Bsod - Sunday 2/18/07



IT is sunday and vmk has BSOD again!!!

IT is 10 Minutes to todays first quest and first event!!!!!

I Have not earned credits to buy the weekend pin yet!!!!!

I Have not played pirates yet!!!!!

I Have not Gotten my Daily Credits YET!!!!!!


IT is finaly time,

Time .....

For Mal to send out her monkeys to raid the new vmk Central!!!!
To Bring the Servers back online!!!!!!!!
To Deliver the Coffee and Doughnut!!!!!!


To Play VMK

At Last!!!!!

BSOD AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!


Captain PirateEmery here!

*yells back to his own crew of miscreants*

"Everyone, run out the guns! We're going to fire upon VMK Central!"

"But, Capn, VMK Central isn't near the Rivers of America."

"Himou, this is not a time to forget where we are! Disneyland! We garner up some Pirate Magic at Peter Pan's Flight, so that we can get this ship out of water!"

"Aye aye!"

PirateEmery throws himself over board and swims to the edge of New Orleans Square. He quickly gets out and fights his way towards quaint Fantasyland. Upon entering, PirateEmery is attacked by none other than Peter Pan.

"Who is this bumbling pirate? C'mon, Tink, let's show him a thing or two about invading Neverland!"

With that, the little green covered monstrosity took out his minuscule dagger.

"Are you kidding me?"

PirateEmery took out his flintlock and shot Pan in the chest. That's one down... he hoped he didn't come in contact with the three other Peter Pan's in the ride.

He then came across Captain Hook doing battle with another one of these Peter Pan copies.

"Hook, I have a job for you!"

"Aye, if it would only get me away from this blasted Pan and that ticking sound! I'm in!"

At this point, Hook kicks Pan back before running after PirateEmery.

"C'mon, Smee!" he yelled back as the plump little man tried to keep up.


Back on the Columbia, PirateEmery braced himself for liftoff.

Within seconds, the ship had separated itself from the waters that it had known for all its life, and was making its way towards Tomorrowland.

"Emery, tell me this," Hook started, "Are we really going to fire upon Innoventions?"

"If we have to, then yes."

"Now, I know you may know this park better than I, but I notice a slight problem with attacking VMK Central: it's right across from Star Tours."


"Star Tours? I don't know how they do it, but they can lift into the air and shoot things with their death rays. Quite eerie really!"

"The X-Wings... Darn, never thought of those..."

The Columbia floated over Main Street as it neared the entrance to Tomorrowland. And it appeared that Hook was correct: the convertible roof of Star Tours was sliding open, and two X-Wings lifted up from the Attraction's secret hangar.

"This is Rogue 3, reporting in."

"Rogue Leader, here. Lock S-foils into attack position and fire upon that pirate ship! Teach them a lesson about going into Tomorrowland's territory."

The cannons from the Columbia blazed as the X-wings returned fire.

PirateEmery got the great idea...

"Give me that rifle..." he motioned towards Smee who was near the armory.

He grabbed it and lifted the sight up to his eye. He aimed the barrel of the gun towards the rotating generator that kept the X-wings afloat.

Blam! Blam!

The rifle went off with two successful shots as the X-wings crashed down towards the giant Ball down below.

However, Rogue Leader shot off a proton torpedo that rocked the Columbia, rocked it just enough to send PirateEmery, who was standing on the edge, careening down with the X-wings.

He rolled and landed in a standing, ready position. However, the Rebels already had him beat. They had their blasters out and trained on PirateEmery, and he knew that he hadn't bothered to reload his single shot flintlock.

Courageously, he took out his sword. If he was going down, he was at least going to deal damage.

"Goodbye, Pirate Scum," Rogue Leader spat as he removed the safety and pulled down on that trigger.

However, miraculously, a giant Mill wheel careened down upon the Rebels quickly hitting them and crashed them into the wheel.

"Sorry, mates!" came the unmistakable voice of none other than Captain Jack Sparrow. The wheel continued to roll through to the Space Mountain queue.

PirateEmery looked up to see that his first mate, Himou, had already thrown a rope down with which the Captain could use to climb.

When Pirate was back up and at his Captain's chair, he called out for his POTC crew to fire upon Innoventions and the VMK Kiosk below.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Yea like that works!! I wrote one too and we still have BSOD :rotfl: :rotfl2: See how well this even listen!!!!:laughing:

Yes, but now Mr. Yanover is getting a copy of what I wrote, and a detailed description of what I think about these constant Sunday morning turned afternoon nobody can get it for longer than a nanosecond crashes.
Not to change the subject or anything, but did anyone get yesterday's Blue Aladdin Chair from Lily's Riverboat Up the Good Ole River ? I was soooooo close :sad1:

I'm glad we have a BSOD support group here. Nice to know it isn't just me, lol :)
Now I won't waste my time waiting for it to load etc.
I wonder what they are going to do about the quests that were supposed to be today during limited times.
:( This is the only time of the week every week where I get an extended (as in more than an hour) time to play VMK and yet I still don't get to play. That figures.
The prize for that game was blue aladdin chair? Is that like rare or something? Lol, because I have some of them.
My team was the last team to play.
The host was nice enough to let us play just after the game was suppose to end.
My team didn't do so good though.
It was a fun game, but we only had one light up at the end
Not to change the subject or anything, but did anyone get yesterday's Blue Aladdin Chair from Lily's Riverboat Up the Good Ole River ? I was soooooo close :sad1:


Tigger, you are aptly named! You can change subjects faster than the speed of light!

