Body Odor....Old People Odor...

DH an I went grocery shopping this afternoon there was an old man in store that was very stinky in desperate need of a shower an some clean clothes. DH an I passed him once, then the old man caught up with us I had to leave the area because I had to go outside an be sick. DH decides lets kill some time read the ad again go back see if we missed anything trying to let the old man an his body odor get way ahead of us. NO such luck every where we went in the store there was the stinky old man. We been home an hour an still feeling ill. We did notice there was no crowd around the stinky old man NO one could stand to be within 20 feet of him. My own grandfather only bathed and changed clothes once a week had no a/c an in the summer could get pretty stinky. Mom did his laundry for years an often would sit his laundry outside in the summer. This old man in the store made my grandfather an his summer time laundry smell like the best perfume ever. I feel sorry for the cashier who had to ring up this old mans order as they did not have the option the rest of us in store had of running away.
What a shamefully hateful and intolerant post this is.
Did people have to empty their own bucket after?

(I can't believe I just asked that)

I would not have stayed at such a wedding that's for sure.
Did people have to empty their own bucket after?

(I can't believe I just asked that)

I would not have stayed at such a wedding that's for sure.

Yes, good question. what happens when the bucket is full? :confused3 Do you call the bride/groom, or empty it yourself? :lmao:
The bride/groom can give out buckets as wedding favours, personalized, with a nifty little strap for easy carrying!

No need for toilet paper either. Just reach out and pluck a leaf of a nearby bush or tree and voila, instant environment friendly tp.
Apparently the Mother of the Bride emptied other people's crap.

A 3 year old pee'd on the bride's dress. I bet the bucket was full.
I have to say, now that I'm in my 50's, sort of take offense to "old people odor". What exactly is 'old' people odor? My grandmother didn't smell, the 80 year old I work with doesn't smell....

First of all, everyone has a different sense of smell and what smells offensive to some people isn't even noticed by the next.

As to the "old person odor": I frequently visit my mom in a wonderful retirement community that is top of the line in cleanliness and nursing care and yes, there is also a distinct 'off-odor' sometimes. It's a staleness type of smell. It took me a while to figure out what part of the cause of this odor is: lack of fresh air circulating in the halls and rooms. Watching my mom ask for a sweater even when it is 80 degrees outside (and in her room) made me realize that she and many other residents never open windows (if they even open?) and want the heat on most of the year. No door to the outside is ever allowed to stay open for any length of time. In addition, her skin and I'm sure many other residents are the same, is very dry; not producing any natural oils etc. With poor blood circulation and lack of air around moving around the body I'm sure these contribute to this distinct odor. I found it a bit more pronounced when I went to a recent event in the 'common room' where probably 40 or so people, all over the age of 75 were gathered.

It doesn't bother me and DH doesn't even notice it at all most of the time but I'm sure the person mentioned by the OP would have caught my nose, so to speak. And given the highly suggestible sense of smell and sight my DH has, he too would have had to leave the store.

Side note: Sad to say too, this thread is another example of where some people feel a need to express their opposing opinion in an accusatory, bullying manner without even really addressing the topic.
If he appeared mentally competent enough to be shopping and going thru the check out, why would you think he had wandered off?

Second if he truly was a street person, many are very easily agitated and the best is to just give them a wide berth. It could be dangerous to go up and start talking to them.

I don't get the call the police? what would you like them to do? They can't force him to go to a shelter, they can't take him in for Psych, extremely hard to do now and especially without displaying any danger to himself or others. He is doing nothing wrong to have them arrest him. So what would you like them to do? not to mention pulling them off the street for crimes, etc.

I also think all the judging of the OP is no different than what you are accusing her of doing.

I am not afraid to talk to an old guy. Competent to make a purchase is kind of a funny thing. Some skills are rote. It is like the person who has Alzheimer's who can tell the name of their best friends dog in 1939 or perform a skill they have done forever but can't remember their grand daughter isn't really the daughter

So yep I'd say hello and ask a question or two. Lol old guys are always hitting on me in the grocery anyway. I must look like a good catch for a 70 year old dude;) if he seemed confused I would get the manager and then use our two heads together to figure out the best thing to do.

