Boo to the Halloween on the Highs Seas Crew

Just read your entire trip report.. Loving it! We also did the Halloween on the High Seas on Halloween 2015. It was amazing.. Can't wait to read more of your report! Keep it coming!

Thanks so much! It was such a fun cruise. I was happy to finally do one of the themed cruises.

Great update! Love that you all squeezed in! We did that once, the photographer was amazed she got all of us in it! I cannot believe how empty the terminal was! Most people must have already been on the boat.

We had no problem squishing to get that shot. She acted like we were crazy...and we are!
Yes, most I think had boarded probably already. I really like to be on earlier, but it was pretty smooth and easy getting on.




Thanks. Finally got internet back too. It was crazy. They totally unhooked my line to add MIL's TV to her package. Then I had to argue with Spectrum today because we have a special set up that links the line on MIL"s house then from there to the ground and to our house. Well last year when MIL signed up, they should have ran her her own line and just tapped into mine. But since it touches her house, they said it was now her line and they were giving me some crud today. I wasn't going to let it go. Basically that guy wasn't leaving till I had internet. They ended up running a new line and hooking me up on it. He had several guys all show up to "help" but I think they all wanted to see the crazy set up I have. They just kept saying that they couldn't believe it was allowed, but I had gotten permission 8 1/2 years go to have it done and since it was set up that way they had to be sure I still had service....and thats the short version of it. hahahaha

Happy birthday~! :cake::bday:

I took some really bad video as we boarded and I pieced 3 segments together. It flickers a lot, but oh well.

It was funny because Aunt Mary walked on with Claire and I and when she gave our name she gave my old last name of Seibert. I haven’t had that last name for over 13 years!!! I quickly corrected her and she gave the right one then and then she felt bad because she knew I had my video going. I told her not to worry about it.

Welcome to the Fantasy!!!!

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The tree was bare today but they filled it with pumpkins later on.

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It was so exciting! This was my first time on the Fantasy, now my third Disney ship!

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Next stop would be our rooms. We had boarded after 1:30 so our rooms were open now. After we dropped off our carryon’s we would get some lunch in Cabana’s.

Claire and I headed to the back of the ship as that was a bit closer to our room and I was hoping those elevators would be less busy.

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Claire posing for my elevator shot!

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We had a bigger room this cruise and we really liked the extra space. Now we would be happy even if we were in an inside room, but the extra space was nice!

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This time I remembered to take a picture of under the bed to show the space where you can store your luggage.

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The murphy bed, which Claire ended up sleeping on half of the time.

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A peek at the bathrooms.

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We then headed up to Cabana’s where I took absolutely no pictures. There was a lot going on. We found an area to sit and everyone joined us and we all pigged out. I had told everyone about the free 50MB’s of internet and we all kept trying to sign in to get it and also set up the chat feature and it would not let any of us in. That is so odd because this was a late boarding for us and in the past I was able to do it as soon as I boarded. I checked out the facebook group and everyone was having the same issue so I guess it had not been turned on yet.

Amanda had talked to some CM’s about her allergies and they pointed out a few items she could have, but it wasn’t a lot and she was worried she wouldn’t have much to eat this cruise. I tried to comfort her and let her know that this turnaround time is busy for the CM’s and I can guarantee that dinner would be much better.

As we got done eating it finally came on and we all set up our free internet and connected with the chat and programmed each other in our phones.

Like I said before, this was the first time I have used the DCL transportation and I knew going in that when you take it from a resort you arrive later. The ride was stress free, as was check in at the port, but honestly I didn’t like arriving so late. Usually after I eat I have time to really check out the ship. I did have a bit of time, but it went fast. I lost a couple of hours and I didn’t like that.

Lunch was over and I think we went back to the room to unpack a bit. I have some random pictures, so I think I must’ve walked around a bit too.

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Cabana’s was closed and it was almost time for the Muster Drill.

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Claire and I headed off to our station and we were lined up tallest to shortest according to family and we had to invade each other’s personal space. We took a selfie as we waited. Claire was giving one of her “looks”.

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It was a little cooler today than it had been the previous few days but it was still really nice.
After the drill we made our way to the sail away party. We got a drink beforehand and I noticed they had the Halloween cups. Sadly they were still the small sized ones. I knew that the Magic had these cups but they were the bigger size and I was hoping we would have them too.

