Bonnie and Claire's DLRP Trip - Day One


DIS Veteran
Mar 5, 2005
Friday June 10th 2005

Cast: Me (23) and my girlfriend Claire (25). In the photos, I'm the blonde with glasses, and she's the brunette.

NOTE: Click the little thumbnail images to see larger versions of the photos! I'm having to post the reports in sections as I have too many images! The board won't let me post more than 20 at once! :(

We're here! Hurray! I panicked last night, thinking we'd sleep in this morning at the Travelodge and end up missing the Eurostar, but I needn't have worried as we woke up on time this morning, at which point I experienced a huge sense of relief! I was quite excitable first thing this morning, when I realised that it was 6.30am and we had lots of time to get ready.

We had breakfast at King's Cross Travelodge (which is where we stayed overnight) and then braved the Tube at rush hour. We made our way to Waterloo station, and then to the Eurostar terminals, where I got quite excitable again at the "9:39 – Disneyland Resort Paris" notice on the departures board – whee! After check-in, I managed to set off the security alarm and had to be frisked by a rather scary, stony-faced butch lady, who didn't look happy with me. I later realised that I'd left my watch on – oops. I then cried on approximately three separate occasions after Passport Control! The first time was when I saw the Disneyland Resort Paris desks in the departures lounge; the second was when a mean lady tried to push ahead of me in the Disney Express queue and her husband told her off, and she said, "Well, I do have two children with me!" or something like that, and I took offence (I was emotional, okay?!); and the third time was when we were boarding the Eurostar, I think, but I can't remember why. It may have been the sight of all the children in their little Disney t-shirts.

There are a couple of things I think I should note. We queued for ages after check-in at the Disney Express desk, only to be turned away just as we were approaching the desk and told that we could sort out Disney Express on the train. We didn't know this, as everyone seemed to be queuing for it, and we could've had a sit down and a cup of tea if we'd known! Also, when boarding the train, ignore the big painted numbers on the sides of the coaches. They don't seem to mean anything, and the number you need to look for (when locating your coach) is on a little screen in green lights. I got very confused by this at first, but that may just be me! Also, remember to put your name and seat numbers on your luggage. We'd got ours all stowed away in the luggage compartment and then we were told to put our seat numbers on our suitcases, and had to pull them out again!

I felt much, much better after getting into our seats on the Eurostar (and escaping the backpack clan, which was out in full force, pushing and shoving all over the place!), and, as we were in First Class, we got lovely extra-width, reclining seats and lots of special treatment. First of all, we were brought glasses of water, and I was offered a children's activity pack. Ahem! Then we were given a little menu card for our three-course "breakfast", which was actually served at lunchtime. We got sausage, tomato, omelette, beans, a croissant, a bread roll, jam, a yoghurt, fruit, orange juice... loads of stuff. It was really nice as well. The staff kept bringing us coffee, tea and hot chocolate (tip: save your cup from breakfast, as they keep re-filling it!) and then hot towels. It was really lovely and I was <em>incredibly</em> impressed with Eurostar; I wouldn't hesitate to travel with them again.

The Disney cast members (in yellow polo shirts - not the train staff) came around to see everyone once we'd entered France (which, incidentally, was looking much sunnier than the UK, which we'd left twenty minutes previous) and this allowed us to check into our hotel whilst we were still on the train. They handed out our park tickets, luggage tags (they asked how many we needed, so we asked for four - they're colour-coded to match your hotel, so ours were green for Sequoia Lodge), and the little vouchers for Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, park maps, Good Morning Fantasyland vouchers, and also some other documentation we needed. It was all very convenient and it meant that when we arrived at Disneyland at 1.30pm (French time), all we had to do was take our suitcases and bags up a single escalator, and hand them in to the Disney Express service, which would then transport them to our hotel for us. This all worked very well indeed, and we had checked our backs into the Disney Express service within five minutes of our arrival.