How many ADD kids does it take to change a light bulb?

Wanna ride bikes?

(And before I get any angry PMs about this, I am ADD, DH is ADHD, DD13 is ADD, DD9 is ADD and DS6 is severely ADHD to the point of being a disability!)
Captain PirateEmery here!

*yells back to his own crew of miscreants*

"Everyone, run out the guns! We're going to fire upon VMK Central!"

"But, Capn, VMK Central isn't near the Rivers of America."

"Himou, this is not a time to forget where we are! Disneyland! We garner up some Pirate Magic at Peter Pan's Flight, so that we can get this ship out of water!"

"Aye aye!"

PirateEmery throws himself over board and swims to the edge of New Orleans Square. He quickly gets out and fights his way towards quaint Fantasyland. Upon entering, PirateEmery is attacked by none other than Peter Pan.

"Who is this bumbling pirate? C'mon, Tink, let's show him a thing or two about invading Neverland!"

With that, the little green covered monstrosity took out his minuscule dagger.

"Are you kidding me?"

PirateEmery took out his flintlock and shot Pan in the chest. That's one down... he hoped he didn't come in contact with the three other Peter Pan's in the ride.

He then came across Captain Hook doing battle with another one of these Peter Pan copies.

"Hook, I have a job for you!"

"Aye, if it would only get me away from this blasted Pan and that ticking sound! I'm in!"

At this point, Hook kicks Pan back before running after PirateEmery.

"C'mon, Smee!" he yelled back as the plump little man tried to keep up.


Back on the Columbia, PirateEmery braced himself for liftoff.

Within seconds, the ship had separated itself from the waters that it had known for all its life, and was making its way towards Tomorrowland.

"Emery, tell me this," Hook started, "Are we really going to fire upon Innoventions?"

"If we have to, then yes."

"Now, I know you may know this park better than I, but I notice a slight problem with attacking VMK Central: it's right across from Star Tours."


"Star Tours? I don't know how they do it, but they can lift into the air and shoot things with their death rays. Quite eerie really!"

"The X-Wings... Darn, never thought of those..."

The Columbia floated over Main Street as it neared the entrance to Tomorrowland. And it appeared that Hook was correct: the convertible roof of Star Tours was sliding open, and two X-Wings lifted up from the Attraction's secret hangar.

"This is Rogue 3, reporting in."

"Rogue Leader, here. Lock S-foils into attack position and fire upon that pirate ship! Teach them a lesson about going into Tomorrowland's territory."

The cannons from the Columbia blazed as the X-wings returned fire.

PirateEmery got the great idea...

"Give me that rifle..." he motioned towards Smee who was near the armory.

He grabbed it and lifted the sight up to his eye. He aimed the barrel of the gun towards the rotating generator that kept the X-wings afloat.

Blam! Blam!

The rifle went off with two successful shots as the X-wings crashed down towards the giant Ball down below.

However, Rogue Leader shot off a proton torpedo that rocked the Columbia, rocked it just enough to send PirateEmery, who was standing on the edge, careening down with the X-wings.

He rolled and landed in a standing, ready position. However, the Rebels already had him beat. They had their blasters out and trained on PirateEmery, and he knew that he hadn't bothered to reload his single shot flintlock.

Courageously, he took out his sword. If he was going down, he was at least going to deal damage.

"Goodbye, Pirate Scum," Rogue Leader spat as he removed the safety and pulled down on that trigger.

However, miraculously, a giant Mill wheel careened down upon the Rebels quickly hitting them and crashed them into the wheel.

"Sorry, mates!" came the unmistakable voice of none other than Captain Jack Sparrow. The wheel continued to roll through to the Space Mountain queue.

PirateEmery looked up to see that his first mate, Himou, had already thrown a rope down with which the Captain could use to climb.

When Pirate was back up and at his Captain's chair, he called out for his POTC crew to fire upon Innoventions and the VMK Kiosk below.

ARG!!!! Great Tale my Prated Friend, but we have a problem here your tale matches that of another pirate's tale one that was to be told in POTC 4 ARG!!! Now the Lawyers of Disney will make you Walk the Plank and all us mates who have heard the tale!!!
Captain PirateEmery here!

*yells back to his own crew of miscreants*

"Everyone, run out the guns! We're going to fire upon VMK Central!"

"But, Capn, VMK Central isn't near the Rivers of America."

"Himou, this is not a time to forget where we are! Disneyland! We garner up some Pirate Magic at Peter Pan's Flight, so that we can get this ship out of water!"

"Aye aye!"