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The sail away party was actually kind of calm. I was surprised how much room there was.

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We spotted Gail and the kids across the pool and I waved at them and I swore she saw me but she turned and walked away. I later found out she did see me but Abby was impatiently asking to swim and Gail just wanted to hurry up and get her swim suit on so that she would stop complaining.

We watched the party a bit and then watched us sail away.

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I wanted to get to the back of the ship and I realized it wasn’t possible from where we were, but I took pictures along the way.

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We found a spot on the railing and watched the world go by…our cruise was officially starting now!

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Claire went and got her swimming suit on and joined the girls to swim a bit. I just chilled out.

After the fun swimming it was time for the show.

The Show was called Fantasy Come true and I believe it was kind of a preview show of what would be coming this week. I didn’t take notes or pictures so I could be wrong.

Claire loves popcorn and I will admit I do to. As we were entering the theatre we noticed a popcorn bucket. I want to say it was around $8-10, but again I could be way off. We decided to get it. It could be refilled for 1.50 and I knew we would take advantage of it each night.

We settled into our seats with Mom and Amanda and started munching on the popcorn when we saw a Vampire Mickey go by. Wait! That’s the same one they had at the parks! We waved the waiter down and I ordered one of them and mom ordered one for Abby. Again these could be refilled for $1.50. I am glad I got it on the ship! We would put this guy to good use.

We enjoyed the show. Amanda is like me and really likes to take in the shows. Gail likes them but I don’t think her family is into them as much so she only came to about half of them. Geoff typically would join us too but he often was running late and would end up in a seat near us.

I’ll address seat saving now. It’s a no no on the ships. Now I don’t mind (and Disney probably doesn’t either) if you save 2or 3 seats if part of your party is running late or going to the bathroom or getting snacks. That to me is fine. But those who save 10-15-20 seats! UGH! That’s not right. And those are the families that either don’t show up or come really late.

Amanda is a seat saver. I had to tell her a couple of times to only save 2 or 3. She typically would arrive before everyone else or with Claire and I, or Mom. I told her as more arrive then you can add 2 more seats if they are available, but if the family is running late, we can’t save them. After a couple of times of reminding her she no longer tried. Yes, it was nice to sit altogether, but we have some family members who are notoriously late and I don’t want to have them disrupt the show trying to find us and not allowing those who came on time to not have a good seat.

While in the show I got a message from Aunt Laura and I took a peek. EEK!!!!!! She said that Dad had called Jan’s phone and was devastated because he missed Mom’s phone call and he needed her to call immediately.

I didn’t tell Mom till after the show. I didn’t want her upset or worried. She headed off to Jan and Laura’s room after the show to find out more. Jan let her use his phone to call Dad. He was practically in tears because he missed her call.

She on the other hand was livid. She had given him all the phone numbers for emergency reasons only and we were only a couple of hours out to sea and he was already calling. He had called every number but Jan was the only one who had his phone on, which was for work reasons. She had told him we would have to have our phones off at sea, yet he still tried. She ended up having to call him every other day from Jan’s phone because he was such a mess. We sure hope he has learned his lesson about saying no.

After the show we browsed the stores and then we hit the bathroom. I love the bathrooms on the ships and I take pictures!

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There was a Pumpkin Tree event, with stories and stuff and we walked by, but it was crowded.

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I captured the light fixture. I still think the Dream’s is my favorite though.

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Because the midship was crowded we made our way to the aft elevators to head to our room.

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Making our way through the bars of Europa.

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We had a towel animal and chocolates set out already. They changed the chocolates! They are now Ghirardelli.

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We got all prettied up and headed down to Enchanted Garden. It’s kind of funny as every time I have been on the Dream this was my first restaurant of the rotation and it was again the first one on the Fantasy.

Most of the family was there and Abby was dressed up in a cute supergirl dress. She loves dresses and costumes.

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And the light fixture.

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Soon they started letting people in and we were seated. Because we had such a large group, we knew that we would probably have 2 or 3 tables. When we arrived there were 3 separate tables but all next to each other for the most part. Our servers came over and when they found out we were one big happy family they moved 2 tables together and the 3rd one wasn’t able to be moved, so Gail and her family sat there. Every night after that they did their best to keep us all at 1 big table and Jan and Laura often ate at Palo so they weren’t with us most nights.