So after that, I cried a little bit more (despite thinking I wouldn't!) and we wandered around Disney Village and Lake Disney for a while, admiring the Panoramagique balloon and thinking how sad Sequoia Lodge looked with all its scaffolding! We then headed to the Disneyland Park - eeee! We took the Disneyland Railroad train (which I'd never been on before) to Discoveryland, and then went on Star Tours, which Claire seemed to enjoy a lot. Next we queued for Space Mountain: Mission 2, the new and updated version of the old Space Mountain: De La Terre A La Lune ride, which always used to be one of my favourite rides. This was a completely different ride and I'm afraid to say that I was quite disappointed by it. The launch was fantastic as always (and it is, quite literally, breathtaking), but the entire ride seemed very dark to me and I could barely hear the music. I missed the old, magical music and the only two parts of it I really enjoyed were the launch, and a part where you corkscrew through a tunnel of swirling red light. Claire didn't seem too impressed either, but I'd read that sometimes, certain speakers and lights don't work, so I assumed that was the case and planned to do the ride again at some point.

By now it was nearing 4pm (the time of the daily parade), but I stupidly forgot that and led us down into Les Mystères du Nautilus, the fairly dull walkthrough submarine type thing. I'm not exactly sure why I decided to go down there, because I've been through it before and wasn't thrilled, and I felt silly when I realised it was 4pm and the parade must've started. We quickly headed for the exit and made our way to the Théâtre du Château benches to watch it, and we managed to catch it from the start, although our view wasn't great. For some reason, the parade seemed to have lost all of its magic for me. I didn't say anything to Claire at the time, but I sensed that she was just as grumpy as I was. At this point I was feeling slightly nervous about the trip, as I was worried that Disneyland in its entirety would disappoint me and not live up to my expectations, and I didn't have a clue what Claire (as someone who'd never been and had heard me going on about it for years) would think of it. It just didn't seem to have that same "feeling" about it as it did seven years ago. (Also, as a sidenote: I noticed that the Aladdin float was missing. I wonder why? We saw it later in the week!)

We were feeling very hot and bothered by this point (as it was a very warm day), so we had a go on some of the tame rides such as the Mad Hatter's Teacups, Snow White, and Pinocchio (which Claire really liked), and then we wandered around Alice's Curious Labyrinth for what seemed like forever before finally finding the Queen of Hearts' castle. When the rather angry-looking Queen popped up from behind a hedge, the woman behind me said to her daughter, "Ooh, that looks like daddy when he gets angry, doesn't it?" which made me laugh and cheered me up a bit.

By then we were feeling fairly tired, and Claire wanted to go back to the hotel, so we left the park and started to walk to Sequoia Lodge through Disney Village. As Annette's Diner looked fairly quiet, we popped in there and had humongous burgers with fries, and I had Cherry Coke, which I can never find in the UK. I had the Rock 'n' Roll Burger, and Claire had the Euro Chick - I think Claire felt a bit ill after her burger as it was a bit much for her; the portions they give you there are fairly huge!

We wandered back to the hotel, had a little look at the pool (which is much smaller than I'd imagined it would be, but looks nice) and then picked up our luggage, room key and breakfast cards from reception, where we saw Eeyore! We asked for our hotel ID card to be made into a charge card, and to do this, we had to give them details of a credit card. I was a bit concerned about this as I don't have credit cards, and the booking was in my name, but we used Claire's card with no problems; it just meant she had to sign for it. I can't recommend the luggage service highly enough, as it was incredibly convenient. The three blokes at the luggage desk went out of their way to explain things to me, and seemed amused (and possibly slightly fascinated) when I spoke to them in French. They were all very, erm, shall we say… attentive!? It cheered me up, anyway!

We're staying in one of Sequoia Lodge's outdoor buildings, Yosemite Lodge, which is just opposite the pool lodge, and our room (201) is the very first one on the ground floor. We were surprised to find that there is just the one bed (which obviously isn't a problem as we're a couple, though we'd been told there'd be two double beds - may have been a problem if we weren't a couple, and I don't think we're that "obvious"!) but it's a very pleasant room with a nice bathroom and a view of the pool lodge, footpath and lots of trees.

