Calling all Princess 1/2 Marathoner's! Check in here! *UPDATE* PRE-RACE MEET INFO!

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Ok I think this is it for me tonight but I remembered someone else and wondered if anyone else noticed the hidden WISHers in Epcot? They were at the turn and when Pat and I went thru on the side of Mexico. I believe they were wearing the 1/2 Marathon Volunteer shirts, (sorry it was such a quick view I didn't quite memorize the shirt LOL) .......

Thank You Amanda (acourtwdw2) and Annette!!!!

So that got me thinking back tonight, how volunteering had come up at one point. I think Maura had tried to sign up but it was full and it must have been Amanda that had said they were volunteering but was there someone else that I had missed?!?!?! I hope not. Well I mean I hope I didn't miss anyone.

It was great meeting new faces and seeing old chums again. I can't believe how often I ran into people. I flew down with Annette and Amanda. I ran into Pat on Monday at the MK and spent my last few hours there with her. Then rode on the bus back to the airport with Jeanne and John. Flew home with Maura. And I know there was more...oh I rode the buses here and there with Ghoulish Girl and her Mom and also with Stacey and her SIL. It was GREAT!

OH!!! Tammy!!! It was soooo cool to meet up with you again after DL.

Syko it was great seeing you fly by as you headed to Epcot on sun!!!

There were sooo many wonderful memories made!!!! I finally got to meet Vicky :hug: after many years of chatting. It was perfect. Wish I had more time. I felt like I was running to and fro and I can't believe i thought this when I woke up but... whew I got to go to work today and it was going to be calm and no buses!

Congrats to everyone!!!!! Both races were great fun!!!! Looking forward to seeing everyone again at one of the future races be it at a Disney park or elsewhere. :) Smooth recovery wishes (oh my cranky shins!) and let the training begin again!!!! WOOHOOO!!!!! :woohoo:
Last night DD and I looked up the information for the January marathon. In one day, the Goofy went from 90% full to 95%, so she decided to make the plunge. She signed up to do the Goofy next January. So, dedicated mom that I am, I signed up to do the half marathon with her. She is on her own for the full marathon!! We had so much fun at the Princess. Every time we talk together on the phone, we laugh about something else that happened. Talk about novice mistakes!! From our training to our timing, we did a lot of foolish things. Let me just say, that we never met a photographer that we didn't like. We stopped for everybody and every picture. Fortunately, we finished in the required time. But, we sure did cut it close!

Today my husband asked me if I was going to do the January half marathon and also the Princess half marathon. This to a woman who has never really done anything athletically inclined in her entire life. The thing is, I am toying with the idea.

Reading these messages was an important part of the entire experience. I have enjoyed the support and friendship of all of you.

Maura and Suzanne thank you so much for cheering!!! When i turned the corner and heard WISH being yelled out i cracked into the biggest smile ever. Just like i did the other 3 time i saw WISH cheerers. I hope you saw how much i appreciated it from my waving and grins, but if not THANK YOU!

Finished in 1hr 56mins so i broke 2 hours whoop. Will come back and post properly either later in week or on sunday when get back to the UK. It was great meeting some of you and i'm so proud to have been able to wear a WISH shirt

Wow Kate, Congratulations!!!! You did fantastic!! I only had my Mickey Logos on, a big one on the back of my shirt and two small ones pinned to my bib so I don't think most WISH cheerers knew I was there... but I did see some others on the course and it was nice to feel like I was a part of something...

It was really nice meeting you on Sat, and again, CONGRATS on breaking 2 hours!
I want to take a minute and say THANK YOU to all of you who welcomed me to this group so soon before the race... To Tracy, who made me feel like no question was too silly, to Donna who made sure I got answers, to Stacy who put up with my repetitive logo requests, to Diane L who sent me tons of info and made me feel like I had met up with an old friend (after realizing we had met at the DL 1/2), to Tiffany who kept crossing paths with me all weekend, to Vicki who was the first WISHer I met at the Expo, to Gettinthinr who gave me the fabulous blinkie... and to all the rest of you who allowed me to become part of something much bigger and better than I. :love:

I hope I see some of you at the DL 1/2 this summer...

Photos are up at Action Sports! :yay:

When you guys check out your photos, make sure you check out the Lost and Found selection, too. I saw a few WISHers in the Lost and Found. In fact, I think I saw two of Angie (Angie- #'s 40341-270-035 and 40341-408-030).

I sure wish the photographers could have made me look thinner at the same time...Oy Vay! :rolleyes1
Amanda and I got home this afternoon. She had to go to work and I'm catching up with my DVR while catching up here.

We have deceided that we want to do the Princess next year. We did the 5k this year and really want to do a Disney half. I think the Jan half would make me nervous since there are so many people. Plus that would give us more time between vacations since we are doing a 7 day DCL in October.