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Ferdi was our server and he was really good and did so well with our big group. I believe Quam was the assistant and I am sure I am misspelling her name. She was good too.

I would put Ferdi at the top of the list for favorite servers. He really was good. I had a really good team on my first Dream cruise, but I no longer remember their names. I had seen that the server had moved to the Fantasy when it first sailed, but not sure if he is even still with DCL. My first cruise on the Magic had another fantastic team. Honestly, as far as teams, they were the best set. They worked together well and were so friendly. And then this past Feb we had Jason on the Magic and he was fantastic too. I have also had some mediocre to bad servers/assistant servers over the years. The last family cruise we did not have a good team and it was so nice for the family to get to know Ferdi and experience good service.

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I was trying to get the light fixtures, as they are flowers that open during the night.

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Abby got some sort of chocolate chocolate shake. She is a lover of chocolate. So much so, that if her chocolate milk is not chocolatey enough she sends it back. This girl is NOT shy!

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Claire is kind of picky, so many nights she didn’t get an appetizer unless it was a soup that she likes.

I kind of slacked at food pictures this cruise. So much was going on and I just kept forgetting. And then some nights I got others food…I wasn’t consistent at all.

My appetizers.

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I laughed at the salad. I know this is “fancy” but we call it the lazy man’s salad. They were too lazy to shred it up. Hahaha.

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Welcome to the Fantasy!!!!

YAY! My favorite ship! Don't you just LOVE that atrium! I know you said you liked the Dream chandelier better, (I haven't been on the Dream...yet) but I absolutely love those light fixtures on the Fantasy! My dh kept shaking his head because I kept taking different pictures of them. It's all about the bling ya know. ;)

I laughed at the salad. I know this is “fancy” but we call it the lazy man’s salad. They were too lazy to shred it up. Hahaha.

That is too funny. I totally agree, that is simply lazy covered as fancy.

We also couldn't connect to the free wifi this last time until about dinner time! Maybe their servers were overloaded??

Love the updates. So excited you are on board. It's making me wish I had booked another Fantasy cruise.

Nice room pictures, great that you had a bigger room, it's really spacious. Love that little round tub/shower.

The Enchanted Garden is a really pretty Dining Room, glad you were able to sit at least near each other.
I have read your other TR's - DCL and non DCL ones...and I'm glad you're doing another! I too love the Boo to You parade and the grave diggers are my absolute fave! I've seen it twice...being a Canadian, we don't get down as much with the nasty exchange rate (and kids that play hockey!).
You TA's are inspiring me to become one....I'm hoping to take the TICO exam shortly and then...who knows! (part time for now!)
Keep writing... and showing those awesome pics.. I love the Fantasy (just not the crowds!) Riding the Aquaduck at night is the best!
Yay, the cruise has begun :cool1: :jumping1:

Okay, had to laugh at the last pic of you at MNSSHP because it looks like you had lost every single one of your spots :rotfl2:

I agree with you about the DCL buses, it is a very convenient way to go but you get to the port so late. The only way I would do them again, I think, is if we stayed at the Hyatt MCO the night before, as those ones leave earlier ::yes::

Too funny about using your previous last name :rotfl: Actually, it reminded me of a weird brain fart I had a few months ago, I was initialing something and I accidentally put my maiden name initials o_O :rotfl2:Umm, I haven't had those initials in almost 19 years :laughing:

I love love love the Fantasy but I like the decor better on the Dream. The atrium, Evolution, and just the colors in general. But the Fantasy is AMAZING and I could easily do a 10-day cruise on her :rolleyes1

Wow, Jen, so few pics of your room!!! What is going on with you??? :p Not even a good shot of the dresser/desk :rolleyes:

Love Abby's costume :love::worship:

And no Cabana pics with hardly any dinner pics, WHO ARE YOU???? :P :rotfl2:

Just kidding! I know with a big group, it's tougher to relax and get everything you want to get :sad1:

Can't wait for the rest :banana:
YAY! My favorite ship! Don't you just LOVE that atrium! I know you said you liked the Dream chandelier better, (I haven't been on the Dream...yet) but I absolutely love those light fixtures on the Fantasy! My dh kept shaking his head because I kept taking different pictures of them. It's all about the bling ya know. ;)

I think I still prefer the Dream in looks, but this one is pretty similar.

