Brownell & Sabrina's Magical and Geeky WDW Wedding 11-1-13

That is a gorgeous dress and a spectacular markdown! Congrats on a fantastic find!

(I am still trying to imagine carrying around a wedding dress around NYC while sightseeing. That is majorly impressive.)
Thank you so much! I was really excited to get my dress, but it definitely needs some accessories. Since I went with a very traditional dress, I think I need to rock some geeky accoutrements. Starting with Shoes!!

I don't like shoes, I LOVE shoes. So my wedding shoes need to be very special. My fiance and I are both comic fans, however we do not read the same comics. He reads DC Comics (batman, superman, etc) and I read Marvel Comics (Spider Man, Avengers, X-Men, etc.) If you know anything about Comics, then you know that is a serious rivalry! So, we decided that he would wear DC shoes and I would wear Marvel Shoes. I'm thinking about making a wooden/cardboard "VS" to use in shoe pictures, lol.

I found a girl on Etsy: She is going to be taking a pair of Luichiny Heels I own and doing this to it:

il_570xN.384151645_loe9 by marvelgirl2010, on Flickr
In this picture she has painted the bottom of the shoe and the heel, white. I am using a white shoe, so it won't be painted and I'm probably going to adhere crystals to the white part for a little extra wedding bling!

My DF had a custom pair of DC Converse made that has our wedding date on the back. They just came in and I LOVE them!:

photo(4) by marvelgirl2010, on Flickr
Just started following along. I love your geek wedding! My boyfriend and I are pretty geeky ourselves and we also met the old-fashioned way... on the internet :)

What a great dress adventure you went on! With a sidekick and everything.

I love those shoes!

Looking forward to the next update.
Joining in! I love your engagement story! You're definitely the first bride who I've heard of who got proposed to at her engagement party!

I love your dress to and shoes are awesome!!

I can't wait to see how it all goes!
Love the shoes! Especially the heels! Are you doing an Emma Frost theme on your heels as well?

The VS. sign is really creative, I love that idea!
What a great dress adventure you went on! With a sidekick and everything.
LOL, Thank you! Everything is better with a sidekick!

Thanks, KitKat5 and Summer Daydream! The dress was extremely heavy, but random people at the pub we had dinner at bought us drinks because I had a wedding dress so all in all it was win!

Love the shoes! Especially the heels! Are you doing an Emma Frost theme on your heels as well?

Thanks! I am definitely doing Emma Frost! Though I am going to try and get some art with her and cyclops, since my DF has Batman and Catwoman cuddling:lovestruc

If anyone knows a specific issue of X-Men that has romantic Cyclops and Emma drawings please let me know. The majority of my comics are stored at my parents house out of state, so I'm going to have to wait until I go home to go through them.
Hey there! I saw 'geeky' in the title of your thread and had to I'm subscribed because everything you've posted so far is amazing! Especially the Save the Dates and the fantastic shoes. I can't wait to see what else you have planned. :thumbsup2


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