C25K! Anyone else in?

Does anyone use Runkeeper? I used it for the first time today and it shut off less than 5 minutes in!

Is it an app for your phone? I haven't used that one, but use joglog and I like that one - so far it has not acted up on me. My active.com C25k had a glitch in the very beginning and didn't record my progress, but since then it has been fine.
momto3gr8boys said:
Is it an app for your phone? I haven't used that one, but use joglog and I like that one - so far it has not acted up on me. My active.com C25k had a glitch in the very beginning and didn't record my progress, but since then it has been fine.

Yes, it's an app. I'll have to check out Joglog! I can't get anything to work!
Wow! Everyone is doing so well! I too am appreciating the everyday "encoruagements" I'm noticing... not being winded at the top of my stairs at home for starters. I've also notice I'm walking faster during my routine errands, instead of just plodding along.
keahgirl8 said:
Does anyone use Runkeeper? I used it for the first time today and it shut off less than 5 minutes in!

I have run keeper and when I had the iPhone 3G it always crashed. I have a 4s now but I've only use the app once, didn't have any issues though.

Did it shut off when your phone went to sleep?

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BernardandMissBianca said:
I have run keeper and when I had the iPhone 3G it always crashed. I have a 4s now but I've only use the app once, didn't have any issues though.

Did it shut off when your phone went to sleep?

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Maybe it was when it went to sleep. I'm not sure! I had in a pocket.
Did 3 workouts last night. C25K week 3/day 2, Galloway and the Diamond Head, HI trail on my treadmill.

Diamond Head went better than I expected, it was my last workout but I didn't have to stop. Usually I have to stop at least twice, this time I just slowed down twice. I was happy, especially after the other 2 work outs, they were horrible! I could not get my brain to work with my feet. Legs felt ok, a little shin pain from mile 2 to mile 3, that seems to be my standard MO. My heart and lungs felt good, better than they have in a long time. I seemed to make improvements on my breathing technique in the last week.
But my head just wasn't in it. Don't know why, I had a good day, ate well, hydrated, etc. but all these negative comments kept creeping in, I kept getting distracted, etc.
anyone else have a day like that?
I just wish I could have a day where my head, my lungs and my legs are on the same page.

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BernardandMissBianca said:
Did 3 workouts last night. C25K week 3/day 2, Galloway and the Diamond Head, HI trail on my treadmill.

Diamond Head went better than I expected, it was my last workout but I didn't have to stop. Usually I have to stop at least twice, this time I just slowed down twice. I was happy, especially after the other 2 work outs, they were horrible! I could not get my brain to work with my feet. Legs felt ok, a little shin pain from mile 2 to mile 3, that seems to be my standard MO. My heart and lungs felt good, better than they have in a long time. I seemed to make improvements on my breathing technique in the last week.
But my head just wasn't in it. Don't know why, I had a good day, ate well, hydrated, etc. but all these negative comments kept creeping in, I kept getting distracted, etc.
anyone else have a day like that?
I just wish I could have a day where my head, my lungs and my legs are on the same page.

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Today was kind of like that for me. It was cold and I couldn't get my muscles warmed up, I was tired and not really excited to be running. The best part was...I did it anyway. I was even 53 seconds faster than yesterday! I had tons of excuses to quit, but I kept going. That is huge for me.

Also? So impressive that you did 3 workouts today! Good for you!
I know what you mean about your lungs and legs. When I first started my lungs couldn't keep up. Now it's my legs getting tired or my toes.

I love that I don't get winded after the first 90 seconds like when I began. My legs get tired after running about five minutes, then it's more my brain pushing my legs to lengthen my stride or distribute the impact evenly. I prefer leg discomfort to feeling like I can't breathe fast enough.
Did 3 workouts last night. C25K week 3/day 2, Galloway and the Diamond Head, HI trail on my treadmill.

Diamond Head went better than I expected, it was my last workout but I didn't have to stop. Usually I have to stop at least twice, this time I just slowed down twice. I was happy, especially after the other 2 work outs, they were horrible! I could not get my brain to work with my feet. Legs felt ok, a little shin pain from mile 2 to mile 3, that seems to be my standard MO. My heart and lungs felt good, better than they have in a long time. I seemed to make improvements on my breathing technique in the last week.
But my head just wasn't in it. Don't know why, I had a good day, ate well, hydrated, etc. but all these negative comments kept creeping in, I kept getting distracted, etc.
anyone else have a day like that?
I just wish I could have a day where my head, my lungs and my legs are on the same page.

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Three workouts is great!! But I do know what you mean...some days I am physically fine and mentally just not there, and other days I am mentally pumped and my body just does not agree. I am on W9D1 today and I am so excited for this run, but my body is a little tired, so here's hoping it goes well. I don't think this cold is helping.

Today was kind of like that for me. It was cold and I couldn't get my muscles warmed up, I was tired and not really excited to be running. The best part was...I did it anyway. I was even 53 seconds faster than yesterday! I had tons of excuses to quit, but I kept going. That is huge for me.

Also? So impressive that you did 3 workouts today! Good for you!

Don't you love when you can go father than the day before, even when it feels like you are not going to make it. Good for you for not giving up!

I know what you mean about your lungs and legs. When I first started my lungs couldn't keep up. Now it's my legs getting tired or my toes.

I love that I don't get winded after the first 90 seconds like when I began. My legs get tired after running about five minutes, then it's more my brain pushing my legs to lengthen my stride or distribute the impact evenly. I prefer leg discomfort to feeling like I can't breathe fast enough.

