Bringing a babysitter with us, any suggestions?

We're taking my sister with us. Being the favorite aunt the kids are thrilled - she is single and would never go by herself so she is thrilled. Since she's younger than I am I have no concerns about her being able to handle both boys and the stroller, etc... She is also a childs social worker so if she can handle those kids she can definately handle mine. I would agree though to work things out first. She knows there will be at least one evening she will have the boys to herself so DH and I can have some alone time. We've also discussed $$ - we're paying for her ticket, airfare, and the room ($25 extra for third adult) and probably most meals. She's covering snacks and souveniers. For everyone involved it's a GREAT DEAL!!!
Originally posted by perpetualplanner
We're taking my sister with us. Being the favorite aunt the kids are thrilled - she is single and would never go by herself so she is thrilled. . . . . I would agree though to work things out first. . . . .For everyone involved it's a GREAT DEAL!!!
That's exactly what I mean perpetualplanner! That not only sounds very fair - but I bet it works well and everyone has a blast! Have a great vacation!:)
From another perspective - when I was a teen my best friend was a mothers helper for a wonderful family. 99.9% of the time she LOVED the job and the kids - they treated her like a member of the family and paid her well.

That said - she dreaded vacations of any kind. They were really, really hard work for her regardless of the type of vacation. The kids were away from home, routine was different and even at 14-16 it was hard for my friend to be away from her home and parents.

Even when she wasn't "working" if a child was sad or hurt often times they would go to her - like a sister and she was always "on call". The parents would go out a bit more than usual, as one would expect on vacation, so she would babysit more nights than she would at home. She also had no alone time or down time while on vacation.

I know that given the choice she would definately do it all again, but having an adult perspective she would have tried to handle the vacations differently.
Hindsite right?

So for those considering it, maybe this will help you take care of the details from "the other side". HTH
Thanks Sharby!! I'm definately counting on a GREAT vacation. We've been slowly pulling paper circles off our chain - 35 days to go.

I believe everything would work better when the "mother's helper" or babysitter is an adult. Harder to find - yes but even at 16 I can see how it would be difficult. 16 is still young to travel away from home and care for someone else's child(ren).

You seem to have got the idea 'just right'!

I have taken several members of my family to DW w/ my DH and our 2 DD's several separate times. I always pay for ALL expenses and give them spending money as well. We are taking my MIL and a 13 YO cousin of my DH's this time. That being said I would NEVER expect a family member to be an "employee". That is just plain tacky.
My DH and I are lucky enough to be better off than a few of our family members and we get a lot of joy from giving them experiences they would not have otherwise. We always make sure each guest of ours has separate time to do whatever they choose and I do not ask them to do any kind of childcare. The purpose of the trip is to give them a real vacation and not work away from home.
I would feel very different if my situation is as the OP said. Someone being paid is different than taking a guest.
I have actually done exactly this at DL when I was in high school. There was no airfare as we took a private plane but they paid all my admissions to parks and our babysitting services were very clear. That worked great!
Good Luck!
For our first 4 or 5 trips, when my boys were babies/toddlers/preschoolers, we always took along my teen sister as a babysitter. We paid her way, but did not give her additional money. She came to all the parks with us as sort of an extra hand with feeding, diaper changing, that sort of thing. If the kids got cranky, we all left the parks together. My DH and I did go out alone a few evenings when the kids were in bed - headed back to the parks or out to a nice dinner. That alone was worth the price of bringing along a known & well loved auntie/ babysitter :)
We've brought a sitter with us the past two trips...neice then neice & nephew. We paid for airline tickets and food...thier parents paid for admission. Any souveniers were the kids responsibilites. We set up a few nights out ahead of time and told them they were expected to be there - no whining, pouting or "looks" would be acceptable - lol! We also told them we would like for them to take the kids to the playground, walk around the boardwalk, etc - all without taking their eyes off of them. I absolutely agree that you have to lay the foundation and make sure she agrees with your proposal. Our first experience was neice was asking to take the kids to the community center and for an ice cream. The second time was okay, but not as much eagerness from the twins. If we needed to leave the park, we all went back and then left them in the room. I would never let a sitter shoulder that burden!! Can't wait to do it again!!!
but be very upfront about the idea that this is a "real babysitting job" that there will be times when the kids are cranky and she will need to stay with them in the room, while we go to the parks, and that although we are on vacation her first priority would be helping to keep the kids happy.

This statement bothers me....3 very young children in strange surroundings might at time be very difficult to take care of....and might require a parents touch.

That said...we took a favorite babysitter about 3 years ago with us to help with our 4 kids. We paid all her expenses while there. She went to the park with us almost everytime. She did get sick one day unexpectedly and ended up spending the entire day in the room. She was expected to be an extra set of hands. And babysit for us when we went to dinner and such....

