Bypass Surgery...


DIS Veteran
Apr 2, 2004
I hate to post something so trivial at such a sad time, but I think Bawb would want us to go on...

My DH had a Gastric Bypass in 2005. He was 26 years old. He lost 200 lbs! He had no co-morbidities at the time, but that's because he was young and they would surely have developed. I was so excited to hear that little part on the last podcast for several reasons:

1- My DH & I will be able to get a discount on May 9th at LTT (that is if we can get proof before then. Maybe we should just show some of his scars! lol from skin removal not the surgery, they did that laproscopicly)

2- I wanted to mention that one of the side effects of the surgery is something they call "dumping" if sugar is consumed. Some people are tolerant of some sugar, others are very sensitive to it. Basically the part of the intestines where the sugar is digested and broken down is bypassed and the sugar kind of makes the system freak out and try to get it out as fast as possible! (If you know what I mean! :sick: ) SO, this portion of the intestine is where they are finding that some people are having issues with Type 2. It's not processing right. There are lots of people who are overweight, but not by over 100 lbs and still have Type 2. They are now toying with bypassing just this portion of the intestine in those people to see if that works.

3- You guys are right about the stomach stretching. After gastric bypass, it's about the size of a ping-pong ball or a walnut. Then it stretches as much as you'll let it. This is where self control comes in. You can very easily gain all of the weight back. (Baby or no baby.) At 200 lbs overweight, it can be extremely hard to do the things it takes to loose weight. Heck, just getting up can be hard. GB or other bariatric surgeries are great tools to jump-start a drastic lifestyle change. If that change doesn't take place, then there was no need for the surgery. That's why most doctors and bariatric centers require lots of counseling before, including nutrition class. (you have to eat differently afterward because things are processed differently)

4- It's not for everyone, but it changed my husband's life. Kuddos for him... Most of his weight gain was after high school when he quit sports. Then life and tragedies happened and :rolleyes1 ... NOW, He eats broccoli for a midnight snack and likes it! :happytv: He runs miles every day, lifts weights, trail rides, surfs, and um :lovestruc ... Anyway, he's just generally a happier, healthier man.

BEFORE (hiding behind the kids-the only "big" pic I had at work)

AFTER (yep it's posed, but it was for facebook and it was an inside joke, ain't he a hottie?)
Great post, but I must add.

1. There is more than 1 type of weight loss surgery. The most common is the Roux-N-Y which was the focus of the 60 minutes special and I believe what the OP's DH had. It's the easiest for surgeons to do and cheaper, so this one gets a lot of the focus. The lap band is gaining in popularity.

2. Not every weight loss surgery(WLS) gives you dumping syndrome. I had the BPD/DS (bilopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch) in 2004 and have never had dumping. This was one of the reasons I chose this type of surgery. While we all have to be careful about what we eat, the regain rate is different with different types of surgery as well. There are pluses and minues with each.

3. It's a big deal; it major surgery and the OP is right, its not right for everybody. It requires a lot of discipline in follow up care and supplements. Everybody who does this should have a psych consult before they do it. Most insurance companies require this now. Its life changing.

I have lost around 200 pounds myself and consider my surgery anniversary date my second birthday. I'll be celebrating my 4th "birthday" at the World this year enjoying free dining. Now how ironic is that!
Good post....but my question is whats the deal with Stephen Baldwin!!!:laughing:

That is who it is :lmao: I thought I recognised him but didn't to ask :)

I cant believe you husbands transformation - it is a life changing opportunity :)
Great post, but I must add.

1. There is more than 1 type of weight loss surgery. The most common is the Roux-N-Y which was the focus of the 60 minutes special and I believe what the OP's DH had. It's the easiest for surgeons to do and cheaper, so this one gets a lot of the focus. The lap band is gaining in popularity.

2. Not every weight loss surgery(WLS) gives you dumping syndrome. I had the BPD/DS (bilopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch) in 2004 and have never had dumping. This was one of the reasons I chose this type of surgery. While we all have to be careful about what we eat, the regain rate is different with different types of surgery as well. There are pluses and minues with each.

