Boy do I need help!


DIS Veteran
Apr 14, 2002
I am taking my niece(9) to WDW at spring break, and her mom and dad are coming too. My challenge is that her dad and I both want to be in charge. I have the experience, but it's his family and I love them all very much.

So brother told me last night he doesn't want to get up early for the parks. WHAT.......... at spring break............. He doesn't want to try to do everything in the 4 days he's there. well... DUH!!!!
But knowing my brother, when he does show up at the parks at 11, he's going to whine about the crowds. Not badly, just whine.

SIL is going to just hang out at the pool, has no desire to go to the parks, then go to a nice dinner . Maybe she will go to Epcot. This is fine . I have forgiven her for not loving Disney. (Poor misguided soul.) :D

The rest of story is I am taking niece 2 days before her folks get there, and I will be on my own for 4 days after they all leave. We plan on doing commando before they arrive. So I'll be fine seeing what I want to see. But I want her to see as much as possible.

Ok. Question. How can I keep harmony in the family without brother and I butting heads?

Is it possible to have fun during a busy time starting out at noon?

Please any ideas on what to do would help. Sorry so long.


What does your niece want to do? If she wants to start early too, then go early. Your brother can join you later if he doesn't want to start with you.

One thing that we've done that sees to work is going early in the morning, but leaving mid-afternoon to go back for a nap or something. It tends to not feel so rushed. Maybe he'd be up for that idea?
Can you and neice get cracking early, then hook up with your brother later on? If you get there at opening, esp. at the extra hour of magic, you and your neice can get several hours of fun in, then meet your brother for lunch at 11 or 12. If the parks will be open later when you are there, you may even be able to get your brother to wait until 1 or 2 before he's ready to go (giving you and your neice time to get your second wind), and you can stay in the parks until dinner time (or later, if you can sell your brother and SIL on a couple of romantic dinners for two!)

This is all considering you and your neice will be able to tolerate this commando mode.

Worst case scenario--enjoy your private time with your neice, then when your brother joins you, relax, go with the flow, and use your Disney smarts to make the best of the crowds. Maybe after one day of seeing the Spring break crowds your brother will become a convert to the early riser club. He wouldn't be the first!
I agree with KrnB -

Stick to your plan before they arrive. If DN is doing fine getting up early and your brother wants to sleep later then let him meet you at the parks.

I would let it be his idea though - as you stated - his family. I know this is hard for someone "in the know" like yourself - but let him at least feel as if he has some say in his vacation.

You may want to pose it this way - in language EVERY parent can understand -

"Why don't you let me take her for a couple of hours to give you and (insert wife's name here) some couple time. You can relax by the pool and meet us for lunch and then we can ride some rides together, etc.... " you get the picture

Then everyone feels like they "got their way".

By the way - I think it is lovely that you are such a devoted aunt AND worried about keeping the peace in your family.
I like the way you put that 3for Me. I think after the first day he will understand and if he really wants to ride some stuff he will come around.
If you do go to the parks later in the day, check the tip boards and see what doesn't have a long wait. When there's a parade or fireworks, go on a ride. Don't leave the park if it rains, and stay instead. Just a few things I've learned. You probably know this too, of course!

I'm a little like your brother, and I am not a morning person. I never really use the early entry (extra magic hour, whatever) for resort guests, but at the same time I don't like long lines. The Unofficial Guide to WDW helped me out in that it points out which rides to go on at what times of the day. If you haven't seen that guide, I recommend it.

And something to tell your brother -- the earlier you guys get to the parks, the earlier you can leave and go relax!
If you get up early with your niece for the few days the two of you are alone, she might convince her dad to get up earlier as well, if she likes being able to do things right away in the AM. Talk to her about it and see what she likes to do. If no one else wants to get up early, tell them you'll meet them at X at x o'clock. Enjoy your early morning and then tell them how you only had to wait 10 minutes to ride RnRC or Space Mt or whatever they are waiting for 30-45 minutes on.
Thanks for your thoughts and ideas. I hadn't thought of them.

We are staying at the Swan, so if I want to, I'll go over early to get some fast passes at Epcot or Disney Studios. And plan on warning him the lines could get verrrrrrrrrrrrry long.!

I think 1 day with cure him of arriving late. And his daughter has him wrapped around her finger, so will work on that angle!!

I like the approach of letting him think it's his idea.......

Thanks again.

Originally posted by KittyKitty

We are staying at the Swan, so if I want to, I'll go over early to get some fast passes at Epcot or Disney Studios.

I don't think you'll be able to get some fast passes. The fast pass machine will not work on tickets that haven't been used for enrty that day. Yours should work but I doubt that you'll be able to use the other park passes to get fast passes for them.
Hey Susan,

I think 3for Me's idea is the best way to go. Get some priority seating reservations for lunch to avoid waiting in line there, too.

Your DB might be interested in knowing that on a busy day at the Magic Kingdom, every hour spent "sleeping in" results in around two extra hours of waiting in line. And that assumes an optimized touring plan. So, for example, if you arrive at the MK at 10 a.m., and you wanted to do a failry comprehensive tour, you'd wait in line two extra hours to see the same attractions as compared to a 9 a.m. arrival. If you arrived at 11 a.m., you'd wait in line 4 extra hours to see the same attractions. Arriving much beyond 11 a.m., and it's unlikely you'll be able to do a comprehensive tour in one day.

Also, a free optimized touring plan of the Animal Kingdom can be found here: . It assumes a 1 p.m. arrival, and includes many of the most popular attractions in the Animal Kingdom.

Hope this helps.



3for Me: mind if I send your idea to Bob Sehlinger?


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