Also, with regards to the cruise...the kids clubs on accept kids 3 and older so, 2 of the kids won't be able to enjoy the clubs..
Originally posted by addie

My Dh and I are treating my MIL, FIL, SIL, BIL, and two cousins (age 3.5, and 1 yr ) as well as our son 2.5 to a dream disney vacation.
We will be staying for 5 nights at the Beach Club then going on a 3 night cruise on the wonder.

I agree with the "mother's helper" idea and only leaving the kids with her alone after you've put them to bed. She'll also have to help you with the younger two on the cruise since I don't believe they can go to the kids' club.

I don't know, I'm an adult with parenting and preschool experience and I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable taking care of three little kids under these circumstances. She's never met two of them; can she babysit them BEFORE the trip? When I took DS2 back to the resort via bus, I had to have help getting off the bus. It was too awkward with him sleeping on my shoulder, the diaper bag, and the stroller. I couldn't have done it with two kids. Also, is she brave or timid? I wouldn't have taken the bus like that at 16, especially with somebody else's kid.

It could work, but definitely talk it out so both of you know what the other is expecting.
..and this is not speaking from experience per say, but, putting myself in both sides of your situation.

first, from the easier side to see, would be yours.
I understand that this may be a one shot only, special vacation.

that being said...the harder part of this, sounds like the kids are a bit inconvienient when it comes to having adult time..(Im not judging, or saying that this is wrong..being a parent I fully understand that trying to have adult time with kids around is basically the same as being 100 percent sure that you definitly bought the winning lottery ticket..and its true....never gonna happen..LOL)
have you thought that maybe getting someone to watch the kids while the ADULTS go away might be another way to do this?is there anyone within the family that would willingly watch over the young ones for the time you go on vacation??
(from personal inlaws watched over our then 2yr old when we took the rest of the kids...she was just too young to experience the parks we felt, and it made for a great time for our older kids...they got a chance to do alot of stuff with both mom and dad rather than have one parent sit out one thing or another because one of us had to stay with her)
That being said, I know many folks(myself included) feel that not having the kids there would ruin some of those moments(believe me..there were times we wished we had brought the youngest...but, because of that, we're taking her in MAY!!!)
If leaving the kids at home is not do-able..then, you really have to think about as others have posted...what will be this girls true responsibility??
If she is going to be constantly "on call" (at least from reading what you had posted, this sounds like the way your hoping it will be)then the girl would be at the mercy of the kids moods.
(One possible scenario that WILL happen...everyone is having the greatest time on earth...even the of the kids starts getting very cranky<tired, hot>...will she then have to take all of the children back, or just the cranky one??what happens then...this is really a tough call...because, if she heads back with mr. or mrs. cranky, what happens then if another one of the children start feeling the same way later, and she is back at the hotel??this might put a damper on what happens, and also might cause some problems.
there are other scenarios, similar in nature...I guess my point is, you are going to have to make ALOT of concessions to what is and isnt going to happen, and then your going to have to stick to them.
On the other side of the coin...from the babysitting point of view..I think if I had been given the chance to go to WDW, but with the understanding that I may end up spending more time looking at the inside of a hotel room than actually being in the parks, I would have to say thanks but no thanks.
Even at my age..there would be no way I would accept this..not with someone elses children at least(it would be different if it were my own...anything can happen,and I would rather let the others of my family have a great time and sit with one of the kids if they got sick).
I understand that the girl may see that this is a golden opportunity..but, that also shows some part of how she may be seeing this...more a vacation than a job.

I think you definitely need to draw up some sort of contract, and then, you will have to explain it..if she is on call 24/ are going to have to let her know that.

As far as that is concerned...IMHO, you would have to pay her for that time as well.
What i mean is this...if you are paying her way into the parks,paying for her lodging, and supplying her would still be responsible for paying her time.The only thing I think you actually could cut back on(or nor pay for) is her food.Afterall, you are taking her to work for you during the entire time.
If you set and establish a particular time frame, then you would still have to pay her for that time.

I know others will disagree, but again, when I put myself in this scenario, it comes down to the simple point are hiring her to work for you...if you want her presence at ALL time, then you are going to have to make those places accessable for her as well...she cant be somewhere if you dont purchase her admission for entry, andshe obviously cant sleep outside either.

Addie, I think you are going to have a larger job ahead of you than you anticipated...just taking along a babysitter isnt going to just work itself out.
Also, as others have already done so...there are many different things that may not have come to cross your mind.....take all the suggestions that have been given from all the posters, and then, go from there.

Afterwards, you may see some light at the end of the tunnel...but...

I hope whatever happens, it works out well for all concerned.

(One last thing I would point out...nothing would be worse than having your vacation time ruined by misgivings on anyones part...and if as you stated this girl is the wonderful babysitter you say she is, then it would be horrible to lose her because she felt taken advantage of..PLEASE...let her know EXACTLY what she is getting herself into. that and she know what to expect...and, one other thing....the other family(I believe your Brother and SIL???make sure THEY understand her role as well....I cant imagine anything worse than being told I am to do this or that by someone else when that is not part of the agreed upon employment.)