3. It's a big deal; it major surgery and the OP is right, its not right for everybody. It requires a lot of discipline in follow up care and supplements. Everybody who does this should have a psych consult before they do it. Most insurance companies require this now. Its life changing.

I have lost around 200 pounds myself and consider my surgery anniversary date my second birthday. I'll be celebrating my 4th "birthday" at the World this year enjoying free dining. Now how ironic is that!

lol. Thanks for the clarifications. I was speaking mostly of the Roux-N-Y and similar bypasses. I should have been more clear. At any rate, I was trying to correlate that with the special that Pete was talking about on the podcast. I'm not really clear right now. Still getting over the news of Bawb.

DH's "Birthday," as you put it, is July 19, 2005. We went to Emory in Atlanta.

Stephen Baldwin, well that's just the only "big" pic I had here at work because he was here for an event. lol.
Now the real story is why my DD is wearing that ballerina costume! lol. She was running around having fun and in her usual dramatic fashion, (imitating something) she collapsed right into a place where someone had just vomited. :sick: I had just bought that costume at a fundraiser rummage sale and it was the only thing I had to change her into.:headache:
Stephen Baldwin, well that's just the only "big" pic I had here at work because he was here for an event. lol.

I'm completely out of it (between losing Bob and rushing my furbaby to the emergency room at 1:00am). :scared: I read this thread earlier and not only did I not recognize Steven Baldwin, I thought that was you and you guys were a same sex couple. :rolleyes:
I'm completely out of it (between losing Bob and rushing my furbaby to the emergency room at 1:00am). :scared: I read this thread earlier and not only did I not recognize Steven Baldwin, I thought that was you and you guys were a same sex couple. :rolleyes:

Hi all! I was skimming post (normally a lurker) and saw this thread and had to open it... I am a gastric bypass patient, will be 2 years out on May 8.

Yup not everyone gets dumping.... I am one of the worst dumpers in the world.... and THIS IS A GOOD THING!

I can't go over 5 grams of sugar or I get that feeling.... 10 grams of sugar and I am doubled over in labor pains :sad2:

it sounds bad but it keeps me honest and I love my dumping!!!!!
I have lost 140 pounds and am trying to lose that last 10 but it keeps finding me :rotfl2:

The further we get out the more food we can eat.... so even with the surgery you still have to be careful after year 1 or you can pack on the pounds QUICK!
Hi all! I was skimming post (normally a lurker) and saw this thread and had to open it... I am a gastric bypass patient, will be 2 years out on May 8.

Yup not everyone gets dumping.... I am one of the worst dumpers in the world.... and THIS IS A GOOD THING!

I can't go over 5 grams of sugar or I get that feeling.... 10 grams of sugar and I am doubled over in labor pains :sad2:

it sounds bad but it keeps me honest and I love my dumping!!!!!
I have lost 140 pounds and am trying to lose that last 10 but it keeps finding me :rotfl2:

The further we get out the more food we can eat.... so even with the surgery you still have to be careful after year 1 or you can pack on the pounds QUICK!

See, this is why I did the BPD. No way was I going to go through life without sugar! I understand what you're trying to say, but I will never understand why you RNYers think dumping is a good thing.
Stephen Baldwin, well that's just the only "big" pic I had here at work because he was here for an event. lol.

I thought for a second I was seeing things, glad it is him and I'm not losing my marbles. ;) Your husband looks great , good for him! And your kids are a couple of cuties. :)
See, this is why I did the BPD. No way was I going to go through life without sugar!

My dad is thinking of doing the BPD/DS but he is trying to decide. It takes a lot of research to make sure you get the correct surgery for you. I know some people who have done wonderful with lap band and others who have done horrid... about the same for every surgery some have done wonderful some not so much....

The sugar thing was hard at first for me but now I don't even think about it as it just comes second nature to me. I do have a video diary of my weight loss if anyone cares to look at it...
Thanks for diary! Thats great. Congratulations.

