Cabins at Fort Wilderness Points Charts Posted! For Sale and Booking Dates too!

That looks like home to me.

We have a flock of about 20 wild turkeys less than a mile from our house.

The closest turkey encounter I had was in 1100 loop at my site which is across the road from 2200 cabin loop.

One could say, it's a turkey's world and the rest of us are just living in it.

Now the vultures, on the other hand, are ugly birds but they keep the roads clean (if you know what I mean). They like to soar/glide over the pavement in the loops since there are no obstructions (low and slow) but that's a topic for another time.

Bama Ed
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Could DVC be focusing on getting loyal cabin bookers to buy and that’s why the incentives for current members are dismal? Are existing DVC members not their prime target?

The current incentives ARE dismal, @MyDogTink .

2-5% discount depending on how many direct points you buy is not enough to even get me to cross the street to talk to a DVC guide. :sad2:

I would need at least double digit discounts (10%+) to consider this.

Bama Ed
Not surprised to see commercial renting further defined. Seeing resale mentioned was a surprise!
I found the Lazy River design from Reflections 1.0 in the drawing of that flawed plan that I have. The dark hatch area is pavement I think of some sort.

Note there is a walkway on the lower right corner to the big island in the middle (which appears to have a take-in/out space there in the middle top of the island).

The upper central blue area I marked is likely the main take-in/out. I think the two right side areas were splash pads or shallow kids pools (notice the lower right one has 5 paved spots broken out around it which look a lot like cabana spaces centered around that water feature).


Again, a Reflections 2.0 offering amenities at this new resort that might be available to CFW (and CFW available to R2.0 buyers) would be a strong draw. Again, a tribute to River Country for a feature like this would be both appropriate and special IMO.

Bama Ed
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Disney dropped the ball by pushing forward with Poly tower rather than Reflections. Might have made these cabins more attractive.

Hard to say. Reflections 1.0 died due to a poor reception to the proposed design followed by the start of C19. IMO DVC went with more of a 'sure thing' market which was to build the Poly Tower. An offering at a Seven Seas resort would tap easily into DVC demand whereas R1.0 would have been a slower sell.

I think they shuffled the build order (pulling up Poly Tower and pushing off Rx.0) to get some money coming in sooner in bigger bunches.

It's like one of my MBA professors used to say,

"What's the FIRST rule in Marketing"?



Bama Ed
They have a pretty big sunk cost already for Reflections 2.0. The already paid to redo a lot of the area, built the new horse area and a new road as part of that. They poured footers already which I would assume they wont have to redo but one of the construction guys here would know probably that for sure?

I just think its a forgone conclusion that at some point there will be a Reflections - A Lakeside Lodge and Cabins.

I mean it may not be reflections, maybe they use another name now, but it'll be a new resort on the old river country site that will bring in the cabins as part of its overall location.

The cabins by themselves are just a wonky product. The need to get them done before sometime next year forced their hand to why they are doing them now as noted by Bama Ed. It all just ties together too nicely for that not to be the grand plan. Of course they cant say that as part the current cabins deal due to timeshare laws and not being able to sell something based on some unknown future thing.

The only negative point against all that is the cabins being touted as the 17th DVC location, but I guess if they add in the Reflections part it wouldn't be considered the 18th, just an add on to the 17th?
Keep in mind, renting may not be guaranteed with the new trust set up. If I am remembering correctly, they kept things status quo but inserted the language to give themselves the right to modify the terms to how or when renting is allowed. Just something to keep in mind that with this property, it isn’t as clear cut when it comes to rentals.

A strange situation could occur where non-owners can book and rent out reservations at the CFW easier than owners of CFW given the changes in rental rules that are in the new trust.
The only negative point against all that is the cabins being touted as the 17th DVC location, but I guess if they add in the Reflections part it wouldn't be considered the 18th, just an add on to the 17th?

If part of the same trust association, yes I would think. A shared resort or R2.0 could be an "addition".

Guess that makes the Cabins at Fort Wilderness an "Anchor Baby" possibly (so to speak). :rotfl:

Bama Ed
Hard to say. Reflections 1.0 died due to a poor reception to the proposed design followed by the start of C19.

I’m not design savvy, but IMO they took the worst elements of the proposed Reflections concept art and used it to design the new Poly tower.

Although they did have individual teeehouse cabins in the concept art for Reflections…so maybe that’s where CFW takes that role over.
It’s hard to pinpoint where cabins fit in comparison to studios, 1BR and 2BR. Like much of DVC and WDW, not much can be compared apples to apples. Way too many tiny variations to draw a solid conclusion without taking an individual’s details into consideration.

A big pro to having a vehicle is parking right outside, and less concern over added time/cost of transportation. Some people will love having the dog option, occupancy 6, FW atmosphere, etc. Others might find the smaller space not a good trade to save points from 1BR, or not relish the idea of 6ppl sharing a bathroom. Cabins are very cost effective option vs 2BR, but the different in experience makes them not necessarily interchangeable. That’s always going to ride on personal details.
they build a great pool area in honor of River Country.
Having spent a magical vacation in my tween years at River Country, I would love that.
Plus a family of 6 depending on composition would either work very well in the cabins or be miserable. 2 adults and 4 young kids yes, 2 adults and 4 teens, ehhh, 2 adults, 2 kids and 2 in laws? A 2 BR would be much better, and the cabins don’t grow with that family of 6 like the rooms do at Riviera.
Maybe - I stick my dad in the same room as my kids. usually it's the 2nd bedroom but sometimes it's the living room because I could only get a 1br.
Although they did have individual teeehouse cabins in the concept art for Reflections…so maybe that’s where CFW takes that role over.

Lordy, I hope so, @lowlight.

Those cabins they had between Trails End and Bay Lake in the R1.0 design were eyesores. It was like "we HAVE to offer some stand-alone housing units to go with the big building units so let's 'plop' them right here where they don't belong".

Talk about tone deaf to their environment! That was an idiot design. And I'm being gentle even if they should appear again in a R2.0 design.

I cannot see where is it part of the new multi site POS. Seems to be the same wording as before? Can you point me in the right direction?

Someone posted the language and I assumed they had found in the multi site. But it has been clarified that it was just CFW documents that they were sharing.

So, not yet been updated but I am still reading f through it to make sure it’s not there
The cabins are a no for us. Reasons why:
- Can't walk to any parks
- extremely high annual dues
- bunk beds in the master bedroom
- Part of the trust instead of actually owning at a resort
- Resale restrictions

The points chart is tempting, but not enough to offset these issues.
The cabins are a no for us. Reasons why:
- Can't walk to any parks
- extremely high annual dues
- bunk beds in the master bedroom
- Part of the trust instead of actually owning at a resort
- Resale restrictions

The points chart is tempting, but not enough to offset these issues.

I’m still in disbelief at the incentives for these cabins. I just can’t believe it. And $12 for dues?!?! It’s like seeing dumbo fly for the first time.
I’m still in disbelief at the incentives for these cabins. I just can’t believe it. And $12 for dues?!?! It’s like seeing dumbo fly for the first time.
Yes me too! Clearly the calculation is that they don't care about moving them quickly....


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