Bloopers and Funny photos...

Eeyore, Chip does have the small black chocolate chip nose. Dale's nose is much larger and reddish-brown.

Chip's two front teeth are together in the center, Dale's are spread apart.

Dale's eyelids are slightly closed (so you can see some pink at the top) Chip's are completely open.
This one was funny when I took it. He wasn't exactly expecting it. I was futzing with the camera "when it went off"!

Delswife: I was thinking of you and your family when I first read the title of this thread. I was remembering some of your pics I saw on your trip reports. So glad you shared them on here!!!!!
You all crack me up!!!!!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

DH took this one after we found out the hard way that Dopey doesn't like to wear Yankee hats. Actually, we found out (after Dopey shook his head many times, and shook his finger no, many times)...we cannot alter the character's costumes! DH just wanted a pic of Dopey with his Yankee hat on. Instead, Dopey wanted a pic of ME with the Yankee hat on.

This is the "I told you I didn't want to ride Dueling Dragons right after lunch, so now that we are off and I feel sick, take your glasses" look from DH to myself. Notice the man who has no idea I was even taking this pic!
And finally...


I really tried to capture the moment of DH standing under Hulk, but I think I may have been laughing too hard...or maybe had one too many to drink ;) :drinking1
Needless to say, I couldn't find the pic of DH picking his nose while on the ferry to MK....I will keep looking though. I am thinking DH did away with the evidence :)
more! more! iw ant more! these are TOO good!

all my on ride photos are hysterical because im making the SAME scared face in EVERY SINGLE ONE. it looks like i cut myself out of one pic and put it into all the others. The classic "christine's dramatic ride face" as my brother puts it can be seen in my sig below. I think my eyebrows look like they are trying to climb as far up on my face as possible.

but hey... atleast i got nice teeth ;)
Here are some of our on-ride photo ops..
It's a Small World
The pout...

The horror...

The terror...
Copying the sign on how not to ride...Oh, and please pay attention to the tiara being worn on the ride.


Please notice the spoon (dubbed "Mr. Scoops") in the cleavage


Kissing Goofy and some shock and awe...

MrsJ Henry said:
Delswife: I was thinking of you and your family when I first read the title of this thread. I was remembering some of your pics I saw on your trip reports. So glad you shared them on here!!!!!
You all crack me up!!!!!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I was thinking the same! Thanks Delswife. :cool1: We ( best friend, mom and aunt) were actually there at the same time as you and your crew...we are a little off the wall too. :rotfl2: I can imagine the pictures for this thread if we had hooked up. :teeth:

pumpkinfish said:
I have a pic of my DH picking his nose while waiting for the ferry. Does this count? LOL. :rotfl: He still insists he was "scratching" his nose! LOL. He still hates that photo to this day! I love it though. Can't wait to use it against him later in life. :teeth:
:p :p


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