We went for a little walk before bed, posted the postcards we'd bought earlier today, had baths, and wandered around the hotel shop. By this point I was feeling much happier about things and excited about tomorrow; I think the weird feelings I had earlier had a lot to do with feeling a bit gross after travelling, and also worrying about checking in and getting our luggage back. I feel a lot happier now and we're planning to go swimming tomorrow morning – scary stuff!
You can click on them to make them bigger, Bexx. Hehe! I just thought I'd post the little ones so people can see them in small and decide whether to click or not. :) I can't believe that's only the first day... took me ages to write up!

loved your report. Hopefully Claire will understand our passion for it :)
The inclusion of the photographs just brought the report to life.

I enjoyed you reports and the pics Bonnie. :flower:
I have to say I have never seen a photo of Dumbo from that angle before, people usualy take a front view:rotfl:
I remember feeling a little disenchanted by WDW the first time we visited but I think with hind-sight it was a mixture of tiredness and jet lag. Disney always creates magical moments and memories though and that's what is important for me.
That was REALLY interesting Bonnie - thanks for doing it so quickly!! I loved all the little details - poor you, you were obviously a bit emotional but I think Disney fanatics do get a bit carried away after all the planning and anticipation and suddenly you're there!!! :cloud9: I must say you look absolutely fine in the photos - all that worrying about swimming costumes when you're not even chubby!!! I wonder why I've never noticed the elephants and crocodile by the Rainforest Cafe? Must have a look for them next time! The pictures of the SL were very interesting too as we're staying there later in the year. Looking forward to part deux!!! :sunny:
Thanks Bonnie - I read on your report that you could click on them, and duly did!!! I think that's a great way to do them, and makes the report look really eyecatching. :goodvibes
Wow Bonnie, You're so organised, and somehow it makes up for the fact that our next trip is months off [hopefully] when you write such descriptive reports!

Whats the picture of the giant toadstools, I couldn't figure it out?

Can't wait for day 2 ............ :Pinkbounc
Excellent report Bonnie - I felt like I was there with you!

In the first set of photos there's a couple of model animals - elephant and crocodile. Never seen these, could you tell me where they are please?

That wa s excellent Bonnie. I really enjoyed the pictures, I'm still trying to work out how to get ours on there.
I can't believe you got part one up so qickly.
Thanks everyone! :sunny:

Dee8197 - We did manage to get a front view of Dumbo later in the week, but the one of his bum amused me!

bonhoga and Joanne - The giant toadstools, alligator and elephants are all outside the Rainforest Café in Disney Village. :) We took those photos when we were wandering around exploring before entering the Disneyland Park. :)
Thanks Bonnie,

Must have been so overwhelmed by the whols disney experience that i just didn't notice them - whoops! :rolleyes1
Bonnie great report nice to see your day got a bit better after the start, although you have now made me a bit worried about Eurostar check in now since I have never been by Eurostar before and going by it this August. Very nice pics too especially the elephant one from the RainForest Cafe.
Great report, I'm new to this board as we're just thinking about fitting in a DLP trip between now and WDW next December!

Glad you felt better at the end of the day, I remember sobbing my heart out in the MK last time we went because we had a terrible view of the fireworks. I think we obsess over our Disney trips so much, and try and plan every detail because we just want everything to be totally perfect - sometimes real life isn't, even in Disney!

Looking forwards to reading the next installments!
Bonnie, First of all, great trip report very detailed and you obviously spent a lot of time on it. Secondly and most importantly, I can not believe that is you in the photos. You have a wonderful figure-I wouldn't even have thought you were overweight AT ALL!!!!! Seriously!!!! Glad you guys had a good time, I'm just about to read day two
Wow great report, love all the pictures! Sorry you got so emotional, I agree with the others, its the hazard of all the planning! Off to read part 2!


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