That is too funny. I totally agree, that is simply lazy covered as fancy.

I never understand why this is "fancy".

We also couldn't connect to the free wifi this last time until about dinner time! Maybe their servers were overloaded??

Someone said it was turned off. Not sure why. We couldn't set up chat or anything till it finally came on. I was annoyed.

Love the updates. So excited you are on board. It's making me wish I had booked another Fantasy cruise.

I think any cruise is great! I am just happy to be sailing.

Nice room pictures, great that you had a bigger room, it's really spacious. Love that little round tub/shower.

It is a cute tub. We only showered, but I think if we used the tub it would be pretty tiny.

The Enchanted Garden is a really pretty Dining Room, glad you were able to sit at least near each other.

Yes, we were all close and it worked out great. We can be kind of loud and I am glad we were off on our own to the side a bit.

Following. I can't wait to see more of the ship!

It's a great ship!! More coming today...

I have read your other TR's - DCL and non DCL ones...and I'm glad you're doing another! I too love the Boo to You parade and the grave diggers are my absolute fave! I've seen it twice...being a Canadian, we don't get down as much with the nasty exchange rate (and kids that play hockey!).

I am pretty sure you are sailing on the June 28th I right? If not, someone in that group has a very similar name.
My friend Cass is from Canada too. She isn't a fan of the exchange rate either right now. LOL.

You TA's are inspiring me to become one....I'm hoping to take the TICO exam shortly and then...who knows! (part time for now!)

It's a lot of work, but I enjoy it.
I am not sure what TICO is. My guess is it is something for you locally?

Keep writing... and showing those awesome pics.. I love the Fantasy (just not the crowds!) Riding the Aquaduck at night is the best!

I have some of it already written up and ready to go, I just haven't been able to get here much lately. I plan to get this day finished soon. I leave Wed for a week so there will be a little time out while I am gone.
Yay, the cruise has begun :cool1: :jumping1:


Okay, had to laugh at the last pic of you at MNSSHP because it looks like you had lost every single one of your spots :rotfl2:

Yeah, I had like one that stuck like glue to my butt and that was about it.

I agree with you about the DCL buses, it is a very convenient way to go but you get to the port so late. The only way I would do them again, I think, is if we stayed at the Hyatt MCO the night before, as those ones leave earlier ::yes::

It was so easy and I loved that, but I hated getting there so late. But it worked really well for such a large group.

Too funny about using your previous last name :rotfl: Actually, it reminded me of a weird brain fart I had a few months ago, I was initialing something and I accidentally put my maiden name initials o_O :rotfl2:Umm, I haven't had those initials in almost 19 years :laughing:

I was shocked she said that last name. It's been years since I had it. LOL. And no one likes my ex either. LOL.

I love love love the Fantasy but I like the decor better on the Dream. The atrium, Evolution, and just the colors in general. But the Fantasy is AMAZING and I could easily do a 10-day cruise on her :rolleyes1

I agree. I think the Dream is just gorgeous. I often wonder if I feel that way because it was my first Disney ship.

Wow, Jen, so few pics of your room!!! What is going on with you??? :p Not even a good shot of the dresser/desk :rolleyes:

I really slacked on pictures this whole cruise. I just had to much fun that some days I didn't take the camera out as much.

Love Abby's costume :love::worship:

She's a cutie and loves to dress up.

And no Cabana pics with hardly any dinner pics, WHO ARE YOU???? :P :rotfl2:

I was possessed!!

Just kidding! I know with a big group, it's tougher to relax and get everything you want to get :sad1:

It is harder with a big group and I was really determined to get the app going so I was shoveling food in my face while I moaned about it not working. LOL.

Can't wait for the rest :banana:

I got more.....but I have to leave soon, so hopefully this afternoon I can get it posted.
I believe I got prime rib…or something along that line.

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I did not take a picture of Claire’s meal till several days later. This picture is what she got every single night.