PirateEmery throws himself over board and swims to the edge of New Orleans Square. He quickly gets out and fights his way towards quaint Fantasyland. Upon entering, PirateEmery is attacked by none other than Peter Pan.

"Who is this bumbling pirate? C'mon, Tink, let's show him a thing or two about invading Neverland!"

With that, the little green covered monstrosity took out his minuscule dagger.

"Are you kidding me?"

PirateEmery took out his flintlock and shot Pan in the chest. That's one down... he hoped he didn't come in contact with the three other Peter Pan's in the ride.

He then came across Captain Hook doing battle with another one of these Peter Pan copies.

"Hook, I have a job for you!"

"Aye, if it would only get me away from this blasted Pan and that ticking sound! I'm in!"

At this point, Hook kicks Pan back before running after PirateEmery.

"C'mon, Smee!" he yelled back as the plump little man tried to keep up.


Back on the Columbia, PirateEmery braced himself for liftoff.

Within seconds, the ship had separated itself from the waters that it had known for all its life, and was making its way towards Tomorrowland.

"Emery, tell me this," Hook started, "Are we really going to fire upon Innoventions?"

"If we have to, then yes."

"Now, I know you may know this park better than I, but I notice a slight problem with attacking VMK Central: it's right across from Star Tours."


"Star Tours? I don't know how they do it, but they can lift into the air and shoot things with their death rays. Quite eerie really!"

"The X-Wings... Darn, never thought of those..."

The Columbia floated over Main Street as it neared the entrance to Tomorrowland. And it appeared that Hook was correct: the convertible roof of Star Tours was sliding open, and two X-Wings lifted up from the Attraction's secret hangar.

"This is Rogue 3, reporting in."

"Rogue Leader, here. Lock S-foils into attack position and fire upon that pirate ship! Teach them a lesson about going into Tomorrowland's territory."

The cannons from the Columbia blazed as the X-wings returned fire.

PirateEmery got the great idea...

"Give me that rifle..." he motioned towards Smee who was near the armory.

He grabbed it and lifted the sight up to his eye. He aimed the barrel of the gun towards the rotating generator that kept the X-wings afloat.

Blam! Blam!

The rifle went off with two successful shots as the X-wings crashed down towards the giant Ball down below.

However, Rogue Leader shot off a proton torpedo that rocked the Columbia, rocked it just enough to send PirateEmery, who was standing on the edge, careening down with the X-wings.

He rolled and landed in a standing, ready position. However, the Rebels already had him beat. They had their blasters out and trained on PirateEmery, and he knew that he hadn't bothered to reload his single shot flintlock.

Courageously, he took out his sword. If he was going down, he was at least going to deal damage.

"Goodbye, Pirate Scum," Rogue Leader spat as he removed the safety and pulled down on that trigger.

However, miraculously, a giant Mill wheel careened down upon the Rebels quickly hitting them and crashed them into the wheel.

"Sorry, mates!" came the unmistakable voice of none other than Captain Jack Sparrow. The wheel continued to roll through to the Space Mountain queue.

PirateEmery looked up to see that his first mate, Himou, had already thrown a rope down with which the Captain could use to climb.

When Pirate was back up and at his Captain's chair, he called out for his POTC crew to fire upon Innoventions and the VMK Kiosk below.

OMG this is too funny.

Sooooo. What happens next? popcorn::

Not that I am bored or anything.
im sorry, what does bsod mean? lol

Black screen of death. Harkens back to the old days in computers before debugging statements and whatnot. All you would see if something didn't work was a blank screen, black at that time. Also called Blue Screen of Death because when a Dell computer crashes, like a fatal hard disk error, it is a blue screen with white writing that basically says: "You just bought yourself another computer, Dude!"
ARG!!!! Great Tale my Prated Friend, but we have a problem here your tale matches that of another pirate's tale one that was to be told in POTC 4 ARG!!! Now the Lawyers of Disney will make you Walk the Plank and all us mates who have heard the tale!!!

POTC 4 ARG? What is this?

Oh dear... Let me assure everyone that this came from Mr. Stewart's noggin (sorry, couldn't help the SNL Celebrity Jeopardy reference.)

Seriously, I had no idea a tale like this was going to be or had been told.

Oh well... but I will need another minute to gather up my thoughts for the next installment.

EDIT: Ah... Now I get it... Took me long enough!
OMG this is too funny.

Sooooo. What happens next? popcorn::

Not that I am bored or anything.

Bored? Why ever would you be bored?



... oops... I mean, I'm just fine. Not bored at all. No reason to be bored...

Yes, but now Mr. Yanover is getting a copy of what I wrote, and a detailed description of what I think about these constant Sunday morning turned afternoon nobody can get it for longer than a nanosecond crashes.

Hummm..."detailed description"...boy I sure would like see that I can just imagine what those detailed descrition will say :rotfl: :rotfl:
Okay...I got breakfast cooked and passed around, do i have to go get a shower as well to load this game?!:lmao: Let's see..the shower thing worked a few weekends ago, wonder if it will today?......


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