Keeping this on the DIS topic, wasn't it great the first time you could fit in a ride again after surgery and not have to worry the belt wouldnt fit, or you would get stuck. No way I could have done Commando touring pre-op.
Thanks for diary! Thats great. Congratulations.

Keeping this on the DIS topic, wasn't it great the first time you could fit in a ride again after surgery and not have to worry the belt wouldnt fit, or you would get stuck. No way I could have done Commando touring pre-op.

The ride thing was really an eye opener for me...
I kept worrying I wasn't going to fit and I am not even considered overweight anymore :rotfl2:

But my biggest thrill of my last trip was being able to buy an adorable gold Mickey watch and not have to worry about an extender or it not fitting :cheer2:
That and I was able to buy a few cute shirts and not have to worry about finding a special shirt "in my size" I loved that part:rotfl:
See, this is why I did the BPD. No way was I going to go through life without sugar! I understand what you're trying to say, but I will never understand why you RNYers think dumping is a good thing.

it keeps us honest! If I know eating sugar is going to make me feel like I am giving birth... i don't even miss it :rotfl2:

Also, Ds has a lot more risks involved than RNY and lap band has the least amount of risk. You need to pick the type of surgery that is right for you.
Thats fantastic!!!

Way to go you guys! That must of been a hard decision, but it looks like its made one hell of a difference! :thumbsup2
Thats fantastic!!!

Way to go you guys! That must of been a hard decision, but it looks like its made one hell of a difference! :thumbsup2

That is why my theme song is in my video...
I love love love the line
"With the power of conviction there is no sacrifice."

The lyrics to the entire song fit so well for anyone who has been down the road of weight loss surgery.
I have a question, Im thinking about looking into this, How did the surgery cost? How much pain where you in after surgery?
I'm completely out of it (between losing Bob and rushing my furbaby to the emergency room at 1:00am). :scared: I read this thread earlier and not only did I not recognize Steven Baldwin, I thought that was you and you guys were a same sex couple. :rolleyes:

Hey, I just told DH that I posted these pics and he wanted to know if anybody responded. I told him Brook said he's a hottie! :woohoo: (scoring me some point!) And that cocowum thought we were a same sex couple and he laughed so hard!

We chose the RNY GB because our insurance would cover it and nothing else. Honestly. I mean we also considered other options, but this was really our best one. DH wasn't a big sweet eater, so it's not a big deal. He's only had a few bad dumping episodes. The first was when we were out to eat and the waitress must have poured sweet tea in his glass to refill it but he dumped sweetner in there so he couldn't taste it. Now he tastes every time they refill. :thumbsup2
For ME my insurance paid for it. Many insurances cover it so check there first.
If your paying OOP the cost varies depending on the type of weight loss surgery your having and the doc. Generally its 20 grand give or take for RNY...

It is major surgery and there are risks. I had the gastric bypass RNY surgery. The doc did it laproscopically and I was walking the same day around the halls. The pain is suprisingly NOT bad. There are 5 teeny tiny cuts in your tummy, they don't even need stitches! since its laproscopic there is no cutting into muscle! I was on vacation 10 days post op. The BIGGEST issue as a post op (at least with me) is the mental side. You do go through a form of grieving at first and buyers remorse the first weeks:laughing:
Seriously, it was the BEST thing I have ever done for myself hands down. I am able to run around with my kids, do kart wheels in the backyard. I am much more pro active with my family... I don't EVER sit on the side lines of life!

This surgery is not a quick fix and not for someone who is impulse buying. It is a total change in life style.
I have to take vitamins every single day. They are specially made for my type of surgery. Every day I take 2 chewable multis, 1 chewable iron, 2 calcium chews. Once a week I take a B12 sub lingual under my tongue. I HAVE TO TAKE THESE.... this is not a matter of being healthy its a matter of life and death. I don't absorb vitamins very well so I must take supliments. It is a fair trade off for everything I get in return!
I had diabetes - completely cured it... this surgery is the only CURE for diabetes
I was looking at knee replacement ~ now I can hold off on it another 20 years or so :cheer2:
I had sleep apnea - all gone

I hope that helps you in making the right choice for you.


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