All of you are great inspiration for us. It was great meeting a few of you at the 5k. Sorry we missed the meet.

Annette :)
A BIG congrats to everyone who is signing up for the 5K and/or the 1/2 or full in January or next years' Princess. Once you do one race, you can't control yourself!!!
Hey Ladies,

The was one thing I felt Sunday morning...empowered! As we were walking to the start line I took a moment to feel what was going on around me! OMG the power of a woman, it gave me chills!!!

Being a woman I felt proud, that thousands of women from all walks of life (mothers, sister, daughters, aunts, grandmothers, wives...friends) embarked on a 13.1 mile journey and strutted our stuff! I'm proud of each and every one of you! Thank you for sharing that journey :)
I'm baaaack!!

What an awesome time I had. I enjoyed the race so much that I have already signed up for the Goofy!! Chip time was 2:37:55. My Garmin time was 2:35:54--although I forgot to turn it off until after I got my chip cut off... :rolleyes: So, I figure maybe 2:35:24? I stopped my watch for photo ops, so that accounts for the difference with the chip time. Also, my Garmin distance was 13.31!! That is a lot of zig zagging!

Sorry I did not meet many of you at the meet at POR. I was there...I am the one in the pink shirt at the bottom left (under the table!) in the photo above. I guess I am a bit shy when it comes to the face to face interaction! But, I have enjoyed all of the support here... And, I hope to continue on with that now as several of us continue our training for events next year!!
Hi All! got in about 1a.m. last night (well, i guess this a.m.) LOL i am at work, but sneaking in to check out the pics!!

I had a great time, so happy to meet some of you - wish i could have chatted with more of you, but it was all so overwhelming!! SOOOOO glad i got to meet my partner in crime and hang with her and her dh for a couple days (HEEELLLOO LAUREN!!!) I am soooo proud of you and jerry!!

We are definately going to be in for next march for the princess 1/2! (NOT Jan. lauren!) My dd also has informed me she wants to do the 5k.. so i guess i will be doing both! At least i have an idea what to expect now.. I finished hand in hand with my mom at about 3:15 (by my watch). I can honestly say that up til about the 9 mi. mark, i felt great!! Then the sun really started beating and i got warm, and started to lose my momentum.. but it was still an overall great time, and can't wait til next year! (we will skip the party though!!)
I am so bummed that I missed so many of you , but I had a great time!!!

As Tricia said, she found me about mile 5. She got it backwrds, though, I would have died without her. It was awesome to have her there, as I normally do all runs with dh. DOn't knwo what I would have done without her. :hug: :hug: :hug: OK, I'll save the rest of our mutual admiration society discussion fro my report. ;)

Jim - How couold I have missed you again????? I saw a biker around mile 2.5? and was going to ask if he was Jim, but I didn't know for sure you;d be there. Plus, Iwould have felt dumb. Someday, I WILL get to meet you! Thansk so much for volunteering!

COngrats to everyone!!!!!! It was cool having so many women on teh half ocurse!
Here are some pics from me: The rest i will share later tonight, these are from my sis's camera -

We got to meet the winner of the 1/2! She was staying at our hotel (poly) with her family, and was SUPER nice to hang out with - my dd played with her kids in the pool and we chatted.. anyway, here we (me and my sis) are with her -

Here is my dd in the kids races

And here is me and my mom and sister

I also wanted to say THANK YOU to Syko for the wonderful gift!!! That was so sweet when i met Pat at Epcot and she pulled it out of her bag! Thank you!!!! And congrats! I saw you go by me on the course and i cheered!

Also, thank you to Wendy for the necklace!! And it was nice to get to see you so much on the course!
Carrie: I didn't even realize you were at the race until I saw the photos afterward! We missed seeing you at the meet and at the start. John was hurting pretty bad right after the race so we high-tailed it outta there and didn't wait for any of the photo-ops.

Caitsmamma: were you at the meet on Saturday? I wanted to meet you and personally thank-you for the great name badge, but never saw you. At some point alot of WISHers all began showing up, and it was impossible to meet everyone. Sorry if i missed you.
Yup! I was there the whole time! LOL I am in the WISH pic that Tracy took - Back row towards the right side - wearing my Minnie 5k shirt. :)
Wanted to share our pictures. We were lucky enough to grab the roaming photographer while we were corralled so we got a family picture, too. :goodvibes I'm really impressed with DH - not only did he push DD, he did it with only one practice run 2 weeks before, and even beat my time by 1:20!

Caitsmam-Stacy I've been waiting for you to come home. Did you get the hair bows? I left them at the Poly Thur. morning with you mom's name onthem and they said they would get them to you.


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