Breast Cancer Survivor!


Earning My Ears
May 21, 2011
I just wanted to give hope to anyone out there who has just been diagnosed with breast cancer! I was diagnosed with a very aggressive form in Jan 2010 at the age of 33. I lived through 2010 going to all my treatments, loosing my hair, radiation, surgery. Jan 2011 I became a 1 yr survivor and we decided to celebrate by planning a trip to WDW in June! We stayed 7 days and had a nice time. I'm closing in on my 2 year mark next month and can't wait! For the form of cancer I had (Inflammatory), to make it 2 years is quite a feet! There were many days I didn't think I'd get to see my 2 young sons grow up. :( But I'm here now and have been cancer free since my surgery. All tests come back normal and I'm starting to feel pretty normal on a daily basis. I don't think about having cancer 24/7 anymore! I pray this gives some hope out there.
With God all things are possible! (Don't forget the WITH GOD part)!
Congratulations on winning the fight against cancer. :woohoo:

Too many people are being diagnosed with this, and I really hope they find an answer soon.
Congratulations :goodvibes This makes me very happy to read this. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer last month and is having surgery today and I'm very scared.

I'm very happy for you and wish you all the best!!! :goodvibes
hulagirl87, I pray your mom stays strong and surgery takes away all the cancer! It's not a fun battle, but is beatable!
So nice to read your story.
I'm sorry for everything you have gone through. :hug:
I am currently undergoing radiation treatments. I was diagnosed on Sep. 30, 2011. I am anxious to be done!

Before all this began we had 2 Disney trips planned... we did Aulani in November and are doing a Disney cruise and WDW in February. We don't normally plan 2 big trips like this so close together, I think it was a sign from God.

I will be done with my radiation treatments by the time we go in February and be able to relax and enjoy myself.

Congrats on 2 years!!!
It's 1:30 am and I'm awake. Uncomfortable from the tissue expanders that where placed after my double mastectomy in December. I'm 48 years old and I was diagnosed in September. I had been able to remain upbeat and positive, convinced the mastectomy would make all my problems disappear. I found out yesterday that the surgical pathology found a second more aggressive cancer and that I'll be undergoing chemotherapy and a year of Herpacin. I've been confident and strong throughout this entire process but now I am unraveling. I'm tired, I'm scared and I hurt. I am blessed with a loving and supportive family, a medical team I trust, an employer who will hold my job for as long as it takes for me to get well. But "getting well" always seems just out of reach. There are so many tests, procedures and appointments along the way and with every intervention I've (naively) thought, it would be over, it would go away. Now I know I have quite a while longer, many more procedures and lots more appointments before it'll be over. I know too, that it may never be over, that I may always be looking over my shoulder...waiting.
My schedule will have chemo ending early May, the expander/implant exchange in June. I have my yearly Disney trip scheduled for September. I'm sure you understand why with everything else going on, I still am planning a Disney trip. I need to have something to look forward to. I need to remind myself that all of this crap isn't forever, it's just for now.
Thank you for your post. Thank you for sharing a bit of your story. I'm so glad to hear that this really does all end, that we do get well, and that we do get our lives back. If you wanted to give someone hope, you have.
I am so looking forward to checking into our Disney resort and the CM asking..."Are you celebrating anything?" "Oh Yes!" I'll say! "Oh Yes we are!"
Thanks again. Stay well.


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