years and only married a little over 2 years. I could never figure out why god would take such a special person but I'm sure he had a reason.
My cousin spent the first year with out her alone and sad. He never went out much. After much encouragement he started getting out more. He began dating a girl in April of this year. She is wonderful for him. I never thought he would ever be happy again. He has told me that he is looking at rings and thinking of asking her to marry him when we are in Disney in December. He asked where would be that special spot. What would you suggest?
Your story was wonderful. I only hope he can plan something as special as you did.
Thanks in advance.
what a wonderful proposal. We must have good times to balance these bads. Your post made me cry but I am also very happy.
I was just hanging on every word. That was the best story and I'm so happy for you guys. God bless you and your upcoming marriage.

Has anybody else on the wedding/honeymoon side of DIS discovered that stories like this and others that went on in spite of everything that happened have just seemed more special and more fairytale? It's hard to explain, but all of a sudden, you're not just getting married any're making a huge commitment in an incredibly uncertain time and I hate to sound Hollywood about it, but the percentage that you have tomorrow in your pocket isn't quite as high as it was before September 11.
Janet 2k
thanks so much for the info.
I will pass the info along to my cousin.
We leave in 58 days. He needs to get to planning. He is already looking at rings in secret.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so sorry that your wonderful proposal was bittersweet due to the terrible tragedy. I am so glad to hear that all your friends and family are allright. Wishing you and Cindy a lifetime of happiness!


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