Me too! And I agree - I worry more about trying to breath properly than anything else.

Wow! Everyone is doing so well! I too am appreciating the everyday "encoruagements" I'm noticing... not being winded at the top of my stairs at home for starters. I've also notice I'm walking faster during my routine errands, instead of just plodding along.

:thumbsup2 It's a great feeling, isn't it?

Maybe it was when it went to sleep. I'm not sure! I had in a pocket.

I turned off the auto-lock on my phone and haven't had problems since. Maybe try that.
Today was kind of like that for me. It was cold and I couldn't get my muscles warmed up, I was tired and not really excited to be running. The best part was...I did it anyway. I was even 53 seconds faster than yesterday! I had tons of excuses to quit, but I kept going. That is huge for me.

Also? So impressive that you did 3 workouts today! Good for you!

ACK, had a great post last night and my phone ate it. ERGH!!

Anyway, congrats on the 53 second shave!! That's awesome!

I know what you mean about your lungs and legs. When I first started my lungs couldn't keep up. Now it's my legs getting tired or my toes. so today I am playing catch up in the house.

I love that I don't get winded after the first 90 seconds like when I began. My legs get tired after running about five minutes, then it's more my brain pushing my legs to lengthen my stride or distribute the impact evenly. I prefer leg discomfort to feeling like I can't breathe fast enough.

I agree, I usually get leg pain between miles 2 and 3, but if I can power through, I know my legs will loosen back up. The breathing on the other hand freaks me out!

Three workouts is great!! But I do know what you mean...some days I am physically fine and mentally just not there, and other days I am mentally pumped and my body just does not agree. I am on W9D1 today and I am so excited for this run, but my body is a little tired, so here's hoping it goes well. I don't think this cold is helping.

Good luck today!!!

I need to run at some point today, but we'll see if it happens. Got lots to do, and today was the first day 3 of the 4 kids have had school since Thursday. The HS is still closed.
I just wanted to introduce myself. I have just recently restarted C25k again. I'm going to do week 3, day 3 today. I completed the program once about 15 months ago, signed up for a 5k, completed it with some walking. I did another 5k about 6 months with less walking, but since then I've slacked off and needed to start from scratch again. I hope this time I'll be comfortable doing a 5k by the spring and then keep signing up for one each month to keep motivated.
I like reading about everyone's progress and some of the common struggles. You are all inspiring me to stop making excuses and get to it! Thank you!
I've been slacking again, but plan to re-do W2D1 tonight. I did have a small victory last week. I did my run on Tuesday and on Wednesday a co-worker dragged me to Zumba. I have never been able to keep up so well in Zumba class cardio-wise. It was so encouraging.

Keep it up everyone! This thread is so great for motiviation.
I just got back on track.

To keep myself on track I have signed up for a 5k next month and told everyone I am doing it. No backing out now. :rotfl2:
I'm having a lot of trouble with week 2. Week 1 was fine and I did w2d1 ok, but since then I haven't been able to finish another week 2 workout. My diet hasn't been the best this past week, so maybe that's part of the problem. I think I'm going to repeat week 1 this week and see how it goes. I may have just needed to stick with week 1 a little longer and not advance to week 2 right away since I hadn't really done any exercise for several months before I started this!
sskem96 said:
I'm having a lot of trouble with week 2. Week 1 was fine and I did w2d1 ok, but since then I haven't been able to finish another week 2 workout. My diet hasn't been the best this past week, so maybe that's part of the problem. I think I'm going to repeat week 1 this week and see how it goes. I may have just needed to stick with week 1 a little longer and not advance to week 2 right away since I hadn't really done any exercise for several months before I started this!

For me, I had to slow down my pace a lot on W2D1 and that really helped me. It felt weird to run that slow, but it helped me finish, so to me that's a good sign.
I have been a huge slacker this week. I can't even remember the last time I worked out or ran. I did a hike on wednesday, but that's about it. Time to pull on my exercise clothes and get back in the game. Thanks so much for this thread- just reading a few posts helps me find the motivation.

You all are awesome! I am having this old movie going through my head right now. Cool runnings. The mantra- Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme,( it's couch to 5k time). Cool running. I need some raggae jams now. I feel old! LOL
runsandjumps said:
I have been a huge slacker this week. I can't even remember the last time I worked out or ran. I did a hike on wednesday, but that's about it. Time to pull on my exercise clothes and get back in the game. Thanks so much for this thread- just reading a few posts helps me find the motivation.

You all are awesome! I am having this old movie going through my head right now. Cool runnings. The mantra- Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme,( it's couch to 5k time). Cool running. I need some raggae jams now. I feel old! LOL

You can get back on track! Just take the first step!
Week 5, day 1 of 5K training, plus 20 minutes on the elliptical! I averaged a 12.7 minute mile. This is my best so far! Believe me...if I can do this, you can too!
Cool runnings!!! Great movie. :) Lost a little motivation this week too... but getting back to it tomorrow. Keep it up!
Completed week 5 yesterday. I have a mental road block to run for long periods. I keep remembering tv related things- Seinfeld running behind a car he was strapped to while the old man was yelling at him to keep running. I need something like that. No choice but to run or get eaten alive. I am so practical huh!

Do they have a temple run 5k? I bet I could get through that. Is anyone going to do Run for your lives? Looks fun to me. Zombies -aahhhh.


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