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Two steaks and fries…and of course they threw some veggies on that she refused to eat. Claire LOVES steak and she had asked if she could eat one every night and I told her yes. Ferdi told her the steaks weren’t very big (and they seemed to vary in size each night), so she should order 2. She was a fast friend of Ferdi. She enjoyed her meal every night. One night Rob decided to order 2 steaks too and he got 2 small ones and Claire got 2 big ones. It was pretty funny as there have been other times we have gone out to eat as a family and Claire and Rob order the same thing and Claire almost always gets the bigger piece of meat. It’s now a running joke.

For dessert Claire got a Mickey bar.

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She had this most nights, but some nights she would skip it so that her and Alexis could go get self-serve ice-cream. It was pretty funny, but this was Alexis’ favorite thing on the cruise. She loved to go make herself a cone and she talked about this for months prior to the cruise. I think Alexis averaged 4 cones a day but one day she had like 8 or 9. We joked that she was eating her cruise fare in ice-cream cones.

I had noted that we were celebrating Abby’s birthday, which was just a month prior, so they brought out a treat and sang for her.

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That was our head server next to her, and again I no longer remember his name either, but he was one of the better head servers we have had as well. Very friendly and came over nightly to say hi.

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I have had this treat before. The mousse like stuff is good, but the top is like a chocolate jelly and it’s gross.
I also ordered for dessert something similar.

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I also got some sort of chocolate brownie or cake with ice-cream.

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I then remembered about the light fixtures and took a picture of them now open.

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Dinner was great. Ferdi worked with Amanda and her allergies and she had a fabulous dinner. Each night they would bring her a surprise dessert and sometimes I had wished they would have brought me the same thing as she got some neat things. She was very happy with her meals. They also let her order her breakfast and/or lunch from the dining rooms if she wanted to the night before. This took so much stress off her shoulders and she was able to finally relax.

Vicki also has some food allergies, though not as many, but she too was well taken care of.

Since the little kids liked to go to the club each night, they preordered as well so that their food pretty much came out as soon as we sat down. As soon as they were done, Abby, Luke and Jude would go to the clubs and Katie would take Violet to the nursery where she liked to “play with the babies”.

Katie and Thad had worried how the late dining would work for them, but in the end they liked it. They said it was so nice to finish the meal in peace and then they had a little time after to go and have a drink or do something.

After dinner, Claire and Alexis went off together. They really like to hang with Aunt Mary and Geoff and that is probably where they went.

I went for a walk to get some night time shots.

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For the majority of the cruise I used my point and shoot camera and my phone, with just a few shots with my big DSLR. It was just too heavy and big to carry around and I am becoming spoiled with how easy the point and shoot is. It does not give the same quality but I am happy enough with it these days and my shoulders and back thank me. In fact, I am leaving for Universal Studios soon and I think I am only taking the point and shoot this trip.

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The ship is just beautiful lit up at night.

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I never once got into the adult pool on the Fantasy or the Dream. I will have to remedy that in the future.

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A look in the Cove Café.

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The ice-cream self-serve station. I am surprised I didn’t find the girls here.

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The drink station.

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The splash area.

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A peek in the store.

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I took in the Pumpkin tree without so many people around it.

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I went to check out our boarding pictures, but the folders were locked up.

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You could look at your pictures digitally but it was down right now as well.

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D Lounge.

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A look through Europa.

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I was trying to just pop in and take quick pictures. Many didn’t turn out very good.

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I took a quick peek into Oh La La and snapped and was walking out when I heard my name.

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Geoff, Vicki and Katie were in there and I had just taken their picture without even knowing it. LOL. So I walked in and talked to them a bit. They were just finishing up. I had on my bucket list to get a drink here at some point during the cruise, but I still had a full week to do that.

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They had snacks out in the hallway.

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They looked good but I was always too full to have any.

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They have the coolest bathrooms in here.

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All the family members had used it at one time or another and commented on them.

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The Tube is where they often had adult games and shows in the evenings.

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This area has doors out to Deck 4 and I went out and took a little walk.

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It was really windy so I didn’t stay out long.