Whatever happens..have a great vacation!
WOW! I have been out of town a few days and can't believe all the responses! These boards are awesome, thanks for all the great ideas!

Here is what we decided on:

We have written up an agreement for our sitter to sign, that includes her responsibilities, sleeping arrangements, and expenses. She is so excited and tells us "this is the best thing to ever happen to me in my whole life."

We are paying for all her expenses, and paying her for any time she is in the room with the kids alone.

In the parks she will be a "mothers helper" - this does not mean she is the only one to change diapers:p but will be an "extra pair of hands" to help us out and do baby swaps with us.

The only time she will watch the kids alone will be at nights when we get all the kids ready for bed put them down, then the adults can go out. We are thinking one night for PI, one night for DQ, and one night on the Cruise at Pailo's.

She will also watch the kids one whole day while we go to Islands of Adventure and keep the kids in the room, no exceptions. I know many will say a 2 bedroom BCV is too small to keep three kids in for the day, but trust me it is almost larger than my house :rolleyes: We will have lots of fun activities for them to do, and we will have cell phones to be in contact at all times.

Although she is only 16 she is very responsible and comes from a large family of 7 where the "norm" for her is babysitting 3 kids a day.

So thats the plan. Let me know if you have any other ideas I should add!

Thanks again!!!

:bounce: :bounce:
As I had posted prior, and it sounds as though you have done so, letting her(the sitter) know up front everything you need from her, ect...well, I think that you will all have a great time....and I think that she is a very lucky person to have someone be as thoughtful to ask others really does help to see it from other angles!!

Enjoy your trip, and especially, enjoy the time you all will get together!!!!!!!
addie, Your plan sounds super!

And also sounds like your sitter will have a good time too, rather than just being there as the babysitter!
Addie, your plan sounds great, but, are you really putting 3 couples, 3 children AND the babysitter in a 2 bedroom? Or do you have another room and I just missed the mention? Those rooms are very large compared to a hotel room, and I know it SOUNDS like a lot of space, but with that many people you are really pushing the envelope for sleeping arrangements and bathrooms.

Plus the limits on that room are 8 people plus a child under 3. You won't be issued keys, towels, or bed linens for anyone past that number. You also won't be able to buy park passes at the desk for the extra people. You also won't be able to list them on the reservation as being in the room. If there were a fire or other disaster (heaven forbid!) there would be no record of those names to be looking for in the room. It's also against the fire laws.

With all the planning you have gone thru, it would be a shame that you all be miserable from cramming together with a shortage of towels and room keys. Or, worse yet, that they refuse to let you check in or keep the room with that many people.
Originally posted by mikesmom
Addie, your plan sounds great, but, are you really putting 3 couples, 3 children AND the babysitter in a 2 bedroom?

Plus the limits on that room are 8 people plus a child under 3. You won't be issued keys, towels, or bed linens for anyone past that number. You also won't be able to buy park passes at the desk for the extra people. You also won't be able to list them on the reservation as being in the room. If there were a fire or other disaster (heaven forbid!) there would be no record of those names to be looking for in the room. It's also against the fire laws.

My Dh and I are treating my MIL, FIL, SIL, BIL, and two cousins (age 3.5, and 1 yr ) as well as our son 2.5 to a dream disney vacation.
Addie, you have six adults, one babysitter, and one child past his third birthday. Then you have two under three. We've seen before that more than one "under three" has been permitted. A two room sleeps eight. You have eight plus the two "under threes." The littlest ones do not need park passes. Our "under three" was listed on our reservation; I don't see why your two wouldn't be.

I do agree that it would be very crowded. If you can afford it, I would recommend getting another room, for the extra bathroom if nothing else. But if you choose to do it, I don't think it's against Disney policy.
Just MHO, I have seen the 2 bedrooms at BCV and they are large compared to a regular hotel room, but the configuration can be a bit odd. If you are very lucky, you may get a second bedroom with 2 queen beds, but most of the 2 bedrooms are a queen bed and a double sleeper. My DD slept on that double sleeper on our December trip for 5 nights--I shared it for a nap with her one day, and can not imagine 2 full sized adults sharing it for 5 nights. I would recommend considering an OKW 2 bedroom--they are much larger with more floor space, and you know that each of the couples would have at least a queen sized bed that way.. Also, you will only get one pack and play, so you'll have to bring the other bedding for 2 other children. I love the idea of the extended family trip--my family had a blast in October when we went to OKW and the Wonder together.
the limits on that room are 8 people plus a child under 3

We will have:
6 adults, (FIL is joining us for the cruise)
1 teenager (babysitter)
1 3 yr old
2 babies

so I don't think we will be breaking any rules. About the "1 child under three rule" I called and they said we would be fine.

Hey Addie!
Sounds like you have all your ducks in a row and still plenty time before your trip to work any bugs out that might come up!

Y'all have a great time!! :) :)


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