I have no issues with judging the rudeness of running off to a msg board and talking about old people and stink. But I am sure you will judge me for that lol
I am not afraid to talk to an old guy. Competent to make a purchase is kind of a funny thing. Some skills are rote. It is like the person who has Alzheimer's who can tell the name of their best friends dog in 1939 or perform a skill they have done forever but can't remember their grand daughter isn't really the daughter

So yep I'd say hello and ask a question or two. Lol old guys are always hitting on me in the grocery anyway. I must look like a good catch for a 70 year old dude;) if he seemed confused I would get the manager and then use our two heads together to figure out the best thing to do.

I have no issues with judging the rudeness of running off to a msg board and talking about old people and stink. But I am sure you will judge me for that lol

I would love to know where these "old men" are that you are talking about? I"m not talking about a grandfather in Iowa. I'm talking about a street person in Philly, or Camden, or you name any other city you want. many of these are criminally psychotic and yes you are endangering yourself if you confront them. And for many just looking at them to long is confronting them. And I doubt the 70 yr olds ,which isn't exactly an old man!! since most people are working full time till 67 or 68, that are hitting on you are delusional or so dirty you can smell them from 10 ft away. So go ahead and act cute but go into a few cities and try it and see how you make out.
This has nothing to do with age and everything to do with the OP being immature and lacking in compassion. As a pp stated, the op is in her 50's anyway.
Surprising to me that someone whom is getting close to being old is do judgemental.
I would love to know where these "old men" are that you are talking about? I"m not talking about a grandfather in Iowa. I'm talking about a street person in Philly, or Camden, or you name any other city you want. many of these are criminally psychotic and yes you are endangering yourself if you confront them. And for many just looking at them to long is confronting them. And I doubt the 70 yr olds ,which isn't exactly an old man!! since most people are working full time till 67 or 68, that are hitting on you are delusional or so dirty you can smell them from 10 ft away. So go ahead and act cute but go into a few cities and try it and see how you make out.

Eh some people are afraid more than others. Lol the type who won't let their boys use the restroom at wdw.

I interned and worked in east la for five years. Philly would be a piece of cake. Old people are nowss worthy of being checked on in Chicago or Los Angeles or Philly than bfe nowhere.

So yes, i would talk to a person and have when concerned. Whether old or child or mentally Ill. No big deal.
Through previous jobs and volunteer work I've been around some pretty horrid smells, some that took my breath away even. But I've never once had to go outside and "be sick" or still have been ill an hour later. I'm not even sure you could smell body odor from 20ft away. Maybe human decomp but body odor?

Why did you go outside to "be sick"? Maybe it's regional but "to be sick" here means to vomit, puke, throw up. Are you saying his smell made you vomit? If so, why would you vomit outside instead of using the store's restroom? That seems kind of gross.
Yes, this. I've had patients with full blown gangrene come into the OR and managed to keep my food down. So, I believe the OP is being a tad dramatic.:rolleyes2

For an elderly person, just taking a shower or bath can be dangerous..many people go into the hospital for broken hip and they don't come out. I also agree that some dementia or Alzheimer's may be at work here.

At any rate, The elderly deserve our care and compassion..aging is a part of life. That could be any of us one day.
My grandma smells so bad. They live in assisted living but she isn't in her right mind. She doesn't have any idea of her personal hygiene. Her hair, she re-wears the same clothes, she stinks and hasn't had a bath in a year i would say. I know the smell you're thinking of. Nurses have told her she needs a bath and have told her they will take her and help in one of those walk in bath tubs but she snaps at us and says "ill do it when I'm good and ready!" She is 88 and my grandpa won't say a word to her even though he sleeps on the couch because he can't be near the smell.. So that is my rant to this slight topic from my family point of view. I feel the pain because most of the time they are not in their right mind, such as Alzheimer's.
Also, haven't we had plenty of threads here about fellow WDW guests that have body odor? Not everyone uses deodorant. We will get med students and residents from different parts of the world and sometimes, to an American nose, they smell bad. You just deal with it. Part of the price you pay for participating in life, going out in public, and working.

And FWIW, sometimes people go overboard with cologne, perfume and aftershave. Should we publicly shame them too?


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