I headed back to the room and messaged Claire it was time for her to come back too and get ready for bed. We have a sea day tomorrow so she could sleep in, but I knew she would still have a busy day. We had told our Cabin Steward that she wanted to sleep on the bunk tonight, so he had that all set up for her and she climbed up and we both drifted off to sleep. Sleeping on the ship is like paradise to us.
Oct. 23, 2016, Sunday, Day 5

Rise and shine!!! Our first day at sea!

I got up early and got dressed and walked out to see the sunrise and explore the ship.

One thing I noticed about our room is that though it was cool, it didn’t get quite as cold as I like it at night. It wasn’t horrible, but not comfortable either. I never had this issue on DCL before.

A quick look out on the balcony to see what kind of day it was going to be. The nice thing about balconies are that you can go out in your pj’s!

sail1 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail2 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail3 by Jenseib, on Flickr

I then did some ship exploring and took random pictures here and there.

sail4 by Jenseib, on Flickr

This is the Meridian.

sail5 by Jenseib, on Flickr

Just an FYI, when you go out on the portside deck from there, it is a smoking area. There are only a couple of smoking areas on this ship and 2 are in adult areas. The 3rd is on deck 4, but only legally during certain times of the day.

sail6 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail7 by Jenseib, on Flickr

You can’t beat a view like this.

sail8 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail9 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail10 by Jenseib, on Flickr

This is the bathroom that services Remy and Palo.

sail11 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail12 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail13 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail14 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail15 by Jenseib, on Flickr

I just kind of wandered.

I believe this was in the Cove Café..

sail17 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail18 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail19 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail16 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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sail22 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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The staircase is so pretty. I realized later that the staircase is like a peacocks neck and the carpet makes it’s body and feathers.

sail26 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail27 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail28 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail29 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail30 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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sail32 by Jenseib, on Flickr
Shutters, where you can find your photos.

sail33 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail34 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail35 by Jenseib, on Flickr


sail36 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail37 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail38 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail39 by Jenseib, on Flickr

These treats were out by the Vista Café.

sail41 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail40 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail42 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail43 by Jenseib, on Flickr

You can book your next cruise here.

sail44 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail45 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail46 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail47 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail48 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail49 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail50 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail51 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail52 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail53 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail54 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail55 by Jenseib, on Flickr

That first morning I took a lot of pictures.

sail56 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail57 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail58 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail59 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail60 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail61 by Jenseib, on Flickr

Back towards the atrium.

sail62 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail63 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail64 by Jenseib, on Flickr
I continued my exploring down the hall.

sail65 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail66 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail67 by Jenseib, on Flickr

They offer a couple of Disney Junior character breakfasts. You do need reservations for them and they can be booked at the same time you make your shore excursions.

sail68 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail69 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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Back through Europa.

sail71 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail72 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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Oh La La!

sail74 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail75 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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sail77 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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The La Piazza area is really neat too but the seating is limited and sometimes they would have trivia in here and it was hard to get a seat.

sail81 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail82 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail83 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail84 by Jenseib, on Flickr

sail85 by Jenseib, on Flickr

I had always heard that if you were feeling seasick they had a basket with free pills down at the medical center. I had never actually went down there to check it out before, so I decided today would be that day.

tour1 by Jenseib, on Flickr

Sure enough they do! I grabbed some. Amanda hadn’t brought many with her and she was worried. I had a bottle with me, but I thought I would compare what I had to what the ship supplied. They had a mixture of chewables and the kind you swallowed. I preferred the chewables myself…and Claire has MAJOR issues with swallowing pills. She doesn’t normally get sea sick, but I like to have something for her just in case.

tour2 by Jenseib, on Flickr

I headed back up top to get a drink then.

sail86 by Jenseib, on Flickr

Then back to the room to wake Claire. We had a breakfast reservation to get to.

As she got dressed I enjoyed the balcony.

sail87 by Jenseib, on Flickr

I see land way out there.

sail88 by Jenseib, on Flickr

Great pictures of all around the ship. It is a really beautiful ship.
That's good you could get out to take them in the early morning without the crowds.
Enjoying your report so much!!! You're pics are beautiful! You mentioned most of your night pics were from your point and shoot camera and phone? What point and shoot do you use? Love them and I find it hard to get good quality pictures with the smaller cameras..
Thank you!


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